Chapter 52! Journey to the Land of Tea!

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I yawned tiredly as I stood before the mission with Squad Seven behind me. "Okay! Let's do it!" I nearly jump as I hear Naruto shriek behind me. I turn my gaze over my shoulder and sigh at his over excited expression. "Whatever the mission is, I'm psyched and ready to go!"

Sasuke scoffed slightly. "But, where's Kakashi-Sensei?" I hear Sakura ask.

"Man, some teacher. He's always the last one here." Naruto complained.

"Kakashi won't be here at all," I hear Tsunade say from the outside.

"Lady Tsunade?" I question softly.

"Granny Tsunade!" Naruto bellows.

"Stop calling me that, will you?" Tsunade snapped at the blond idiot. She took a seat at the mission table before me.

"Uh, Lady Hokage?" Sakura hummed. "What's this about Kakashi-Sensei not coming?"

"You know our forces are stretched thin. All of our Jonin are already busy on other missions, including Kakashi. Ren will be acting as Squad Leader as the four of your handle this one on your own." She holds a scroll up. "It's a B Rank Escort Mission. Someone important."

"Important. Really?" Sakura hummed.

"Of course, it could develop into an A rank mission if your run into trouble." Tsunade explains further.

"Who are we escorting?" I question as she hands over the scroll.

"I don't know," Tsunade shrugs. 

"Hold on, what do you mean you don't know?" Naruto asked loudly.

"Every four years, our neighbor, the Land of Tea, holds a dedication ceremony at the Great Todoroki Shrine, and each time we're asked to escort a runner who will participate in the rave that's part of the ceremonies. This year, the messengers who were bringing the request were attacked before they could get here." Tsunade mentioned.

"Who attacked them?" Naruto asked.

"I'm sorry, but I'm still not following this story very well." Sakura added. 

"Well, don't worry about that now. When you meet Boss Jirocho, he'll fill you in on everything."

"When we meet Boss Jirocho?" Naruto asked curiously.

"That gambler we met?" I ask curiously.

"That's everything I know. Now, no wasting time." Tsunade said as she stood up. "They're expecting you at the Land of Tea by the end of the day, so get moving."

"Ma'am." I bow before turning to the squad. "Meet at the gate in ten." I order and run out.


We were mostly silent on the way to the Land of Tea. "Hey, Sakura, you hungry at all?" Naruto asked curiously.

"A little bit, maybe." Sakura mentioned.

"Hey, good idea! Lunch break!" Naruto bellowed. "And look! What a coincidence! There just happens to be a tea house right there!" He pointed ahead at the tea house.

"What do you think, Ren?" Sakura asked.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt to sit for a minute. But we need to get back on the road quick, okay?" I smile back at them. Naruto took the opportunity to run ahead. "Wait, Naruto!"  I groan and hunch forward in despair. "It's not like it's my first mission as acting Squad Leader."

"Well, it is Naruto." Sasuke hums as he smirks down at me. I groan again and trudge forward in exhaustion.

I sat besides Sasuke in the tea house, and Sakura took it upon herself to glare silently at me from across the table. Naruto was already bouncing in his seat happily. "What will you be having?" The tea shops owner asked as she dropped off our tea.

"Some sweet bean soup!" Naruto exclaimed.

"I'll have the dumplings, please." Sakura smiled. "And you, Sasuke?"

Sasuke just sat there silently for a moment. "Just rice."

The old woman's gaze turned on me. "Rice is fine." I admit sheepishly.

"Very good. I'll be back in a moment." The woman smiled.

"I just hope we get some fighting in~" Naruto cooed as we started talking about the mission. My gaze landed on the man standing from his table at the end of the room.

"Naruto, if you go making trouble, it'll be the end for you." I mention calmly.

"I know, I know..." Naruto whined.

"Just sitting around in the shade?" The man asks as he stops besides me. "Sucking down some sweet bean soup? A ninja's life is pretty cushy."

"What'd you say?" Naruto growled.

I shot Naruto a look. "I guess you don't get much action in the leaf village, judging by how out of shape you look."

"That does it!" Naruto slammed his hand down on the table.

"Naruto-" I warned softly.

"Hey-" The man cast his gaze on me. "Where'd you come from, sweetie? I didn't see you sitting here. I didn't mean you, of course."

"Thanks." I mutter monotonously.

"Hey there, I'm Idate Morino."

'Morino?' The image of Ibiki flashes through my mind. 'Are they related?'

"So, uh, what do they call you?" He asks as he leans down and props his elbow on the table.

"You gonna punch him in the nose, Ren, or do you want me to?!" Naruto shrieked.

"Naruto-" I warned again in a firmer tone. 

"Ren, huh? That's a beautiful name. Well then, since fate has brought us together, isn't it time we talked about our future?" Idate flirts.

I could feel the agitation radiating from Sasuke's form besides me, but fortunately for him, this was doing nothing for me. "What future?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow.

"The future where you give up this ridiculous ninja business and run away with me." Idate flirts effortlessly. Which Icha book did he steal that from?

"Hey! Quit hitting on her for I'm gonna start hitting on you!" Naruto bellowed.

"Naruto-" I warned more aggressively.

"Don't worry. I was just kidding," Idate said as he stood up. "But the rest of it, that's no joke. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a ninja. You better go on back where you came from, or there'll be trouble. I'm warning you." Idate warns.

"Yeah?" Naruto challenges. "Well, why wait?! Bring it on, tough guy!"

"Naruto." I snapped louder. He stopped glaring and turned his gaze on me. "I'm warning you now. Step off."

"She's right." Sasuke agreed with a huff. "Just ignore the punk. We don't have the time."

"Yeah, calm down." Sakura added.

"Get out of here, Sasuke! After what this guy said, don't you have any ninja pride? You can ignore it if you want. I'm gonna flatten it!" Naruto turned back to the empty space where Idate stood.

"Sit. Down." I seethe.

Naruto ignore me and start a tantrum. "I hate that! He gets in his little dig and then runs away!" Naruto stomped in his spot.

The old woman comes back over. "Here you go, thanks for waiting." Naruto grumbled in annoyance. "I'll take these when you're ready." The woman sets down two bills.

"Of course," I huff angrily. "Lemme guess. That guy that just left- he said we'd pay for it?"

"Why yes." The woman smiled and strode into the back.

"I knew I should've flattened him when I had the chance!" Naruto growled as Sakura started seething as she stared down at the bill. "That's it! He's crossed the line, making fools of us!" Naruto stood up to go after him. "I'm gonna catch that stupid jerk!"

I growled out as he ran out. "Dammit," I snapped. "I left the money on the table!" I called to the old woman before running out after Naruto with Sasuke and Sakura behind me. "I don't know what this kid's training has been, but's he's fast."

"Who could he be?" Sakura asked.

"Who cares?" Naruto retorted. "He's toast when I catch up with him." I growl out and speed up to match his pace.

We veered off into the treetops, and found him dangling from the tree after tripping. "Ha! Serves you right!" Naruto bellows.

"Did you think you'd get away with it?" Sasuke asked.

Idate immediately fell to his knees. "I'm sorry!" Naruto and I hummed in confusion. "I couldn't pay the bill! All my money had been stolen! And then you guys came. I shouldn't have done it, but I didn't know what else to do."

"Oh, you're kidding," Sakura hummed as she, Naruto, and Sasuke leapt down. I stayed put and glared down at him. He's a con man.

"Well, why didn't you just say that in the first place?" Naruto asked. I leapt down after pulling the knife from the tree. I flipped it around and held it out to Idate.

"Hands off!" He bellowed and grasped it from me. He rolled forward and landed on his feet. "This belongs to me." He kneels down and starts unbuckling his leg warmers.

"What are you doing?" Naruto asked.

"On your marks," Idate starts as he holds up his training weights. "Get set.... Go!" He drops them and a small explosion comes from it.

"After him," I order and take off on foot. "Stay in the tree tops! Corner him!" Just as I reach out to grasp his cloak, I gaze over my shoulder. The squad is far behind. I skid to a stop and turn around. I shake my head and wave my hand to my squad. We meet up at the ridge. "I didn't expect him to be faster than me." I mention softly.

"If I see his face again, forget it." Naruto growled.

"Let's get going. Boss Jirocho is expecting us." I state softly. "By the way, Naruto-" I start. The blond hums and turns to me. I slam my fist against his head and growl. "Quit acting so impulsively!"

"Ow! Ren! Who died and made you king?!"

"Uh, Lady Tsunade," Sakura hummed. "She's our Squad Leader."

"Yeah, moron." Sasuke agreed.

Naruto crossed his arms over his chest and started grumbling in embarrassment.


We finally made it to the Land of Tea and immediately met with Boss Jirocho. "Welcome, and thank you all for coming." Jirocho greeted warmly.

"I bid you greetings and offer you my services." Naruto stated lamely. "I have come form the Village Hidden in the Leaves which is also the place of my birth. I was raised on ramen and hard work, and given the family name of Uzumaki. But I'm known to everyone--"

"As the knucklehead." Sasuke and I drone simultaneously.

"As the knucklehead!" Naruto echoes. He starts his tantrum. "Ah! Very funny!"

I snort and pinch Naruto's cheek as Jirocho chuckles happily. "You two certainly haven't changed at all, I see." Jirocho smiles brightly.

"Yeah, well you haven't changed much either, big guy!" Naruto agrees happily.

"Watch it, Naruto!" Sakura warns.

"It's okay, Sakura. Jirocho is a friend." I smile.

"Yes, Naruto has spirit. And Ren's got quick comments to shut him down. I like that." Jirocho comments as I let go of Naruto's cheek.

"Now what we're done with the greetings, maybe we should get down to it." I mention casually. "The Fifth Hokage told us you would explain what you want us to do."

Jirocho nodded with a hum. "All right, then." He cleared his throat delicately. "You know about the dedication ceremonies held at the great Todoroki Shrine every four years, don't you?"

"Oh, well, uh... not really." Naruto hums.

"Go on, have a seat." Jirocho waves his hand. The four of us sit down slowly. "It all started long ago....." Jirocho goes into detail about how in ancient times, there was a horrible storm. In an act of desperation, the people dedicated the Ryuko jewels to the Todoroki Shrine, and it had worked to quell the raging storms. The ceremony is repeated every four years to rededicate the jewels, but as the years passed, it became a festival, and a race with the winner of the race being hailed as a great hero. But the friendly race took a troubling aspect; Port Degarashi has been divided between two families-- The Wasabi and The Wagarashi; two rival gambling organizations. Both families fought for control of the town constantly, sometimes it resulted in violence that sometimes morphed into all out battles. The poor towns people were always caught in the middle. "In an effort to end the cycle of violence, our district leader called on both sides to get together and come to an agreement. Henceforth, control of the town would be decided not by street brawls, but by a competition."

"The race," I mention softly.

"Yes. The race run every four years at the great Todoroki Shrine dedication ceremony. Four years ago, the Wagarashi beat us soundly by hiring a ninja, and we found out they've done the same thing this year. That's why we sent messengers to you, seeking your help. It was our way of leveling the playing field. But before they could reach the village, they were attacked. Ambushed." Jirocho bowed deeply. "I beg you, please lend our family your strength. If we lose again, it means the Wagarashi will control this town for four more years."

Just as I open my mouth, Naruto interrupts me. "Not gonna happen! I'm on the job!" Naruto declares.

I sigh heavily and pinch the bridge of my nose. "Who are we escorting, anyway?" I groan out.

"Excellent. That means you'll take the job." Jirocho sighs happily as I reach up to grasp Naruto's ear and quickly growl out a scolding. Jirocho chuckles at the two of us before clapping his hands twice. I turn my gaze onto the sliding doors as a man leaps down and pulls it open swiftly.

"Yes boss," He hummed. Idate Morino- what a surprise. "You wanted me?"

"Well, well-" I sighed out as I palmed my forehead. Naruto and Idate shriek in shock as they notice one another.

"So, you already know each other?" Jirocho smiled. "That makes everything easier."

"I wish it were that simple...." I moan as I slump and feel like I should've just taken a solo mission.


"By the way, Jirocho, I've been meaning to ask since Idate arrived;" I hum softly as I sit on the balcony with him. "Is Idate related to any Leaf Ninja?"

"Yes. Ibiki Morino. Though, it took a while for Idate to mention that to me." Jirocho chuckles as he hands me a cup of green tea.

"That's surprising. But then again, Ibiki must've looked less terrifying before, right?" I smirk as I calmly sip my tea. "Those two are going to give me gray hairs..." I moan as I lean against my palm.

"Must be nice, bein' in two places at once." Jirocho smiled.

"More like three," I whine. "I'm watching over Naruto and Idate, and my other squad members. I've already called them back to rest before we need to be up in the morning. I'll see you tomorrow, Jirocho. Good night." I say softly as I disperse my two clones in the city.


The next morning, the sun was going to rise in just a few minutes as we stood with Idate to start the race. "I had no idea it was such a big deal." Naruto commented. "So what kinda race is it, anyway, Ren?" Naruto asks curiously.

"A race you run start to finish," I mention sarcastically. Naruto raises his fist with a growl. I giggle and pull out a pamphlet. "Listen carefully, cause I'll only explain once; The starting point is here in the harbor of Degarashi. From here, the runners head for Modoroki Shrine. The midpoint." I point out on the map carefully for Naruto to follow along easily.

"They run over water?" Naruto questions dumbly.

"No. Stupid." I snap. "Shut up and listen. The first leg of the race is done by boat. The runners pick up the Ryoko jewels from the Modoroki Shrine, and the first one that gets them to the great Todoroki Shrine wins. That's it as far as the basic rules go, but other than that, anything goes. Shortcuts, dirty tricks- anything."

"That's why hiring Ninja to help you out is okay, too." Sasuke adds.

"Okay, so where are the ninja the other side hired?" Naruto asked curiously.

"They're keeping a lower profile than we are, but they're around." I explain. "Once again, do not go charging ahead without an order, or surveying the area for threats."

"Yeah, yeah." Naruto sighed.

"I don't care what you guys do, but whatever happens, just stay away from me." Idate snaps over his shoulder.

"Say what?!" Naruto snapped.

"I've got a race to run. I don't want you in my way." Idate retorts.

"Dammit, Naruto!" I snap as I grasp his jacket and lug him back. "What did I just get through saying? We just have to work together right now!"

"No way, not with him!" Idate and Naruto bellow at one another.

"I've got my work cut out for me..." I moan.

"Attention, attention!" The announcer bellowed from the speaker. "The Great Todoroki Shrine Race is about to begin! Running for the Wasabi, Idate Morino!" Cheers erupted from the Wasabi family. Sasuke shot me a curious look. I pressed a finger to my lips and shushed him. "Running for the Wagarashi family, Fukusuke Hikyakuya!" The Wagarashi shrieked out their cheers. "Runners! Take your marks!" The two runners knelt down into position, and just as the sun rose, the race started. "Go!!"

"Guess that means we better get going, too." Naruto hummed. "What the?!" Idate was running off the side. I smirked and looked back at Naruto before following after Idate.

"What's that idiot doing?" Sasuke snapped from behind me.

"Idate, where are you going?" Sakura called.


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