Chapter 3: Adventure in the Multiverse

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Here we see Engineer making a machine in the lab and he attaches it to a power generator. We then see a series of knobs and switches getting turned and flipped by Engineer and then the machine then starts to light up and we see Engineer laughing like a mad scientist. We then see Engineer come to your quarters and he sees you and Gwendolyn talking to Headpool.

Headpool: "And that's how I became Deadpool!"

(Y/N): "You turn to the Weapon X program for a cure but instead you still have cancer and Wolverine's healing factor?"

Headpool: "Almost everyone in my universe started out the same way in my universe except Chris Evens went from Captain to Colonel and became president for not so long, Vulture was a good guy, Black Cat had a twin sister named Night Cat, and major story arcs in Marvel Comics didn't happen yet, not even the Infinity Gauntlet was a thing yet."

Gwendolyn: "Oooo."

(Y/N): "That's crazy."

Headpool: "First cancer, now maggots! And now I'm a head."

Engineer: "Hey boss, I need ya for a little something in my workshop."

(Y/N): *to Engineer*"What is it, Engineer?"

Engineer: "I think it's best if I showed ya."

(Y/N): "Alright, come on Gwenpool."

Gwendolyn: "Coming boss."

Later, in Engineer's workshop, we see you and Gwendolyn looking at Engineer's new invention.

Engineer: "Boy invented something that will change our lives forever."

(Y/N): "Looks like an arch."

Engineer: "It ain't just an arch boy, it's a gateway to other universes. We can bring objects and people here from other universes to here, look into other universes, and even go into other universes."

Gwendolyn: "Can you come back to our universe?"

Engineer: "Sure can."*pulls out a watch*"These things are the link to our universe when we're out of this universe. If we want to come back here just hit the red button. If you lose them you're stuck there."

(Y/N): "Does it work?"

Engineer: "Let's hope so. Same goes for other dimensions, just to let you know."

Engineer then set in some coordinates and then he then pressed a button and the portal activated and it brought in a girl named Melody Piper.

Engineer: "Yeehaw it worked!"

Melody: "Whoah, how did I get here?"

(Y/N): "Engineer brought you here. You must be Melody Piper, Pied Piper's kid right?"

Melody: "How did you know my name?"

(Y/N): "I watched your show dozens of times, too bad Mattel had to cancel your crossover movie with monster high."

Gwendolyn: "I know right. Ugh Disney stole the whole kids of fairytale characters idea and made everyone think they did it first. I can't believe they did that!"

Melody: "Uh....okay that's just creepy."

Engineer: "I'll send her back now."

Engineer then pressed a button and the portal sent Melody back to her world.

Engineer: "Well now, who wants to go into another world?"

(Y/N): "Shouldn't we do that as a group?"

Engineer: "Well I have enough watches for the whole team, bring them all here."

Later, we see the entire team in the workshop and they put on the watches.

Engineer: "Ya'll ready?"

Medic: "Ready."

Engineer then activated the portal and you all went into the portal and you all ended up in a forest. You and the others then see a horse carriage and you see a large city and you realize something.

(Y/N): "Guys, we're in Akame ga Kill! We need to be careful around here."

Gwendolyn: "He's right."

You and the team then go to a nearby village and you all talk to the local villagers.

(Y/N): "Hey how's it going?"

Villager: "What kind of clothing are you wearing gentlemen and lady."

(Y/N): "Oh we are mercenaries, we designed these outfits. We're a team and the pink and white combination for the girl is her personal style."

Villager: "Oh."

(Y/N): "Well anyways."*pulls out your wallet and look into it*"I wonder if they take money from our world?"

You and the others then see soldiers of the Empire attacking the village as you and the team get ready to fight.

(Y/N): "Oh great, I thought this village was one of the lucky ones. Let's save these people!"

You and the team then fight off the empire soldiers as we see Soldier fired rockets with the Black Box rocket launcher as we see Scout pull out his bat and smash a soldier's head. We then see the soldiers firing multiple bullets at Heavy as we see Medic heal Heavy with his Medi Gun as Heavy was fully recovered.

Medic: "Ready for the procedure my friend?"

Heavy: "Heavy is ready! Charge now doctor!"

Medic then Ubercharge Heavy as Heavy then fires his weapon Sasha the minigun and fires at the soldiers. The soldiers fired all of their weapons at Heavy but to no avail since Heavy is invulnerable.

Heavy: "Hahahaha! I am bulletproof!"

We see Heavy shooting down all of the empire's soldiers all by himself as they began to retreat. Later on, we see the whole village celebrating you and your team rescuing the whole village from the Empire's attack.

Scout: "We're awesome! Real honest to god awesome! We killed off a whole army of bad guys all by ourselves!"

(Y/N): " Yeah, we sure did."

Scout: "One thing that sucks is that we didn't get paid. Why?"

(Y/N): "Because the Prime Minister is manipulating the emperor who is a naive little kid and he believes every word of the Prime Minister. Basically he's in power to get what he wants, which means taking money from people by increasing their taxes and burning down their villages just to keep himself in power."

Scout: "Right."

Spy: " So we kill him, and his power is finished."

(Y/N): "It ain't gonna be easy. Gwenpool, show them the obstacles in the way of the goal."

Gwnepool then pulls down a white screen and projector and then pulls out a projector and starts it up.

Gwendolyn: "Here are the guys we have to worry about."

Heavy: "Where did little girl get equipment?"

Gwendolyn: "Not important, now here are the obstacles."*turns the slide*"Soldiers obviously, but there are some high ranked soldiers that have special weapons called Teigus. They were made by monsters called Danger Beasts. There are groups who serve the empire called Jaegers, 4 Rakshasa Demons, the 3 Beasts, and Wild Hunt. There is a group of assassins called Night Raid led by Najenda. There are some guys who are very important to the system of the Empire: Ogre, Zanku, Budo, Bolic, and the biggest and baddest is Esdeath. Their strongest general and leader of the Jaegers."

Scout: " Ugh, that's not gonna be easy."

(Y/N): "And thanks to us for saving this village. They know what we are capable of."

Meanwhile at the Jaeger HQ, we see a messenger heading to Esdeath as she sees him.

Messenger: "General, there was an attack by a small group of individuals. They're not Night Raid assassins and they killed off an entire battalion of troops all by themselves."*hands Esdeath a scroll*"This is an artist depiction."

Esdeath then opens the scroll and she sees the picture.

Esdeath: "Hmm, they could be another faction of assassins that we never heard of or a 3rd party of soldiers."

Messenger: " What are you going to do?"

Esdeath: "I want to know the full detail of their skills against any obstacle."

We then see another messenger come into the room and turn to Esdeath.

Messenger: "General! Zanku is out of prison and he's going on a killing spree."

Esdeath: "A perfect test for them. Tell Kurome to keep an eye on him and keep herself at a safe distance and tell that once Zanku is killed, report back to me and tell me everything about them."

Later, we see you and the team in the city of the Empire and you all are undercover. You and the others then see a wanted poster of Zanku for a lot of money.

(Y/N): " This guy is worth a lot of money."

Spy: " Zanku the Beheader."

Scout: *sees the description of him*"He has head gear that can read people's minds and see people's next moves. If we go up against that guy we are screwed!"

(Y/N): "We're going after him cause I'm unpredictable, just ask Taskmaster."

Scout: " You sure? This guy is a mind reader, a real honest to god mind reader!"

(Y/N): "Well me, Gwenpool, and Pyro will go after him and bring back the money and his head on a platter. Anyone else want to come along?"

Spy: " For once I am not."

Scout: " That much dough ain't worth it for a mind reader."

(Y/N): "Guys, it's still a 1 against 11. Strength in numbers right?"

Soldier: "He's right! His mind magic is weak against us! He should take his voodoo back to Canada where it belongs!"

Heavy: " Da, Heavy is in!"

Engineer: "Alright boys, let's bag us a mind reader!"

Later at night, we see Zanku beheading civilians on the street all by himself.

Zanku: "It's good to hear them screaming thoughts and voices, anything to drown out the voices of people that I killed."*gets a vision*"Oh joy, more victims."

Zanku then turns around and he sees you and your team.

Zanku: "Well, well you all came here nicely and I know you have a sniper watching over me."

Zanku then throws a katar at the direction of Sniper who was in a building and manages to dodge it.

(Y/N): " Oh really, guess what number I'm thinking of?"

Zanku: "7."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, try to beat this!"

You then pull out a boombox and you turn it on as you and Gwendolyn were in dancer clothing. You and Gwendolyn then dance to the beat of the music as Zanku was having a hard time predicting your moves and then the rest of the team then synchronize dance with you two.

(Y/N): *while dancing*"You think you can predict this!?"

Zanku: "I can't see anything!"

You and the team then fight off Zanku as we see Zanku trying to keep up with your movements but he tried to attack you all but you dodge them and then we see Gwendolyn jump over Zanku's head and took his Teigu and we see Scout knock him down with his baseball bat.

Scout: " And he's down for the count!"*to Zanku*"Not so tough without your headgear huh tough guy? I hate mind readers so much."

(Y/N): "Now to collect the bounty."

We then see Pyro chop Zanku's head off with his ax and he picks it up.

Pyro: *mumbles*

(Y/N): " Good job Pyro."

We later see you and the others placed Zanku's head on the table of the police department as the police officers see it.

Officer: "That head belongs to the Empire's former executioner Zanku!"

(Y/N): "We used dance moves and a fire ax to kill him."

Gwendolyn: " Now pay up."

The officer then gives you and the team a large sack of gold coins as Scout looks into the bag.

Scout: "Dude this is gold! Real honest to god gold! It's like Fort Knox in a bag!"

Officer: " What?"

(Y/N): "Don't mind him, he named his piggy bank Fort Knox cause piggy banks are filled with gold."

Officer: "Gotcha."

Meanwhile, at Night Raid HQ, we see Mine and Tatsumi come into the room and they turn to Najenda.

Mine: "Najenda, Zanku is dead and we did not kill him."

Tatsumi: "A bunch of guys and a girl just killed him."

We then see Akame come into the room and holding Zanku's Teigu known as Spectator.

Akame: "This was in my room with a note."*reads the note*"To Night Raid, sorry that we got to Zanku before you did, so I sent you this gift in the form of his Teigu. Sincerely Deadpool. PS: Akame, you need some family therapy with your sister Kurome."*to Najenda and shocked*"How did he-"

Najenda: " I think it's best not to question it. Let's just be glad he's on our side."

Later on, we see you and the others eating some lunch as Gwendolyn notices that Spy isn't around.

Gwendolyn: "Has anyone seen Spy?"

(Y/N): "I sent Spy after Bolic since he's in charge of a religion called Path to Peace and putting sedatives into the followers' food so he can get laid. He works for the Prime Minister."

Engineer: "I hope he gets back."

You and the others then see Spy just appeared in the room.

(Y/N): "Hey Spy, how's spy killing?"

Spy: "Simple enough, I left no evidence behind."

(Y/N): " Like you always do."

Spy: " Yes, so what is our next course of action?"

(Y/N): "I'd say we get more money."*pulls out a poster for a tournament*"Grand prize is a lot of money, this is a job for (Y/N) R. Mann."

Scout: "No guns, no swords, no things that go boom. Just a pair of fists and feet."

Engineer: " How much money do we have?"

(Y/N): "5,000 gold coins, if I win this we'll have 3 times the amount."

Scout: " So that's..."*counts on his fingers*" 15,000?"

(Y/N): "Yep and try to convert that into american money."

Scout: "Uhh..."

Engineer: "27 million dollars boys."

Gwendolyn: "Can I be in the tournament, in case you lose the tournament boss."

(Y/N): "Nah it's fine, I can't-"*sees Gwendolyn making puppy dog eyes*"Don't give me puppy eyes."*thoughts*"Must... resist... cuteness!"

Later, in the tournament, we see that both you and Gwendolyn are in your civilian outfits and you both entered the tournament.

(Y/N): " How did you talk me into this?"

Gwendolyn: "You can't resist my feminine charm."*winks at you* "Plus I'm very good at persuasion."

(Y/N): "Oh boy, let's just hope we don't have to fight each other."

You and Gwendolyn see both Esdeath and Wave at their own spectator's booth.

Gwendolyn: "There's fish boy and ice queen."

(Y/N): " What are they doing here?"

Gwendolyn: "Maybe they're having a day off?"

(Y/N): "Let's give them a show."

We then see a montage of you and Gwendolyn fighting off every combatant in the tournament. We see you suplexing a large guy, Gwendolyn kicking a guy in the nuts, you knocking down two guys with your arms, and you punch a guy in the gut then kick him in the face. When the final round came around, it was down to you and Gwendolyn.

(Y/N): "Wow, we're both gonna fight each other now."

Gwendolyn: "This is gonna be so awesome! I'm gonna fight my biggest idol!"

(Y/N): " Are you sure? I don't wanna hurt you."

Gwendolyn: "Oh come on, I've been waiting for this moment for my entire life!"

Gwendolyn then charges at you and then kicks you in the gut as you then block her punches as you punch back. You both then recover from your attacks and look at each other.

You and Gwendolyn: "Maximum effort!"

Gwendolyn then grabs an ad for and then bashes you in the face with it as you then grab the Author's Icon and throw it like Captain America throws his shield at Gwendolyn. You then stick your hand out of the book and go into notifications and grab the vote stars and start throwing them at Gwendolyn. She then dodges the stars like in the Matrix as you then just walk up to her and you punch her in the face and she was too hurt to get up.

(Y/N): "Are you okay?"

Gwendolyn: *in pain*"Best day ever! Yay!"

(Y/N): *smiles*"Oh thank god you're alright."

Meanwhile at the spectator's booth, Esdeath sees you and she feels something in her heart and she falls in love with you.

Esdeath: " Oh my, the way he fights and the way he smiles. It's-"

Wave: "Bizarre?"

Esdeath: "Amazing, he's the one for me."

Back to you and you just realized something.

(Y/N): "I just realized what Esdeath likes in a man and now she saw me. I look like I'm 18 and she's in her 20s."

Gwendolyn: *gets up*"I just realized that too. Now as much as I like this fight, how do we end it?"

(Y/N): "Like this?"

You then do a Shoryuken uppercut to Gwendolyn and then there's a big KO on the screen. Which means you won.

(Y/N): "Alright I won."

We then see the referee come to you and hold your hand up.

Referee: "Winner!"

(Y/N): "Do I get the money?"

You then see Esdeath walking to you as Gwenolyn sees her too.

Esdeath: "Congratulations, you won the tournament. Can you tell me your name?"

(Y/N): "(Y/N) R. Mann and you must be Esdeath right? Everyone feared and respected you and your conquest for the Empire. Are you gonna give me the reward money?"

Esdeath: "I'll give you something better than money."

Esdeath then placed a collar on your neck and you see it has a chain on it.

Esdeath: "My eternal love for you."

(Y/N): "Oh boy."

Gwendolyn: " Hey hold it right there sister, I saw him first before you."*sees Esdeath give her a death stare**gulps in fear*"You can have him."

Later, in Esdeath's bedroom, we see you wake up.

(Y/N): " Ughh, what happened?" *tries to hit the alarm clock but feels something else*

Esdeath: *feels your hand on her chest* " Ooh, my you're so handsy~."

(Y/N): " Huh?"*Looks to see where his hand is* " AHHHHHHH!!" *Backs up against the bed frame* " Sorry, sorry, please don't kill me! I'm too young to meet my maker! He said so himself!"

Esdeath: *giggles*"Don't worry, I don't mind and I know it was an accident. Sorry about the money though, I gave it to the runner up."

(Y/N): "Well that sucks."

Esdeath: "You're not from the Empire are you?"

(Y/N): "Oh I grew up in a rich family until I found out I'm good at violence. So I gave up the life of wealth and fortune to be a soldier of fortune. I do all kinds of jobs like bounty hunting, getting stuff for people, all kinds of stuff for a good life as a mercenary."

Esdeath: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Yep, I kill off guys who are using their wealth for bad things and I get stuff for other people to get money. What about you Esdeath, how did a blue haired girl like you end up being the most terrifying yet amazingly beautiful woman who can unleash a second ice age?"

Esdeath: "I grew up in the frontier lands in the frozen north where I learned how to fight and kill with my father. I never show remorse for creatures weaker than me because my father taught me about survival of the fittest and when everyone in my home was killed including my father, he considered himself weak since he had succumbed to his wounds and died. On that day I vowed to be stronger because the strong live and the weak die."

(Y/N): "Wow, you are one crazy lady."

Esdeath: "And you are one powerful fighter, how did you pull off all of those attacks? Do you have a Teigu that we don't know about?"

(Y/N): "Oh that, I don't have a Teigu. I'm just aware of the 4th wall, I see things that you can't."

Esdeath: "Impressive, you must be a powerful fighter."

(Y/N): "You have no idea. And you know the craziest thing about me?"

Esdeath: "What's that?"

You then get out of bed and you then spin around in one place and the next thing you know you're in your mercenary outfit when you're Deadpool.

(Y/N): "I am Deadpool and I just nailed that quick change move from Wonder Woman for the first time."

Esdeath: "You're one of the assassins who saved that village."

(Y/N): "You mean mercenary, we're all mercenaries. You know guns for hire. Plus we take IOUs."

Esdeath: "I see and when that girl said that she saw you first."

(Y/N): "She's my second in command of my team, her name is Gwenpool."

Esdeath: "Well one of my teammates Kurome reported to me about your recent killings. I admire the strategy you used against someone who sees the future."

(Y/N): "Thanks, I can't even predict what I'm doing. Sometimes."

Gwendolyn: *offscreen*" It's true he's that unpredictable."

You and Esdeath then see Gwendolyn who just entered the room.

Esdeath: "What are you doing here?"

Gwendolyn: "Rescuing him actually, so that you won't be his first."

Esdeath: "I am a High General so I get dibs on his virginity."

(Y/N): "My what?!"

Gwendolyn: " I'm his number 1 fan so I got dibs on his v-card!"

Esdeath: "You got the money so I got the honey!"

(Y/N): "Can we talk about this later?"

Esdeath: "Of course."

Later, in the morning, your whole team was brought in by the Jaegers as we see you sitting with your team and Esdeath sitting with the Jaegers.

Esdeath: "So what brings you all to the capital?"

Scout: "Before we answer if anyone knows a guy named Ogre, raise your hand."*sees Seryu raised her hand*"Yeah he's dead."

Seryu: "What?!? How?!"

Scout: "Heavy killed him."

Heavy: "Heavy not fear tiny baby man. What sick man sends babies to fight me?"

Scout: "Then there's this one guy who uses this inhalant thing to mess with girls' minds so he can run his brothel and Pyro just burned him alive and Medic got them all back to normal."

Seryu: " But why did you kill Ogre!?"

Spy: "We killed him because he accepted bribes and framed innocent people."

(Y/N): " Is that a problem?"

Seryu: "He taught me everything about justice, why would kill him?!"

(Y/N): " Uh did you not hear what Spy said?"

Spy: "He framed innocent people and likely did this just to get more than what he's already been paid for. I even murder the man named Gamal disguised as Ogre and I killed him as well."

Seryu: " I see, now I understand."*down on her knees and put her hands to her head**screaming*"My entire idea of justice was a lie!"

(Y/N): " Ya think?"

Gwendolyn: "Plus your dad was killed by soldiers of the revolutionary army and since the Prime Minister was the one who's pulling the strings. Your dad died in vain cause you're fighting the wrong people."

You and Esdeath then see both Bols and Pyro talking to each other.

Bols: "I burn people because it's my job, and I don't enjoy burning innocent people."

Pyro: *mumbles*

Bols: "Wait, you think I'm a good person?"

Pyro: *mumbles*

Bols: "You're right, if it means to protect my family then I'll do it!"

Esdeath: "Do what?"

Bols: *to Esdeath*"We all have been fighting the wrong people, the real threat is in the palace. The Prime Minister, he's finding ways to keep himself in power."

Wave: "Isn't the emperor above him in the hierarchy?"

Scout: "The guy who's fatter than our fat ass is controlling the emperor cause he's a kid."

Spy: "General Esdeath."

Esdeath: *to Spy*"Yes, Spy?"

Spy: "Were you or Seryu ever curious on what Dr. Stylish do in his free time?"

Esdeath: "Not in the slightest."

Seryu: "Not really."

Spy: "Gentlemen, if you please?"

We then see Heavy bring in Dr. Stylish's body into the room with Spy's knife in his back and place him on the table as the Jaegers see the body.

Esdeath: "Is this you're doing!?"

Spy: "Yes, but-"

Esdeath uses her sword to slice Spy's head off as the body falls down to the ground lifeless. We then see Spy appear behind Esdeath as he was holding a cloaking device called Deadringer as the Jaegers saw this.

Wave: "Whoah!"

Spy: "If you let me explain I can assure you your friend is not what he seems."

Run: "Do tell."

Spy: "He sees everyone as bodies to experiment on, as you can see here."

Spy then placed a file folder of pictures and Dr. Stylish's notes on his experiments as the Jaegers look at them.

Seryu: ""

Medic: "Pfft! Zhat is nothing! I gave myself a soul transplant 8 times! Now I have 8 human souls."

Esdeath: "How is that possible?"*to you*"Why do you keep him around, he's like your version of Dr. Stylish."

(Y/N): "Unlike him, he uses his skill in medicine to help us. He's our friend to the end, plus without him we can't use the Ubercharge."

Esdeath: "Ubercharge?"

Gwendolyn: *pulls out an X-Ray screen and show the heart of Heavy*"The device on these hearts has too much energy for the average human, so Medic has given us Mega Baboon hearts so that we can handle the voltage. Medic can use his Medi Gun to heal us and sometimes Overheal us to give us more health and when he uses his gun to give us an Ubercharge we all glow red and have glowing yellow eyes and we get to be invincible."*puts away the X-ray*"He's very important to the team, he made these inventions."*pulls out a whiteboard and starts writing*"Without him, Engineer wouldn't have to figure out how to upgrade the Dispenser or how Heavy put it into his Sandviches. Or-"*pulls out the machine for resurrection*"this machine, when Medic uses his Medi gun on this. We all get put together like Humpty Dumpty."

Esdeath: "Impressive."

We then see a messenger come into the room and turn to Esdeath.

Messenger: "General Esdeath, the 3 Beasts' mission in killing Liver was a success, but his daughter Spear got away."

Esdeath: "What?"*to the soldier*"Who authorized that!?"

Messenger: "You did General."*pulls out the letter*"It says so right here."

Esdeath: *grabs the letter and takes a look at it*"I didn't write this down."

Messenger: "Are you sure? You also give out an order to the 3 Beasts to lure out Night Raid by targeting the people on the Ryuusen."*gives her another letter*"This is also sent by you."

Esdeath: *looks at the letter*"I didn't write this either!"

(Y/N): "I bet it was the Prime Minister who wrote those letters, he's trying to take out the competition and take out his enemies at the same time. Let us-"*to the messenger*"You can leave now."*sees the messenger leave and turn back to Esdeath*"Let us handle those guys cause I think he might've told them not to stop until the mission is a success."

Esdeath: "What do you mean?"

You then grab the letter and read it out loud.

(Y/N): "It says here: Even if I say stop don't stop and in the instance that the Jaegers happen to defect from the empire, kill me and the Jaegers."*to Esdeath*"I guess he wants all the power to himself in case you guys change sides. In case any of you guys kick the bucket he would have all the Teigus in the world."

Esdeath: "He does have a vault filled with Teigus."

(Y/N): "Let us handle them. Since I know how all of this is gonna go down we can beat them."

Gwendolyn: "Yeah."

Esdeath: "They know my word is law, if they found out about my betrayal then the empire will be after us."

Kurome: "And I won't have my sweets."

Bols: "They'll be after my family."*holds up a picture of his wife and child*"This is them."

(Y/N): "That is so wholesome.'*to the team*"Pyro and Scout, get Bols' family as far away from the city as possible. Spy, get the recipe for Kurome's sweets so that Medic and Engineer can make more of it from the Dispenser. Heavy, Soldier, and Gwenpool you're with me. Sniper and Demoman, if the Prime Minister or any other soldier of the empire finds out about the Jaegers changing sides to protect them from anyone who will try to kill them or arrest them, Engineer will build a teleporter that leads out of the city."*to Engineer*"Deploy a teleporter Engi."

Engineer: "Alrighty then."*puts a teleporter on the ground*"Teleporter coming right up."

(Y/N): "Make sure it's a Level 3. We need the teleporter to recharge as fast as possible."

Esdeath: "Thank you."

Later, at the Ryuusen ship, we see you, Heavy, Soldier, and Gwendolyn snuck aboard the ship and you and the team walk around the place and you see the passengers out cold.

(Y/N): "Oh man, the 3 Beasts are gonna kill off all of these people and the Prime Minister is gonna pin this on the Night Raid and the revolution."

Heavy: "Tiny people sleeping like babies, how do we wake them from nap time?"

Gwendolyn: "We can't just wake them up right now."

(Y/N): "We can leave them a note when they wake up."

You then pull out a pen and sticky notes and then make a note about what the 3 Beasts were going to do to them and they can blame Prime Minister Honest. You and the team then head up to the main deck and you see both Bulat and Tatsumi tired and beaten up from the 3 Beasts.

Daidara: "You're finished Night Raid!"

(Y/N): "Hey over here!"

The 3 Beasts then turn to see you and your team and they're ready to fight you.

(Y/N): "You're gonna die, jerks!"

Bulat: "I thought you were on our side!?"

(Y/N): "Not you jerks! The other jerks."

Bulat: "Oh."

Liver: "Take them out!"

We then see Soldier, you, and Gwenpool fight off the 3 Beasts while Heavy heads to Bulat and Tatsumi and give them Sandviches.

Heavy: "Sandvich makes me strong."

(Y/N): *while fighting Nyau*"Trust me, it has some healing effects!"

Both Bulat and Tatsumi eat the Sandviches and they feel like they're back in peak condition again. We then see Soldier fighting off Daidara and he deflected one of his axes with his shovel.

Soldier: "Your magic is weak wizard! Take your voodoo back to Canada where it belongs!"

Daidara: "Why you!"

Daidara then charges at Soldier as he then pulls out his Liberty Launcher and fires a rocket at Daidara and blows him to smithereens. We then see Nyau use the Call of the Fierce God to enhance his strength and he uses his Teigu to stab you numerous times as you then fall to the ground lifelessly. We then see Heavy run up to Nyau and start fighting him as you then get up and you healed from the attack. Nayau then grabs Heavy and beats him up with his fists as Heavy then starts to overpower Nyau and beat him up and then put him in a headlock and choke him to the point he dies of strangulation. Liver then knocks Gwendolyn back with his water attacks as you then pull out the Continuity Stone and Liver sees it.

Liver: "What is that?"

(Y/N): "Let's just say, it's a lot more powerful than what Esdeath is packing. With this I can make any change happen, I can remove the violent instincts of the viltrumites, rewrite the Star Wars Sequels and Prequels, or even this!"

You used the stone to make Liver's Teigu unusable to him and ended up on Bulat's ring finger.

Liver: "What did you do!?"

(Y/N): "I made your Teigu used exclusively with Bulat. By the way, Esdeath sent me and my team here to kill you guys cause you are following orders from the Prime Minister and not Esdeath."

Liver: "What!?"

You then pulled out a shotgun and fired it at Liver's head as it blew up as Liver's body fell down to the ground.

(Y/N): *to Bulat*"Hey I know this old guy named Jack Morrison aka Soldier 76 and he's gay as well. I checked the wiki and let's face it, he should be your main."

Bulat: "I'll take your word for it."

Later, at the Night Raid base, we see Engineer setting up the teleporter and it's finished.

Engineer: "Well that's that."

Engineer used the teleporter to teleport back to Jaeger base.

Engineer: "Works like a charm."

Engineer then looks out the window and he sees the imperial police trying to break into the base through the door.

Engineer: "Dagnammit!"

We then see Engineer go to the Jaegers and he has integrated the recipe for Kurome's sweets into his Dispenser.

Engineer: "Medic, we need to move right now!"

Medic: *offscreen*"Almost done with the procedure."

The camera then cuts to Medic giving Seryu a heart transplant and giving her a Mega Baboon heart with the Uber device on it into Seryu and Medic then uses his Medi Gun to heal Seryu and make the new heart a part of Seryu.

Seryu: "Thanks for the upgrade Medic, now I can deliver real justice!"

Medic: "Well then, let's go practice some medicine."

We then see both Medic and Seryu burst out of the room and they see most of the members of the Jaegers were hurt and in pain from all the bullet holes and he pulls out the Amputator.

Imperial officer: "What are you gonna do with that?"

Medic: "You'll see."

Medic then plays the Amputator like it's a violin as it gives off energy to heal the injured Jaegers and mercs.

Imperial officer: "Did he just heal all of those people!?"

Seryu: *smiles with a toothy grin*"Time for some real justice, for the Revolution!"

Medic then pulls out his Medi Gun and then Ubercharge Seryu as she then pulls out her arms and fires bullets from them at the officers in the room as they were all dead.

Esdeath: "We better leave."

Engineer: "The teleporter is ready."

Later, at the Night Raid hideout, we see the whole Night Raid team come into the room along with you, Heavy, Soldier, and Gwendolyn.

Tatsumi: "Thanks for the help Deadpool."

(Y/N): "Not a problem."

Akame: "Najenda, we have some guests."

Akame then points to Scout, Pyro, and Bols' family as Pyro was seen playing dollies with Logue while Scout was getting headlock by Kije.

Scout: "Okay I know you're a married woman but chill out alright!"

Kije: "I love my husband Bols and your friend Pyro reminds me of my husband, same goes for my daughter."

Logue: "Mommy, can I call him Uncle Pyro?"

Leone: *hears noises from the kitchen*"Hey do you hear something, it's coming from the kitchen."

The Night Raid team then head to the kitchen and they see the Jaegers there plus your teammates as well. Engineer then destroys his teleporter and then deploys the Dispenser in the kitchen.

Engineer: "Erecting a Dispenser."

Najenda: "What the!?"

Wave: "We are changing sides now."

(Y/N): "And the only snitch that could have known about the Jaegers swapping sides is Wild Hunt. Those guys have no morals what so ever, in the manga continuity of Akame ga kill after Bols died 3 of them raped and killed Bols' family right in front of his grave."

Bols: "I'm not dead, I'm standing right here."

(Y/N): "Yeah sorry, you have to be able to break the 4th wall to understand that."

Gwendolyn: "It's kind of our thing."

Esdeath: "You keep mentioning this 4th wall like it's a real thing."

Najenda: "Can you demonstrate it?"

(Y/N): *to the audience*"Looks like it's time for 4th wall breaking 101 one."

We see you and Gwendolyn grab Esdeath's and Najenda's hands and you all jump out of Wattpad and then jump into Youtube. You and the others then jump into an episode of Death Battle featuring Queen Maeve, The Deep, A-Train, Starlight, and Billy Butcher as the combatants. You, Najenda, Gwendolyn, and Esdeath then see the fight being played out.

Gwendolyn: "Yeah go Starlight! You go girl!"

Najenda: "Did you just take us to an alternate world?"

(Y/N): "No this is a Youtube video. This fight was made just to sponsor the TV series called the Boys. When you call the episode The Seven Battle Royale you should expect Homelander, Stormfront, and Black Noir to join the fight, now the title is misleading the audience."*saw A-Train got blinded by Starlight*"Oh here comes the best part!"

A-Train: "Ah shit! Shit! Can't see!"*faces Queen Maeve*"You're dead, Star Bitch!"

A-Train then charges into Queen Maeve as his top half was blown to smithereens by Queen Maeve and both the corpse and Maeve went flying through the building.

(Y/N): "Oh man, that's awesome every time!"

Gwendolyn: "You got your own episode Esdeath, let's show you it."

You and the others head to the Episode of Death Battle called Gray vs. Esdeath and we see you and the others seeing the calculations in the results.

Wiz: "Remember, Esdeath specifically claimed it took her a few days to make the ice cavalry she used as fuel for the storm. A few generally means three at minimum, so we can cut the yield of our previous calculation to one-third. Low-balling this a bit, let's assume she used all of her power each day to make one third of the total cavalry. This would mean Esdeath could wield about 93 petatons worth of energy on a daily basis."

Esdeath: "93 petatons of energy? I know I am powerful but that sounds like I'm that powerful."

(Y/N): "Back to the book."

You and the others returned back to the book in Wattpad and you all are back in the book like nothing happened.

Esdeath: "Impressive abilities you two."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Najenda: "So Esdeath, what motivated you to join sides?"

Esdeath: "Two reasons actually, one that the Prime Minister had betrayed me and my team and as for the other reason."*hugs your arm*"I love him!"

Gwendolyn: *hugs your arm*"No way Ice Queen, he's mine!"

(Y/N): "Time and place girls. We now need to take the fight to the Prime Minister, he's going after all of us."

Scout: *comes in*"Yeah we need back up, like our guys back at home!"

(Y/N): "You're a genius Scout!"*to Engineer*"Engineer, we're bringing back reinforcements."

Esdeath: "I'm coming with you, I want to see what your world looks like."

Engineer: "Well whatever or whoever is coming here I'll make more of those watches."

Later, in your universe, we see you and Esdeath heading to Avengers HQ in the bread truck as Esdeath was awed by the truck itself.

Esdeath: "A horseless carriage, amazing."

(Y/N): "This thing is built for transporting bread, our base used to be a bread factory. It's where Heavy gets his Sandviches and how I became good at making sandwiches."

Esdeath: "So these Avengers, what are they like?"

(Y/N): "There was an idea to bring together a group of remarkable people to see if they become something more. To see if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that we never could."*to Esdeath*"That's the speech."

We then see you arrive at the Avengers HQ and you knock on their door.

(Y/N): "Hey guys, got a moment?"

???(Scott): "Uh who are you?"

(Y/N): "It's me Deadpool, I borrowed one of Stark's quinjets."

???(Scott): "Oh yeah come on in."

You and Esdeath see the gate open and you both head into the base. Later, we see the Avengers in the briefing room with you and Esdeath.

(A/N): "Pretend that Bruce is not in Hulk Form.

(Y/N): "Okay this is Esdeath and she's from another world and she needs your help. The people she used to work with are bad people."

Bruce: "How bad?"

(Y/N): "If you had a wife and kids and you die working them, a bunch of guys who's leader is run but the guy who's pulling the strings on the kid who's a rank higher than him will mercilessly beat and rape your wife and kid to the point of dying and their police officers try to conceal the dead bodies because how horrifically disfigured their bodies were, right in front of your gravestone. Their acts are so vile that both Esdeath's team and her enemies are their common enemies. And the worst part, they can get away with it."

Most of the Avengers were shocked and horrified by what you just said.

Black Widow: "That is wrong on so many levels."

Bruce: "Yeah, same here."

Tony: "We're gonna make sure those guys will pay."

(Y/N): "Thanks guys."

Tony: "And one more thing."*does a knighting gesture*"You're an Avenger now."

(Y/N): "Thanks Stark and I know some guys who would like to make a difference."

Later at the Seven tower, we see you and Tony enter the room and you all see the members of the Seven.

Homelander: "What are you doing here?"

(Y/N): "We're here to recruit you guys on a mission that gives you real hero work."

Stormfront: "I think we deserve some real heroism."

(Y/N): "But Homelander don't get to go."

Homelander: "But I'm the team leader and you killed Black Noir."

(Y/N): *pulls out the Continuity Stone*"Or did I?"

The stone glowed as we see Black Noir come into the room and then takes a seat as the rest of the Seven were shocked to see him.

The Deep: "Okay how is he here?"

(Y/N): "Oh I made a loophole around his death. I used the stone to make a clone of him to be a stand in cause he was on vacation."

Black Noir: *in sign language*"He's right, I was on vacation."

(Y/N): "See, so who's with me?"

Queen Maeve: "I speak for all of us we're in, except for Homelander."

Hoemlander: "How come I'm left out?"

(Y/N): "Come on, you know why."

Later, in Chicago, we see you and Esdeath at a house and you knock on the door and we see a small girl named Maya Nubian opening the door.

(Y/N): "Hey kid, is your folks home?"

Maya: "My mom and dad got divorced, so it's just me and my mom."

(Y/N): "Yeah I watched the spin off show, the reason why they got together is because they like violence and you wanted them to be divorced. Anyways, is she home?"

Maya: "She's on the couch, she had a tough day at the office, again."

(Y/N): "I know right, I have that kind of stress as a mercenary too. I got my own face blown to bits from a missile, sure it was all healed up but sometimes the mercenary life is a bit stressful."

You and Maya head to the living room and you see Nubia taking a nap and Maya then tap on her forehead.

Nubia: *wakes up*"Ugh, sweetie. Don't wake mommy up while she's taking a nap."

Maya: "But we have visitors."

Nubia then turns to see you and she gets up.

Nubia: "If you're expecting me to fight then get out, I'm tired."

(Y/N): "That's okay lady we're from the union."

Nubia: "The union?"

(Y/N): "We represent the workers of Vought both the superheroes and the employees."

Nubia: "Huh?"

(Y/N): "Tell me, do you feel degraded or oppressed?"

Nubia: "Yes actually. Most supes from Vought don't have good relationships with each other."

(Y/N): *to Esdeath*"They don't even have good relationships with each other."*to Nubia*"What if I say you can do some real heroism and not one of those scripted stuff to sell lunchboxes and electric dildos."

Esdeath: *to you*"There are dildos that run on electricity, I have to get my hands on one of those. You know for your lustful torment~."

(Y/N): *to Esdeath*"Time and place."*to Nubia*"So what do you say?"

Nubia: "I'm in, on one condition. You have to babysit my daughter Maya whenever I get overtime and you help her with her homework if she needs it."

(Y/N): "Okay then, but I'm a mercenary and might not like the violence. And violence is the reason why you and Nubian Prince were a couple in the first place. I don't want to repeat history."

Nubia: "Look I talked to my therapist and he told me that I need a relationship for the right reasons."

(Y/N): "Alrighty then."

Nubia: "But I am not looking for a new boyfriend right now just so you know."

(Y/N): "Noted."

Nubia: *to Maya*"Maya, there is leftover pasta in the fridge for dinner. Mommy is gonna work overtime sweetie."

Maya: "Okay mom."

Later, back in the Night Raid base, we see you and Esdeath teleported in the room along with the Avengers, Overwatch, The Seven, Nubia, the superhero girls, and Talon.

(Y/N): "We're back and we brought backup."

Najenda: "Thanks and since you've been gone, there were some humanoid Danger Beasts running around and we killed them all off."

Wave: "It was Syura, leader of the Wild Hunt."

(Y/N): *to Captain America*"It's the group of people that I've been talking about, Cap."

Capt. America: "Right."

Wave: "So who are you guys?"

(Y/N): "These are the heroes I've been talking about. So what has my team been up to?"

Spy: "We recruited some people to our operation."

Scout: "Yeah there are two chicks who does weird things to their bodies to attack people like super long and sharp nails and use sweat and her stretchiness to attack people who are from the Four Rakshasa Demons cause they don't like their teammates and another who was one of that Stylish guy's experiments."

(Y/N): "Nice work, now let's get this party started."

Nubia: "How do we start the party?"

You and the others then turn to Bruce Banner.

Bruce: "What?"

(Y/N): "There is one way for you guys to make an impression on the Empire. A really big way."

Bruce: "I know where this is going, I'm in."

Later, we see Thor, Tony, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch, and Bruce walking up to the gate entrance of the palace and they speak to the guards.

Bruce: "Excuse me sir, can we come in?"

Guard: "No civilians allowed."

Tony: "That's okay buddy we're from the union."

We then see Syura along with Champ and Enshin walk to the gate and he sees the group.

Syura: "What are you doing here?"

Guard: "They say they're from the union."

Tony: "Hey are you 3 by chance members of Wild Hunt?"

Champ: "Yeah why?"

Later inside the palace, we see the Avengers and Wild Hunt laughing with each other.

Thor: "We would've done way better than any of you."

Tony: "Yeah he's right."

Syura: "We'll get you all some Teigus."

Tony: "Alright, we'll take them all."

Syura: "Excuse me?"

Tony: "I mean we're gonna take them all and beat you all guys up in the process."

Champ: "Huh?"

Tony: "Let's make it simple."

Tony then puts on his Mark 85 armor as we see Bruce turn into the Hulk as Thor picks up his weapons Mjolnir and Stormbreaker and we see both Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel glow with powerful auras.

Syura: "Oh...."

We then cut to Syura being launched through the walls by Hulk and then the Hulk then starts smashing around. At the wall of the palace we see you and your team leap into action and take out all of the guards and you see Dorothea and Cosmina and they see you.

(Y/N): "Nice work girls."

Dorothea: "We never really like those guys anyways."

You then high five both the girls as you turn to Captain America.

Capt. America: "You planned all of this?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Capt. America: "Nice work."

You and the others then take out all of the guards as we see Hulk bashing his way around the whole palace as everyone follows. By the time they got to the throne room they see both the Prime Minister and the Emperor themselves.

Honest: "Oh no! Emperor, we must leave now!"

Honest was then stabbed in the stomach and he turns to see it was the Emperor and the knife he was holding belonged to Spy as it turns out it was Spy disguised as the Emperor.

Honest: *in pain*"What!? How?"

(Y/N): "The old switcheroo."

We then see Chelsea bring in the real Emperor and he sees what happened.

Emperor: "I know what you've been doing, Prime Minister."

We then see Scarlet Witch fly into the room while levitating the severed head of Syura.

Scarlet Witch: "I have shown him the truth about your intentions."

Honest: *in pain*"You murdered my son!"

You then pull out a grenade from nowhere and you shove it into Honest's mouth and pull the pin off and you pick him up and throw him out the window as the grenade blows him up into little pieces.

Nubia: "That was a bit gruesome."

(Y/N): "I'm a mercenary, it's what I do."

Sometime later, we see you and your team counting all the gold you all collected while Esdeath and Gwendolyn are talking to each other.

Esdeath: "Alright, we need to come into an agreement on this matter."

Gwendolyn: "Yeah I know, we can't keep fighting each other forever."

Esdeath: "You know him the longest, so you will be in charge of his harem."

Gwendolyn: "Then that means we're sharing him."

Both Gwendolyn and Esdeath then shake hands as you see them shaking hands.

(Y/N): "Well now I have 2 girlfriends."

Headpool: "And with your luck, you're bound to have more than two."

(Y/N): "How could things get any worse?"

Meanwhile, outside of your base, we see a different person who's wearing your suit but it's blue watching you with binoculars, he is with a team of Mercenaries called Team Fortress Classic in the BLU Team. His name is Benedict B. Mann.

(A/N): "Pretend that the mercy are all blue and the grey Hulk isn't there in the Blue Deadpool pic."

Benedict: "Alright guys, the intelligence is in there."

Next: Chapter 4: BLU Deadpool

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