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❝Party Turns Into Disaster


Avu's POV:

As we entered the party, I observed as many people bumped and grinded on the not so dance floor, and the neon lights coming up from fog machine. Just then a beautiful girl in her early 20s snapped to Jaan.

Girl : Oh My Gosh! Jaan you came to my party.

Jaan : Yes, of course. You were hosting it so how could I not?

Girl : By the way, she came with you?

The girl asked pointing to Avu.

Jaan : Yes, meet my new friend or more like soul sister,Avneet. Avu for short. (Jaan turns to Avu) And Avu she is Roshni. Rosh for short. My bestie!

So the girl is reveled to be Roshni.

Avu (a bit awkwardly) : Hi.

Rosh : Hi. Glad to meet Jaan's new soul sister.

Avu : And Glad to meet Jaan's bestie.

The trio laughed together.

Rosh : You know, Avu, today you reminded us of Reem again.

Avu : Uhhmmmm... how?

Rosh : I used to host parties a lot and Jaan would always bring Reem with her. We would always talk nonsense jokes and laughed to death. Our bond - it was just unbreakable.

Jaan(trying not look really sad) : Yes, indeed it was. But now she's in a better place.

Rosh : I know 😭.

Someone called Rosh from the back.

Rosh : I gotta go. Enjoy yourselves.

After Rosh left:

Avu : Jaan, who's Reem?

Jaan : She's Ruhi's mother. Sidd's childhood sweetheart. His first love, kiss, everything. Sidd and Reem's love - it was just pure. And their Jodi - just like Shah rukh khan and Kajol.

Avu : "Ouch, why does those words gave me a heartache? Why? Why? Even I have no answer for that."

Avu : So what happened to her?

Jaan : No one knows. She was in a car accident and the rumor has it that she is death. But no one actually found her body.

Avu : Oh, so that explains why Sidd is an emotion less person.

Jaan : He might act like a cold hearted person but inside he is still the soft heart buddy.

They were deep in their conversation when some one from back disturbed them.

Guy (flirtingly) : Hello beautiful ladies.

Jaan : Adi, you here?

Adi : of course. Nice to meet you Jaan! And wow, what's your name, pretty girl?

Jaan : First of all, only my friends are allowed to call me Jaan.

Adi : Ouch, you hurt my feelings. I thought we were friends?

Jaan : A big flirt like you who only wants to get in girl's pens can never be my friend.

Adi : Oh, really? Then what about your loving boyfriend?

Jaan's face became filled with tears.

Avu : Faisal might be flirty but his intentions isn't to get in girl's pens and we all know how much he loves Jaan!

Adi : Woah. Hold on. A pretty girl like you doesn't suit with a sassy mouth. You should already be in my bed.

Avu : Not even in your dreams!(Turns to Jaan) Come on Jaan, let's go.

Adi : "For fuck sake, by the end of the night, you will already be in my bed, begging! Mark my words, pretty girl."

After 3 Hours of drinking(light):

Avu : Jaan, I am going out to have a fresh air.

Jaan : OK, Avu.

Avu's POV:

I came to the pool side, to get a fresh air. I needed a break from many out there. And no I am not Drunk.

I turned to go back when I experienced two forceful hands on my mouth, dragging me to a room, unnoticed.

I tried screamed for help but I couldn't. He pressed me against the wall.

Avu : You Asshole!

Adi : Awwn, you so pretty, sexy as hell. I just wanna have some fun.

I shrieked as I felt his body weight against mine.

Avu : Get off me, asshole!

Adi : The choice is yours. Whether you let me do it, it will be less pain or I will forcefully be doing it, and darling it will pain more.

He stepped so close to me that I felt his lips closed to touch mine. I could smell the alcohol as he spoke. My heart stood still, as I looked into those rough, rugged exterior.

Avu : Please. Leave me.

Adi : Now that's my girl. Don't worry, I will leave you after having fun.

Avu : You---You gon--gonna rape me?

Adi : Nope. More like fucking!

His disgusting hands started to touch my whole body as he forcefully kissed me. The kiss was a forceful! I was crying, shouting for help, but there was no response back, my voice echoed back. He was biting my lips.

Adi : No one will hear you here!

Avu : Pl---ple---please....

He didn't reply me back. His hands still running down through my whole body as his lips bit mine. I felt disgusted of his touch. I wished someone would hear me. Someone would free me here. His hands were strong, to which I couldn't act back.

His hands arrived to my private part, his smirks getting wider. Just when I thought everything was going to end, I heard some foot steps. I tried to scream, but his hands were around my neck.

Someone : Is anyone there?

I knew this voice. He can save me from here. I wasn't able to response. Just then, I spotted a vase. My hands pushed the vase, as it broke into pieces on the ground, making a big noise. I hope he would understand.

He tried to open the door, but it was locked. Eventually, he broke the door.

Guy : Avu?

Avu (choking) : S--Si---Si--Sid. F--Fa---Fai---Faisa-----Faisal.

Adi : SIDD! FASIAL!!! She--she was forcing me to do it.


I heard some screams as I passed on of the rooms. This crying was familiar. I tried to open the door, but it was no use. It was locked from inside.

Faisal : Bro, maybe we should just break this door.

Sidd : you're right. It's locked from inside.

As our first attempt to break the door failed, we tried to open it the next time.

As the door opened, I witnessed Avu. Her innocent eyes filled with tears. Her makeups was ruined due to tears constantly dripping from her eyes to cheeks. She was being forced by Adi. This scenario made my blood boiled. The scenes was obvious but Adi still lied, putting all the blame to Avu. How could he? She ran to me as he freed her.

Avu's POV:

I ran to Sidd's arms as Adi freed me. My eyes met the deepest, brown, soft and bright eyes. I was in his arms, lost in his gaze, as his eyes fumed with anger. Everything went black after that.

To Be Continued.....

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Till then,

Bye 💜

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