Chapter 51! Kakashi's Face?

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"Psst-" I hear someone trying to get my attention as I exit the hospital from doing my morning rounds. I hum in confusion and gaze at Naruto peering out from the alleyway. "C'mere!"

"Naruto?" I hum curiously and trail over to him. He's quicker now- he grasps my wrist and tugs me along. I yelp in shock and struggle to keep my footing, but now I'm being lugged like an empty bag. When he finally stops, I rub at my butt as I glare up at him from the ground. Sasuke and Sakura are waiting for us. "What the hell, Naruto?" I inquire curiously.

"Hey, you want to see it, don't cha? I'd say it's time," Naruto whispers to the three of us as I stand up.

"For what?" Sasuke asks.

"Come on," Naruto retorts as he crosses his arms. "You know what I'm talking about. Kakashi-Sensei's real face!" Naruto explains excitedly. He holds a flash light under his chin and leans in real close to Sakura, who immediately punches him.

"What's the matter with you?!" Sakura shrieks.

"Please, this is lame." Sasuke sighs and turns around. "You can count me out. When we finish today's mission, I'm outta here."

"Yeah, you're totally right~" Sakura coos, but I can just sense the blatant curiosity to see Kakashi's face.

"What's the big deal?" I mention. "I see it everyday." I push my finger into my ear as Naruto and Sakura shriek in astonishment.

Naruto turns a narrowed gaze on Sasuke's retreating figure and whispers. "What if he has lips, like a blimp." Even I shiver at the mention. The image comes to mind.

Sasuke stops mid step as I fight from laughing hysterically. He starts wobbling in his spot. 

"Or maybe buck teeth!" Naruto whispers as his giggles start escaping his throat. Another image flashes through my mind, and I brace both hands on the fence to stop my hysterical laughter.

"Please stop-- Naruto!" I whine as I start wheezing. That was the final stab to the poor curiosity locked away in Sasuke's mind. He's in. I fall to the ground as I try to comprehend the suggestions Naruto mentions.


"Well, this is out of the ordinary," Kakashi says as we take him to Ichiraku for lunch. Of course, I was sitting on his left side. I'd refused to reveal the features locked away by his mask, so instead, to make up for my treason, I was to make sure he revealed his face- no matter what.

"Here, thanks for waiting." Teuchi chimes happily as he sits a bowl down before Kakashi and I.

"Ren makes me breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day, so the three of you treating us to lunch?" Kakashi hums in confusion. He turns his gaze on me, but I'm not going to look at him with that image of huge, blimp lips on his face in my mind. "I wouldn't be surprised if it snowed on me." He crosses his arms as the thought flies through my mind. I snort and try not to laugh. "You know what I mean?" Kakashi asks pointed at the other three. He suggests another scenario. "Or that?" And yet another impossible scenario flirts through my mind as he speaks, and I'm shaking with so much pent up laughter. "Well?" The three of them flinch again. "Come on, you guys are up to something, right?" Kakashi asks. I decide to save them.

"Kakashi, you've just been released from the hospital~" I coo as I turn my gaze on him. "We just want to treat you to a meal, considering how much you've been through. We're planning on taking Sasuke another day for his meal from being in the hospital~" I mention happily.

"Well... All right then." Kakashi breaks apart some chopsticks and prepares to eat. "I suppose I should just dig in." At the last possible moment of Kakashi pulling down his mask, Squad 10 leaps in.

"HEY, SASUKE!" Ino shrieks. "WHAT A COINCIDENCE!" Naruto and Sakura are screaming as I watch Kakashi speed eat his ramen. I snort and start laughing as Teuchi and Ayame fawn over his silky, smooth features.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY INO-PIG!" Sakura shrieks.

"AW MAN, I CAN'T SEE SQUAT!" Naruto bellows.

In a flash, Kakashi pulls his mask back up, and claps his hands together. "Ah~ All done." Kakashi sighs happily. "That was tasty." Kakashi breaths out. I catch Shikamaru's eye and silently shush him. He flushes and smirks.

"So fast!" Naruto and Sakura groan.

"Something wrong?" Kakashi asks curiously.

Sakura giggles nervously as the rest of Squad Seven puts on innocent faces. "No, of course not!" Sakura says. "What makes you say that?!"

"Well, Ren and I have some grocery shopping to do." Kakashi smiles as he stands up. "See you guys later. Come on, Ren."

"Coming, Kakashi!" I giggle as I follow him out and turn my gaze over my shoulder. I press my hand to my lips and start snickering as the three start pulling their hair out.

"So..." Kakashi hums as he pulls out his copy of Icha Icha. "Are they trying to see my face?"

"What gave it away?" I giggle.

"Well for one, they invited me to ramen. Somewhere I have to take it off. I was fortunate those three appeared."

"The reason you wear it still upsets me," I mention softly. Kakashi chuckles softly and ruffles my hair.

"And that's the reason you're the only one allowed to see." My heart flutters as the feeling of utter trust from Kakashi envelopes me. This is the reason I'd always love Kakashi like I loved my own mother.


After grocery shopping, we traveled home with soft hums escaping our lips. Kakashi's legs stopped moving as we pass by the adult shop. I froze in silent horror as he stared over at it. I quickly reach out and catch the grocery bag he nearly dropped. I grunted in agitation as he starts searching through the rack of books. He immediately turns around, his gaze landing on the billboard of the newest movie of Icha Icha. "Wait-- My favorite movie is going to be a movie?!" Kakashi asks loudly. I gazed up at the billboard in curiosity. Not because I was interested in the movie, but Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke were hiding up at the top. Rather pathetically. I hummed softly. "I better order tickets in advance!" Kakashi yelps as he runs off. "I'll see you at the house, Ren!"

I follow after him, and round the corner. I leap over the fence to hide and smirk at Kakashi. The three of them leap from their hiding spot, and run around the corner, and stop. "He's gone!" Sakura comments.

"Oh great," Sasuke sighs.

"Where did he vanish off to?" Naruto asks.

"Hey, what are you three doing?" Kakashi asks as we move up behind them. "Do you guys need me for something?" Kakashi asks curiously.

"Uh, no, not really!" The three of them quickly shake their heads.

"Well, let's go prepare everything for dinner." I hum to shake off the tension. I stalk ahead of the three as Kakashi leads. I turn my head and start snickering at the three of them as they once again start ripping their hair out.


"What are they doing?" Shikamaru asks as he and I play shogi at the dumpling shop. Sasuke and Sakura were sitting under the tree, sipping tea lightly.

"They're trying to see Kakashi's face. They're failing too." I giggle as I move a piece to obtain my win. "Oh! I'm gonna win! Look at that-" My face drops as Shikamaru pulls a move that destroys my win, and ultimately kills me.

"You were saying?" Shikamaru asks with a smirk. I groan angrily and slam my head against the board. "So, how was your date with Sasuke?"

"W-Well..." I start to flush as I stare over at the duo. "It was nice," Rain starts sprinkling after Naruto arrives and Sakura tries to look at Kakashi's face. I giggled again and helped Shikamaru set up another game. "But he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend or anything,"

"So, say some other guy were to ask you out, would you?" Shikamaru asks curiously as he slides his token forward. I flicker my gaze up at him, and notice the flush over his face.

"Why, you know a guy?" I ask shyly. "I'd say yes if I liked him." I move my token to the side and try to formulate a way to win.

"W-Well..." Shikamaru starts shaking in his seat, and accidentally secures my win. "Oh, no!" He yelps as I quickly shove my piece forwards.

"Ha! Winner,  winner- Chicken, Dinner!" I shriek as I stand up and thrust my fist upwards. "The score is six hundred and seventy-two, to one! I'm catching up with ya!"

Shikamaru's face splits into an amused grin before laughing heartily.


"Why am I going on this mission again?" I ask curiously as I exit the village with Squad Seven. "I'm not exactly supposed to do rookie missions anymore."

"Just because you're a Chunin now doesn't mean you stop being apart of Squad Seven." Kakashi smiles fondly. "Besides, there were no missions for you as of right now. Helping out at the farm is just the easy work you need for an easy pay, right?"

"I guess," I sigh as I rub the back of my head.

Kakashi finally takes notice to the intense stare down Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto were giving him. "What's with you guys today? You seem ready for anything."

"Oh, we're ready all right!" Sakura and Naruto cheer enthusiastically. Sasuke hums in response.

"Good to hear," Kakashi smiles. I smile sneakily at the three of them and skip passed them.

We stopped at a hotel, and I was extremely bothered by the lady who ran it. "Welcome!" She cooed happily as the four of us cringed away from her. "Welcome!" She cooed again. We shoved us inwards, and treated us to a meal. The other three remained silent as we all stared at it.

"Why are you all so quiet?" Kakashi asks curiously as I poke at a piece of fish. "No one's picking up their chopsticks. My finger is coated with a weird substance. 'A narcotic?' I draw the moisture out of my hand and stop the narcotic from entering my skin and let it slip back into the food.

"Oh, it's nothing. Don't wait on us, Kakashi-Sensei~" Sakura coos. "You go ahead and eat."

"Actually, Ren and I are trying this diet right now." Kakashi mentions casually.

"Oh no-" Naruto tries fakely. "My hand slipped!" The tea kettle flies towards Kakashi, and I make the split decision to flip the table up, and stop it from hitting him, and ultimately saving everyone from ingesting a narcotic without inciting a panic.

Naruto screams in utter terror as I peer out from the side. "Are you outta your mind?!" Sakura screeches.

"Sorry about that- My hand just slipped." I explain embarrassingly.

"WHATDYA MEAN, YOUR HAND SLIPPED?!" The three of them shriek.


I sighed dreamily as Sakura and I sunk into the hot springs as the boys put their plan into action. "Oh man, I wanted to get a look, too." Sakura sighed. "But with these hot springs, I'm outta the loop." I peek open an eye and stare at her. "You're so mean, Ren." She whined as she latched onto my arm.

"What's the hold up, Kakashi-Sensei?" I hear Naruto ask loudly. The two of us look over at the wall curiously.

"Just a second, Naruto." Kakashi sighs.

"I gotta see this," Sakura gasps, and tries to peer through the fence. "Oh, I can't see a thing!"

"This kinda makes you seem like a peeping tom, Sakura." I mention as I wave my hand slowly.

"ZIP IT!" Sakura shrieks aggressively. I giggle as she leaves the hot springs.

"This is getting too fun," Kakashi calls from the boys side.

"Oh, and it is oh so satisfying, too." I add. The two of us start chortling 


The next morning, Kakashi and I were bright eyed and bushy tailed, while Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto were dead on their feet. "Come back any time now!" The woman cheered.

"Thank you very much! Safe journey to you!" The three woman behind the manager started chanting as we waltzed away.

"Well, that was refreshing~" I cooed happily.

"You took the words right outta my mouth~" Kakashi agreed as we strode side by side cheerfully. Once we got the farm, we immediately set everyone out for their jobs. "All right, you've all go jobs to do. You'd best get to work. Dismissed." Kakashi smiled.

I watched in mild disinterest as Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto doned some unfamiliar outfits to try and force the mask off. All the crops and animals had been watered as soon as we arrived- thanks to my kekkei genkai- and I found it hard not to laugh. They were desperate now. "Hey! Kakashi Hatake!" Naruto bellows.

"What are the three of you up to?" Kakashi asks as I leap down and sit on the newly repaired fence.

"Wh-What are you talking about?!" Naruto defended wildly. "We're just three wandering ninja! It's not like we want to see what's behind your mask or--"

Sakura knocks him down quickly. "You idiot! Don't say any more than you have to!"

Then three more people leap out of a barrel that had been following us since we arrived at the hotel yesterday. They wore the same outfits the others were. "Hold it right there!" The obvious leader shouted. "Kakashi, it's time you pay for your transgressions! And the price is death, delivered in the form of this elixir, which will make you weep uncontroll--"

He screamed in terror as Kakashi held up Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke all tied up. "That's funny. I was just wondering how long you losers were going to hide for." I mention casually as I leap down. "Glad you decided to show yourselves." The three start backing up nervously.

"First things first, though." Kakashi mentions. "Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, why on Earth are you dressed like that?"

"Well, the thing is--" Naruto starts stammering.

"I planned this," I mention quickly. The three of them lock their gazes onto me before quickly following along. "I laid the trap to draw these bozo's out."

"Yeah! We've known all along you were targeting Kakashi-Sensei!" Sakura adds.

"That's impossible!" The leader bellows. "Are you telling me our machinations were exposed from the very beginning?!"

"Duh, it was just a ruse to lure you guys out." I explain as my eyebrow starts twitching. 'These idiots so owe me for this!' "And you fell for it- Hook, line, and sinker!"

"So, we were caught up in your web of deception!" The leader cried.

"Drat! We underestimated them because they were kids!" One of the followers bellowed.

"Well, I'm not sure I really get what's going on around here." Kakashi chuckled. "But, whatever." He starts walking towards the three stalkers.

They back up in a flurry, and start bowing wildly. "Oh, please forgive us! Forgive us!" The three chant pathetically.

"Words aren't going to help you." Kakashi mentions threateningly. He lifts his hand, and snaps his fingers. I quickly get behind the trio, and beat the tar outta them. 

They're all tied up and hanging from the barn doors. I gaze up at my handiwork. "This is just like three years ago all over again." They whine. "We're swinging from a rope like an over sized yo-yo.

"Do you know these freaks?" I ask curiously to Kakashi.

"No clue." Kakashi shrugged. "Hey, who are you guys?" They all start sobbing wildly because apparently Kakashi didn't remember them.

Finally, we finish our chores, and get ready to leave. "Hey, Kakashi-Sensei." Naruto starts quietly.

"Yeah?" He hummed as he looked up from his book.

"What are you hiding under that mask?" I smile happily and gaze up at Kakashi.

"What? You want to know what's behind my mask?" Kakashi asked. Naruto chimed in agreement. "You should've just asked so in the first place."

"So does that mean you'll show us?" Sakura asked hopefully.

"Sure. I don't mind," Kakashi hums.

"Man, I had to wait like three years to see him without his mask when I first got here." I mention casually. "You guys are so lucky." I giggle.

The three of them quickly crowd around him as he lifts up his hand, and hooks a finger over his mask. "Behind this mask--" He quickly pulls it down to reveal a second mask. "Is another mask! Pretty cool, huh?" I shriek in laughter and fall backwards with my legs kicking around wildly as the others scream in annoyance.

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