#17 The wall is broken (*°∀°)

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I didn't plan on writing for the rest of the week because of Thanksgiving break so here's some random stuff. Sort of like the behind the scenes :) lol they're all self aware...enough i guess? idk enjoy. The vid on top is better if you search for the official video^

You smiled slightly, seeing as Gen just posted a new part in her book. Lol im kidding this ain't it chief.


Lou was walking around Imperfection, looking for a certain doll. There was a slight bounce on his step, seeing as he was actually getting used to the uglydolls and embracing their differences. His faced scrunched in confusion as he looked around at the sky.

"Whos talking?" He asked to no one in particular.

"I'm talking to whoever's narrating my every move!" He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms in front of his chest. He stopped and looked around, seeing if he could find the source to no avail. He sped his pace and started to speed walk to Moxy who hadn't noticed him yet. The pink ugly perked up and saw Lou running towards her.

"Hey Lou!" She chirped happily before she too, had a face of confusion. Looking around she noticed Lou was doing the same thing. His eyes were wide as he aggressively shook his arms around, seeing if the narrator would describe what he was doing. Moxy suppressed her giggles at how silly he looked but stopped when he turned to face her.

"Were you laughing at me?" He asked.

"Nope." She lied. Lou did a dramatic gasp and put a hand to his heart. Moxy was getting frustrated at this point, trying to find the source of the voice narrating their every thought and move.

"Seriously, you hear them right?" They asked in unison. 

I wonder if they can hear us talking to ourselves? Moxy thought and gasped as she grabbed her head after hearing the voice again. "It can read our minds!" Moxy screamed in fear.

"C'mon let's go find the others." Lou suggested, but he just wanted to see Y/n. His face paled for a second before turning 5 shades darker after the voice just exposed him like that smh.

"W-what does 'smh' even mean?" He managed to stutter out while Moxy awkwardly tried to pretend she didn't hear what the voice said before about Lou's crush. Lou let out a small squeak of embarrassment and covered his face with his hands. 

"Tell this to anyone and I'll make a sweater out of you." Lou seethed. Moxy smiled slightly and nodded. "Let's just look for the others and hope we can get rid of that voice." She sighed before pulling the blond along.

For reasons of making this part pretty short they bumped into Wage. She knew Lou had gotten a second chance, but still wasn't to keen on him. Lou looked offended at Wage, "You said we were good now!" The orange uglydoll raised her hands in surrender, not even bothering to ask about the voice.

"It's not that I didn't bother its just that I don't care. Besides if I leave all of this-" she gestured at Lou and Moxy before continuing, "-then I'll be good, correct?" She looked at the sky and waited for a sign. But the silence was enough for her to get her answer. Wage gave a small salute and began to walk off.

"If you need me or Babo, we'll be at my shop eating my new recipe and talking about you two and the crazy you manage to bring." she called out behind her and left, leaving her friends dumbfounded. Lou was more confused at the fact that the voice just called them 'friends' but shook it off.

 "We're more of acquaintances thank you", the prototype suggested and began to walk again. Every once and a while one of the two would do something unexpected to see if the voice would catch it for fumble. Needless to say, the random voice in the sky won every time, much to the duo's annoyance. It even joked a bit, saying Lou's hair went out of place or Moxy needed to sneeze really badly.

Just then, for plot reasons of course, Y/n was walking towards the direction of the two. Lou froze at the sound of her name and decided to do and think as little as possible so the voice wouldn't uncover anything to you. Moxy wondered if some of the theatre dolls were up to this, since they loved to prank and 'ship' others for fun.

"Hey Moxy! Hey Lou! Fancy running into the both of you here." you smiled politely. You stopped and looked around. You opened her mouth to speak, but shook her head and closed it. Then, you jumped abruptly on Lou and waved your free hand around. Lou stumbled as he carried you, trying not to let the both of you all. Moxy let out a hearty laugh and wiped a tear from her eye.

"You both hear that right? Because I'd look really dumb if you didn't." You looked frantic at the two, both nodding their heads aggressively like bobble heads. A sigh of relief left your lips as you slowly jumped out of Lou's arms and patted his shoulder as an apology.

After a small discussion of Moxy and Lou explaining as much as they knew about the voice, the trio looked at the sky with such a burning passion of hate, it would have killed. Luckily, the voice was not in the sky. This caught their attention, quickly running to nearby shrubble and searching through it.

"Ok we need a plan to make this go back to normal." Moxy sighed exasperatly. Lou nodded, "For once, I'm agreeing with you." Y/n giggled and held a fake-shocked face. "I never thought I would live to see the day. Oh this has to have some kind of celebration. Maybe party at Wage's house?"

"Why Wage?" 

"Because we'll get food and music via Uglydog. Plus, Babo practically lives there already so we can just call Lucky." You suggested.

"Fair point. Party it is." Lou smiled softly. Dang it dang it dang it don't let her know.

"What was that?" You tilted your head in confusion. Lou's eyes widened as he remembered the voice read thoughts. 

"nOTHING." his voice cracked and he covered his mouth. You bit your lip, trying not to laugh at his blunder. Lou turned darker every second, wanting to leave this situation as fast as possible. 

Dumb voice narrator thingy and its dumb narrator mind reading powers.

"Now you just sound childish" Moxy smiled and crossed her arms.

"Let's just act natural." You shrugged. Hope they don't spill that I like Lou.

You and Lou both froze in place, and turned to face each others blushing faces. Moxy was done with third-wheeling so she walked over to Wage's shop, seeing if she and Babo left a bit.

"Well sh-" (lol nope)

(How did I manage to write 1106 words [and counting] with literally no plot?) XD oh well just remember that you are loved <#3

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