You Don't Actually Like me. Right?

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Birth name: Juliette Kendall Dabel

Name: Juliette Kendall Dabel

Reason for change: There wasn't one

Pronounciation: Ju-lee-et



Meaning: Juliette means youthful

Nicknames: Julie, Jules, Letty

Age: 22

Birthdate: December 27

Birthplace: Potenza, Italy

Current residence: Lyon, France

Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Belief in astrology: She believes most of it, but she doesn't really look into it

Biological sex: Female

Gender/gender identity: Female

Pronouns: She/her

Preferred pronouns: She/her

Sexual orientation: Asexual and Omniromantic, she has a preference for men and non-binary people

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Nationality: Italian

Main Language: Italian

Languages known: Italian, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and German


Personality: Juliette isn't really serious, but she isn't one to play around either. She has an amazing work ethic and easily gets things done when she needs to.

She is the person that does what needs to get done, but in an overachiever type way. She doesn't do the bare minimum unless she absolutely has to. She finds people to be a waste of time and, in turn, was few friends. If someone is friends with Jules it is a shock to not only the school, but her as well.

Sometimes Julie can come off a bit bitchy and seem snappy, but that's just because she is. She doesn't care about things if it isn't going to make her rich and famous, however if you actually spend time with her, she isn't a gold digger. She has this facade she shows everyone, but can't keep it up when she isn't. This caused her friends to see the less money hungry side of Juliette.

She has a dark sense if humor and loves 'taboo' or 'inappropriate' jokes. She doesn't really have a care for other people, and doesn't really hide it either. She has a bit of a warped personality and a lot of people don't understand it.

When she loves someone, friend or otherwise, she is mean to them. She bullies them and makes fun of them, but she makes sure they know she loves them at the same time.
When she doesn't mind someone, she is nice to them with small mean comments shoved in there.
When she isn't a fan of someone she is nice to them, unless they do something that is serious which gets her serious and a bit snappy in return.
When she hates someone, she is mean to them. She bullies them and makes fun of them, in hopes to get them to leave her alone.

A lot of people think she's joking and like them is she hates them because of this.

She's kind of an overachiever, just because of her love of money. She wants to be as successful as possible which makes her school life really serious. She is the top of everything and she will not stop until she is the best.

IQ: 139

Intelligence: 18/20

Common sense: 19/20

Reflexes: 9/20

Speed: 7/20

Flexibility: 19/20

Hand-eye coordination: 12/20

Upper body strength: 12/20

Lower body strength: 13/20

General strength: 13/20

Dominance: 5/20

Submissiveness: 16/20


~Having fun, Never admit
~Making forts
~Being alone
~Having friends, She'd never admit to it
~Being cold
~The dark
~Volleyball, just for fun-she would never tell anyone
~Drinking, if she's emotional


~Being alone
~Annoying people
~People assuming things about her
~Being bored
~Drinking, unless she's emotional
~Tv shows
~Racing games
~Pajama pants

Habits: She drinks when she is emotional and she works when she is stressed

Hobbies: She doesn't really have any individual hobbies, sometimes she'll play volleyball, but she's normally working if she isn't at school

Occupation: She is a student, a babysitter, a barista, and a teaching assistant

Children: She doesn't have any, and at the moment she doesn't want any

Family: Father-Sebastian Mitchell Dabel, Alive; 42, Lives in Lyon, France with his wife and daughter

Mother-Diamond Lisa Dabel, Alive; 41, Lives in Lyon, France with her husband and daughter

Other: She was supposed to be a model and 'important' influencer, but she isn't big and high-key like that



Skin tone: Porcelain

Natural Hair color: Dirty Blonde

Hair color: Dirty Blonde

Facial hair: She only has eyebrows, she was born without a lot of hair growth

Body hair: None, she was born without a lot of hair growth

Eye color: Hazel

Vision: 45/30

What's done: She wears glasses

Hearing: She has perfect hearing

What's done: Nothing, it's perfect

Lip color: Kind of an orange tinted pink

Height: 5'7 or 170.18cm

Weight: 118.32lbs or 53.67kgs

Age appearance: She looks about 19-21

Scars: None

Tattoos: None

Defining features: Not really

Special markings: None

Piercings: She has her first lobes



Blood type: AB Negative

Other: She is pigeon toed


Backstory: Juliette was born to the two most famous models in France. They went to Italy for their 5th anniversary and had their daughter, the woman that was going to take France by storm. They moved back and began modeling their child until she was 11. She refused to do it and instead began working. She developed this obsession with having money.

Julie was lectured every night at dinner, trying to be put back into the modeling business. The money was good, but the attention wasn't really worth it to her. She got more money with all her jobs that gave her less attention. Juliette went through life, trying not to have people know who her parents are, but it doesn't often last which causes her to complain when she gets home.

She wasn't really one to think about appearances, so she has never figured out how to do her hair or makeup. She has someone to do her hair because of this, someone she likes and actually converses with, and she usually just wears mascara.

Powers: None

Strengths: She is an extremely hard worker

Weaknesses: She loves money more than most things

Dreams: She wants to be one of, if not the richest woman ever

Fears: Losing everything

Phobias: Claustrophobia-Fear of small or enclosed spaces

Best memory: Getting her first $100 bill

Worst memory: Being a model

Wants in a relationship: Juliette doesn't want a relationship. She wants money and a big house, a big empty house.

But when someone enters her deep, cold, money wanting heart, she wants someone that can keep up with her. She wants to be able to have an intelligent conversation as well as bake some random shit and take cute photos. Honestly she wants that one perfect person that doesn't really exist.

Type of lover: Juliette can be a bit intense at times. She takes her jobs very seriously and if you aren't able to come second, until it's wicked serious.

Julie can come off as a tsundere, probably because she is. But she really cares and she's sweet and loving. She just doesn't show it. Ever to anyone.

One thing they couldn't live without: Money


Position: She kind of has a bratty submissive personality, but she is nothing sexually

Love language: When first starting out her primary is Receiving gifts and her secondary is quality time, but after it gets serious and everything, they switch

Turn ons: Nothing

Turn offs: Everything

Kinks: Nothing

Safe word: Everything

Scenario 1
You were an upcoming photographer in France and you were on your way to a fancy party. Excitedly, you got all of your equipment and got there early, like the host's wanted. They didn't want you to take pictures the entire time, just long enough for it to be documented. The hosts of the party were two of the most famous models in France, Sebastian and Diamond Dabel. It wasn't at their main house, but a slightly smaller one in France. They had invited powerful people from all around the world and their infamous daughter, who they wish would let herself become famous, was also to attend the occasion. You got there and the only people, that weren't workers, were the hosts and their daughter. She was a sight for sore eyes, in a long floral dress. She was sitting on the main staircase with an unamused look on her face, her dirty blonde hair in a beautiful braided style. You had your camera ready, so why not take a few pictures of the most beautiful girl there was. You pointed the camera at her and began to take pictures of her without her noticing. You didn't want to seem weird though, so you began to approach her, trying to get her attention. As you're taking the pictures, you notice her look at you, her face changing in the camera from one of confusion to one of annoyance. "What are you doing?" She asked with a slightly cold tone. You?

Scenario 2
Juliette was most known in school for being on top of everything. She was good at everything she did and she had a wallet bigger than her hands in her back pocket. You had been her only friend since the beginning of highschool, which was a bit understandable considering the way she was. She wasn't bad or mean, just a bit closed off. You and her had decided to have standing sleepovers every Friday night and today just so happened to be Friday. You two were out of school and on your way to your car at the back of the school. She had her hair down, in a cute brown turtleneck with a tan coat and black jeans. As you were walking there was a group of guys that came over and got in your way. "Hey cutie." One of them said, looking at Julie. She gave him a disgusted look and just glared at him which made him angry. "Smile princess. You look like shit when you scowl like that." He told her. You didn't like this at all, but before you could say anything, Julie handled it. "I'm surprised a meat head like yourself even knows what the word scowl is, enough to make it make sense at least." He growled at her and reached for her, but you grabbed his wrist before he could. "Don't touch her." You said seriously. He scoffed at you and began laughing with his group. "What're you going to do about it? Protect your bitch?" He asked. You?

Scenario 3
Make it up

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