A Con Man? Not Me, I'm Not a Man!

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Birth name: Kailee Madison Attuswam

Name: Toni Kaiden Jones

Reason for change: It's basically a stage name, but it's also just what they feel most comfortable being called

Pronunciation: K-aye-den





Nicknames: Tone, Tones, Jones, Kay, Desperato, Jonesy, T.K. and K.D. for anytime

When specified feminine- Ni-ni

When specified masculine- Jones

Age: 28

Birthdate: June 7th

Birthplace: Atlanta, Georgia

Current residence: Las Vegas, Nevada

Zodiac sign: Gemini

Belief in astrology: They say they believe it, but in reality they think it's a bunch of hooey, like magic

Biological sex: Female

Gender/gender identity: Gender-fluid

Pronouns: He/they/it/she/xe/ke

Preferred pronouns: It depends, they'll normally let people know. They have pins for all their pronouns and usually, unless they're coning, have them everywhere they go.

Sexual orientation: Pansexual and Panromantic

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Japanese and Caucasian; German

Nationality: American

Main Language: English

Languages known: English, German, Japanese, and Spanish


Personality: Toni is a masked character. They don't let anybody see their true self and will go through every length they can to keep themselves hidden. They are seen as an interesting person, but as soon as someone they scam figures out they have been scammed, Toni's charm basically disappears and suddenly, they are the most hated person within a 1,000 mile radius.

They are a bit aggressive when people know about their.....work....but in reality they are just a adrenaline junkie. The idea of ripping someone off and having them hate, and sometimes chase after, them is exhilarating. They have this problem with starting things that don't need to be started, but that's only in relationships, romantic ones.

Toni is good with friends. Kind of. They are that one flirty friend that often can go too far. As soon as their friends day stop though, they stop. They immediately apologize and watch themself afterwards. They take their friendships very seriously and would cut off all their limbs before they did anything to hurt their friends purposefully. Romantic relationships on the other hand.

This is where Toni becomes less ideal of a person. They often start fights for no reason. They 'get bored' pretty easily in relationships which makes it harder for them to stay in one longer than a couple months. They have commitment issues and often get unreasonably hostile toward their partner. They also are extremely insecure and think they're undeserving of others, therefore making anyone that asks them out, as long as the person is familiar to, and liked by, Toni, they'll say yes. Toni thinks that nobody actually likes them, so when somebody does, they have to say yes or they'll be alone forever. It's very mess.

Deep down they're a supportive, fun loving person. They have a strange sense of humor that can be slightly dark at times, but only about things that apply to them. They wouldn't ever make a joke about being black, but being Japanese? That is way on the table.

Counter to that, they are extremely self confident and will claim they are the sexiest person on earth sometimes.

IQ: 120

Intelligence: 14/20

Common sense: 15/20

Reflexes: 11/20

Speed: 17/20; They got fast after scamming semi-smart people that could get scammed, but figure it out quickly.

Flexibility: 13/20

Hand-eye coordination: 14/20

Upper body strength: 13/20

Lower body strength: 13/20

General strength: 13/20

Dominance: 10/20

Submissiveness: 10/20


~Doing their makeup
~Wearing extensions
~Fake flowers
~Dress clothes
~Their hair short
~Tricking people
~Changing their appearance
~Not being misgendered
~Tony Stark
~The drums
~Adrenaline rushes
~Johnny Depp
~Their boobs


~Doing their makeup
~Wearing extensions
~Being misgendered
~When they feel femme, get ready, and then feel masc
~The thought of unicorns
~Their boobs
~White chocolate
~Road rage
~Sometimes looking in the mirror
~Real flowers
~Ice cold water
~The number 7
~When people aren't dumb enough to be tricked
~Their retainer

Habits: The sometimes get stuck in their conman mode and talk to their friends like they're idiots for a second. They also swipe their tongue against their retainer when they're annoyed and it's a habit to take out said retainer, the silver bar that holds teeth in place, when they find someone that might be sucker enough for their scam

Hobbies: The con any and everyone they can. They also play the drums and do makeup

Occupation: Besides being a conman and an amateur makeup artist, they play the drums in a popular band

Children: None, children are nuisances according to Toni

Family: Father- Unknown

Mother- Diana Shelly Michaels, Alive, 66, lives in Miami, Florida at a retirement home

Sister- Kaiden Matthew Attuswam, Alive, 28, Toni's twin brother, Lives in Miami Florida in a house a couple miles from the retirement home his mom is in.

Other: Kaiden and Toni get their last names from their grandmother's maiden name.



Skin tone: Beige

Natural Hair color: Black

Hair color: Blonde

Facial hair: None

Body hair: They get armpit hair and leg hair, but they usually shave their arm pits and sometimes their legs

Eye color: Blue

Vision: 36/25

What's done: They wear glasses when alone or with friends, and contacts during a con or while doing makeup

Hearing: Pretty good

What's done: Nothing

Lip color: Very light pink

Height: 5'4 or 162.56cms

Weight: 119.38lbs or 54.15kgs
Body type: They are pretty lean. Not very defined muscles, especially in arms and legs

Face shape: A heart

Age appearance: Anywhere from 19 to 22

Scars: They have some self harm scars, but the majority are from getting beat up and whatnot

Tattoos: They have a goat with a ghost costume on their upper left bicep, a rose behind their left ear, the words 'royalty' on the inside of their bottom lip, and a cluster of the marvel character symbols on their right outer thigh, consisting of: Captain America's shield, Bucky Barnes' arm, Loki's headdress, Thor's hammer, Natasha Romanoff's gun, Clint's bow, Iron Man's helmet, Hulk's fist, Stephen's cape, and a spider; they get symbols added on every now and again.

Defining features: They have this scar that goes from the bottom of their left ear to the corner of their jaw

Special markings: They do have this scar that goes from the bottom of their left ear to the corner of their jaw

Piercings: They have their tongue, snake bites, right nostril, and two, about an inch and a half apart on their left eye brow. They also have three on both lobes, their industrial on the left side, and their orbital, helix, conch, rook, tragus, daith, and snug on the right


Blood type: AB Negative

Other: They often only wear nice pants with a belt and a nice shirt when conning people


Backstory: Toni was born with their twin brother in Atlanta. Toni was born as a woman, but they realized at around the age of 14 that being called Kailee with the pronouns she/her didn't always feel right. It wasn't always, wrong, but they did like it sometimes, making it a lot harder to understand what she identified as. They didn't know as much about the LGBTQ+ community so it was a painful experience with a lot of self hatred.

People were cruel to Toni. They were raised in an extremely conservative household in an extremely conservative town. When they would wear something masculine or from their twin brother's closet, they'd not only be bullied but actually hurt. The kids would bash Toni's head against stall walls, give them swirlies, cut their clothes, etc. It caused a lot of turmoil within themself.

Toni ended up resenting everyone in their life, including their brother who didn't help them ever. They began to trick people, starting small to get people to do their homework or pay them to be insulted. Things that were easy to do in school. As soon as they hit 18, they left. They were out. They were free, understood what they were, how they needed to live, for the most part. They moved to Vegas and began bigger cons and now can live a sustainable, even comfortable life.

Powers: Other than non-super manipulation, nothing

Strengths: Manipulating people, keeping their feelings inside, keeping a straight face in situations that cause them immense joy.

Weaknesses: Opening up, commiting, being honest

Dreams: They don't really know; but it is to be loved for who they are

Fears: They automatically say nothing, but in reality it's being hated for being themself

Phobias: Gamophobia; Fear of commitment

Best memory: Moving to Vegas

Worst memory: Literally all of Georgia

Wants in a relationship: To be loved. There are literally no other requirements. Toni wants to be loved and accepted and whether they like to read or exercise doesn't matter. They just need to accept Toni and love them.

Type of lover: Toni is the exact lover that they want. They love and accept. That is it. Well, kind of. They can be a bit annoying sometimes and other times they can seem like they're falling into old habits, but they aren't. After they forget their commitment issues, feel secure in a relationship, and love a person, they aren't manipulative. They aren't sneaky, they can (usually) communicate properly.

One thing they couldn't live without: Probably money. They really don't have anything they need or love.


Position: Toni is a switch regarding both bottom and top and dominate and submissive

Love language: Their primary is Words of Affirmation and their secondary is acts of service

Turn ons:

~Rough sex
~Smudged makeup
~Risky places
~Sexual affirmation
~Tying up their partner
~Hair pull, both giving and receiving

Turn offs:

~Gentle sex
~That's basically it

Kinks: BDSM, degradation, praise, S&M

Safe word: Hippocampus

Scenario 1
You were a tourist in Vegas, taking time for your birthday to visit the city you've wanted to see since you were about 16. You have a pretty good day and soon end up at a bar, noticing a woman with long blonde hair and beautiful, even eccentric, makeup. You notice she is all alone for a couple hours and approach her. "Hi." You said softly with a smile. This woman looks at you and immediately smiles. "Hi. Do you come here often?" She asked. Surprised by the friendliness of this person you pause. It takes a moment, but soon you relax and shake your head, explaining everything. They look pretty interested in everything you're saying before they pull out a sheet of paper. They show it to you and it is basically a sheet of names and money values. "I know this may seem a little weird, but my name is Kailee." She started. "My job is to sit here, alone, and wait for a kind person to approach me so that I can introduce them to this." She spoke, welcoming and kind. Basically she explains this amazing system that helps earn you money fast. First you have to give her a $700 deposit, but, according to the chart, you get over $500,000 in return. "Thank you so much." She said after having taken down your information and then $700 from your wallet, which you were going to use for your hotel for the rest of the trip. You said you could just use your debit card and then replace it with the money you got from the system. She nodded and waved by, counting the money with a smirk as she left. "Sucker." She muttered under her breath.
The next day comes and you get no word from her. Same with the day after. Nearly a week passes, you're on your last day, and you have had no word from this woman. You decide to do what any logical person would do and go to the bar you met the woman at. You sit there for hours upon hours, but nobody that even remotely looks like her is there. Well there was one person, but it was a man. He, just like the woman, looked lonely for the entire night. You sighed and, obviously not learning your lesson, went over to him. "Hi." She said softly. He looked up and furrowed his brows for a moment. You looked familiar to him and he looked familiar to you, but you couldn't really put your finger on it. "hey." They responded. That voice was familiar too. "Have I met you before?" You ask. After a few more words of exchange, you both realize who the other is and the one that you knew as Kailee, got up and ran out of the bar. You quickly followed them, angry and confused, tackling them when they got outside and into a nearby alley.

Scenario 2
You had been dating Toni for about a week. It was great. He was the best boyfriend you could ask for, until one day, you head to the restaurant you decide to have your date at and wait for a couple hours. You are confused and a bit upset, thinking you've been stood up, and decide to call Toni. You look over to a table across the restaurant when you call and their phone rings, you don't think anything of it since it is probably just a coincidence. You look away and soon the phone was answered. "Hey. Where are you?" You asked softly. He looked over at the door of the restaurant and spoke. "At the restaurant. Where are you." He asked. You laughed and shook your head. "Very funny. Seriously. Where are you?" You repeated. "Dude. I'm literally in the restaurant. I don't know what joke you think this is, but it isn't funny." He said. You look ahead of you to the blonde with long hair and then look at your phone. "Turn around." You said, staring at the blonde. He says okay and the woman on front of you turns around. She sees you and looks a bit surprised before hanging up and walking over to you. She say across from you and gave a closed mouth, slightly passive smile. "Hey." She said. "Is this a prank?" You responded. You had no idea Toni was Gender-fluid, something they had neglected to mention when you began dating. "Is what a prank?" She asked.

Scenario 3
Make it up

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