It's Not That I Like to be Alone

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Trigger Warning
Dèpressîon, Anxîéty, anorèxîa, and sûicîde

Birth name: Aurora Elvira Jefferson

Name: Aurora Elvira Jefferson

Reason for change: There wasn't one

Pronounciation: Ah-ror-ah



Meaning: Latin for Dawn

Nicknames: Vira, Elle, Rora, Elvi

Age: 17

Birthdate: March 2nd

Birthplace: Paris, France

Current residence: Paris, France

Zodiac sign: Pisces

Belief in astrology: She doesn't pay much attention to it, but she enjoys running across the small charts and reading her sign

Biological sex: Female

Gender/gender identity: Female

Pronouns: She/her she/they they/them he/him

Preferred pronouns: she/her

Sexual orientation: Pansexual, Demisexual, Panromantic, and Demiromantic

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Nationality: French

Main Language: French

Languages known: French, English, Spanish, Italian, German, and Romanian

Other: She likes her friends, when and if she has any, to call her Elvira


Personality: Aurora is what most would classify as a loner. She is the girl that sits in the back of the class with earbuds in, scribbling all over the optional assignment. She is the one to do the bare minimum in order to get out of there quickly, but she tries not to go first, too much attention on her.

She is a mental health mess and could use a lot of support. She is an anxious bean that has agoraphobia and depression, but she tries not to let it affect her too much.

She is closed off and often seen as the weird alt girl, but really she is just nervous that everyone will hate her and a crowd of people will swallow her.

Vira, for as not great as her mental health is, is pretty positive and nice with people she is used to and likes. When she gets close to someone, which is really rare and quite difficult, she is an awesome entertainer and person to just hang out with.

She hides her feelings a lot and just kind of cries under her blanket whenever something upsets her to the point of crying, but a lot of the time she can't find the strength to cry and just sits in the empty bathtub instead.

IQ: 103

Intelligence: 11/20

Common sense: 12/20

Reflexes: 4/20

Speed: 4/20

Flexibility: 19/20

Hand-eye coordination: 3/20

Upper body strength: 3/20

Lower body strength: 6/20

General strength: 4/20

Dominance: 0/20

Submissiveness: 20/20


~Being warm in the cold
~Hot Chocolate
~The idea of making friends
~Getting sad/angry/happy/any emotion


~Loud noises
~Not feeling anything
~Messing up
~Disappointing people
~Revealing clothes
~Being hot
~When others mess something up for her

Habits: She bites her lip, picks her skin, taps her feet, and pulls at her hair when she is anxious.

Hobbies: None

Occupation: She is a highschool student

Children: None

Family: Biological Father- Earl Reginald Jefferson, Alive; 44, lives in Paris, France with his wife and son

Biological Mother- Hansel Delora Yurt, Alive; 43, lives in Angers, France with her husband, son and daughter

Step-mother- Patricia Sethra Jefferson, Alive; 28, Lives in Paris France with her husband and step-son

Step-father- Earl Bernard Yurt, Alive; 67, lives in Angers, France with his wife, son and daughter

Brother- Terrance Owen Jefferson, Alive; 20, lives in Paris, France with his dad and step mom

Step-sister- Vega Eileen Yurt, Alive; 28, lives in Angers, France with her dad, step-mom and brother

Step-brother- Shawn Robert Yurt, Alive; 13, lives in Angers, France with his dad, step-mom and sister

Other: She lives full time with her dad and visits her mom during breaks



Skin tone: Porcelain

Natural Hair color: White/Platinum blonde

Hair color: White/Platinum blonde

Facial hair: She has white/platinum blonde eyebrows, but that's it

Body hair: None, she shaves her legs every once in a while, but all of it is too light to actually see

Eye color: Grey

Vision: Perfect; 20/20

What's done: Nothing

Hearing: Pretty bad, a lot say she has selective hearing but she genuinely just can't hear them.

What's done: Nothing

Lip color: Peach with a hint of orange

Height: 5'5 or 165.1cm

Weight: 102.3lbs or 46.4kgs

Body type: Very thin, rectangular

Face shape: Heart

Age appearance: About 17 or 18

Scars: tons of self harm scars

Tattoos: She has one, a sunflower behind her left ear

Defining features: Maybe her freckles among her paper white skin

Special markings: None

Piercings: She has her left eyebrow, her tongue, and her belly button pierced

Outfits: A lot of fitted sweaters and belted jeans as well as turtlenecks and belted jeans

Blood type: AB negative

Other: Her hair is so white people often ask if she is albino


Trigger Warning
Dèpressîon, Anxîéty, and anorèxîa

Mental health: Pretty bad

Mental disorders: Anxiety

Mental treatments: Nothing she stopped going to therapy and got off her meds when her parents divorced

Physical health: not great

Physical disorders: Anorexia Nervosa

Physical treatments: Nothing, she stopped going to therapy when her parents divorced

Physical activity: Not much

Emotional health: Pretty bad

Emotional disorders: Depression

Emotional treatments: Nothing, she stopped going to therapy and taking meds when her parents divorced

Other: She has a service dog that goes everywhere with her and an emotion support cat that goes certain places with her


Trigger Warning
Dèpressîon, Anxîéty, and anorèxîa

Backstory: Aurora was born to two loving parents with a 3 year old son. For the first couple decade and some, everything was great. They were a happy family, but soon things started to go down hill.

Her mom cheated on her dad and to get back at her, his dad cheated on his mom. She had always been a bit of an anxious child, but this just sent her over the edge. She spent most of her days trying to be the perfect daughter and keep together her perfect family, but it didn't work and she developed an eating disorder soon after. She struggled with that for about a year before it was too much and she ended up spiraling into a crippling depression.

She couldn't go to school or do anything for about 2 months and so her parents sent her to therapy and ended up getting her medicated. Her anxiety and depression was managed, but her eating disorder wasn't exactly getting any better.

A couple years past again and her parents ended up getting divorced. Her mom moved away, her therapy stopped, things got worse and worse and then her dad remarried a woman that was closer to her age than his age. It was weird and this woman only fueled all her disorders.

Her mom then got remarried to a man closer to death than to her age. His kids didn't help with anything either, always shaming her when she came over.

Powers: None

Strengths: She works quickly and efficiently

Weaknesses: She can't be in large crowds without basically dying

Dreams: She doesn't really have any

Fears: Food, gaining weight, disappointing others, and basically everything else

Phobias: Agoraphobia

Best memory: Her tenth birthday, her mom and dad took her to a fair with her brother

Worst memory: When her parents got divorced

Wants in a relationship: Elvi is actually really scared to be in a relationship because she doesn't want to ask for too much of one person. But she needs it. She needs a lot.

She needs someone that will sit down with her for what should be a 20 minute meal, but ends up being an hour and a half. She needs someone that will help her with fear foods and getting out of bed. Wearing an outfit that she thinks might inconvenience someone else.

Vira wants someone to make her know she isn't a burden no matter how much she feels like one. She wanted them to hold her when the night is dark and cold, as her if she wants a warm blanket or some hot chocolate. Someone that is caring and takes initiative

Type of lover: Vira isn't exactly the type of lover everyone is bouncing around for. She is extremely insecure and a bad communicator. She keeps her problems to herself and takes on her partners problems without complaining. Vira gets paranoid and often thinks her significant other is going to break up with her whenever she messed anything up.

One thing they couldn't live without: The flower tattoo behind her ear


Position: Submissive bottom

Love language: She has two primary, quality time and words of affirmation. And her secondary is acts of service

Turn ons:

~Being blindfolded
~Light touching
~Hand holding
~Being told what to do
~Being asked for consent
~Taking things slow
~Not knowing, within reason

Turn offs:

~Loud noises
~Being tied up
~Having to guess what her partner wants
~Being seen
~Her body

Kinks: Praise

Safe word: Daisy

Scenario 1
You were friends with Aurora for about 4 years now, one of two of her friends and you guys were having a sleepover at her house. Out of all the years y'all had been friends, you had never been with her for longer than about 4-5 hours at a time. Now you were spending an entire night with her. You were excited and after school headed to her place. You soon got to her house and knocked on the door, a woman looking no more than 10 years older than you guys opening it. "Sorry, we aren't interested in girl s-" she stopped when she noticed your bag and pillow. "May I help you?" She changed up.
You took a second, but soon explained you were here for a sleepover with Elvira, only for the woman to laugh at you. "Good one. Now what do you need young lady?" She asked again. You couldn't tell if this was a joke or not so you just stared at her, confused.
A couple seconds later you see Elvira walking across the hall, so you point. "Elle. I'm here for her." You said with a nod.
The woman turned and frowned before she called Elvira over, the white haired woman coming to the door with a shakey smile. She was in red and black flannel pattered pajama pants and an oversized black sweatshirt with a calico cat in her arms. "Hi." She mumbled and motioned for you to come inside.
The woman that originally answered looked shocked and immediately ran off, emerging back in less than 15 seconds with a much older man. "See?! She actually has a friend." She exclaimed, earning a fake smile from your friend. You could tell she was nervous and so tried to help out. "Should I put my stuff in your room?" You asked softly. She nodded and lead you upstairs to her room, her hand noticably shaking as she opened the door. "Sorry. Sorry about downstairs." She whispered softly. "I've never had a um. A friend over." She said, sitting down on her windowsill bed.

Scenario 2

Trigger Warning
Sûicîde and sûicîde help

You and Elvira had been dating for about a month and you had been friends for about 4-5 years. You noticed a strange change in her lately. She cut a lot of your phone calls short and she hadn't been to school in a while. You decided enough was enough and went to her house to find out what was going on. You knock on the door and, her dad and stepmom had gone out for a date, but her brother wasn't there either so you just had to use the spare key she left in the nearby garden. You get in and quickly went upstairs, hearing loud barking throughout the house. Her service dog. You quickly get up to her room and didn't even knock before you saw your girlfriend on the floor, blood pooling under her arms and an empty pill bottle on the floor next to her. Immediately you pulled off your shirt and ran to her, wrapping her wrist in it and then looked around, grabbing the closet thing, a scarf, and wrapped her other one in it. You pushed down hard to stop the bleeding and looked for a phone. "River. River I need a phone." You told the dog. The dog quickly ran and grabbed Aurora's phone, giving it to you. You let go of her arm for meet seconds before you put it on speaker and put your hand back on her arm. You told them everything as they were on their way and soon she was in the ambulance, you right next to her.
Fast forward about 8 hours and you're sitting in the ICU with her passed out in bed. She had gotten all patched up and her stomach pumped and she was about to be transferred to the psych ward.
Her dad and stepmom were outside talking about options, but you refused to leave her side. After a bit longer you feel her hand twitch and her eyes slowly begin to open.

Scenario 3
Make it up

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