Chapter 50! First Dates!

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We finally had the coronation for Lady Tsunade, and the entire village partied like there was no tomorrow. Sasuke had pulled me to the side, and demanded a date in a hushed, embarrassed tone. Of course- I agreed. It would explain why my entire room looked like a tornado went though it. Ino sat on my bed as she stared at the kimono's I had laid out that I really like. "Ren, are you sure you want to wear a kimono?" Ino asks unsurely.

"Of course! Why would I wear anything else?" I exclaim as I furiously shove a brush through my hair. "Why do you ask?"

"You're starting to develop in... certain areas. Don't you want to show them off?" Ino asks.

"Sh-Show off-"

"Not like that- I mean, show off your femininity." Ino explains quickly. "You've gone up a cup since I last came over. It's not fair. I'm still in my puny B cup."

"Sh-Shut up! I don't ask for this!" I whine as I clip on my bra.

"Why don't you wear this kimono? It's not as old fashioned as the others~" She held up a dark red kimono I had bought impulsively. I thought it looked really good on me, but as soon as I got home, I started panicking that it was too short with my thigh high shoes. 

"I don't know... I think it's too short..." I mention.

"Nonsense! Come here! I'll help you fix it!" She exclaims. I throw on the kimono and hold my arms out as she starts tying the ties. "Going out with Sasuke- Wow. Who would've thought he'd be the one to ask."

"W-Well.... To be honest... He... He kissed me...." I explain as my face burns brightly.



Sasuke smirked as I stepped out of the house later that day. "You actually put on something other than the usual?" Sasuke jeered.

"Oh shut up, it's not like you didn't prepare." I mention with a smirk. "Is that... Cologne?" I ask curiously. Sasuke's cheeks flush before he turned his head in an attempt to be considered cool.

"Whatever..." He muttered softly. I giggled as I pressed my finger against my lower lip.

"Well, lets go~" I coo happily. Sasuke hummed and led me away from my house.

Third POV

"That no good, dirty rat." Naruto grumbles in annoyance as he, Shikamaru, and Kiba peer over a roof line.

"So you really caught 'em makin' out?" Kiba asked curiously as he let Akamaru out of his jacket.

"You bet! It was like watching two seals go after a grape! A cute one with a gross looking seal, I mean!" Naruto quickly cut in.

"But definite lip lock?" Kiba reaffirmed the three fears.

"Do I gotta spell it out for ya?! Sasuke and Ren were kissing!"

A pit formed in Shikamaru's gut as he stood up. "What's the point on snoopin' on them? Shouldn't we give them some privacy?" He snapped.

"You can't tell me you're not the least bit upset about this, Shikamaru- we all know how you feel about Ren." Kiba teased.

"What does it matter if I'm upset or not?" Shikamaru snapped back. "We should respect Ren's decision and leave her alone. If she wants to date him, fine. Not like we got a say in who she likes."

"Always using logic, huh? All right. I'm gonna go train." Kiba huffed. "Later, guys."

"I guess I'll let it go- for now! The second he upsets her, I'm wipin' the floor with him!" Naruto exclaims.

Shikamaru sighed softly and rubbed the back of his neck. 'Now if I can just try to keep a level head, too.'

Ren's POV

"I'm telling you, I've never seen Guy-Sensei spaz so hard!" I exclaim as I laugh heartily.

"How do you deal with that clown?" Sasuke asked as he leaned against his palm.

"No clue, but he's not just an idiot all the time- Seriously, my taijutsu just keeps improving when I train with him and his squad." Sasuke snorted and casually grasped my hand. I smiled bashfully before tightening my grip with his. "B-But let's talk about something else." I muttered softly. Silence washed over the two of us. I found myself okay with it. No matter the scenario, I was just glad I got to spend some time with him.

"Wanna go sit next to the lake?" Sasuke asked as we left the food stand. I hummed gently and nodded eagerly.

Why was I so nervous? God- are my palms sweaty? I self consciously wiped my hands along the front edge of my kimono before returning to grasp his hand. He sent me a smirk and casually threw his arm around my shoulders. Why was it so hot? It's like the sun came out again and it started baking my skin! Could he hear my heart? Why is it thumping like that? "What's wrong?" I ask curiously as Sasuke stops walking. My gaze falls on him, and he's just staring off to the side. I cock my head and try to see what he was, but unfortunately I was just a smidge to short to see.

"Go ahead and grab us a spot by the lake. I'll be there in a second, okay?" I nodded with a smile and walked towards the lake a dreamy smile. I sat at the lakes edge and pulled off my sandals before dipping them into the cool water.

3rd POV

Sasuke watched the blonde trail towards the lake with a fond gaze before turning an annoyed glance to the shirker stepping out of the shadows. "Didn't peg you as the jealous type," Sasuke huffed as he shoved his fists into his pockets.

"Not usually," Shikamaru shot a smirk back. "Usually I'd just ignore such an annoying situation, but there's something you should know." Shikamaru shoved his hands into his pockets to mimic the Uchiha. "I'm stepping up to the challenge." A shocked expression flirted at Sasuke's face before a cocky smirk wrapped back onto his face.

"Oh really? You think you can beat me?" Sasuke challenged.

"You think Ren would like the two of us fighting for her? No, I'm just going to make her fall for me." Shikamaru taunted. "She's already admitted to liking me back,"

Sasuke scoffed. "She sure doesn't act it. I've already kissed her."

"Yeah? I kissed her first," Shikamaru shot back.

"Sasuke?" The two of them break from the intense glare off as Ren's soft, delicate voice echoed from the lake. "You okay? Do I need to save you, you fair maiden?"

A light flush covers Sasuke's face for a moment before he rubs the back of his head in embarrassment. "Whatever. You're not worth my time, loser." Sasuke snapped at Shikamaru. "Sorry, but I have to get back to my date."

If it were possible, steam would be rolling from Shikamaru's head. The usual shirker glared at the Uchiha's back as the retreated to the lake to the blonde beauty. Her delighted laughter echoed through the air as Shikamaru retreated back to his home.

Ren's POV

"Are you okay?" I giggled as Sasuke took a spot besides me. He removed his sandals with a flush and dipped them into the water with me.

"Yeah," Sasuke hummed. He leaned back on his palms and sighed through his nose. He turns his gaze on me, and I feel the familiar flush crawl up my neck as he stares. "You're cute."

If it were possible; I'd have steam rolling out of my ears as I turn my face away from him in an attempt to remain some composure. A rough hand wraps around my cheeks, and turns me quickly. I let out a gasp of shock as Sasuke presses his lips to mine.


I'm a mess by the time I get back to my house. Sasuke bid me goodbye with another kiss, and I didn't understand how to comprehend these feelings coursing through me. Kakashi chirped a welcome back, but I hardly heard it through my racing mind. I kept replaying each and every kiss- although there were only two- They made my hard pound so wildly and stole the breath from my lungs. I ascended the steps to get to my room, and nearly slammed into my door. I stepped into my room after an embarrassed cringe before landing on my bed, and burying my face into my pillow. My door rattles with soft knocks after a few moments before it creaks open. "How was the date?" Kakashi inquires curiously as he sits down at my bedside and pokes at my head.

I sit up and clench my pillow to my chest as that flush grows hotter. "S'okay..." I mutter shyly.

"Just okay?" Kakashi smirks as he leans on his elbow. "Anything happen?"

Why was it so hot in here? "Well..." I hum slowly. "He kissed me...."

Glass shattering. That would be his expression. And it was hilarious. The flush left my face, and I start laughing hysterically as Kakashi froths at the mouth and starts ranting about how Sasuke was going to endure harsh training for tainting my innocence.

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