#6 Headcannons :D

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Yay I just want to thank @SilentReadersMatter for commenting on pretty much everything. It made my day and showed me besides numbers that people actually like my book. They also gave me the thumbs up for any prompt from them that I want to do. Tagging them of course ;). One will be posted here and I might have to make a book for the other so another book coming soon! Without further ado, some headcannons on Lou. Hope you enjoy!!!

 Nicknames he calls you:

He is a hopeless romantic and kind of old fashioned so he uses simple names like:


Babydoll or doll face


He likes to tease you and calls you Mrs.Perfect which makes you blush like crazy all the time

and of course, Sweetheart :)

Along with Poppet because your shorter than him

All the nicknames you have for him (and a story to come with it):

My king (I personally like this one) Storytime!!!

You had just witnessed Lou thrown in the washer and dumped out.

You ran to Lou, hoping he wasn't seriously hurt. You wanted to be there to help him but he swatted you away angrily.

 "Don't touch me." he seethed trying to pick himself up with the soaking suit but slipped and groaned. You flinched at his behavior and the fall. "Louis please I'm trying to help you-" "YOU DON'T NEED TO ANYMORE" he cried. His eyes were filled with tears. "Don't you get it? I'm not the leader anymore! They are...," His voice faltered from anger to sadness; "you don't have to pretend to like me anymore. Go...please" he curled up with his head in his knees and covered his face, trying to keep what little dignity he had.

You stared shocked. You wanted to yell at him for how stupid he was being. You smacked him in the back of the head and put your hands on your hips and glared. He rubbed the back of his head and whimpered. 

"Your an idiot. I wasn't pretending." You grabbed his arm and yanked him towards you. He yelped as his body slammed next to yours. You hugged him tightly, even if he was still pretty damp. He craved your warmth and hugged back.

"You will always be my king." you whispered. He looked at you and smirked, "Your king huh?" You blushed and nodded. He kissed your forehead and chuckled.

"I like the sound of that."

Mr.Perfect I don't think this one needs explaining so next one

Other half : Just like he teases you with Mrs.Perfect, you use this.

How he acts:

  Clingy boi: Like I said before, he loves affection. Not just kisses or anything intimate, but the little things make him happy. Holding your hand, patting your head, hugging you, and carrying you. Being in your general vicinity pretty much makes him content with life and almost made him forget about the uglydolls. Almost *Insert dramatic drumroll*

Jealous boi: He generally doesn't get jealous because he trusts you but when he does. Oh ho they better watch out. He will wrap his arms around you, bring you closer to him, anything to show the other doll your taken. If they don't get the hint by then, he makes it his personal mission to destroy this dolls life. He will call in the entire embassy, From the spy girls to Ox and the Uglies. Yea, its that bad.

Sad boi: Every once in a while, everyone gets hit with insecurities, even Lou.  On those days, he will be slightly distant or not as big an ego-maniac. This can go on for days, until you hold him close and tell him just how much you meant to him. If that doesn't cheer him up, you "help" him change whatever made him insecure in the first place. But you find a way to change it back and act like it is the most perfect thing you've ever seen, making him think he changed and brings him back to normal.

Romantic boi: because Lou was never really serious with another doll except you, he tries so hard to keep you with him. He will bring a truckload of roses and a chocolate fountain for you, start a concert for you with him serenading you the entire time, what was supposed to be small gestures now turn into giant messes. The chocolate fountain malfunctioned and stained your uniform. The concert attracted every other girl and you were pushed to the side, and the rose thorns were stabbing you when they were dumped via truck. (this sounds like a good failed valentines fic. I might do this ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

Mad boi: We all saw in the movie his mad boi side is not to be messed with. The anger will practically radiate off him and every doll knows it. They all know if he makes eye contact, they are the next target for his wrath. 

But compared to you, it looks like he's having a tantrum. You won't take it out on an innocent doll instead you act happy. Your smile laced with venom and your sparkling eyes with hatred. You only target the one who angered you. Lou literally holds you back from ripping someone's stuffing out.

Dorky boi: he can be a dork, though he doesn't show this side often. (I think about the time when he telling all the dolls in a crazy voice, " Well that sounds pretty good to me! So let's get started!!!" and danced to the side.) This side only appears when he is super excited about something. Very rare to see but it makes you laugh every time.

Overall a very loving boi <3

Yay that's all I can think of write now. I hope you liked it please tell me in the comments how I'm doing i really love hearing from yall. Remember that you are loved <3 byeee

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