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Here we see a title card that says Deadpool on it and some fanfare in the background. The camera cuts to you on top of a skyscraper reading a newspaper and you see an ad that has two most wanted men in the world, you and a man named Deathstroke. You check the bounty on Deathstroke and he's worth 500 million dollars and 10 cents. Which makes him 10 cents more than you.

(Y/N): "Oh come on, this guy is worth 10 cents more than me!? That's a rip off."*to the camera*"Oh hello, you must be wondering. Who's the handsome and funny guy in the red and black suit? Well I'm a clone of a dumb guy named Redmond Mann, call me (Y/N) R. Mann. But you can call me Deadpool and unlike that loser, I am smarter, faster, and I got my team out of the fighting for a useless bit of land phase and into work for actual mercenary work."*pulls out the picture of you and the team*"This is my team and we do a lot of stuff that the A-Team do. We work in the criminal underground of the world and we became much better at being a team and now we're doing some good stuff for some money."*puts the picture away*"Anyways, enough talk, here comes my ride."*sees a large transport of Compound V*"Don't try this at home kids."

You then step off the building and fall straight down onto the truck and you put a small silent charge on it and break the hatch on it. You then jump into it and have a seat in it.

(Y/N): *in spanish*"Hello and my name is Deadpool."*in english to the other guy*"Hey buddy, wanna paint this thing red?"

The soldiers tried to attack you but you managed to beat them all up. You killed a man by snapping his neck with your legs, killed two more with two throwing knives, you used your katanas to slice the others into pieces. You then head to the front of the truck.

(Y/N): *punches the guy in the passenger side*"Deadpool punch!"*to the other guy*"Hey, how's the kids?"*while getting a beating on the head*"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Dang!"

You then grab the steering wheel and make the whole vehicle tumble over and crash into a building. We then see you get out of the truck and your head was backwards from the crash. You then put it back in the forward facing position and you see one of Vought's heroes named Black Noir.

(Y/N): "Oh hey Black Noir, love the suit. Did you get a new mask?"

Black Noir throws a knife at you at the chest as you then pull the knife off you.

(Y/N): "Man, you are giving me a heartache right now."

Black Noir then kicks you in the face and knocks you to the ground. You then get up and turn to him.

(Y/N): "Oh you have knives, I have swords!"

You then pull out your katanas and you attack Black Noir with numerous sword swings. Black Noir then shatters your swords with a single kick.

(Y/N): "Those were my favorite swords!"

You then pulled out machine guns and fired numerous bullets at Black Noir as he took all the punishment.

(Y/N): *sees that you're out of ammo*"Uh oh."

You and Black Noir then face off against each other in hand to hand combat. You then pull out a rocket launcher and fire it at Black Noir and blow him up. He then jumps out of the explosion and then runs straight at you.

(Y/N): "Okay rocket launchers won't do. I have something that not even Queen Maeve can't survive!"

You then pull a baby out of nowhere and the baby shoots lasers from its eyes and shoots right through Black Noir's chest and through the heart, killing him instantly. Black Noir then falls to the ground lifelessly.

(Y/N): "And bingo was his nameo."*to the baby*"First I need to get you a home."

Later, at the home of Diana Prince, you placed a baby in a basket and you left a note on the basket that said: Please take care of me. You then ring the doorbell and then teleport into a tree as Diana opens the door and she sees the baby.

Diana: "Great Hera, what are you doing here young one?"*picks up the baby and sees its a baby girl*"Most unusual to leave a child like you here."*sees the note*"Well a small child will be grown into a powerful amazon warrior."

The baby fires lasers from her eyes and nearly hits Diana.

Diana: "A very useful ability, over time you will master your powers and I'll be your sister and mentor."

Diana then brings the baby into the house and closes the door behind her.

(Y/N): "Yes! Now to take the Compound V to the employer."

Later, at Mann Co., we see you bring in 700 gallons of Compound V to your employer Saxton Hale.

Saxton: "Nice work on nabbing all of that Compound V mate."*gives you a briefcase full of money*"Here's your payment, all unmarked bills mate."

(Y/N): "Thanks Mr. Hale."

Saxton: "Oh please call me Saxton, Deadpool."

You then see Jasmine walk into the room and she sees you.

Jasmine: "Hello Deadpool, good to see you again mate."

(Y/N): "Good to see you too. What brings you here?"

Jasmine: "It's bring your kid to work day, uncle Saxton's idea."

Saxton: "I thought it would be a good idea for morale around the company."

(Y/N): "So you're gonna use this stuff to make money out of it?"

Saxton: "Actually I want to take down Vought the old fashioned way, show the world their true colors."

(Y/N): "Exactly my idea."

Saxton: "I always wanted to wrestle around Homelander and his mates."

(Y/N): "Oh speaking of The Seven, I killed off this guy."

You then placed the corpse of Black Noir on the table as both Jasmine and Saxton saw it.

Saxton: "Crikey, that's Black Noir! You killed him?"

(Y/N): "Yep, I sure did."

You, Jasmine, and Saxton hear a loud sound outside and you and the others head outside and check it out. You and the others see that Vought officers lead by A-Train.

A-Train: "You have something that belongs to us Mr. Hale."

(Y/N): *to Saxton*"Want me to get my team for this?"

Saxton: "No worries mate, I'll handle this myself."*to Jasmine*"Watch your uncle work sheila."

We then see Saxton fight off the Vought officers as the officers fired their weapons at Saxton as he took the bullets and didn't feel a thing from them. Saxton bashed around all the officers with his bare fists and managed to beat them all. He then turns to one last officer and gestures of loading a pistol and then firing the pistol at the last officer only for a small sound was made.

Officer: "Ha!"

Saxton: "I don't know what you're happy about, you're dead."

The officer's head then suddenly fell off the body and the body fell down to the ground.

Saxton: "Alright, who's next?"

A-Train: "My turn!"

A-Train then uses his speed to out maneuver Saxton as Saxton then grabs A-Train by the foot and throws him to a wall.

Saxton: *walks up to A-Train*"My dad always says, if you're gonna lose."*picks up A-Train*"Do it with a big pair of balls, like you just did."

Saxton then throws A-Train into the air and into the distance. You and the others then hear a sonic boom in the distance.

Saxton: "Ah there he is, the big one."

You and the others then see Homelander land in front of Saxton.

Saxton: "Nice to see you drop by mate, my fists had a bit of a warm up from your little friends."

You then see your whole team arrived on the scene.

Scout: "Oh man, this is not happening! Homelander is here and we are screwed!"

Homelander: "He's not wrong."

Homelander charges at Saxton as he then pushes Homelander off. We then see Homelander charge at Saxton again as he then leaps at Homelander and punches Homelander so hard that he was launched into space.

(Y/N): "Nice punch."

Saxton: "Thank you mate."

Later, we see you and your team getting a new job from Miss Pauling.

Miss Pauling: "Okay guys, there is a set of 2 time travel belts in the Latverian Embassy. The mission is to get them and bring them back to base so that the Avengers can keep them out of Dr. Doom's hands."

(Y/N): "Dr. Doom, one of the big bads on Earth, sounds fun."

Miss Pauling: "The Embassy is filled with mechanized guards and guard dogs, along with a lot of turrets that would make a tank feel like a mosquito bite."

Scout: "Pfft, no wonder he's a loner, his place is so filled with weapons that he gets free pizza by shooting the pizza guy."

Miss Pauling: "That actually sounds pretty accurate Scout."

Scout: "Really?"

Miss Pauling: "Nope, he's not a fan of pizza."

Engineer: "Y'all boys thinking what would happen if Doom used those belts?"

Pyro: *shrugs an I don't know*

Engineer: "He would take over the whole world in the past by making key events not happen."*to Soldier*"Including the founding of America."

Soldier: "NOOOOOOOOO!!!! We got to get those belts, for the Statue of Liberty, George Washington, and our stars and stripes!"

Heavy: "Metal men not like our metal men."

Miss Pauling: "Heavy's right, Doom's tech is a lot more advanced."

(Y/N): "Okay guys here's the plan."

Later, at the Latverian Embassy, we see Spy disguised as a pizza delivery boy and he rang the doorbell.

Automated message: "Who are you?"

Spy: *as a pizza guy*"I'm the pizza guy and I'm here with a pineapple pizza for Dr. Doom."

Spy then puts a sapper on the gate as the gate malfunctions and opens itself. You and the team went into the embassy. You and the others head into the embassy and you take out all the cameras with silent bullets.

(Y/N): "Cameras are down, now to get to the belts."

You and the team head into the vault and you see the time travel belts.

(Y/N): "There they are guys, the time travel belts. And while we're here, we can take a lot of weapons off of Doom's hands."

Scout: "Yeah and let's trash his place too while we're here."

Soldier then takes the time belts as the Doom Bots are activated.

Sniper: "Oh blimey."

(Y/N): "Looks like we're about to have some fun everyone."

You and the others then fight off the doom bots and steal all the weapons from the embassy. Once all the bots have been demolished, you then turn to Pyro.

(Y/N): "Pyro, do your thing."

Pyro: *mumbles in excitement and holds up his flame thrower*

Sometime later, we see the Latverian Embassy on fire as you and the others were impressed by Pyro's work.

(Y/N): "Ok, I have to admit this is a complete masterpiece, Pyro you are a fire artist."

Pyro: *takes a bow to you*

Sometime later, we see you and the others head back to base and you meet Hawkeye there.

Hawkeye: "Nice work you guys."*hands you a briefcase*"I think this would cover it."

(Y/N): *looks inside and sees a lot of money*"10 million dollars ya'll!"*to the audience*"Now that's a lot of dough to roll in."

The camera then cuts to a still image of you with your team and then the title Team Fortress 2.

Next: Chapter 1: Meeting the Hero Girls

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