#18 New Girl pt.2

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Hey yall! So the votes led to *drumroll* French and Tech class! So a quick recap of your schedule is: (I just copied and pasted it again lol) BUT with the new classes

English-Mr.Bot/Dirk (with Nolan and Lou)

Chemistry-Ms.Bot/Indi (Nolan)

Math-Mr.Bot/Seamie (Mandy)

P.E- Mr.Kogane/Keef lol actually Keith (Lou and sQuAd)

History- Mr.Warner/Yakko *Yakko's world intensifies* (Lou,Nolan,Mandy)

French-Mr.Hunter/Shawn (if yall get this ily) (no one because that's how life works)

Technology-Ms.Holt/Katie (you'll see)

Also this is completely random but I've had it on my mind for a while. Is Louis his actual name? Like, Moxy didn't know him she might have just thought Lou=Louis. What if his names Lucas? Or Lucius? Luke? Luis? LOUIE?! AM I OVERTHINKING? (most likely)

ALSO EXACTLY HOW OLD IS THE DOLL LINE? You know how some brands are like "Established in 19 yada yada" So how old would the toy line be? More importantly, how old is Lou? He's been there for the whole thing (theoretically[before Lou was there another prototype?]) So would he be like Steve Rogers? Saying old slang (doll may or may not count lol) like "bee's knees" [I'm wheezing] or call the bots "coppers?" call you a dame? Would it slip out like Ox's accent?(I'm sorry for some bizarre reason I heard the slang in his voice but a Jersey accent? What???)

Im googling all the slang from the 1900's and came across "Doll Dizzy" which means girl crazy and I think that's absolutely adorable. I WANT A 1950'S AU WITH LOU!!!PLEASE I BEG ANY OF YOU (i'll do it too XD)TAG ME SO I CAN READ  Thank you for coming to my Tedtalk and BACK TO WHAT YOU CAME FOR-


The rest of your first day went by pretty smoothly. Lou even managed to convince the teacher for you to sit with him. Which didn't actually take much convincing, since Mr. Warner had major concentration problems. When Lou wasn't with his squad, he was actually pretty nice and funny, though his ego could use a check. 

Nolan and Mandy were too busy goofing off together to notice you looking at them. You smiled to yourself and went back to writing a few notes. Mr. Warner would unconsciously tap his foot rapidly when he stood still longer than a minute. It was starting to frustrate a few students including yourself, but you all knew he couldn't help it. Besides that, class sped through and the bell rang again.

You started to stuff your notes in your satchel and waved bye to your friends before walking off. You felt a small tap on your shoulder and turned to face Lou again. He smiled slightly and handed you a small note before giving a two-finger salute and walking off. You held your gaze at his retreating figure and observed the folded paper.

You walked to your French class and unfolded the paper between glances, trying not to bump into anyone again. You stopped in front of the door and quickly read the note he gave you:

"Only if you have questions for school. Unless you want more than a tutor ;)"

Along with a phone number, which you took a fat guess and registered it as his.

This day just kept getting better and better.

You sat in your seat, boredom etched all over your face. You didn't really know anyone and your boldness was long gone. The only entertainment was a few girls fawning over Mr.Hunter, who clearly had absolutely no interest in them whatsoever.

 In fact, he wrote on the board, "Teacher-student relations: Do's and Don'ts" in French, hoping they would get the hint. They did not, to your amusement. He then sighed a dramatic sigh, took a giant swig from his coffee mug and dismissed the class, saying it was too early to deal with these antics.

A girl behind the class raised her hand and asked, "But sir, its nearly 2."

"Exactly you sweet child." He pinched the bridge of his nose and grabbed his keys on his desk.

"Shoo everyone. Free period. Enjoy it while it lasts." He waved before putting on shades and walking out of the class. Everyone stood dumbfounded before another student spoke up.

"Man this is going to be a great class." A few murmurs of agreement followed and everyone walked out of the class and went their separate ways. You asked a student who looked somewhat like Nolan for directions to the library and they gladly helped before running back to their friends.

You walked in to the quiet paradise and searched the shelves for an interesting new book. This place had a grand library, with mixed-marble walls.
"Fancy prep school check~" you laughed at your joke and continued to roam the pristine halls. After your search, you snuggled on a nearby couch and read for a bit, getting lost in another world.

You scooped up your batch of books and checked them out with your ID and asked for a map. Since you were tired of asking strangers for directions. The librarian gave you one as you thanked her and made your way over to your last class. Technically, school was over for most students ,but since you moved from another state not all your credits transferred so you have to retake a few classes. (plot hole fixed *ta-da*)

This class was on the other side of school, so you were kind of glad you beat the last bell rush. To your surprise their were very little students in the class. Some were behind computers, trying to hack through companies to help them better improve security. You walked past them and closer to a other students who were disassembling a computer and trying to put it back together. The teacher silently observed everyone's assignments and walked towards a blue-haired girl wearing a welding mask.

Her face was obscured, unlike the rest of the students. Her clothes were completely different as well, wearing dirty overalls and a grey shirt. She seemed to be the prized student in the class. 

"Hey Y/n. I don't like saying Miss whatever is first name basis ok?" Ms.Holt asked as she approached you. You nodded and she gave a thumbs up before gesturing you to follow and patting your seat. "You can partner up with Bluebell here. She can teach you the ropes of the class. She'll tell you her name when your better acquainted." With that, she ran to help a few students from the sparks coming out of the computer.

You smiled meekly at the blue-haired girl, who's face was still covered. She waved back and brought out a  small blowtorch. She motioned for you to put together a few parts at the table and began to weld again. Silent type...alrighty then.

"Hey Bluebell, I gotta go to the restroom real quick. Your in charge and don't let anything blow up." Ms.Holt threw the keys at 'Bluebell' which she caught and saluted in return. Everyone went quiet when the door closed behind her, and everyone ran to the cupboards and brought out small robots.  Everyone except you and Bluebell gathered in a circle on the floor to fight the robots against each other.

You giggled slightly and continued to glue the small parts together. You both sat silently for a while before she spoke up in a meek voice.

"Hey can you switch the bearings and replace them with vertical gears? I need to pivot the turbine frame to the engine." You nodded and began to work. She hummed a small 'thank you' and began to work on the back part of her machine.

"Have I seen you before? I think I have you in another class" You asked quizzically. She instantly froze in place before laughing loudly in a nervous tone. "No you silly! I just have that face." "Your wearing a mask though?" She facepalmed.

"Your in my P.E right? You were with the cheer-" She quickly slapped her hand over your mouth and looked around frantically to see if anyone had heard. She took off the welding mask to reveal the same girl from your class before. Looking around again to see if anyone else saw, she swiftly put it back on.

"If anyone finds out who I am Kitty will make fun of me and kick me off the squad." She said sadly. You stood there silently in disbelief. How shallow were these girls? "Is that why your always wearing a mask? And why the teacher call you 'Bluebell'?" You murmured. She let out a small laugh.

"She calls me Bluebell because I stole the school bell for a prank in the squad and she caught me. She didn't tell though. She said she only saw blue." You could imagine her smiling behind the mask. You smiled at the thought and swore you'd keep it a secret.

"So why exactly do you stay with Kitty?" You asked while screwing a few bolts tighter. "We were friends in middle school, helping me with homework and stuff. She declared I was going to be the idiot of the group if I didn't raise my grades." "But your smart! Your here literally in a class of nerds fighting bots they made themselves." You pointed towards a boy whos robot was kicking everyone's butts.

"Mr.Hunter said I'm what you call an 'idiot savant'" she did air quotes and giggled. "He said he was too so it's funny. It means I'm pretty much an expert on one thing." 

"Well, I don't think your dumb and would gladly be your friend." You held your hand out proudly. "My names Y/n" She took off the mask and you could see how her eyes practically sparkled in joy. She shook your hand and smiled.

"My names Tuesday."

(I have the urge to end it here...) HAHA NOPE IM DOING THIS.

After class finished, you also got Tuesdays number and agreed to meet up with her at the first game of the year. You texted Mandy that you would meet her at the front of the school. You waited by the flagpole and looked around for a bit in the crowd of uniforms. Luckily, no teacher called you out on it since it was the first day.

You spotted her walking with Nolan, both laughing and walking towards you.

OTP OTP OTP  You suppressed the urge to scream happy noises. Nolan was the first to notice you and waved. You did a Lenny face as best you could and laughed when he started to blush. 

"Hey Mandy~ Is Nolan coming?" you said in a sickly sweet voice. Teasing your new friends was your new favorite thing. He glared at you as best he could, but it was like a puppy was threatening you. "Sure if he wants to that is." She turned to him expectantly. He nodded rapidly and you both laughed at his love for food court there at the mall.

On the walk to the new shop, you learned Mandy was really into fashion and the latest trends. She was great at makeup and offered if you ever wanted a glow up she was your gal. "I'll definitely take you up on that offer sometime." You laughed. Nolan was an amazing photographer, he showed you a few pictures he took on his phone of his trip with his parents.

"YOU TWO ARE SO TALENTED I CAN'T-" You gushed and made crazy hand motions to try to express your happiness for them. They in return, laughed at your weirdness and tried to show that you were talented too.

"Y/n everyone in our school has a talent. That's the point of the school." Nolan tried to explain through giggles. Mandy squeezed his shoulder and finished for him, "It's a school to help us hone our talents and use them in 'the big world' or whatever. So you wouldn't have gotten accepted if you had no talent."

"Au contrair mon ami~" you smirked in a terrible french accent and busted out cackling before you could finish dissing yourself.

You walked into the store and tried out a few shirts that caught your attention with Mandy while Nolan waited outside of the changing rooms, holding all the clothes Mandy threw at him. You both modeled and posed in front of him while he took pictures with his free hand. After buying a few clothes, you three walked around the mall, going into interesting stores.

There was one where you could customize a doll to look like you, small uniform and everything. It sounded fun until you saw the price. You nervously laughed and slowly walked out of the store as the duo followed.

All in all, the day was well spent on your new friends so you decided to treat them to some ice cream at the nearby park, to which Nolan practically screeched in excitement. Mandy was wheezing and stopped walking entirely to catch her breath. 

The sky was turning deep shades of red and orange as the sun slowly dipped into the horizon. Mandy got mint chip and Nolan got peanut butter fudge. You got (favorite flavor) and walked around he park to enjoy each others company.

"Dude you have to send me some of the pictures you took. I'm going to make one my wallpaper." You giggled. Nolan held a finger as a 'hold on' sign and licked his ice cream before speaking. "Sure." "Hey lets take a group photo before the ice cream melts. Nolan you take the picture ya have longer arms." 

You huddled together and faced away from the glimmering sun for better lighting (ig? idk lol) and smiled. Nolan quickly inspected the pictures he took and sent them to the new groupchat he made for the two of you.

"Hey I think there's another photoshoot going on." Mandy pointed to the set up cameras and lights at the other side of the park. "Another one?"

"Is there a lot of photoshoots around here?" you asked. Mandy shrugged and mentioned that it happened every Monday and Friday. You spotted a camera man trying to find the right light and angle for their model, who seemed quite bored, but you couldn't make out who it was. Though you did recognize the girl posing with him.


She looked tired and posed which such laziness you actually yawned. She realized what you did and sent you a look that made you shrink. Her model friend winced and yelped as she dug her nails in frustration of you. He pulled away and walked to a nearby makeup station set up. There you saw a certain blond leaning on his chair, scrolling through his phone.

You gulped and looked toward Mandy and Nolan who wanted to leave. They looked uncomfortable and didn't want to be where they didn't belong. You sent them a reassuring smile and started to walk towards them before a large man stopped you.

"And where do you think your going?"


Remember that you are loved <3 byeeee

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