Short filler: Fire

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Note: This takes place around season five

Luna: Alright. Let's rock!

Luna looked at her band, the Moon Goats. The Music Club is a hobby club at Royal Woods High School. Luna and Sam are a part of the club. Outside the school the band is known as the Moon Goats. The only members were Luna, Sam, Mazzy, and Sully. They had just set up some new equipment to use. Mazzy's father had helped get new equipment to use for concerts.

The problem was that the equipment wasn't the best. The beat box's looked like machine that had been cobbled together out of spare parts, a hodgepodge of scrap metal and springs and machinery pieces all held together by screws and bolts. They looked like they were one spark away from an explosion.

Soon they started practicing.

Luna: ♫It was a hot June night♫
♫When she saw the light♫
♫Up until then she didn't know what was right♫
♫She showed up at the show♫
♫All confused and alone♫
♫She had no idea what was about to unfold♫
♫Total mutation♫
♫A citizen of the rock and roll nation♫
♫Total mutation♫

However, as they were playing, the new equipment started sparking and smoking. The smoke rose up and processed to enter into the air vent which directly connected to the supply closet. The smoke entered the supply closet. The old smoke alarms that were all packed in a box, detected the smoke and set off. They started flashing an orange light. But due to their age, they started making an old crackling sound instead of ringing. The box shook and fell to the ground.

Meanwhile, Lynn Loud was running down the hall of the school to get to gym. The school janitor was cleaning the floors. He was also trying to fix the heater as it was blowing hot air into the door. She ran and accidentally knocked the guy down. He stubbles back and his cleaning cart fell against the door. Unintentionally trapping the class inside.

Janitor: Hey kid! Come back here!

The janitor chased Lynn.

Toad and Alex were sitting in class with their friends, Elroy, Arthur, and Max. Max had recovered from his stroke. Though he still had difficulty walking, blurred vision, and he had problems with coordination and balance.

They were taking foods class. Their teacher was Mrs Kipper. She was going over the various ways to cook pasta, bread, and salad.

Max was sitting behind to Alex. He sniffed the air and looked behind him. He was the bright orange light, heard the crackling sound, and saw the smoke. Seeing how it looked very much like a real fire, Max could be forgiven for thinking it was a real fire.

Max's eyes widened and he immediately raised his hand. Mrs Kipper looked at him.

Mrs Kipper: Yes Max?

Max pointed to the door. Everyone looked at the door as the orange light was seen s as long with smoke. Principal Ramirez was in the classroom as well doing a inspection. She also saw the smoke and light. The smoke detectors went off.

Mrs Kipper: Oh my god! Fire!

Principal Ramirez: Oh my god it's happening! Alright everyone stay calm, and walk to the door.

Everyone got out of their chairs and Mrs Kipper tried opening the door, but the knob was burning hot and the door was stuck.

Principal Ramirez: The door won't budge.

Max: We're trapped?!

Alex: Everyone calm down! Just...let's think of a way out of this. We mustn't lose our heads.

Everyone in the room:...AHHHHHHHHHH!

Toad: We're all gonna die!

Everyone started running around the room like headless chickens. Alex face palmed.

Alex: So this is how it ends? Oh well.

Everyone in the room was running and panicking. Someone busted the rooms vending machine and Toad grabbed five Hershey chocolate bars, two bags of dil pickle chips, and a lemonade to drink.

Just then, the old fire alarms in the closet sparked and started a real fire. They let off small little bursts.

The door flew open as it was burning and exploding.

Student 1: What the hell?!?

Toad: The fire is shooting at us!

Everyone continued to scream and panic. Elroy grabbed a chair and busted a window open.

Elroy: Help! Help! We're in here!

Toad started eating the chocolate.

Alex: Toad? What are you doing?

Toad: I'm eating my feelings.

Alex: Which are?

Toad: AH AH AH AH AH!!!

Max was sitting with them and texting his girlfriends goodbye.

Arthur was panicking.

Arthur: I never got to tell Lucy how I feel! I don't wanna die! I'm right!

Meanwhile downstairs, the commotion upstairs was catching the attention of Luna, her band, and Lynn.

Lynn: What the?

The five walked upstairs. Due to the heat, Sam used a glove to open the door. Students ran out. Soon Toad was in Luna's arms, then Alex was in Lynn's. Max sped walked out.

Toad: Oh Luna! I saw life flash before my eyes. It was really boring.

Alex: Your not gonna believe this! A fire somehow started and we somehow got locked in here.

Toad: I don't understand how it happened.

Lynn/Luna: 😳😬😅Ya...about that.

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