Chapter 1: Meeting the Hero Girls

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Here we see the hero girls at Sweet Justice and they're watching the news.

Reporter: *on Tv*"Earlier today, the hero and member of the Seven, Black Noir, was killed by the mercenary known as Deadpool. Not too long after his death, the Latverian Embassy was burned down by Deadpool alongside fellow mercenaries of the late Redmond Mann. Law Enforcement is looking for these mercenaries as we speak. To all the heroes out there, find Deadpool and turn him in."

Jessica: "My goodness."

Babs: "This Deadpool guy is something is he?"

We then see you come into Sweet Justice in your civilian clothing and you sit at a table.

(Y/N): "That was fun, I even made front page news."

The girls then saw you and they were curious about your outfit.

Zee: "Does his clothes look like the ones those mercenaries are wearing?"

Jessica: "Maybe they went to the same store?"

Diana: "Sisters, let's not dwell on them. I have come with great news, my sisters."

Babs: "What is it, Diana?"

Diana: "I have adopted a young infant as my sister."

Kara: "You? Adopted a baby?"

Diana: "Indeed, she has the power to harness energy within herself and unleash it through her sight like you Kara. Except it's blue."

Kara: "A baby with superpowers, I think you need some help with that Diana."

Diana: "Nonsense, I am a very capable caretaker. I was placed in charge of taking care of the young children in my home land of Themiskyra."

Jessica: "And if you need a babysitter, just call me and Karen."

Karen: "No way, I'm setting this one out. Last time we babysitted together, we were beaten by pre-teens with superpowers. I don't think we can handle a baby with powers."

Jessica: "You worry too much Karen, it's just a baby."

Karen: "Fine."

Babs: "Can we talk about who this guy is?"

Zee: "Let me talk to him because I have people skills, unlike you girls."

Babs: "We have people skills."

Zee: "Oh really?"*to Babs*"You follow people around just to figure out their backgrounds."*to Jessica*"You want to shove flyers about saving the environment down people's throats."*to Diana*"You take things literally."*to Kara*"You just let your fists do the talking."*to Karen*"You're too shy to talk to people."*to the girls*"And unlike any of you, I can talk to people with a normal conversation."

Hero girls(except Zee): "Good point."

Zee: "Besides I want to say hi to him."

We then see Zee walk up to your table and she sat in a chair across from you.

Zee: "Hello there."

(Y/N): "Oh what's up?"

Zee: "My name is Zee Zatara, what's yours?"

(Y/N): "Oh I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you. I've actually been to one of your shows before."

Zee: "I do make a great assistant for my daddy. But I also want to do some solo acts."

(Y/N): "I like to see one of your solo shows Zee."

Zee: "I could do one for your birthday party or you come to my shows."

(Y/N): "Well if my birthday comes around you will be the entertainment."

Zee: "Thanks (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "No problem."

Zee: "I like the outfit, where did you get it?"

(Y/N): "Oh the army store, they always have the best clothes for a working man like me."

Zee: "I see your choice of wardrobe is a bit...uniform."

(Y/N): "It's my personal style, I'm a working man remember."

Zee: "Well it suits you since your body's so...toned."

(Y/N): "Why thank you Zee, doing some odd jobs can give you the right body for any job."

Zee: "I can see that."

(Y/N): "Well it was nice to meet you, see ya."

Zee: "See ya."

You then exit the cafe as Zee walks back to the booth and turns to the other girls.

Zee: "That's how it's done."

Karen: "We can strike a normal conversation you know."

Zee: "I know I just want to talk to him first."

Karen: "Well what do you find out about him?"

Zee: "He likes to wear work clothes and he likes to do odd jobs around where he is."

Later, at RED Base, we see you and your team counting the money from your jobs.

(Y/N): "Wow, we got enough cash to stock up on weapons and ammo for years and have some leftover for good causes."

Scout: "You bet, we made some cash ever since you became head honcho of the group, real honest to god cash. We can do like a million pizza parties with this stuff!"

(Y/N): "Or get enough beer to ruin your liver."*to Demoman*"I'm talking to you Demoman."

Demoman: *already drunk*"What are you talking-"*burps and passes out onto the floor*

(Y/N): *sighs* " Someone wanna drag our drunk demo guy to his bunker?"

Heavy: "Let baby man take Demoman to bunker."

Scout: "What why me?"

(Y/N): "We all had a turn in dragging Demoman back to his bunker, so now it's your turn. So get Demo back to his bunker, Scout."

Heavy: " Da, baby man listen to other baby man."

Scout: "Okay fine, but the next time Demoman passes out, it will be Spy's turn."*starts dragging Demoman*"Jeez he needs to take a shower, I'm smelling roadkill over here."

(Y/N): " Guy drinks more than any of us, in fact he's so drunk that when he's sober the robots that tried to extract his blood got instantly drunk."*to the others*"So anyways, who's up for bounty hunting?"

Spy: " Hmm, what do you have in mind?"

(Y/N): "Well I've been reading the newspaper lately and I found this guy."

You then placed a wanted ad for Deathstroke as the rest of the team looked at the money.

Soldier: "Holy mother of Joseph, he's worth more than you by 10 cents!"

(Y/N): "I know right, how is this guy with more than me!?"

Spy: " Maybe because he is more professional at his job."

(Y/N): " Like I'm not? Guys back me up here?"

Pyro: *mumbles*

(Y/N): " Thank you Pyro, at least he's supportive."

Engineer: "Son, you don't know what's going on in his head."

(Y/N): " Like you do?"

Engineer: *about to say something but stops* " Touche."

In Pyro's eyes, he sees you and the others as babies in a magical land in a magical cave made out of candy and sweets. Back to reality, you and the others look at Pyro for a second and then look away.

Spy: "If we figure out what a madman like him is thinking we'll all drown in his madness."

(Y/N): "Anyways, bounty hunting this Deathstroke guy, ought to put some money in our banks."

Spy: "Well then, I'm in."

Sniper: "You need some back up mate."

Engineer: "I say we're in."

Soldier: "I will accept this mission in honor of America!"

Medic: "Oh I am in."

Scout: *comes in*"Yeah I'm in."

Demoman: *come in*"I'm in and drunk!"

Pyro: *mumbles*

Heavy: " Da, I am in as well."

(Y/N): "Then it's settled, we're bounty hunting."

Spy: "How do we find this monsieur Deathstroke?"

(Y/N): "We find his target, we find him."*places a picture of commissioner Gordon on the table*"Which is Commissioner Gordon."

Spy: " Hm, this Gordon, he has a daughter no?"

(Y/N): "Yep, on one of my solo missions in Gotham, there was a kid who is very into Batman, Barbara Gordon. She wants to team up with Batman as his sidekick known as Batgirl.They live in Metropolis now and she formed her own team known as the Superhero girls."*places pictures of the superhero girls both in their hero and civilian outfits*"This is them."

Spy: " Ah yes, one of them is an Amazon and ze other one is an alien from an extinct planet, the green one has a gift from outer space, the purple one has magic and ze bee one is a mechanic."

(Y/N): "You betcha Spy, so your job is to infiltrate Barbara's home as Barbara Gordon since she'll be with Harleen at the comic book store. Figure out where Deathstroke lives and who he is."

Spy: " As you wish, and it seems that this Harleen has a double life, no?"

(Y/N): "Harley Quinn, it's not that hard, even Scout can figure it out."

Scout: " Yeah."*realizes*"Hey!"

(Y/N): "Once you get the info, come back and we'll come up with a plan to beat Deathstroke."

Scout: " Will do."

(Y/N): "I was talking to Spy."

Scout: "I knew that."

Heavy: "Where did Spy go?"

You and the others see that Spy is gone.

(Y/N): *to the audience*"Man, he always be the first one to leave."

Scout: *to the other mercs*"I don't know who's crazier, Deadpool or Pyro. Cause he's talking to someone who isn't there."

Pyro: *mumbles*

Scout: "Yeah we're all nuts."

Later, at Babs' house, we see Babs leave the house and she meets up with Harleen at the comic book store.

Babs: "Hey Harleen, ready for some shopping at the comic store?"

Harleen: "You know I am Babsy!"

We then see both Babs and Harleen head into the comic book store. Meanwhile, at Babs' house, we see Spy use his disguise kit to disguise himself as Babs and go into the house. Spy goes upstairs without Commissioner Gordon noticing he's there. Spy then goes into Babs' room and looks through her things and he finds her diary and he reads through it and finds the identity of Deathstroke.

Spy: *as Babs*"Deathstroke is Slade Wilson, interesting. And he has a daughter named Rose Wilson."

Later, back at base, we see Spy give you all the information about Deathstroke.

(Y/N): "Nice work Spy."

Spy: "You're welcome."

(Y/N): "Now to work on the attack plan."

Later, we see you and the team at Slade's house and you are sending your teammates to their positions as we see Scout holding a pizza box in a pizza delivery guy disguise and he knocks on the door as we see Rose answer the door.

Scout: "Hey what's up doll face, I got a 3 cheese pizza and a pepperoni pizza."

Rose: " Uh what? We didn't order any pizza."

We then see a needle hit Rose's neck and knock her out as Scout catches her. Scout then sees Medic in the bushes as he was the one who took the shot.

Scout: "Okay that was a nice shot doc."

Medic: "It's how I manage to get all of those hearts for the team."

Scout: "Yeah let's get out of here before her dad shows up."

Medic and Scout take Rose to your vehicle which is a bread truck.

Scout: " Yo pool, we got the dame. And look at her, she looks like a model. A real honest to god model. I mean look at her, are all punk rock girls this hot?"

(Y/N): " Eh, some are. And take care of her Med, try not to take her heart, I'm sure she has her dad's powers."

Medic: " Ya, ya, no harming the Fräulein Wilson."

(Y/N): "Now onto phase two."

We later see Slade washing his dishes as he hears a footstep and throws a kitchen knife at you as you dodge it.

Slade: "What are you here for?"

(Y/N): "Someone put a price on your head and bounty hunters and mercenaries come after you, Herr Wilson. Or should I call you Deathstroke?"

Slade: " How did you-"

(Y/N): " I have my ways Willy, now what's a hack like you doing in Metropolis?"

Slade: "Just doing my job."

Slade then launches himself at you and throws you into the hallway as you then get up and see him in his uniform as Deathstroke. Your team then comes into the room and you all charge at him. Scout then pulls out a baseball bat and baseball and hits the ball and launches it at Slade's head multiple times.

(Y/N): " You are a willey one Wilson, why couldn't you just fight the bat instead?"

We then see Demoman pull out his sword Highlander and charge at Slade and slash him with the sword. Slade then knocks Demoman down as we see Heavy bear hug him and we see Soldier punching him in the face multiple times until Slade breaks free and knocks down both Heavy and Soldier.

Soldier: *gets up*"You are a disgrace to this country Slade!"

We then see Pyro come in and see Slade as we then see the point of view of Pyro and he sees Slade as a baby and we see Pyro with a giant lollipop in his hand and he jumps into the air. Back to reality, we see Pyro swing his fire ax at Slade and hit his shoulder and penetrate his armor.

Slade: " Gah! What is he thinking?!"

(Y/N): *while leaning on Slade* " Trust me you don't wanna know, heck, we don't know what he's thinking. But he is good at his job."

Slade then knocks you and Pyro back and pulls the ax out of his shoulder as we see Scout pull out a can of Bonk Atomic Punch and he opens it and he drinks it as Slade pulls out machine guns and fires multiple bullets at Scout and they don't even phase him. You then see an ad for Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness and you grab the ad and bash Deathstroke with it.

(Y/N): "Ad in your face!"

Deathstroke then recovers and then hits you with his bo staff and launches you into the backyard as he follows you. Sniper then shoots Slade right in his only good eye from afar as he struggles to see anything as you see an opportunity and pull out a carbonadium sword and teleport behind him and slice his head off killing him instantly.

(Y/N): *to the audience*"Just like on Death Battle."

Sniper: " Oi now, didn't he have a daughter?"

(Y/N): "Oh right, maybe she'll understand?"

Later, we see you and Rose at your base and you explain what happened.

Rose: "YOU WHAT!?!?!!?"

Scout: " Hey we had to do what we do."

Rose: " Why would you kill my dad?!? He didn't do anything!"

Spy: " Except murder all the people he was hired to kill, including ze father of your new friend."

Rose: " What? No, dad wouldn't-"

(Y/N): " Spy's right."*to Spy*"Show her."

Spy then showed Rose a large file folder of all the people he was hired to kill, including Commissioner Gordon.

Rose: " Commissioner Gordon? That's Babs' dad. And my dad was gonna-"

Demoman: " Aye little las, we-"*burps and passes out onto the floor*

(Y/N): *sighs* " What our drunk explosive expert was trying to say is, we did what we had to do. Sorry Ms. Wilson."

Spy: " Yes, our dearest apologies for the murder of your mercenary father."

Scout: "Hey your friend's dad is alive, your friend is alive, you get his stuff, and we got paid big time. So everyone wins and if you want to date a charming guy, I'm free. Cause-"*flexes his right arm*"-being a merc means you have some big guns like these."

Rose: "Yeah you're not my type."

(Y/N): " You're gonna have to forgive Scout, he's always like this. And again sorry about killing your dad."

Rose: " I know, I know, I understand. It's just I want a friend and they always end up on the business end of my dad's sword."

Scout: "So uh? How about a steak dinner, you and me?"

Rose: "Still no, Scout."

Scout: "Oh come on, I even bought real pizzas for ya with my own money!"

(Y/N): " Scout, come on we just killed this girl's dad, be more sensible."

Scout: "Okay, okay. So next week?"

Spy: *face palms* " Ughh, Scout."

(Y/N): *sighs* " Spy, if I ever get the urge to turn Scout into a scarecrow, knock me out will ya?"

Spy: "Much obliged."

Scout: "Okay I'm leaving the room."

We then see Scout leave the room as you then turn to Rose.

(Y/N): "Anyways, what would you do now since your dad is dead?"

Rose: "Well I could always move in with my mom, or make my dad's house my house. It has enough beds for all of you if you want to stay."

(Y/N): "We like this place since we're wanted men for killing Black Noir."

Rose: "Who?"

(Y/N): "Black Noir is one of the Seven from Vought, he's a top superhero right next to Homelander."

Rose: "Oh. Wait, why did you guys go up against guys like the Seven?"

(Y/N): " Hello, those guys are just corporate heros, they're sell outs. Also the other heroes that Vought made thanks to the chemical Compound V did a lot of bad things under everyone's radar during their career. Drugs, murder, rape you name it and they did it without anyone noticing. Except for Starlight, she's a nice girl. I can't believe they made her change to an outfit that is skimpy since she wants her costume to be more child friendly."

Spy: " Agreed, not even Scout would find that appealing."

(Y/N): "Yeah plus most families who have these superheroes who are owned by Vought wanted to be rich or give their kids a better life than theirs. Most of those kids didn't get powers that are the least useful and they just get dumped to a place where they just live out their days with their curses called powers."

Rose: "Wow that's-"

Scout: *Off-screen* "Messed up!"

Rose: " What he said."

(Y/N): "Yeah that's what we said too."

Rose: "So how many of these superheroes does Vought have?"

You then place a large file folder on the table and Rose sees it.

Rose: "Wow, that's a lot of people."

(Y/N): "The worst part about it is that they have been injecting the chemical compound into these people since they were babies."

Rose: " Yikes."

(Y/N): "I know right, it sucks."

Rose: "So how does Compound V work?"

(Y/N): "Can't really control what powers it gives you, so it's basically like spinning the wheel for what power you get and the specific functions of how that power works."

Rose: "Yikes. That's a huge gamble."

(Y/N): " Sure is, anyways we have another job to do that involves Vought."

Rose: " You're gonna kill someone there?"

Heavy: "Two super-nots, killed with one stone."

(Y/N): "I put Heavy and Spy in charge of that job, the targets we're aiming are not part of the Seven but have committed several crimes under people's radar."*gives Rose a flier*"Just come to this and you'll see."

Rose: "Okay then, should I bring some friends along?"

(Y/N): "Sure, they'll get the front row seat to see two not-superheroes die."

Later in Metropolis, we see Rose along with the hero girls at the event involving the hero known as the Great Wide Wonder and they see Homelander, A-Train, and Queen Maeve on stage.

Homelander: "People of Metropolis, we are here to welcome a new member of the Seven known as the Great Wide Wonder the only way we know how. Through the ring of fire held by Ironcast.

The girls then see Ironcast holding the ring of fire as they see the Great Wide Wonder land on the ground who is a bit more excited by it, a bit too excited as Homelander can hear his heart beating a bit too quickly.

Great Wide Wonder: "Yeah let's do this!"

Jessica: " Why do I get the feeling this is gonna end badly?"

(Y/N): *comes in in civilian clothes*"Hey, have you guys heard the rumors lately?"

Zee: *sees you*"Oh hey (Y/N). Wait rumors, what rumors?"

(Y/N): "I've heard rumors about these guys doing drugs under the radar, even Homelander."

Diana: " So these are not real heros?"

(Y/N): "Oh a friend told me that they got their powers from a come from a chemical called-"*looks at Homelander and looks around*"-Compound V."

Karen: " Compound V? I've never heard of that. What is it?"

(Y/N): *looks around*"It's a very powerful chemical that gives you powers, but it'll only be permanent if it's in your system-"*looks around*"-as a baby. But-"*looks around*"-it's very unpredictable."

Kara: " How unpredictable?"

(Y/N): "It's like spinning the wheel of fortune for your life, if you end up with a power that is not good."*looks around*"You'd be ditched by your greedy parents because you got the wrong powers."

Babs: " Wow, isn't that a bit harsh?"

(Y/N): "Well if you want to get rich fast you have to make a superhero under the guise of Vought, inject Compound V into your baby and you get cold hard cash."

Jessica: " And this is why I don't trust corporations like them."

(Y/N): "What's even crazier? The Great Wide Wonder was-"*looks around*"-messing around with some school girls while flying around in the air."

Rose: "Wait as in they were-"

(Y/N): "Yes."

Zee: "Gross."

Babs: "What happened to the girls?"

(Y/N): "They're in orbit. Ironcast is even worse."*looks around*"He drinks the blood of dead kids."

Jessica: " Ewww! That is so wrong on so many levels!"

(Y/N): "Well karma will hit them hard someday."

You and the others then see Great Wide Wonder then fly around the city going at speeds way beyond his limits as he was heading to Ironcast and crash into him so hard that he bursts through Ironcast and then crashes into a stone wall resulting in the death of both of them. The crowd goes into a panic as the girls see it happened.

Diana: "Great Hera!"

Kara: " Dude!"

Zee: " (Y/N), explanation!"

(Y/N): "I bet someone spiked Great Wide Wonder's drugs. Well anyways, see ya girls."

Kara: " Wait where are you going?"

(Y/N): "I'm just heading to the arcade, it's my day off from doing odd jobs."

Kara: " Okay."

You then walk off as Jessica was about to lose her lunch from the sight of both Supers' deaths.

Zee: *supports Jessica* " Easy Jess, just look away."

Jessica: *looks away*"I'm okay."

Later, at the Seven Tower, we see The Seven figuring out what happened to both Great Wide Wonder and Ironcast.

Homelander: "How could this have happened!?"

Q. Maeve: "I'm just as clueless as you are."

Stormfront: "Yeah and most of us were ready to bring in that guy but now this? How could this day get even worse?"

Starlight: *looks into her phone*"Has anyone seen Stormfront's social media lately? Cause I've seen footage of her doing some not so heroic acts and-"*sees something*"Whoah!"*to Stormfront*"You're a nazi?"

Stormfront: " What?!"*checks her phone*"I'm ruined!"

Homelander: "There is one man that could do this kind of damage. Deadpool!"

Meanwhile, at RED base, we see you posted a new video of Stormfront's not so heroic acts, her future plans, and her actual age online.

Scout: *sees Stormfront's age*"Dude, she's over 100 years old!?"

(Y/N): "Yep, I checked."

Scout: " Dang, I bet Homelander has gone nuclear right now. He might be so angry he can split North America in half just to burn off the steam!"

Spy: " Try not to jinx it."

Scout: "In that case I did not say that. I wasn't even thinking of it."

(Y/N): "I wonder how Stormfront is taking it."

Later, we see you walking around in your civilian clothes and you see Stormfront crying while eating ice cream at Sweet Justice.

(Y/N): "Maybe the social media thing is a bit far."

You then went into Sweet Justice and then sat at Stormfront's table.

(Y/N): " Hey your Stormfront right?"

Stormfront: *eatings ice cream*"I used to be until all of those posts of me being a white supremist nazi, now I'm ruined! And the worst part is, it's all true!"*smashes her face into her ice cream cries harder*"I'm a loser!"

(Y/N): "Maybe you need to change your ways. Don't think of those things and be a better person. Besides nazism is dead nowadays."

Stormfront: *sniffles* " Really?"

(Y/N): " Yeah, you just need to turn your life around by proving to the people you can change. Plus most women want to have looks when they become a year over 100, but you are one girl that is still pretty to this day. Heck Captain Marvel is pushing 60 and she still looks like she's in her 20s."

Stormfront: " Oh, I guess you got a point there."

(Y/N): "Exactly and you can be a good hero, without the aid of Vought. They're just gonna make you look even worse by trying to make you look good. Same goes for Starlight and Queen Maeve."

Stormfront: " What? N-no Vought wouldn't do that. Would they?"

(Y/N): " They would, you saw what happened to Great Wide Wonder, imagine if that was you. To them, you're just a brand and not a person."

Stormfront: " You're right, and I can't believe I married the founder of Vought all those years ago! I need to turn my life around, thanks for the advice kid."

(Y/N): "Anytime."

Later we see you in your uniform as Deadpool and you are on the rooftops and you see the Supers of Vought unionizing and doing a strike led by Stormfront.

(Y/N): "Nice work Stormfront, you did good."

You then notice a girl who is wearing the same outfit as you leaping across the rooftops.

(Y/N): " What the?"

You then follow the girl and you manage to catch up to her and you stop her by grabbing her by the foot.

(Y/N): "Okay white and pink me, who are you? And why did you get the colors wrong?"

Gwenpool: *gets up*"I'm Gwenpool."*sees you*"Oh my gosh, you're Deadpool! I'm your biggest fan!"*takes off her mask*"My name is Gwendolyn Poole."

(Y/N): "Wait wait, you know who I am?"

Gwendolyn: "Of course Deadpool, you're my idol! You really stick it up to Vought!"*gasps*"Can I join your team?!"

(Y/N): "Wait? I have a fanbase?"

Gwendolyn: "We call ourselves the Poolies but we keep our club meetings secret so that Vought doesn't suspect anything. Plus I'm the club president and founder."*holds out a pen and notebook*"Can I have your autograph?"

(Y/N): "Uh sure."*signs the notebook*"So where did you come from?"

Gwendolyn: "Oh I live in New York and saw all of the news about you. You really helped your team to get out of the badlands and you scored the big bucks against the big bads of the world. And it turns out, I'm not alone, there are other people who joined my secret club. Plus I noticed you were breaking the 4th wall."

(Y/N): "Wait, you can break the 4th wall too?"

Gwendolyn: "Sure can."

Gwendolyn then breaks the 4th wall by coming out of the screen and then comes back with a large assortment of weapons including the Continuity Stone.

Gwendolyn: "I got all the weapons from TF2 and TFC and the Continuity Stone for you and the team."

(Y/N): " Cool, you can break the 4th wall too. Maybe you can be my 2nd in command."

Gwendolyn: "EEEEEE!!!!"*drops the weapons and hugs you tightly*"Thank you, thank you, thank you! And if you need any help the Poolies will be by your side."*lets go of you and puts her mask back on*"You won't regret it Deadpool sir!"

(Y/N): " Um yeah, at ease soldier."*pats her head* "If you want to be part of my team, you need to know how to prepare for certain situations, like the Superhero girls suddenly appearing out of nowhere armed and ready to attack."

Gwendolyn: "Huh?"

We then see the Superhero Girls surround you and Gwendolyn.

Babs: " Hold it right there Deadpool and uh some girl that is dressed like Deadpool but with a different color scheme."

(Y/N): "Her name is Gwenpool."

Diana: "Surrender now soldiers of fortune or perish!"

(Y/N): " Or what? Throw bad DCEU movies that bombed the box office at us?"

Gwendolyn: "Oh burn!"

You and Gwendolyn pull out your katanas and then fight off the Superhero girls, well everyone except Jessica since she was a pacifist.

(Y/N): *deflects Kara's heat vision* " Is that all you got? I fought Superman and he was way tougher than you, pansy."

Kara then shoots heat vision at you as we see Gwendolyn pull out a spear tipped with kryptonite.

(Y/N): "Whoah, is that same spear from the movies?"

Gwendolyn: " Sure is!"

Kara: *feels the effects of the kryptonite*"Oh man, not again!"

Gwendolyn: "I'm not gonna kill her with it, just soften her up."

(Y/N): "Good, cause I do not want to be on the receiving end when Clark goes nuclear."

Gwendolyn: " And if he does I always have this-" *pulls out a spray can of gold kryptonite*"-gold kryptonite in a can, can make a high and mighty kryptonian into a pansy with one spray. Like this."

Gwendolyn uses the spray to make Kara lose her powers.

Kara: "Not again!"

Gwendolyn then uses the Vulcan neck pinch on Kara and knocks her out. You then fight Babs hand to hand and you catch her fist and throw her at both Jessica and Karen. Diana then charges at you with her sword and she slashes at you and then she stabs you right through the chest by accident.

(Y/N): "AH! Swords, my only weakness!"*falls to the ground*"You are the one who killed Deadpool! Hurk bleh!"

Diana: "Great Hera! What have I done?!"

You then get back up and then kick Diana in the face so hard that she was knocked out.

(Y/N): "The old fake out trick, never fails."*pulls the sword out of your chest*"Man those Amazons have some nice swords."

Zee then fires a burst of magic at you and Gwendolyn.

(Y/N): " Hey watch it with the card tricks, I just had this suit dry cleaned."

Gwendolyn: "And I do not want to put an obituary on my Deadpool fan site!"

You then grab Gwendolyn's hand and then throw her at Zee and she knock Zee out with a single punch.

(Y/N): " That's for almost destroying my suit!"

Gwendolyn: "Yeah what he said."

Later, the hero girls were all tied up in a rope and Kara was wearing a necklace with gold kryptonite in it so that she doesn't get out of the rope.

Diana: "Let us go, you fiend!"

Gwendolyn: " No can do, why did you attack us?"

Babs: "We're here to stop Deadpool from doing anymore damage!"

Kara: "I feel so conflicted right now, the necklace is super nice and yet it has Gold Kryptonite in it! I'm so confused!"

Zee: "You will not get away with this!"

(Y/N): " And what am I gonna get away with exactly?"

Babs: " Well uh, um, it's-"

(Y/N): " Seriously, do none of you know?"

Diana: "You killed Black Noir and destroyed the Latverian Embassy!"

Gwendolyn: "Yeah but he was paid to do it."

(Y/N): " Plus I had a good reason to do so." *pulls out some money*"Money and being the karma for Vought's way of making heroes."

Zee: "Compound V, they have enough of those to make millions of heroes from babies."

Karen: " And it's our job to stop them, and to protect people."

(Y/N): "Okay if you want out of the ropes, you have to promise that you won't go after us okay."

Jessica: "We promise."

You then loosen the ropes and you get the necklace off of Kara and toss it off the building.

(Y/N): "Okay are we in an agreement?"

Jessica: " Yes we are, and we're sorry for causing the trouble."

(Y/N): " It's fine."

Later, at RED base, we see the team talking to the new recruit and your second in command, Gwendolyn Poole the Gwenpool.

(Y/N): "Everyone, meet our new recruit and second in command Gwenpool."

Gwendolyn: "Hi everybuddy, I'm also the founder and president of the underground club known as Poolies."

Scout: "Dude we have a girl on the team, a real honest to god girl. She's smokin hot guys."

Gwendolyn: *hugs your arm* " Don't even think about it buster, I belong to (Y/N) and him only."

(Y/N): "Um that sounds like something someone's girlfriend would say."

Gwendolyn: " Well if you have to insist, you can always get help from the Poolies. Just ask us what needs to be done and we'll do it."

(Y/N): "Really?"

Spy: " And just where are these, Poolies?"

Gwendolyn: "We like to keep our club meetings secret and this base is a perfect place for hiding. And I would like for you all to meet them all in person."

Gwendolyn then makes some hand signals that say you can come out now. You and the others then see numerous teenagers wearing outfits that look like your outfit come out of numerous places in the base.

Spy: "Sac le bleu!"

Gwendolyn: "It was my idea to infiltrate your base and hide for a while, I thought it would make a great surprise."

Soldier: "Holy mother of Joseph!"

Engineer: "These munchkins are your folks?"

(Y/N): " In my defense I didn't know I was this popular."

Demoman: " My god, they're everywhere!"

Medic: " We are going to need ze bigger base ya?"

Gwendolyn: "Oh we have our secret club house, you are all invited anytime."

(Y/N): "I guess you and your club are now part of our ranks now. Since you proved to infiltrate our base with relative ease without us noticing."

Gwendolyn: " You hear that guys, we're officially in their ranks!"

Poolies: "Whooo!!!!"

Gwendolyn: " Yay! You won't regret it, Deadpool sir!"*to the Poolies*"Head back to the club house everyone."

You and the others then see the Poolies leave the base and take a secret passage to their clubhouse.

Spy: " I am not going to question when and how they got here."

Pyro: *mumbles*

(Y/N): "So Gwenpool, where are you gonna be staying in our base?"

Gwendolyn: *hugs your arm* " With you silly."

(Y/N): "Well bring your stuff to the barracks."

Gwendolyn: "Alrighty then."

Next: Chapter 2: Meet the Gwenpool

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