The Peace Behind the War

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Birth name: Lucius Edmund Tilsing

Name: Lucius Edmund Tilsing

Reason for change: There was none

Pronunciation: Loo-c-us



Meaning: Derived from Lucius; Loo-sh-us; meaning light

Nicknames: L, Prince L,

Age: 27

Birthdate: December 14

Birthplace: Tusøsō, Frïshvøvō

Current residence: Tusøsō, Frïshvøvō

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Belief in astrology: They think it is a neat concept and would love to know more, they just can't seem to get into it by himself

Biological sex: Male

Gender/gender identity: Male

Pronouns: He/him he/they they/he they/them

Preferred pronouns: He/they

Sexual orientation: Pansexual and Panromantic

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Nationality: Frïshvøvōtïan

Main Language: Frïshvøvōtïan

Languages known: Frïshvøvōtïan, English, Icelandic, Italian, Spanish, German, Russian, French, Arabic, American Sign Language, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Swahili

Other: He doesn't really like to be called king, so he just requests that people keep calling his father king and him prince, even though he was crowned king


Personality: Lucius is a very strong-willed person. He doesn't let things deter him easily, mostly because he is royalty. In order to keep his county in tact, Lucius needs to have a leveled head and an open mind.

Luce is a very proud. They know that the world is not as open as they are, but their country is literally as peaceful as it gets. He doesn't wage wars on other countries and all the money that could go to a national guard goes to a program to keep the peace. Just in case, they have a dome made of the strongest material, able to withstand blasts from nuclear bombs. It is an absolute last resort and all of the citizens of the country have either agreed to be under the dome for as long as necessary, or have a 10 day chance to leave the country, with help from the royal family to get them situated in another country.

It all may seem unbelievable and impossible, but because of the peace that had been achieved there is no need to waste millions of Frïshvøvōtïan currency on things like police and jail systems. They have 0.0001% crime rate, and all the crimes that are committed are small scale and reformed rather than punished.

Back to him, rather than his country, he is a pretty creative guy and doesn't get stuck very easily. He has a tendency to be serious and proper all the time, but if and when the right person helps him loosen up he is the most out there person.

If it weren't for his nonviolent tendencies he'd probably smash random store windows in. He is a free spirit, when it's unlocked that is, and a good multitasker.

He is a kind a genuine person, using the truth to get his intentions across. If there is genuinely not one thing to compliment about somebody then he explodes, but it has only happened once when he was talking to his family about Adolf Hitler.

He is naturally loving and cant really seem to hate anyone.

IQ: 185

Intelligence: 19/20

Common sense: 17/20

Reflexes: 9/20

Speed: 10/20

Flexibility: 10/20

Hand-eye coordination: 7/20

Upper body strength: 10/20

Lower body strength: 10/20

General strength: 10/20

Dominance: 10/20

Submissiveness: 10/20


~New people
~Positive energy
~The color yellow
~Not being recognized
~Flower print
~Using lots of blankets
~Dark chocolate


~Not being productive
~Ticking noises
~Sparkling water
~The thought of their dome
~The American holiday of Halloween
~Different foods touching each other

Habits: He chews on his nails when he is nervous and he puts his heel on the outside of his ankle and pushes when he is focused

Hobbies: Other than running a country? None

Occupation: The prince of Frïshvøvō

Children: None

Family: Father, Mother, Younger brother, younger brother, youngest brother, younger sister, and youngest sister

Best friends: Nobody specific

Friends: Nobody specific, basically everybody that wants to be

Partners: Not really anybody specific, anybody that wants to be and soon the country of Prìshñasà

Enemies: Literally nobody

Love interest: Princess Jerisha Dominique Latwonas; The princess of Prìshñasà

Other: He has an arranged marriage that he doesn't want to go through with



Skin tone: Ivory

Natural Hair color: Dark brown

Hair color: Dark Brown

Facial hair: None

Body hair: None

Eye color: They change between blue and grey

Vision: 20/20; perfect

What's done: Nothing

Hearing: He is partially deaf

What's done: He uses a hearing-aid regularly, but if there are too many electronics and things they mess with the frequency and just cause pain, so he usually uses a translator

Lip color: Pale peach

Height: 5'10 or 177.8cm

Weight: 135.2lbs or 61.326kgs

Age appearance: Like 24 or 25

Scars: He has one on the back of his ear where he was accidentally hurt when he was younger. It caused him to go partially deaf, which is why his diction is good

Tattoos: He has on that is a smiley face made out of his scar behind his ear

Defining features: None

Special markings: He has a small beauty mark on the left side of his chin

Piercings: None

Outfits: Formal-



Blood type: B positive

Other: He will only wear formal clothes when he is at a very, very, important meetings, otherwise for important ones he is in his semi-formal attire and if it's just a meeting or him being around yes I his regular clothes


Backstory: There isn't much to his backstory. His mother and father were the king and queen of Frïshvøvō. They had a son, Lucius, running the country as best they could.

Lucius was as happy as could be. He got everything he asked for, his parents were attentive and loving, there was nothing wrong with the world. Until he was 4 and his younger brothers were born. They were twins and they took a lot of attention.

He wasn't abandoned or shoved to the side or anything like that, but he did have to get used to not being their only baby anymore. He soon came to love his brothers, doing everything he could with them, protecting them at every turn he possibly could. Everything. Then a year later his younger sister was born.

There were four of them now and his patience was slipping. He hated the fact that he only got one fourth of his parents' attention now, but the same thing that happened with his brothers happened with his sister. He became protective and loving. He couldn't imagine his life without them.

Two years later it was another addition to their family with more twins, a boy and girl duo this time. It didn't take anything for him to love them. He was seven and he knew he would love anyone that came into their family.

When he turned about ten, he began to become interested in his father and mother's roles as rulers. He began to go with them to their royal events, enjoying the life of importance. The citizens loved him and they'd all smile and just brighten up when they saw him as a child.

As he grew he only got more involved with both the people and the royal duties, soon being crowned king at the age of 20, even though both his parents are still capable of doing so.

Powers: None

Strengths: He is empathetic and creative

Weaknesses: He will do any and everything before turning to violent

Dreams: World peace

Fears: Turning into a monstrous dictator

Phobias: Brumotactillophobia- The fear of different foods touching each other

Best memory: Doing royal stuff with his parents when he was younger or his siblings being born

Worst memory: He doesn't really have any

Wants in a relationship: Lucius basically just wants someone as fun-loving and positive as he is. He doesn't want someone whose first thought is anger

He doesn't mind if they get angry, he loves emotions, but he wants to help his partner to understand and work through them, not bottle them up or just let them come out.

Type of lover: He is a very positive partner. He will uplift and support in anyway he can, but he can sometimes be a bit less than focused because of all his different duties as king.

He likes to make his partner a priority, especially if they are into the stuff he is and it's a dynamic, but it doesn't always workout that way. Some people get fed up with not always being a priority. He would kill for the reminder, as in communication, if someone needs him as their partner and not a king, but he wants them to know there is a line.

Overall, he is a loving and kind partner. He takes them and their feelings into account and helps them with what he can when he can.

One thing they couldn't live without: His family


Position: He is a switch regarding both dominant and submissive and top and bottom. He will be either with anyone, there isn't a preferred position for a specific identity.

He doesn't really have a desire to be dominant, as in if he gets into a relationship with someone that is only a dominant, he is fine with only being submissive, but he needs to be submissive sometimes, it helps him with the job and not always having the responsibility

Love language: His primary is probably physical touch or quality time, and he doesn't really have a secondary.

Turn ons:

~Pleasuring his partner
~Being told what to do
~Slow pace
~Hand holding
~Dim lights
~No pressure/Freedom
~Light biting
~Pool/hot tub sex
~Dressing up/Having his partner dress up

Turn offs:

~Being wicked rough
~His partner being uncomfortable
~Unenthusiastic consent
~Constant horniness
~Disrespecting boundaries
~Not having boundaries
~Hurting his partner

Kinks: I don't know how to word it, but being a service submissive

Safe word: Pen and paper

Scenario 1
You were originally from y/h/c, but as a quick little retreat you went to Frïshvøvō. You entered the country easily and began your trip. The only problem that stopped you from enjoying it completely was the language barrier between you and all of the citizens. You knew you couldn't blame anyone but yourself, but it still wasn't great. You decided to take a day there and just study on the most common phrases you'd need, but a slip up of one tiny word and you were brought into the castle.
Rather than going in front of a judge to be sentenced to their reformatory, a defendant must be seen and heard by the ruler in order to have a verdict. You ended up in a large room, alone and bored for a couple hours. After a while the doors opened and a tall man walked through. He was wearing a pair of light blue, ripped, skinny jeans, and a random t-shirt with a phrase in the Frïshvøvōtïan language you didn't understand.
The guards that came in with him gave you a look that basically said 'what are you doing' and the man smiled. "Hi. I'm King Lucius and I heard you threatened my country." He said kindly.

Scenario 2
You and Lucius we're friends from different countries. You weren't a royal or anything, but when he was in the country for a royal meeting, you had met him. He was just out on the town, in his regular old jeans and t-shirt combo. He saw something and asked you about it because he didn't understand it and it kind of just flew into a beautiful friendship after that. You guys are on the phone all the time and facetime when you can. You had never been to his country, but decided to surprise him one day. He had been teaching you the language of his country and you could get by in conversations, as long as they weren't too quick. You landed in the country and when Lucius asked if you guys could FaceTime you decided to go to a pretty prominent landmark so he'd know you were there. Soon you got to it and called him, smiling brightly when he answered. He did the same, but almost simultaneously, your smiles dropped. You noticed he was in front of a prominent landmark from your country when he realized you were doing it in his.

Scenario 3
Make it up

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