You Don't Know What I'm Capable of

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Birth name: Misha Oskar Sokolov

Name: Misha Oskar Sokolov

Reason for change: There was none

Pronounciation: Me-shah



Nicknames: He doesn't have any, he isn't friendly like that

Age: 32

Birthdate: October 23rd

Birthplace: Omsk, Russia

Current residence: Dublin, Ireland

Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Belief in astrology: He couldn't care less about it

Biological sex: Male

Gender/gender identity: Male

Pronouns: He/him

Preferred pronouns: He/him

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual and Heteroromantic

Species: Human

Ethnicity: African

Nationality: Russian

Main Language: Russian

Languages known: Russian, English, Slovak, French, German, and Irish


Personality: Misha is a strong willed man. He, unless in Russia, has a soft demeanor for such an intimidating man.

He is a very kind man. He is gentle and a bit flirtatious, but honestly couldn't hurt a fly, until either a man hurts one of his girls or his daughter gets unhappy. He will be like a dog, loyal and loving, until someone turns him into a snake, a venomous one at that. Misha knows how to have a good time and he usually does.

He likes to be in calm environments, he isn't exactly an introvert, but he definitely isn't an extrovert. He is the person that adapts to all situations. When he is at home alone with his daughter it is 24/7 dress up, tea parties, and Disney movies, but when one of his girls comes to his office with a bruise that she didn't want, he turns into the man everyone wishes they could avoid.

Misha is resourceful and quick on his feet. While he might not be the smartest when it comes to things like chess or science, he knows how to live on the streets, he knows how to survive in prison, he knows what type of thing gets certain people to do specific actions. Misha makes himself clear once, giving only one person in his life more than one chance for something he is serious about.

He can be a bit over protective, but it comes from nowhere but a place of care. His girls, his daughter, his partner, everyone he cares about.

IQ: 102

Intelligence: 14/20

Common sense: 14/20

Reflexes: 18/20

Speed: 16/20

Flexibility: 6/20

Hand-eye coordination: 17/20

Upper body strength: 18/20

Lower body strength: 18/20

General strength: 18/20

Dominance: 20/20

Submissiveness: 0/20


~Being a father
~Making deals
~Buying things
~Spoiling his daughter
~Doing his daughter's hair
~Making his daughter happy
~Having matching outfits with his daughter


~Crime shows
~When his daughter cries
~Being disturbed
~Steamed or otherwise cooked vegetables
~All flowers except Lillies
~When his body is hairy
~Looking unkempt
~Havjng a messy house
~Leaves falling in his pool

Habits: He shoots when he is angry and he does his daughter's hair when he is homesick

Hobbies: He shoots, but the only thing he does besides that is when he does stuff with his daughter

Occupation: He is a mafia boss, but as a 'day time' job he is both a pimp and an accountant

Children: He has one daughter and doesn't want anymore- Katerina Dasha 'Lily' Sokolov, 4 years old:

Family: Father- Igor Misha Sokolov, Alive-60; Lives in Moscow, Russia

Mother- Galina Vera Sokolov, Alive-58; Lives in Moscow, Russia

Parternal Grandfather- Lev Igor Sokolov, Alive-85; Lives in Moscow, Russia

Paternal Grandmother- Olga Darya Sokolov, Alive-83; Lives in Moscow, Russia

Maternal Grandfather- Konstantin Oleg Gusev, Alive-83; Lives in Moscow, Russia

Maternal Grandmother- Galina Anya Gusev, Alive-83; Lives in Moscow, Russia

Younger Sister- Anastasia Lyubov Sokolov, Alive-27; Lives in Dublin, Ireland with her brother and niece-

Other: His baby momma left him when their daughter was still a newborn because she didn't want to live as a mafia wife. He refused to give up his daughter however. He isn't extremely involved in the Mafia as it is based in Russia. He only gets updates and gives his second hand weekly commands.
He has a dog, a Rottweiler, and she's pregnant-



Skin tone: Dark chocolate

Natural Hair color: Black

Hair color: Black

Facial hair: He has a clean shaven, light beard and a thin mustache attached, also clean shaven

Body hair: His body is actually hairless and quite smooth

Eye color: Dark brown

Vision: 40/40

What's done: she wears reading glasses

Hearing: His hearing isn't terrible. It is a bit messed up due to all the gym shots he is subjected to a day.

What's done: He uses earplugs and muffs when he is shooting at a range or outside, and he keeps most things at a very low level at home

Lip color: Dark brown with a slight tint of pink in the middle

Height: 6'3 or 190.5cms

Weight: 212.38lbs or 96.33kgs

Body type: Muscular

Face shape: Long

Age appearance: 24

Scars: He has scars everywhere. In his line of business it's hard to get out without them

Tattoos: He has a huge tiger covering his entire shoulder, with Savage written under. He also has a Lotus flower with 'Лили' written inside which is 'Lily' in Russian

Defining features: He doesn't really have any

Special markings: When he was in prison he was shot in the stomach and there is a scar which is larger than most because it was shot from way closer.

Piercings: He has his first lobe done


Blood type: O positive

Other: He only wears 'comfy clothes' when he is at home resting completely


Backstory: Misha was born in Russia with his mother, father, and grandparents, both maternal and paternal. When he was 5 years old his little sister was born and his life changed. His parents favored his baby sister, as did all his grandparents except for his father's father, who didn't have a preference and loved them both equally.

Misha didn't let it bother him. He lived pretty much happy in Russia, it was a little bit difficult as most people there didn't look as dark as him, but he managed. When he was 20 he took over the gang from his father. It was easy for him to run it, he had the brain and brawn to do so. He was ruthless and it was easy to take the number one spot as the biggest gang in Moscow. At the age of 27 however, he moved away, to Ireland. He was still the Mafia boss, he just wasn't physically there. Instead he related on daily calls and whatnot to check in with his right hand man. A year later and suddenly he has a daughter. There were things to him that were much more important than the gang suddenly. When Lily's mother left him, he wasn't sure what to do. He moved the updates to weekly ones and spend all his time with his daughter, he couldn't do anything else.

He has been taking care of his daughter alone ever since. He is pretty good with math and became an accountant, but that was only after he became a pimp. He took care of his girls, but even more after he had his daughter. These were someone's daughters. He wouldn't let anyone get away with hurting them. He felt as though if they were going to be out on the streets, he might as well be protecting them while they did.

Powers: None

Strengths: He is very protective and extremely strong

Weaknesses: He can sometimes be seen as closed off, because of the fact that his daughter is so important to him.

Dreams: His daughter growing up happy and healthy

Fears: Losing his daughter or his sister

Phobias: None

Best memory: His daughter being born

Worst memory: Leaving his mom and dad in Russia

Wants in a relationship: Misha wants a partner and a parent. He wants someone that will put his daughter first and their relationship second. If he and his daughter were to be tied to train tracks, he wants someone he knows will untie her first.

Type of lover: He is a strong partner. He supports his liver with everything he is, but his daughter has always and will always come first. It doesn't matter who he is with, if they disrespect his daughter, they're out. If they touch his daughter in any way they he doesn't deem acceptable, they're out. If his daughter gets bad vibes, they're out.

As long as his partner and daughter get along, he will give them the world. He will spoil them, back them up, love them hard.

One thing they couldn't live without: His daughter; Lily

His house:


Position: Dominant switch

Love language: Physical touch his his love language

Turn ons:

~Light touching
~Orgasm denial
~Sloppy kisses
~Thigh riding
~Tying up
~Dressing his partner up
~Having his back scratched

Turn offs:

~Being watched
~Watching others

Kinks: Light biting and orgasm control

Safe word: Boating

Scenario 1
You were a prostitute. You had been for years. You were treated bad sometimes and you wished you could get out of it, but how were you going to live without income? You couldn't. After about 4 years on the job, one of your close friends, also a working girl, told you about a way to be safe. You never liked the idea of a pimp. You didn't want someone controlling you like that, but the bruises you would come home with weren't worth it. You decided to try this out. You met up with this man your friend was talking about, at a very nice restaurant with nobody else in it. Just you and him. And someone in the back, but you didn't know who it was. You talked about the dynamic you two would have and ended up leaving with $1000 for a new outfit. You were going to come back to the same restaurant in 2 days with said outfit and you'd be getting a client list. You'd be going over rules and whatnot with this man and your go from there. This was years ago. You had gotten hit by a client once, but after you told him, like in the rules, the man payed double and never hurt you again. You trusted your pimp with your life. You had done more than just have meetings with him and you were falling for him. One day you guys were going to hangout, like you had been doing, and when you arrived at his house he was in his back swim trunks by the pool, alone. You didn't know he had a daughter.

Scenario 2
You were a nanny, part or full time, for multiple families. You liked your job. It paid well, the people were nice, and you liked helping others. One day you were tucking a client's kids in bed when your phone buzzed. It didn't bug you, but you were in the middle of something so you didn't answer it. You got another buzz soon after and you were a bit confused. Again, you didn't answer. Soon your phone started to ring, it was on vibrate, but it was no longer just short buzzes. The child was settled and slowly falling asleep so you left the room and saw it was a number you were unfamiliar with. You ignored it and went back inside, only for it to immediately ring again with the same number. An annoyed and confused look came to your face and you just decided to answer the phone. You close the bedroom door and walk away. "Hello?" You asked, a slightly irritated tone to your voice.
The answer was from a woman with a thick accent, once you weren't sure the origin of. "Hi-" she said. "Is this Y/F/N Y/L/N?" She asked suddenly.
You didn't know how this person knew your name and number.
"Who is asking?" You answered.
"Answer the question." The accent called out.
"Yes. Who is asking?"
"You're a nanny? Correct?" She asked, ignoring your question.
"Yes. Why? Do you need a nanny?" You asked, immediately your mood changed.
"Please come to this address tomorrow night. Yes for a nanny." She said, hanging up immediately. The number texted you an address. You were a bit skeptical at first, but maybe she was stressed. Maybe she had multiple kids, maybe she was a single mom. There were many different reasons she could've been so brash like that. You put the date in your phone for a reminder and checked on the child before the parents came home.
The next day came and you got ready for the meeting, heading over to the address half an hour early. You arrived, taking a second to try and understand what was going on. The house. It was not just a house. That was a mansion of some sort. You walked to the door and knocked gently, waiting for something. After a moment the door opened and a beautiful, dark skinned woman stood in front of you. You smiled and introduced yourself and she bowed, moving to let you in. "Please, follow me." She told you, the same thick accent from over the phone appearing. You did as told and walked with her, eyes wide at everything everywhere. You were soon sat in the kitchen.
"He will be right out." Was all she said before leaving you alone.
You sat there for about 5 minutes, before a loud squeal came from nowhere and a little girl became running out from a corner. "Лили!" A deep voice called out. Soon a tall man, just as dark as the woman from the door and the little girl that just came out, emerged from the same spot as the little girl. He paid no attention to you and instead pulled the little girl up and over his shoulder. "What a trouble maker!" He called to her, picking her off his shoulder and throwing her in the air. "so cute." He whispered before he walked to the kitchen. You didn't understand the first word he said, but after the man had a deep accent, just as strong as the woman from the phone. "Hello." He said simply. He sat down at the island, next to you with the little girl on his lap. "My name. Is Mr. Sokolov. Call me Mr. S." He said simply, putting his hand out for you.

Scenario 3
Make it up

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