Strike a Pose

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Birth name: Alicia Sasha Outen

Name: Briar Dash Outen

Reason for change: Alicia and sasha felt like past, but they wanted their future

Pronounciation: Ah-lee-shah






Nicknames: Bri, flower, bass (guitar, not fish), Dash, breeze, and Ocean

Age: 24

Birthdate: March 24

Birthplace: Cologne, Germany

Current residence: Hatfield, California

Zodiac sign: Aries

Belief in astrology: Believes that it's a small blue print to personality, but things like compatibility and whatnot are just fun and games

Biological sex: Female

Gender/gender identity: Non-binary

Pronouns: They/them/theirs, they/her/theirs, xe/xim/xers

Preferred pronouns: They/them

Sexual orientation: Pansexual and Panromantic

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Caucasian and Dominican

Nationality: German

Main Language: German

Languages known: German, Spanish, Italian, French, Japanese, and English


Personality: Briar is pretty much an open book. They are positive, for the most part, and just like to have fun and be honest. They don't have a problem with people asking about their life whether it is in terms of being a model or not identify with the gender binary.

Dash is a pretty focused person, really calm, and good under pressure. If there is an outfit mixup before shoot they're usually the one that needs to calm everyone down. They just get an outfit that is as close to the theme as possible which really showcases their problem solving skills.

They're resourceful and smart. They are focused and good at getting things done when they first get whatever it is, rather than waiting till the last minute. Xe is laid back and easy to get a long with. They have a hard time making enemies, unless it's kind of like built in with transphobia and whatnot.

They are also confident and stand their grown strongly. They are a raging feminist and will argue day in and day out with someone about any human rights issue.

IQ: 111

Intelligence: 12/20

Common sense: 19/20

Reflexes: 9/20

Speed: 9/20

Flexibility: 14/20

Hand-eye coordination: 10/20

Upper body strength: 10/20

Lower body strength: 12/20

General strength: 11/20

Dominance: 5/20

Submissiveness: 13/20


~The beach
~Their gap
~Body acceptance movement
~Cute dates


~The patriarchy
~Entitled people
~Body positivity movement
~Squeaky doors
~Getting in water with too many clothing items on

Habits: They stick their tongue in their teeth gap when in thought

Hobbies: They like to paint

Occupation: They are a model

Children: None

Family: Father-Unknown

Mother- Monica Courtney Outen, Alive; 53, lives in Cologne, Germany with her wife

Mother- Aubrey Gabrielle Outen, Alive; 53, lives in Cologne, Germany with her wife

Siblings- None

Other: Her 'father' was a sperm donor



Skin tone: Warm beige

Natural Hair color: Brown with natural honey highlights

Hair color: Brown with honey highlights

Facial hair: Eyebrows

Body hair: They sometimes shave her legs, but it honestly depends how they're feeling. They don't shave their armpits hair unless they're getting paid for it, like extra on top of the original price

Eye color: Brown

Vision: 72/53; not good. At all

What's done: They wear contacts, sometimes they'll do glasses, like for certain shoots and when they're feeling lazy

Hearing: pretty good

What's done: Nothing

Lip color: pale pink with light brown undertones

Height: 5'7 or 170.18cms

Weight: 136lbs or 61.689kgs

Age appearance: About 23 or 24

Scars: Xe has a pretty gnarly one on her bottom lip, inside and out, from when xe bit down through it after falling off her bike and into a fire hydrant

Tattoos: They have one of an arrow head on the bend of her knee.
((Go to the last picture in looks and it is the arrow of a next page right where I'm describing. You'll find it if you look. It was an accident, but I like it so yeah lol))

Defining features: They had gapped teeth

Special markings: None

Piercings: They have their first lobe on both ears

Outfits: Everything in her looks and

Blood type: B negative

Other: They don't like wearing shoes in her shoots so usually they will cut it off somewhere on the leg, but sometimes they just won't wear shoes even with feet shots


Backstory: Dash had a pretty normal childhood. The only difference between the average childhood and her's was the fact that xe had two moms rather than the typical mother and father.

They were raised, from the start, that they were their own person and no matter what they wanted, as long as it wasn't a danger to themself or others, they could achieve. They, at about 11, realized they weren't really comfortable as a girl.

They had a very open and honest relationship with her mothers and when they began to feel these emotions they talked about it.

The three of them decided that experimentation was the best option for her to feel comfortable and so first they tried identifying as nonbinary. It felt much better than identify as a woman, but they didn't know about anything else so they tried some other things like gender fluid, demi-girl and boy, etc. Nothing felt right and at 13 they began to formally identify as nonbinary.

The rest of their childhood was back to the normalcy and they started modeling at 19 when they moved to California, away from her moms in Germany.

Powers: None

Strengths: They are easy to get along with and keep a level head usually

Weaknesses: They don't put up with any bigotry or ignorance and will rip you to shreds if you come at her with it

Dreams: Equality

Fears: Being hate crimed

Phobias: None

Best memory: Finding her identity

Worst memory: falling off her bike and biting a hole through her lip

Wants in a relationship: Dash wants someone that isn't afraid of other's opinions. They don't care about trivial things like looks and likes. If their partner likes movies they will watch movies with them even though it's not something they really like.

Dash honestly just wants someone that is true to themselves. They want someone that will experiment with things and just have fun with her. Laugh about stupid mistakes and things that go wrong.

Type of lover: Briar is really supportive. They are laid back and chill, not really expecting much out of their partner. They are really good with long distance relationships and good at working around other's schedules.

They aren't always on her partner and they don't really expect their partner to do that, but they xe doesn't mind it either. They're honestly really flexible and good at molding to their partner, without changing that is.

One thing they couldn't live without: Her gap


Position: Xe is dominant most of the time, but can be submissive if her partner is only dominant. They are a switch regarding bottom and top though

Love language: Her primary one is acts of service and her secondary is gifts

Turn ons:

~Her partner being happy
~Her partner on their knees
~Tying her partner up
~Heavy breathing
~Dirty talk

Turn offs:

~Their partner being unhappy
~Being tied up
~When her partner is hesitant
~When her partner is tired

Kinks: Sense deprivation

Safe word: Venom

Scenario 1
You met Briar in Germany when they were visiting her moms and y'all kept in contact. Xe went back to America and you guys talked basically everyday. One day, after a while of feeling attracted to Briar in more than a friend way, you decided to ask them out. So you did in this cute little way over your normal Skype and xe said yes. You were both happy and excited, but never really talked about a visiting schedule. It was just what it was you decided. Nearly an entire year in Briar tells you they want to see you in person, just because they hadn't in a long time. You agreed and you guys began to discuss if. Briar said that there was a break in her modeling schedule in about a month and a half and they'd be able to come then. You guys agreed that was the plan, but you secretly bought a ticket for the next week. You were going to surprise xim after xeir shoot.
Fast forward you're boarding the plane, texting with Briar casually. They were heading to bed now, because of the time difference, and you were telling them good night. You usually skyped each other before each other's bed, but if you did you'd spoil the surprise, so you made up an excuse and just sent cute voice messages telling xim sweet things so they could fall asleep. When they did you began your 17+ hour flight.
A long time later, you get off your plane and get into a cab, heading to Briar's apartment. You waited outside their home and got to texting them happily. They told you they were on their way home and you got excited, standing up and looking excited. You kept texting casually until they said they were home and they'd text when inside. You said okay, I love you and then put your phone away, watching as your partner came out of their car, face in their phone, smiling at your text message. Soon they got to the door and put their phone down, nodding their head to greet you. You watched them and they took a double take, eyes going wide when they notice it's you.

Scenario 2
You were a photographer trying to make it in California, usually just doing small models, also trying to make it in California. You had originally thought that I'd you picked a smaller city in California, rather than something like Los Angeles, it'd be easier to live. Boy were you wrong. You were barely making rent and you didn't have any luxuries.
One day you were just chilling at the beach, taking some pictures of the ocean since your client didn't show up, when there was this short haired person in a white shirt with a floral undershirt running around the sand. They yelled back to someone you didn't care about and you put your camera up, pointing it at the photogenic divinity. You caught them facing the sun, hands in their her hair and an irreplaceable smile on their face.
Quickly you shot the picture and got up, running for to them. "H-hey!" You shouted. "Hey! Excuse me?! Excuse me!" You called out, soon getting to them. They looked at you with a slight smile and you took a second to watch your breath. "H-hi. I'm so sorry. Sorry for nothing you. But. But I just had to tell you. You're absolutely gorgeous." You told them, putting your hand out to introduce yourself. "I'm F/N L/N. And you are?"
They took your hand and smiled sweetly. "You can call me Breeze." They said.
"Well Ms. Breeze. I just wanted to tell you. You're extremely beautiful." You said.
They nodded with a soft smile. "Thanks. But I'm not a miss. Just Breeze." They corrected.
You felt a bit bad and nodded. "I apologize. But I digress. I was just looking through my camera and came across you. An absolute beauty." You spoke. You pulled your camera from around your neck and showed xim the photo you took. "Have you ever thought of modeling?" You asked innocently.
Briar smiled at you as they looked at the photo and let out a light laugh. "I have actually." They responded.
"That's great. You should think about pursuing it professionally. I'd love to work with you if you aren't sure where to start."
They, still smiling, nodded gently with a shrug. "Sure. Got a card?" They asked with a smile.
Immediately you put your shakey hands into your back pocket and pulled out a business card, handing it to xim. "Give me a call whenever you're ready. I'm excited to work with you." You said happily.
They nodded and waved by before walking away.
About a week later you get a call from an unknown number. The landlord had just left after saying you'd be evicted if you payed your rent late one more time. You always got it to him, but it was always wicked late.
You answer the phone with a slightly defeated tone. "Hello?"
"Hey. Is this L/N?" You asked.
"This is. May I help you?" You asked, slightly confused.
"Yeah. So this is Breeze. I'm not sure if you remember. We met at the beach. You said your like to work with me...." They spoke, retelling the tale you'd lived for.
Immediately your gloom turned into zoom and you nodded. "Yes yes. How are you m-breeze...?"
"I'm good. Uh. So jumping into things. When are you free? I'm a bit busy, but I do have next Wednesday off if that works for you." They explained.
You quickly wrote down what they said and nodded. "Wednesday works great. Is there anywhere you'd like to meet?" You asked.
"Nope. It's all you. You can just text me the details whenever you have them. I'll see you Wednesday." They said and when you confirmed you had nothing else they hung up.
You did a quick victory dance and then wrote down the details, texting Briar what was going on. You decided to just go back to the beach ad a start up and went shopping for some different outfits for the shoot.
Soon the day came and you had a bag of stuff for Briar, your briefcase of camera equipment close to your side.
Soon a car pulled up and Briar came out of the back with sunglasses and a cute little shorts and shirt outfit on. They waved to you when they saw you and started walking to you. When they got there they greeted you and you greeted them back.
"Alright breeze. So if you want to wear that outfit first that'd be totally fine. It's really cute and goes good with the beachy thing we have going on." You explained.
They nodded and got to modeling, doing some completely natural shots and then some posed ones. Everything was great until they were facing you by the edge of the water and a huge wave came in. You tried warning them, but they soon got drenched by the saltwater.

Scenario 3
Make it up

That second one was way more than it was supposed to be wtf

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