Get The Message

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The first one I edited her as Luna and the second one is edited as Luan.

Lilliana's Appearance:

Anna's Appearance:

[Some video game sound effects are heard; Lincoln is playing a VR game where you fight zombies with breakdancing.]

Lincoln: Take that, zombie! [twerks] Feel my twerk, you evil jerk! [killing zombies; does a pelvic thrust.] Hoo!

[Lincoln continues to breakdance; he goes up the stairs and does more moves in the hallway where he then enters one particular room.]


Lincoln: [takes the goggles off and sees Anna making an angry expression at him.] AAHHH!

Anna: There's only one rule in this house: Stay out of my room! If I catch you in here again, I will turn you into a burnt macaron! [on the phone] No, not you, Lucas. [giggles] One sec, okay? [kicks Lincoln out of her room.]

[Lincoln puts his goggles back on and continues to dance the zombies away.]

Lincoln: Oh, yeah! [goes into the bathroom; realizes what he's doing in there.] Zombies don't need to see this. [takes the goggles off and sets them on the sink.]

[There's a knock at the door.]

Lincoln: Occupied!

[The knocking then turns into a pounding.]

Lincoln: [annoyed] I can't believe some... [answers the door to see Anna is there.]

Anna: [on the phone] Lucas, you'll never guess what Abigail said to me today.

Lincoln: [rhetorically] That you don't respect a man's privacy?

Anna: [ignoring Lincoln and kicking him out.] No, silly! Not even. She was all like...

[Lincoln goes to his room and realizes something.]

Lincoln: Oh no! My gaming glasses! [rushes to the bathroom but is stopped by Lola and Lana who are dressed in some kind of authority attire.]

Lana: No running in the hallway!

Lincoln: huh? What are you talking about?

Lola: Lana, is this maggot giving you lip? [writes Lincoln up]

Lana: We're the new hall monitors at school, so we're practicing at home.

[They give Lincoln a ticket.]

Lola: If we catch you speeding again, you're going downtown! We already locked up Luan for telling bad jokes. [reveals Luan in a cardboard jail cell.]

Luan: Hey! Did you hear the one about the thief who stole a calendar? he got twelve months! [laughs at rimshot] Get it?

Lola: That's five more minutes, dirtbag!

Lincoln: Okay, okay. I'll walk within the speed limit. I swear.


[As they leave for their room/office, Lincoln goes to the bathroom to find that his goggles are now totaled.]

Lincoln: Someone stepped on my glasses! NOOOOO!

[Since Anna kicked him out when he left them there, he automatically blames her and sees that she and Lori left in the family van.]

Lincoln: [enraged] ANNA! YOU DIRTBAG!

[Later, Clyde is told the story of the incident.]

Lincoln: One minute I'm electric-sliding with the undead, and the next... [groans] It's all Anna's fault!

Clyde: [holding the goggles] I can't believe it!

Lincoln: I know! She didn't even say sorry!

Clyde: [lovestruck] No. I can't believe these were touched by Anna's beautiful tootsies... [craddles the glasses]

Lincoln: Snap out of it, Clyde! Anna's a monster! All she cares about is Paris and talking on her stupid phone! Well, I'm going to give her a call she'll never forget...

Clyde: What are you gonna say?

[Lincoln looks in his drawer and pulls out a piece of paper and shows it to Clyde.]

Clyde: Why 'blank' is the worst sister ever?

Lincoln: [evily] I knew this will come in handy someday. I just didn't know which sister would be getting it. [writes Anna's name in the blank.] But you, Anna Loud, have made my decision very easy. [dials Anna's phone number in his duck phone.]

[While Lincoln is waiting, Luna is jamming and Lilliana sings to the jam, Luna riffs to the last note of Anna's ringtone.]

Lincoln: [impatient] Agh. Must be charging her phone. No worries. I'll just leave it on her voicemail.

Anna's Voicemail: Hey, this is Anna. You know what to do


Lincoln: Hey, Anna. It's your dear brother, Lincoln. There's something I've been meaning to tell you. You are... [Luna and Lilliana burst into his room and rock out as he goes into a blindingly raging rant about Lori, censoring the message for any profanity it may contain. Clyde can only watch in despair as his dream girl is getting roasted.]

Lilliana: [finishing up her song] Dance like a...PUPPET!

[She and Luna leave.]

Lincoln: ... and that is why you are the WORST SISTER EVER! [hangs up] What do you think, Clyde?

[Clyde faints; enters Anna]

Anna: Hey, bro. I just wanted to say I'm so sorry I stepped on your stupid toy. So I went out and bought you a stupid new one.

Lincoln: [shocked at her generosity] You did what now?

Anna: [hands him new glasses] Also, I'm very impressed you didn't freak out over this. Very mature.

Lincoln: [nervously chuckles] Yep. That's me. Mr. Mature. [As Anna leaves, Lincoln realizes he made a terrible mistake.] Clyde! What have I done? I called Anna a- [guitar riff] -when she's actually a- [harp string] What am I gonna do?! You're right! Anna hasn't listened to the voicemail YET, or I'd be a burnt macaron. We gotta delete the message!

Clyde: [comes to his senses] Huh? [falls over]

Lincoln: Good talk.

[Lincoln and Clyde are peaking out the door; Lola and Lana are tracking a trail of...uh...turd that leads from Lynn and Lucy's room to Luna, Anna, Sunny, Juilana, Elliana, Lilliana, Hannah, and Luan's; Anna has locked up her room and entered the security password and leaves.]

Lincoln: Perfect! Anna doesn't have her cell which means it's still in there charging. Our mission is to infiltrate her room and delete the message before she gets back.

Clyde: But Anna's room is off-limits.

Lincoln: I know. That's why I need you to be a lookout for her.

Clyde: That's easy. I'm ALWAYS on the lookout for Anna.

Lincoln: Then let's do this!

[They fistbump for luck.]

Clyde: [sneaks through the hallway] In position. 

Lincoln: Roger that.

Lana: I know poop when I see it, and that's some poop.

Lincoln: Drat! The po-po! I can't go through, so I'm gonna have to go over!

[Lincoln sneaks by while the twins check the sound he made only to see he's nowhere; he's hiding up on the top of the doorway and tosses a hamster treat that Geo goes after.

Lana: Hey, fur ball! No speeding!

[The twins give chase to Geo.]

Twins: Hey! What did we just say? Get back here!

[Lincoln sneaks into the vent.]

Lincoln: I'm in.

Clyde: [With a schematic of the house] Great. Proceed two click north, hook a left, and you should be right over the target.

[Lincoln heads down that pathway.]

Lincoln: I've got eyes on the package.

[He breaks into Anna's room and finds the phone still charging.]

Clyde: Lincoln! Anna's coming!

Lincoln: You're going to have to stall her!

Clyde: Roger that... [draws a mustache on his upper lip with a marker and tears off his shirt, revealing a white tux underneath it and acts so suave as Anna approaches.] Hey, beautiful, do you take these stairs often?

Anna: [throws her arm around him and swoons] I will now...handsome~... [winks to him]

[Lincoln grabs the phone and starts playing the message.]

Message: Hey, Anna. It's your dear brother, Lincoln.

[Lincoln deletes it]

Phone: Message deleted.

[Lincoln sneaks out before Anna enters; it turns out it was all just a dramatization of what could happen.]

Lincoln: And that's how we're gonna do it!

Clyde: I love it! Especially the part where I get to talk to Anna. [Starts applying perfume onto him.]

Lincoln: [coughs] Is that perfume?

Clyde: Yeah. it's my Nana's.

Lincoln: Here are the blueprints for the vents. [hands Clyde a drawing of them with some red stuff over it.]

Clyde: Are these food stains?

Lincoln: I eat ketchup sandwiches while I floor-plan. [hears a door opening] Quiet! Anna's coming!

[Anna locks the door to her room and enters the security password just like in the dramatization.]

Lincoln: Okay, let's do this.

Clyde: [hops over to the position from the dramatization.] I'M IN POSITION!

[The loud feedback on the other end knocks Lincoln back.]

Lincoln: Roger that. [Sees Lola writing Lily up for not wearing her diaper.]

Lola: No, I can't let you off with a warning!

Lily: [Laughs]

[Lincoln sneaks by, but Cliff gets on his hat and starts padding it; Lincoln shoos him off only for the cat's tail to hit his nose and stifles a sneeze with Lily's diaper.]

Lola: Next time, remember. This is a mandatory diaper zone!

[Lincoln realizes he just used it and throws up; this gets the twins/guards' attention and he's hiding up the doorway, but his hands are covered in ketchup, causing him to slip.]

Lincoln: Gah...ketchup fingers...

[The twins see Lily crawling away.]

Lana: she's making a crawl for it!

[They chase after her; Lincoln manages to sneak into the vent.]

Lincoln: Clyde, I'm in.

[Lilliana is making a vlog.]

Lilliana: [finishing up her vlog] That's it for today's vlog! See you next time! Bye!

Lincoln: Lilliana?

Lilliana: Oh, hi, Lincoln. I'm finished my vl-

[Lucy is next to them too]

Lucy: Hey, Lincoln.

[Lilliana and Lincoln scream.]

Lincoln: Lucy! I could've been caught by Anna!

Lilliana: Relax, Lincoln. No one can hear us from up here, and I know your plan. I can help!

Lincoln: Fine... anyway, Lucy, what are you doing up here?

Lucy: I come here to think. I wrote a new poem called "Ventilate".

Inside the wall

I choose to be alone

If I ever get stuck

Please listen for my moan... Now, I'm leaving

[Lucy leaves]

Lincoln: [nervous] Right. [chuckles] Clyde, my sister Lilliana joined us. And get me to Anna's room, now. [crawls away] 

Clyde: Go three clicks and a right. Or was it three rights and a click? Wait. What's a click?

Lincoln: [crawling around] Never mind. I think I'm there. [falls through the vent hatch and slips; Lilliana catches him before he hits the bathroom floor.]

Lilliana: You're lucky I caught ya, Lincoln.

Lincoln: Phew. Thanks, Lilli.

[Lincoln's radio fell into the toilet.]

Lilliana: [disgusted] Eww.

Clyde: Lincoln! Is everything okay?

Lincoln: [swings and plunges the radio out] Yeah, Clyde. [groans at the soggy texture his radio has been contaminated with.] Everything's perfect.]

[More vent excavations]

Lilliana: We got eyes on the package.

Clyde: Package? What about Anna's phone?

[Lincoln facepalms and enters Anna's room via a red rope; however, it seems to be coming undone.]

Lillliana: [gets off the rope and grabs the phone] Let's hear this message!

[Lilliana gets blown into Anna's bed as she heard the message.]

Lilliana: Woah. You called Anna a b- [Lincoln covers her mouth]

Lincoln: [still on the rope] Yeah. I was very angry, actually no, I was ENRAGED! Anyways, Clyde, what kind of rope is this?

Clyde: Cherry licorice rope.

[Lincoln screams and thuds to the floor; this gets Anna's attention as she heads up the stairs to check it out.] 

Clyde: [frantic] Lincoln! Anna's coming! [suave] Don't worry, I'll stall her. [Draws a fake mustache on his upper lip and takes his shirt off and approaches Anna only to be stunned by her beauty.]

Anna: What?

[Clyde suddenly gets a nasty nosebleed from his shyness.]

Anna: Ugh! Gross! [runs to her room]

[Lincoln is just about to delete the message when he hears Anna just about to come in; she enters and looks around with a displeased look on her face; Lincoln is hiding under the with Lilliana's hands on his shoulder 'cause she dragged him under; Anna kicks off her new dress right under them and they hit both Lilliana and Lincoln's face.]

Lilliana: [mad] Really? [shuts her mouth]

Lincoln: Ugh! [shuts his mouth as well]

Anna: [suspiciously checks under her bed] So, this is where all my dresses are. [sees all her dresses and sewing machines under her bed]

Lilliana: Go on by yourself, Lincoln, I have to take my 30-minute nap. [naps]

Lincoln: [sighs] Ugh.

[Linoln had escaped her line of sight and tried reaching for Anna's phone, but Walt perches right onto it and bites Lincoln's finger, making him hold in his yelp of pain; Anna's phone finishes charging.]

Anna: Finally. [takes phone] Ooh! New messages! I'm so loved! [leaves] 

Lincoln: [panicking] Mission is compromised! The package is on the move! Clyde?

[Clyde has covered his nostrils with tissues to clear up the bleeding.]

Lincoln: Clyde! Do you read me?!

[Anna is listening to all the messages she got.]

Message 1: Hey, babe. It's Lucas. Do you think we'll always be together?

Anna: Awww! Totes saving that one [saves it]

[Clyde faints again]

Message 2: Hey, babe. It's Lucas again. Should our couple's name be Lucana or Lanna

Anna: [saves it] Saved.

[Lincoln hurries to stop Anna from getting to his message, but the twins stop him.]

Lola: We warned you, dirtbag!

Lana: It's the clink for Linc!

Lincoln: Look! Luan's making a jailbreak!

[The twins turn around and Lincoln makes a break for it downstairs.]

Lana: Hey!

Lola: Oh, forget that bum. He's out of our jurisdiction now.

Lana: Yeah. Let's get some doughnuts.

[They head out for a doughnut break; Lincoln gets downstairs and finds out that he's too late and Anna is already listening to his hateful message.]

Message: Hey, Anna. It's your dear brother, Lincoln.

Lincoln: Anna! [slow motion diving at her] NOOOOO! [thuds at normal speed] Ugh!

Message: There's something I've been meaning to tell you. You are... 

[Lincoln looks on in horror, but Anna deletes it before the rant can begin.]

Anna: [angry] Ugh! Delete! Lincoln, there are two rules in this house: stay out of my room, and never call my phone! My voicemail is full enough without useless messages from you!

Lincoln: [sarcastically relieved] Gee, Anna, I'm sorry.

Anna: [calms down] But, I'm gonna let it slide this time 'cause you were so mature when I broke your stupid toy.

lincoln: [sheepishly chuckles] Yeah, Right. That's me. Mr. Mature.

[Anna gets a call and answers it.]

Anna: Lucas. Only 12 messages today? I thought you cared about me.

Lincoln: [sighs with relief; to the viewers] Next time I have a problem with one of my sisters, I'll just talk to them instead of leaving a message or writing a nasty letter. [realizing] Speaking of which, where IS that letter? [looks around for it but hasn't found it.]

Anna: [plucking nose hairs while talking to Lucas] If you want our couple name to be Lanna, you're going to have to show a little- [sees something on the floor] What's this? Why Anna is the worst sister ever? [fuming] Lucas, I gotta go. I'm about to turn Lincoln into a burnt macaron!

[Lincoln is scratching his head and jumps in shock as Anna burst out of the bathroom with the letter in her hand showing the letter to him]

Anna: [furious] LINCOLN! WHAT IS THIS?!

Lincoln: Well, it's time to do the official dance of the Loud House: the Running Man! [puts on his new gaming goggles and starts dancing away from Anna's wrath.]

Anna: [exasperatingly rages] WHEN I GET MY HAND ON YOU, I'M GONNA-

[Luna rocks out by herself to censor Anna's rant of revenge, just like she and Lilliana did for Lincoln.]


1. The rest of the sextuplets are not shown nor have any lines during this episode.

2. I replaced Lori with Anna to keep it a bit more interesting

3. At the top of the page, I added Lilliana and Anna's appearance, aka how they look like.

The next episode is: Heavy Meddle

Words: 2,630

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