#7 Therapy sessions

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Hellooo ya'll!!! I made friends on this site! And they prob don't know it but I really appreciate themmmm so shoutout to them. Yay @SilentReadersMatter ( is one of the mentioned people who make me happy) who let me do this. Your the best ;) and also @Annoyingsister2004 for being an amazing human being. Im glad I found you two on this site. Now without further ado, the story....

Halfway through trying to write this I wanted to make this angsty but instead I'm going for happy fluff. Enjoy

Lou stared at the clock and waited for a certain ugly. He had tea prepared and a couple of cookies, just in case. He heard a silent tap on the door and immediately rushed to open it revealing a certain red bat. He had a small clipboard and a couple of different colored pencils. Lou looked outside to see if he was followed before silently bringing the red ugly in.

"Were you followed?" he asked suspiciously.

"No" Lucky Bat answered plainly.

"Tagged? Maybe someone put a tracker on you" He inspected the ugly doll.

"No I wasn't tracked" Lucky said dully. After the first few sessions, this interrogation didn't faze him anymore.

"Not even a slight chance?" Lou replied with a hint of worry.

"No" The ugly rolled his eyes before walking towards his chair and plopping down.

Lou sighed with relief before getting Lucky a cup of tea. He was still the host after all. "Would you like anything else?" He asked sincerely, receiving a shaking head and a polite "no thank you" Lou nodded and nibbled on a cookie before lying down on his therapy couch. You made fun of couch but never knew about the sessions. He didn't want you to think less of him for needing therapy.

(Ya'll wanna see the couch? Just in case you were wondering)

"So what did you want to talk about today Louis?" Lucky asked. The beginning of every meeting was always awkward so Lou just shrugged. "I don't really know Lucky. Things have been alright lately." Lou stated before smiling, "Relationship wise anyway." 

"Oh? How so?" Lucky bat was generally curious. He didn't really like to talk about his love life so easily so it came to a surprise that it was the first topic he mentioned.

"Well the other day Y/n did the cutest thing-" He rambled on and on about you and how amazing you were. This always made Lucky Bat smile as he pretended to take notes and started doodling pictures of you and Lou with hearts. He realized the pretty doll stop talking and looked up to see Lou looking sad. 

"What's wrong? Did something happen between you two?" He inquired. Looking at his scribbles and mentally scolding himself for not paying attention. "No nothing happened its just..." He sighed before finishing, "Whenever we hang out with Moxy and Mandy and they always talk about their kid and how amazing it is to have them. And she always looks at the stories with such wonder and hope. Don't get me wrong, she looks adorable whenever she does the face, but it leaves me wondering."

"Wondering what Louis?" 

"That I'm holding her back" Lou tried to explain. "She wants to go. I want her to live the life she is destined for. Maybe it would be better if she went y'know? And we can still be together but she can leave to the Big World and finally tell those stories she loves to me." Lou thought about the joy your face would bring as you tried to explain what happened with your kid and smiled sadly.

"I've come to terms with staying here. After all I have her, but she doesn't need to sacrifice her chance at the Big World for me."

Lucky bat felt a pain in his chest and patted his shoulder with his wing. "Have you talked to Y/n about this?" "Only once, but she said she was fine with staying with me and we left it like that." he mumbled slightly sitting up and curled to the corner of the couch. He always did this when he wanted to drop the subject so Lucky Bat let it go for now.

"Let's switch topics for now. Have you been improving with your anger issues."

"I don't have anger issues. Everyone's just annoying." Lou sat properly before crossing his arms.

"Yea sure. Have you been doing the breathing exercises? Or at least drank more tea?" Lucky bat looked at his cup and sipped a bit. He really wanted that cookie right about now. As if he read his mind Lou scooted the cookie plate close to Lucky and let him pick one up. Lucky beamed before gobbling the whole thing. Lou chuckled at this and answered, "Yeah actually, the exercises helped a lot and the tea tastes great."

It was Lucky's turn to chuckle before doodling on the papers again. He didn't really know how he ended up as the wise doll but it brought him here so he didn't really complain. Lucky didn't accept money, since it didn't hold much value so instead Lou paid him with crates of fortune cookies and other wise stuff he asked for, even if it seemed weird. Like the cape he asked for last time, or that fedora.

"That's good to hear. So back to Y/n." Lucky bat cleared his throat nervously before asking.

"Have you two been..." He faltered at the last word but Lou knew exactly what he meant, spitting out his tea and coughing. Lou was just as red as the bat and tried to answer but stuttered sheepishly.

"W-well we aren't...I haven't...We don't really." He stammered tugging on his collar. "We haven't really discussed the subject." he managed to muster out. Lucky nodded before scribbling down a blushing Lou picture. 

"So nothing..;" He tried to find the right words, "close has happened?" he flushed at the topic. Lou was just as flustered and squeaked a small yea and hesitated before asking in a small voice, "should we be?"

"Sorry Lou just trying to see where your relationship with Y/n is. It's perfectly fine if you two aren't there yet. " Lucky explained and looked at the clock. He stared to pack his color pencils and apologized quickly. "Sorry Louis but I believe it is time for me to leave. Make sure to take to Y/n about what we discussed okay?" Lou blushed again "Are you sure? Seems kind of weird to just ask don't you think?" "NO I mean the OTHER thing." Lucky Bat laughed.

"Oh." Lou walked Lucky Bat to the door and gave him the rest of the cookies for the walk to his home. "Thanks again for doing this Lucky Bat. It means a lot to me." Lou genuinely smiled as he packed the cookies in Lucky's cape.

"No problem Louis. It's a pleasure using my skills on something other than sipping tea at home." Lucky joked as he picked his stuff up and stood at the door.

"Please call me Lou. We know each other well enough to use informal names. Plus I like Lou better." Lou patted Lucky's head before opening the door. "See you next time Lou." He said before sneaking out the same way he came. Lou smiled, to him it was like a friend he could confide in, other than you. It felt nice to open up and he hoped he would be able to talk to everyone else also.

Yay hope you liked it. And comment if there should be more therapy boi or no. Hope you enjoyed and remember that you are loved <3 byeee

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