#8 It's AU time baby

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Human AU  >:)

You looked at your watch and sighed at the time. Your shift was over and it was your turn to close so you untied your apron and turned off all the lights to the coffee shop. You clocked out and locked the door before heading to your car in the otherwise empty lot. 

"Another amazing day" you mumbled sarcastically undoing your bun and letting your hair down. Inside the car you turn to your favorite station and just sat in your car, getting lost to the music.

Truth is, you were in no rush to get home. No one was waiting for you there, no pets or love interest. Nothing exciting really happened in Uglyville. You giggled at the name, it was named after the founder and current mayor, Oxford Ugly. He was a genuine guy and funny to be around. He had huge ears he would joke about flying with. He was slightly older than you making him the youngest mayor.

Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard sirens and saw police cars driving in the lot. A dark silhouette of a person was running toward your car. Before you could even react or lock the doors they jumped in and looked behind them and yelled, "DRIVE! JUST DRIVE!"

"HOLY-"  You shrieked and slammed on the gas, making a hasty escape from the cops, despite their protests from the police and the laughs coming from the passenger seat (shotgun). The sirens were coming from all around you but your trusty car (any car you want it doesn't matter) sped through them and managed to lose them. You were still on a road but it was pretty secluded.

You were panicking and your heart practically jumped out of your body, opposite to the man beside you, who whooped and cheered before sighing and looking your way.

"Great job doll. That was amazing." he took off the mask that covered half his face and the black hoodie that covered the other half, revealing a blond teen your age (around 20) with piercing blue eyes and golden blonde hair. Not a single blemish in sight which confused you, considering you are still pretty young.

"Who are you? And why are you running from the cops? Are you a murderer?," you gasped and stared at him "Are you gonna kill me? Listen I ain't no snitch-" He put his finger in your lips.

"Let me try to explain darling. I'm not a murderer, so you don't have to worry about dying today. Though I appreciate the 'no snitch' thing." He winked before continuing, " Second, If I stayed, they would most likely just throw me in a cell so I ran." He lifted a mirror from his pocket and started to fix his hair. You rolled or eyes and scoffed.

"Well no duh Sherlock, I'm asking what did you do?" you hissed, the previous fear you had for the teen faded instantly. He answered without breaking eye contact with the mirror, "I might have..sort of...set fire...to the town sign..." he said nervously.

"YOU WHAT?!" you slammed on the breaks, causing him to hit his head on the airbag compartment a small groan escaping his lips as he rubbed his head. "You heard me."

"But how? Why?" "Can we talk about this later? Lets talk about you~" He smirked seeing how he made you blush.

"There isn't much to know about me. Other than if someone yells at me I go on autopilot." You sighed, still mad at yourself for actually paying attention to a total stranger. He chuckled and shrugged "I would have never guessed" he teased.

"Are you always such a flirt?" You huffed. "Only to the pretty girls who help me out of a tough spot" He said as flirtatiously as he could earning a laugh from you. Surprised he blushed and turned away.

"Oh my gosh you are such a flirt" you pretended to wipe a tear from your eye as you parked in a nearby gas station. "So I guess this is your stop." you said setting the car in park. The man looked confused and asked, "But I thought I was staying with you?" "Sorry blondie but I don't really harbor criminals. Bad for business" you pouted innocently. "It's Lou, and we're in this together now. I bet the coppers are looking for your license plate and willing to throw you in with me." he sang as he pretended to be interested in his nails, hoping the idea set in your head.

Your eyes widened at the realization. You began to bang your head on the horn Lou frantically grabbed you and stopped you from banging your head again. "What on earth are you doing? Am I that bad?" His voice sounded freaked out from your sudden bonks but he was fearing your answer. "When I said I wanted adventure and spice in my life. I didn't mean for a criminal to flirt with me." you said bluntly.

"oh" "ha yeah. So I guess that means we're partners now?" "Sure if you want. Besides I'm sure your boyfriend likes a tough girl." He said in a sing-song voice. You blushed a crimson color before whispering. "I don't have a boyfriend." He seemed genuinely shocked.

 "What's a girl like you doin' (in a place like this...lol i'll stop) without a boyfriend?" "It's kinda hard getting a guy when your anti-social and have a graveyard shift at a coffee shop." "But aren't coffee shops, like, the best place to find someone?" "Depend on who you are I guess." You shrugged it off. You would see romance before your eyes nearly every day. It was starting to seem hopeless for you.

"Should we go to my house?" you asked. 

"Woah that escalated quickly." He grinned widely.

"No you idiot I meant to hide or gather supplies." you punched his arm playfully.

"But we're at a gas station, don't they always have a small store for snacks?" He tilted his head curiously. oh my gosh he's so cute

"Yes but they also have news. And I'm pretty sure burning the town sign is a pretty big thing here." you retaliated.

He pretended to be hurt and pouted at you, causing you to roll his eyes again. You started the car after you paid for a bit of gas and drove off again. The road back was somewhat quiet, only passing a car or to. The conversation was around the same, small talk and flirting with a side of sass coming from your end.

Finally you reached your house, as quiet as you and Lou could, you locked the car and slowly opened the room to your apartment. You breathed a sigh of relief that you somewhat clean your flat, so it wasn't a complete mess. He walked inside and plopped on the couch, he looked about ready to pass out on it. Meanwhile you looked inside the fridge for a midnight snack, not realizing the shadows of three strangers at the window.

"Hey do you want anyth-" you froze at the sound of the doorknob slowly opening. You rushed to Lou and tried to wake him up. Almost instantly, he shot up, grabbed a chair and placed it under the doorknob, so the intruder wouldn't enter. He looked at you worriedly before pulling you into a hug. Trying to calm you down he rubbed circles in your back and kept on saying it would be okay.

You looked into his eyes and smiled slightly. He did the same. You guessed it was because you were scared and he just helped you, or because he was cute. Either way you leaned closer to his lips. He cupped your cheeks and hovered close to your face, almost tempted to tease you.

Suddenly, the small noise became banging on the door and it looked like the door would break any moment. A voice from the other side of the door sang in a small voice, "Louis~". Lou, being the first to get out of his faze, grabbed your hand and pulled you to the window. You were on the bottom floor of the apartments so that was a plus. He opened the window and gently picked you up and dropped you outside. He jumped out and checked his surroundings. He found a few cars he recognized and his usual half-lidded eyes were now wide and ran with you close behind to the cars.

He slashed the tires and searched for your car. You grabbed his shoulder and pointed towards your car. Everything was going so quick for you, it all just seemed confusing. Panting and still running to your car you yelled at Lou, "Who was that? Why did you slash all those cars, is there more of them? How do they know you?" you managed to wheeze out before slamming open the door. The car roared to life as Lou jumped in. "Ugh yes there's more and they know what I did. I'm kind of in their gang and the slashed tires should give us an advantage." "Y'know I would have freaked out more if you didn't say that so casually. You are just full of surprises." you joked.

"Alright so you should at least know what I dragged you into so let me give you a heads up on them. There's the Triple Threat and the Tenors. The leader of Triple threat calls herself Kitty because she always goes for the eyes in fights. So yea watch out for her. Then her right hand gal Lydia, she is as smart as she is fast, very strategic and knows how to take anyone down. Tuesday may not be the brightest of the three, but she is just as deadly. She is super agile and knows her way around weaponry."

"Well dang, they sound dangerous. How did you end up mixed with them?"

"I might have been dating Kitty for a while but I ended it. So now she's out for revenge." He said solemnly.

"Ok I won't even get into that. What about the Tenors?" You wanted to change the subject.

"Well the twins Jace and Howard are both good at hacking but Jace is better at hand to hand combat. Conner may be the odd one out but he can blend in anywhere. They stick up for one another and never back down from a fight." Lou said admirably.

You nodded, taking in all the new information you received. It was crazy, to say the least. You looked at the gas meter and saw it was at the halfway point. You sighed and turned on the radio to ease your nerves. A song you were familiar with played so you sang along.

"We go together. Better than birds of a feather, you and me" you winked at a now flustered Lou and laughed before continuing.

"We change the weather, yea. I'm feeling heat in December when your 'round me" You moved slowly to the music. Lou stopped you and sang the next part smugly.

"I've been dancing on top of cars and stumbling out of bars I follow through the dark-"

"Can't get enough" you added

"Your the medicine and the pain." He leaned in to kiss your cheek but you shoved him off. "The tattoo inside my brain and Baby you know it's obvious." He looked at you and smirked when he called you 'baby' causing you to blush and stare at the road.

"I'm a sucker for you" He sang intently.

 "You say the word and I'll go anywhere blindly." You laughed at the irony of what you said.

"I'm a sucker for you" he repeated.

"Any road you take, you know that you'll find me." You sang annoyed.

"I'm a sucker for all the subliminal things!" He sang loudly his melodic voice ringing in your ears. 

Without missing a beat, he sang again, "No one knows about you-"

"about you" you retorted

"about you" he grinned

"about you" you sang defiantly, "And your making the typical me break my typical rules."

"It's true," He shrugged innocently before finishing lowly, "I'm a sucker for you."

Before he could sing any more you turned the radio off and bit your lip.


"Shut up pretty boy" you slammed on the brakes and lunged at him with your lips crashing into his.

Mwahaha I love this!!!!!!Remember you are loved! I kind of want to add more of this. Ugh I love the characters. byee. Oh and thanks to @Annoyingsister2004  for the Tenor names :)

Edit: Nah I'll leave it like that :)

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