Season 1 Episode 2: Study Muffin

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In the Sextuplets dimeson, Lilliana was telling her sisters how she got everyone to the unknown dimeson.

Lilliana: So remember the story "Reacting to The Loud House" by JTom09 We Read?

[the sister's chatter in agreement]

Lilliana: ... So the dimension they are in is our old house but it's cartoon-like. They will have some time to sleep every 30 episodes after the 30th and a snack break every 25 episodes after the 25th and have a party when we finish a season like teleporting them to our dimension... yall know what I'm talking about right?

Elliana: Yeah, we know what you're talking about.

Lilliana: Okay. Let's just play the episode for them. Next up, Study Muffin!

[Lilliana and her sisters cheer in excitement]

[In the reacting dimension]

[Juilana went in front of the audience and then talked into the microphone.]

Juliana: Next episode, so before this! Let's have a Study Muffin!

[Juliana left the stage and clapped her hands, showing the title card for the NEXT episode.]

Title card: One Flu Over The Loud House

Joey: [excited] This looks interesting!

Juliana: Whoops! That's the next episode!

Joey: [disappointed] Aw Man!

Chaz: [reassuring him] It's just the next episode.

Joey: [feeling better] Well. I suppose you're right.

[Juliana clapped her hand again and the CORRECT title card was shown.]

Title Card: Study Muffin

Adelaide: What is a Study Muffin?

Sid: We will find out, Adelaide.

[Lincoln is looking at his test with an F.]

Lincoln: I don't get it, Clyde. Usually, I'm a good student but lately, it's all been C's and D's, and now an F.

Clyde: [Grabs Lincoln's test] Wow, and a frowny face too. That's cold.

Albert, Leonard, Lynn Sr., Rita, and Mrs. Johnson gave Lincoln a look "Did you even study?!"

Lincoln: If I don't turn this around, I can fail fifth grade!

Clyde: Lincoln, you can't! If I go to middle school without you, I could fall into the wrong crowd, get tattoos, and start littering.

[Flash into Clyde's imagination, where a punk version of him throws a corndog on the ground, then the rest of his lunch, and proceeds to hit the food with his backpack. The scene flashes back to reality.]

Howard and Harold shuddered and held Clyde closely.

Lincoln: Don't worry, Clyde. I've got a plan.

[Scene cuts to Lincoln in Lisa and Lily's room.]

Lisa: Sorry, Lincoln. But my tutoring schedule is completely booked. I got math with Lucy on Mondays, geology with Lynn on Tuesdays, finger painting with Lily on Wednesdays, et cetera et cetera. [Shows Lincoln her schedule] Oh, being the residence genius is both a blessing and a curse, though I believe in neither.

David: Wow. That's a busy schedule.

Darcy: (praising) You're so smart, Lisa! (sternly) But TOO smart that you can be OVER the top.

Lisa: Thank you, Darcy... I think.

Lincoln: But, Lisa, you're my last hope!

Lisa: Mm. Pish-posh. Try the Community College. I've heard through the tutoring grapevine that students there tutor for extra credit.

Lori: Wait! I know who this is!

Luan: It's Hugh!

Lynn Sr., the sisters (barring Lily) started cheering "HUGH!" "HUGH" etc. Much to everyone's confusion.

Girl Jordan: (confused, predicting) Something tells me that things are going downhill.

Leni: (dumbfounded) But we're not going down a hill?

Everyone facepalmed.

Lori:(deadpanned) It means things are going to go wrong, Leni.

Leni: (understanding) Oh... So smart!

Anna: (bored) It goes uphill...

Girl Jordan: (excited) Really?

Anna:(still bored) ... For the girls under 18.

Girl Jordan: (disappointed) Oh.

The girls under 18 squealed excitedly, while the Mortican's Club Girl Members including Lucy were like, "Squeal, squeal."

Lincoln: Great idea, Lis! [heads off to the Community College.]


Lori: Yeah, that wasn't my motivated time.

[Later, the doorbell rings, and Lincoln answers it to find a good-looking fellow at the door.]

Hugh: Um... beg your pardon. Is this the Loud residence?

Lincoln: Yep. You must be my tutor. I'm Lincoln.

Hugh: I'm Hugh. Quite chuffed to meet you.

All the girls under 18 (also Miguel), [barring Sam and Lily] instantly blushed, Howard and Harold were fanning themselves, trying not to blush. Causing the girls' boyfriends/the people who had a crush on one of them to get jealous.

Carol: [dreamily] He's so hot!

Darcy: [lovestruck] Hugh's so pretty!

Lincoln: Uh... the chuff is all mine. Come on in.

[They both head inside and begin their study session.]

Lincoln: I appreciate this, Hugh. I have a big multi-subject coming up, and I need to ace it.

Rusty: It was a massive test.

Rocky: [raising an eyebrow] So big that you had to cheat the test.

Ms. Johnson, Principal Huggins, Rameriez, and Rivers raised an eyebrow as well.

Rusty: [covers his brother's mouth nervously] Uh... he said nothing, just an error.

[Enter Lori on her phone.]

Lori: So, I'm like, if you don't know the difference between dance team ad color guard- [gasps at the sight of Hugh and drops her phone; now stammering.]

The Louds and Casagrades glared at Lori who puts her head down in shame.

Lincoln: [concerned] Lori, you okay?

Lori: [speechless] [Picks up her phone.] I was just going to get a... hunk of meat. I mean, a dish of cereal. Er, tall drink of water! [turns and smacks into the wall, dropping her phone again.]

Hugh: Miss, you dropped your mobile. [picks it up and hands it to her.]

[Lori fawns awkwardly and Lana enters with a net.]

Bobby: (pouting, jealous) Lori! I can be better than that dweeb!

Lori: (smirking) Really? Remember when you were jealous of Ewan?

Bobby: [puzzled] No.

Lori: The one in Fairway University?

Bobby: [nervous] Oh right. [giggled sheepishly]

Lana: I heard a goose! I call dibs! [notices Hugh and gets the same reaction as Lori.] [Enter Leni wearing a face mask.]

Leni: I heard a sheep. [removes the cucumber slices on her head and sees Hugh.] AAH! MY FACE! [runs off]

The kids laughed when Leni blushes

Chaz: Chaz likes the normal Leni. No need facemask.

Leni: Ohh Chazzy, [kisses him on the cheek, making him blush.]

Everyone: AWW!

[The rest of Lincoln's sisters minus Lily show up with their things. They see Hugh and react as Lori and Lana did.]

Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, and Lisa:

Sam: [enivous] I don't like what I'm seeing, Luna.

Luna: [sheepishly] Sorry.

[Leni returns without her facial mask.]

Leni: Hey, guys. Oh, Lincoln, I didn't know you were entertaining. Hi. I'm- [sees Hugh up close and reacts the same way]

Hugh: Um, hello. I'm Hugh, Lincon's tutor. It's lovely to meet you all.

Sisters: [infatuated]

The Loud's significant others felt jealous.

Lincoln: [annoyed] Could you guys please get out of here? We're trying to study.

Lola: It's a free country, Lincoln. [stands next to Hugh] We can stand where we want to.

Lana: [cuts in front of Lola] I'm standing here!

Lola: The heck you are!

[The twins start fighting by flailing their hands at each other.]

Lana: You're blocking my view!

Lola: You're blocking my Hugh!

[The girls start marching toward Hugh who backs up into a corner.]

Lori: Out of my way!

Hugh: [nervous] Oh my word. There are quite a few of you. Friendly lot.

[The girls get closer with Luna hopping and flailing her tongue like a dog upfront. Walt perches himself on Hugh's arm.]

Hugh: Oh. Hello. Bit cheeky, aren't we?

[Cliff and Charles are nuzzling his legs. Seeing this, Lincoln comes to help him.] 

Lincoln: Come on, Hugh! Let's go somewhere a little less crowded. [pulls Hugh free]

Rita: Girls! Lincoln's trying to study, let him be!

The sisters barring Lily put their heads down to shame, while their crushes started to snap.


Benny: [also enraged] I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! LUAN!!

[Their boyfriends except Sam and Beny also stated their opinions and stood up, and sat somewhere else. Away from their girlfriend and sat close next to Lily.]

Rita: See, now your boyfriends are mad at you.

The girls sighed in shame.

[The living room]

Lincoln: Sorry about my sisters. They're not usually like this.

Hugh: Oh, it's no bother. They seem like very spirited young ladies.

Carl: More like childish young ladies.

Lola: [enraged] TAKE THAT BACK!

[Lola starts beating Carl up, making him cry in pain. Carlota groans in annoyance and separates the two.]

Carlota: [annoyed] Lola, go sit back down... No one's allowed to beat up my brother except me, CJ, and Carlitos... Ughh!

[Lola pouts as she sat down, her twin sister patted her back, making her feel better.]

[There's a banging at the window and it's revealed to be Lincoln's sisters looking through the window. Luan has her camera to film Hugh.]

Lynn: Get out of the way!

Leni: You're blocking my Hugh!

Giggles: [deadpanned] Luan? filming Hugh with your camera?

Luan giggled sheepishly.

[Their behavior enrages Lincoln, causing him to slam the table with his hand. He closes the curtain on them so he can resume his studies.]

Everyone jumped at Lincoln's mad face.

Zach: [adding on] Sorry Hugh, but if you have 9 sisters barring one. That's how to shut them up and how to focus on your studies without them meddling in your life.

Lincoln sisters [barring Lily and Leni] HEY! WE DO NOT!

Leni: But I thought we did when Lincoln bully had a crush on him?

Lori: Seriously Leni?

Leni: Sorry about me and my big mouth.

Lincoln: As I was saying, sorry about my-

[The arguing resumes as a periscope protrudes in one of Lincoln's sisters peeping in. Lincoln angrily shoves it back up the fireplace, hitting the peeping sister, which is Lola.]

Lola: OW! MY EYE!

Girl Jordan: [annoyed] OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Can you guys just let him study in peace?

Lynn Jr: [trailing off] Well... we did for a while then-

Lisa: [covering Lynn's mouth nervously, cutting her off] No spoilers!

[Lincoln and Hugh go upstairs where Lynn Sr. is as he notices Hugh as well.]

Lincoln: Again, sorry about my sisters. Maybe we should study in my room.

Hugh: Brilliant!

[Lynn Sr. is now wearing a bowler hat and holding a miniature Union Jack.]

Lynn Sr.: [in a faux British accent] Cheerio! Pip-pip and all that rut! [hugs Hugh] Lynn Loud Sr. I did a college semester in merry old England. So many memories. Bangers and mash, riding the Tube...

Hugh: [uncomfortable] Ah, yes. Cheers.

Principal Ramirez: Just taking a semester in England does not make you British, you have to BORN there to be British. Also, even if you were British, a British man will not act like this and DDESERVEESERVED TO BE CALLED BRITISH.

The people from England nodded.

Rita: Took the words out of my mouth, Principal Ramirez.

Rita stared at Lynn Sr., who chuckled nervously.

Leonard: [disappointed] Lynnie, I did not raise you to act like this!

Lynn Sr.: [guilty] Yes Dad... I'm sorry Lincoln.

Lincoln: Water under the bridge Dad.

Lynn Sr.: [touched, trying not to tear up] Oh... come here Lincoln!

[Lynn Sr. and Lincoln shared a hug, everyone smiled at the touching scene.]

[Enter Lori]

Lori: Oh. Hugh. My winery is stuck and I need someone very strong to open it. [takes Hugh away from her dad, who doesn't even notice.]

Lynn Sr.: [humming] Hmm, hmm... fish and chips.

[Lincoln sighs at this sight and walks away. In Lori and Leni's  room, Hugh.]

Hugh: There you are, love. Right as rain.

Lori: [amorous] Wow. I bet you work out a lot, huh? [Chuckles]

Hugh: Well, I did do a spot on the crew in the fifth form.

Lori: I like all your forms. [fawns awkwardly again] 

Carol: Seriously Lori?

Lori: [defending herself] Well he was hot!

[Lincoln sighs again. Enter Lisa.]

Lisa: I need to borrow Hugh for a second. I'm tutoring Lola.

Rita: [disappointed] And why is that young lady?

Rita stared at Lisa, making her put her head down in shame.

Lincoln: What?

Hugh: Glad to help. What's the subject?

[Lisa stares at him with a creepy smile and makes a creepy giggle to go along with it.]

David: [sarcastic, jealous] Sure a creepy smile and giggle to go along with it. Sure...

Everyone else glared at Lisa.

Lisa: [nervous] Oh, I can explain.

[Cut to Lola's tutoring session.]

Lisa: [showing Hugh's abdomen] This is called a Rectus Abdominis, otherwise known as six-packie pack.

Hugh: [embarrassed] Oh, I say! [Pulls his shirt down]

Winston and David: Do I need to work out at the gym?

Lisa and Lola could only give a smile sheepishly.

[The girls under 18. (Including Howard, Harold, and Miguel. Sans Sam and Lily) blushed instanly]

Stella: [lovestruck] He hbabesot abes!

Sid: [Also loves] prettier than Yoon Kwan.

Lisa: Now, if you turn around, I'll point out the Gluteus Maximus.

[The rest of the girls charge in and they and Lola squeal enticingly.]

The people in fifth grade and higher glared at the girls.

Carl: What does that mean?

Rita: HIS BUTT! [Sees Carl's terrified] Sorry, Carl. I didn't mean to scare you like that beat I meant to scare 10 LITTLE MISSY THAT is GROUND FOR A WEEK!

The 10 sisters gulped nervously at their mother's rage.

Hugh: [frightened] Really? But this is the most-

Lincoln: [Fed up] All right, all right. Class dismissed. [Takes Hugh away]

[As they leave, Lori gets a quick snap of Hugh's butt.

Bobby, Rita, Albert, and Leonard: LORI!

[Hugh and Lincoln are now up in the attic.]

Lincoln: Sorry about this. It's the only place we'll get any privacy. It's a bit dark, but there's a lamp right there.

[Lincoln turns on the light. Lucy is right there from the shadowy corner, startling them.]

Lucy: Hi, Hugh. I wrote a poem about you. Hugh. Wavy hair. Mysterious eyes. Pretty cool for a living guy. Hugh.

Rocky became jealous.

Morpheus: Spooky poem and NOT in a way we like it.

Lucy: [shame] Sigh.

[Enter Lynn Sr. now wearing a royal guard hat.]

Lynn Sr.: [in posh accent] Ello, governor! Picked this up at ye olde shopgham Palace gift shoppe.

Leonard: [angry] LYNN SR...

[Enter Lola who pushes her family members aside.]

Lola: EVERYBODY OUT! [gets out her tea party set] It's tea time for me and Hugh. I made yours WITHOUT sugar, 'cause you're already sweet. [Giggles and flutters her eyelashes]

Dante: So creepy and not in a way we like it.

[Inside the kennel of Charles' Doghouse]

Lincoln: [Fed up] Okay, I highly doubt anyone's gonna bother us here.

[Lincoln looks over there as Lana is in the doghouse drinking water with Charles.]

Lana: [notices Hugh and waves flirtatiously] Oh, hi, Hughie.

Skippy: [envious] Oh no, not this again...

Lana: [worried] I'm sorry, Ski-

Skippy: [mad] Don't even say my name!

Lana hung her head down in sadness and shame.

[Charles gets up on Hugh and licks his face.]

Luna: Dudes! He's in the pooch pad!

[The rest of the girls, their dad, Walt, and Cliff all rush to the doghouse, each getting stuck in the hole, begging for Hugh to join them, leaving him in a panic.]

Hugh: Aah! This again!

[This commotion ultimately destroys Charles' doghouse.]

Lincoln: [furious] ALRIGHT! FAMILY MEETING! [To Hugh] Back in a jiff.

Rita: [enraged] It got so bad that you DESTROY CHARLES' DOGHOUSE!

Charles: Woof! Woof! Bark! Bark!

Sergio: He says " Yeah guys, don't break my doghouse!"

Rita: [mad] But YOU also bugged Hugh... and Lincoln, so that's karma for you.

Charles: [admitting defeat] Woof.

[Family meeting in the living room.]

Lincoln: You guys are unbelievable. The minute a good-looking guy with an accent shows up, you all go completely bonkers.

Leni: [in denial] That is so not true! [reveals to be wearing a sweater dedicated to Hugh] I've got these Hugh sweaters in small, medium, and large.

Girls and Lynn Sr.: Ooh!

Sameer: [Trying not to barf] That's just weird and gross.

Lincoln: This has to end. I need to study, or I'm gonna flunk fifth grade! So from now on, Hugh is OFF LIMITS.

Zachary: [smirking proudly] Yeah! You give them that speech! L-Train!

[The girls all complain about Lincoln's decision and walk away disappointed.]

Lynn Sr.: [in accent] Now, girls, you heard Lincoln.

Lincoln: [agitated] Uh, that means you too, Dad.

Lynn Sr.: [disappointed] Ohhh.

[He and the three pets leave upset and Walt poops on Lincoln in retaliation.]

Lincoln: Ugh! [He gets even more annoyed.]

Sergio: [deadpanned] Really, Walt? Really?

[Walt chirped in shame.]

[Lincoln's room]

Lincoln: Sorry that took so long to take care of. Finally, we can get down to business.

Hugh: Brilliant. Let's start with mathematics. [opens math book] See if you can solve for X.

[Lincoln writes down his equation.]

Lincoln: Is that right?

Hugh: Well done! Let's move on to social studies. [opens social studies book] What are the three major exports of Bosnia-Herzegovina?

Lincoln: [thinking] Um...aluminum, car seats, and leather footwear?

Hugh: Smashing! Shall we have a go at Earth Sciences?

Lisa: [complimenting] You're so smart! Lincoln!


Hugh: [impressed] Lincoln, you're spot-on in all of your lessons. Even surrealist art.

[Lincoln had painted his version of The Son of Man by Rene Magritte with him as the son and a Tennis ball as an apple.]

Lincoln: [confused] It's weird. I thought I needed so much help.

Rita: You are a smart person.

Hugh: It's all in your head, chum. There's no reason you shouldn't be getting top marks in your exam. Well, I guess you won't be needing me anymore.

[The girls and pets burst in through the door.]

Sisters: [devastated] NOOOOOOOO!

Hugh: [frantic] Good heavens! Are all Yanks like this? [The sisters cast a shadow over him.] Careful! Mind the hair!

[The girls and their dad all surround Hugh with no little escape. He crawls out and runs for his life.]


[Hugh is on a Penny-Farthing pedaling for as fast as he can for his life! As the girls, their dad, and the pets give chase.]


Leonard: [mad] Lynn Sr, you're a grown man. Not a child.

[The next day, Lincoln returns home from school with a despondent look on his face.]

Lynn: [Playing with a baseball] How'd the test do, bro? Did you ace it?

Lincoln: [Angrily] No! I got an F! [Slumps on the floor]

Luan: [Takes the test off her brother's head and looks at it] Oh, and a frowny face. That's cold! [pulls out a phone] I know just HUGH to call! [Laughs] Get it?

[The girls start fighting over who should call him.]

Lana: I'm calling Hugh!

Lola: No, me!

Lori: I'm calling Hugh!

Rita: [angry] You're calling a man that is uncomfortable around you.

Lincoln: I don't get it. I thought I knew all the answers. [Sighs] Ms. DiMartino is definitely gonna flunk me now.

[The girls crease their fight.]

Lynn: Wait. Ms. DiMartino?

Sam's eyes widened.

San: [ whispering dreamily] She was so hot!

Lincoln: Yeah. she's been our substitute teacher since Mrs. Johnson broke her leg riding a mechanical bull.

 The audience except for Ms. Johnson: OOH!/OUCH!

Ages: [flinching] Yeah. The controls went haywire.

Luna: Dude, no wonder you're failing. Ms. D is so smokin'. Guys go completely bonkers around her.

Lynn Sr.: Oh, her, the ho- [sees Rita glaring at her] I mean, the Latina substitute teacher?

Lori: Yeah. Even Bobby nearly flunked because of her. Of course, that was BL: Before Lori. [grimly] Or he never would have noticed her.

Bobby scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

Lincoln: But that couldn't happen to me! [thinking] Could it?

[A flashback to Ms. DiMatino preparing for her first day as a substitute for Ms. Johnson's class.]

Girl Jordan: Hi, Ms. DiMatino!

[Enter Lincoln walking by, captivated.]

Lincoln: [walks into a locker door.]

[In class, Zach gives Ms. DiMatino an apple with a heart-shaped balloon tied to its stem. Rusty gives her a box of chocolates. Liam gives her a bonsai tree trimmed like a heart. Lincoln gives her a fruit basket dedicated to the state of Michigan. Lincoln is sharpening his pencil while being distracted by Ms. DiMatino's beauty. He sharpens his pencil down so much that it's stubby now. It happened to a lot of his pencils.]

All the boys under 18 sighed lovestruck.

[Ms. DiMatino is writing down the French term for "to love", Aimer, and how to conjugate.]

Aimer/To love

Tu aimes

Il aime

Nous aimons

Vous Aimez

Ils aiment

Ms. DiMatino: Let's conjugate the French verb, "Aimer", to love. J'aime, tu aimes, il aime, nous aimons...

[The boys are too busy ogling and drooling over her to pay attention.

Benny: [lovestruck] I love her!

[At lunchtime in the cafeteria, Lincoln and his friends all look at her and wander into the trashcan.]

Rusty: [erratically in Liam's voice] Oh! Found my retainer!

Girl Jordan: Wait! Why is Rusty in Liam's voice?

[The class is taking a test.]

Ms. DiMatino: You'll have one hour to complete the test. Eyes on your own paper.

[During the test, Lincoln fills in his test with a big heart.]

Rita: [mad] And your eyes were on Ms. DiMatino.

[End Flashback]

Lincoln: [realizes] Holy shmoly! You guys are right! I DO go completely bonkers around Ms. DiMatino. Just like you guys did around Hugh.

[The girls are all wearing Hugh sweaters.]

Leni: I don't know why you keep saying that. By the way, if Hugh and I ever got married and had a baby... [shows an online baby picture she made]'s what it would look like.

Liam: [exclaiming] Yall are getting stupider and stupider each second.

Lisa: Oh, Leni, you're delusional. Because I'm gonna marry him, and our progeny is gonna look like this. [shows her online baby]

[The girls start fighting again, this time over who will marry Hugh.]

The audience groaned.

Lincoln: Guys, you gotta help me! I don't wanna flunk fifth grade! Clyde could end up as a tattooed litterbug!

[The girls stop again and are puzzled by what he said.]

Lincoln: It made sense when he said it.

Howard: I agree.

Luan: Maybe you can get Ms. DiMatino to let you retake the test.

Lincoln: But as long as she's anywhere near me, I'm still gonna blow it!

Lisa: Well then, the solution would be to remove her from your field of vision. Observe. [takes Lori's phone with a picture of Hugh as its wallpaper, she makes that creepy smile towards it and goes to Lori.] Lori, what is Bobby's full name?

Lori: Roberto Alejandro Martinez- [gets shown the Hugh picture and fawns over it; Lisa pulls it back.] Roberto Alejandro- [gets shown it and fawns again; it's pulled back.] Roberto- [shown and fawning again.]

Lisa: And now to delate.

Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, and Lola: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!

[Lisa deletes the Hugh image which is now replaced with a picture of Lori taking a duckface selfie.] 

Lori: [shakes her head and comes to her senses.] Roberto Alejandro Martinez-Millan Luis Santiago Jr.

Sandee: Woah... That's a long name!

Lisa: Case closed. 

Lincoln: Got it. [leaves]

Lisa: Don't worry, guys. I have more photos of Hugh saved in the cloud.

Rita: And is gonna get deleted off that cloud.

[The next day of school, Lincoln is retaking the test in his locker to avoid seeing Ms. DiMatino.]

Lincoln: Thanks for letting me retake the test, Ms. DiMatino.

Ms. DiMatino: No problem, Lincoln. [slides the retake through the locker's slot.] Here you go. You have one hour to complete it and keep your eyes on your own paper. [giggles]

Lincoln: [charmed] Gosh, and you're funny, too. [makes an air horn sound to focus.]

[In his locker, Lincoln has a headlight on so he can see and writes down the answers to the questions.]

Sid: That's clever.

[Later, Lincoln joins up with Clyde for some good news.]

Lincoln: Clyde! I did it! I aced the test!

Skippy: Way to go! Lincoln!

Clyde: That's awesome, Lincoln! So, you're not gonna flunk fifth grade?

Lincoln: Nope. The only downside is, I'm going to be spending a lot of time inside my locker.

Lynn Sr.: Why?

[They approach their classroom.]

Lincoln: Well, here goes. [covers his eyes and steps in] Better shield my eyes from our teacher's blinding beauty.]

Mrs. Johnson: Oh, well, thank you.

[Mrs. Johnson is back in the classroom with her leg in a cast and sitting in a wheelchair.]

Mrs. Johnson: I'm flattered. [charmingly] Why don't you come to sit in the front row, Lincoln?

Lincoln: [laughs awkwardly] Uh...yes. Brilliant.

Everyone burst into laughter.

[Gym class outside]

Lincoln: Now that Mrs. Johnson's back looks like my troubles are over. 

[Unfortunately for Lincoln, he and Clyde see a familiar face, Ms. DiMatino is now a substitute coach.]

Lincoln and Clyde: [captivated]

Everyone: Oh no.

Girl Jordan: What happened to Coach Pacowski?

Ms. DiMatino: Mrs. Johnson ran over his foot with her wheelchair, so I'll be subbing in gym class for a while. [blows her whistle] Let's do some laps, everybody! [giggles]

[The girls are well-focused, but the boys are too distracted.] 

Lincoln and Clyde: [running while distracted]

[They collide into a basketball pole due to their infatuated state, as do a few other boys.]

Sergio: Well that was one heck of an episode.

Next up, We walk inside the Loud House to see how One Flu Over The Loud House works.

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