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❝ True Friends Are Families Which You Can Select.❞


At Office

Faisal : Bro, you okay?

Sidd : May I ask you something?

Faisal : Of course. Shoot me with questions and I will answer in a few seconds.

Sidd : Do you think Reem hates me?

Faisal : Nope. Not even a bit. You and Ruhi both were her everything. Bro,you shouldn't think like that. After all, we are all humans and humans are known for making mistakes.

Sidd : But still she deserved better. I scolded her for the first time for not really the mistake she did at that day. I really don't deserve to be happy.

Faisal : I see nothing wrong in it. It was a normal thing that you were stressed that day and you scolded her. Bro,don't be hard on yourself.

Sidd : But I still feel guilt in myself when I am happy or simply enjoying myself.

Sidd : And there's this girl who makes me forgot all my past memories and start a new fresh start. And I just don't think it's fair to Reem, and our beautiful memories which we cherished together.

Faisal : Bro,that doesn't make you a bad person. Reem will always live inside your heart, but then it's okay to find a zoar in a friendship. And there's nothing wrong with a new fresh start and even to love again .

Sidd : Love Again? I can never do it so. Reem was my everything, and they say love only happen once.

Faisal : You can actually love more than one person and it's a universal truth.

Sidd's POV:

It has been three years since she left from my life forever. I had cried myself to sleep and ask why did life do this with me? I drowned in my own misfortune, the sorrow of not having Reem with me anymore. It's from within in me where I can feel my soul is gone. I had dreamed of Reem's warm touch, her descending gaze and her soft lips as they pressed mine. But no matter how much I cried, how much I prayed, I am never going to get her back. I just hope that wherever she is, she knows how much I love her, how much I miss her.

In The Evening

Avu dressed in casual clothes, ready to go to the mansion. Ruhi will be arriving in the morning.

Jaan(making a sad face) : I wish you could stay here with me tonight too.

Avu : I wished too, Jaan. But I must go. Ruhi will be arriving in the early morning and I should be there. You know you can come meet me tomorrow.

Jaan : Yeah I know.

Avu : Cool. Then Bye.

Jaan (not willing enough) : Bye.

Avu arrived at the mansion and she had nothing to do basically so she decided to go out the street to roam around.


Sidd : Shit, Avu just went out.

He rushed to outside, cold sweat ran down his back. He finally got a glimpse of Avu. The desperation began to swell him up as he knew the girl he cared about was shit scared. And why won't she? It was a loud noise of the gunshot.

Sidd's POV:

She looked really scared as her hands in the shape of the cup let out the pain and tears streaming down her gorgeous face. I felt a bit overwhelmed to find her safe in the moment.

Avu's POV:

I was nearly gagging with the gruesome in my knot, when I heard these gunshots making me even hard to breath. The noise if the gunshots were loud and scary at the sane time.

Sidd's hands rested around my waist , his muscular hands guarding me from back. I could feel his breathing against my neck as we were standing really close. My heart was racing and my stomach fluttered.

Sidd : Are you okay, Avu?

There was a firm in the way he spoke, beautifully and delicately.

Fuck, I have never felt this connection to anyone before.

This began to overwhelming me. His hazel eyes pierced right through my eyes as he stood there in silence.

The moon was casting its light perfectly upon us. His face was perfectly structured which stood a few inches from me.

This was a heated condition which I could touch with my hands as everything vanished around.

Sidd : Let's go back home.

He spoke yet again with delicate.

I nodded to him.

Someone hiding and looking this scene:

Unknown : So she is getting closer to Sidd and Sidd too.

*evil laughs*

Unknown : She won't because that should be my place where she is standing and I will make sure I will snatch it from her.

unknown : Sidd is mine! Only mine. I will easily get rid of her, just like I did with REEM!

*AGAIN evil laughs*

At Home

Sidd's POV:

The most beautiful in the mansion right now was Avu itself. The veil of the unknown was dropped tonight allowing me to know Avu more, better. But still, I knew I had to learn more about her.

Tonight, I got a chance to tell her of I dreamed to become a successful business man, making it big.

She's sweet,understanding and most intriguing person I had ever met.

She's indeed everything a guy could ask for.

To be continued......

Yay, our Siddneet is getting closer😉.
And of course, the villain is gonna come in between....

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