Chapter 4: Overprotective Uncle

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I open my eyes and rub it only to see myself sitting on the floor with my head and arms resting on a bed.

I look around and see the bedroom that I cleaned last night. My head started hurting so I hold it.

"Ugh..... Guess working too much can cause me such a pain."

I stand up from the floor and walk out of the room until I reach the kitchen. I look at the time and it is only 7:30. I then started cooking breakfast for Ruby and Yang and after that, the both of them entered the kitchen.

We greet each other and the two of them started eating. I went to the living room and sit down on the couch and closed my eyes for a while.

While my eyes still closed, I could hear some clanking sounds from the kitchen but ignored it. Minutes later, I could feel some tugging me so I open my eyes and saw Ruby tugging my sleeve.

"What is it Ruby?"

"Daddy? Why do you look so pale?"

"I do? Oh, sorry. I'm just tired and didn't get enough sleep. But don't worry."

"You should sleep."

"No, I still have to clean the dishes."

"Yang is already cleaning them."

"Tell her to stop cleaning. I'll clean them myself."

"Nope! You will be lying on the couch, sleeping! And you can't make me!"

"Oh yes I will." I then stand up and carry her making her laugh.

"Hahah! You're cheating!"

"No I'm not. Now let's go to the kitchen and help your sister clean."

I carry her all the way to the kitchen and saw Yang standing on a stool as she wash the dishes. I put Ruby beside her and the three of us happily clean dishes.

"Now that's all done, you two go take a shower. You guys are stinking." I joked.

"What? We don't smell bad! You're lying." Yang retorted.

"Just go to the bathroom and clean yourselves up. Or else I won't let you take a shower for 2 days."

They then rush upstairs to get their towels and came back down and enter the bathroom. I chuckle at this and rearrange the furnitures in the living room. After the two of them took a shower, it was now my turn. As I wash my hair, I started to think about how should I explain it all to Qrow.

Few minutes later, I was finally done showering and dry myself up and getting dressed. Wearing my watch, I look at it to see its only been 2 hours that had passed.

I enter in the living room again only to see Ruby and Yang watching TV.

"Yang, Ruby." I called them out.

They then gaze at me with a concern face.

"What is it, dad?" Yang ask.

"Follow me, I have a gift for you two." I said with a small smile curved on my lips.

They got off the couch and went towards me. The three of us walk upstairs and stand I was front of a door.

"Here it is, I hope you like it." I open the door wide and let them enter inside.

When they look inside, their eyes widen and then a they beam at me. They suddenly hug me tightly.

"We have our own bedroom now!" Ruby said.

"Thanks for this, dad!" Yang said.

"Your welcome, girls. I'm glad you like the room. Say, how about you check out the bed to see if it's comfy."

They complied and jump on the beds. Ruby started bouncing on it as I smile.

"This bed is awesome! Now I can bounce all day here!" Ruby exclaimed.

"The bed is very soft. I love it." Yang commented calmly.

"I'm happy you are satisfied with your room. You two can play here if you want, I placed all your things in your own cabinets. If you need me, I'll be downstairs."

I walk out of the room, leaving Ruby and Yang to play inside their bedroom. Walking down the stairs, a knock was suddenly heard from the door.

I walk towards it and slowly open the door, revealing Qrow.

"I came here as you promised."

"*sigh* Come inside." I open the door wide for him enter inside.

I lead him to the living room and offer him to sit on the couch. He takes out his flask from his pocket and took a sip before closing the cap and putting it back in his pocket.

"Where are they, by the way?" He ask.

"Upstairs in their room. You can meet them later after this. Now, what I want to tell you last night is that.......... Tai........... abused them." I said.

He then stares at me like I was joking.

"Excuse me? I think I didn't heard it right." He said.

"I said it loud and clear, Qrow. Don't make me repeat it." I said.

Seconds later his face shows a enraged expression. He stands up and started leaving but stops first to say something to me.

"You already knew what I'm going to do." He then walks out of the house and close the door.

I stand by the door and sigh.

"I just hope he doesn't kill him...."


I then cooked lunch for the three of us and started eating.

"Dad, who was talking with you a while ago?" Yang ask.

"It's just your uncle Qrow." I said.

Both of them look at me shocked. Ruby quickly latches on my arm giving me a wide smile.

"Really?! Where is he?!"

"He's out right now, he just came here to talk to me."

"Will he come back?"

"He will, though I don't know when."

"You should've said it to us that he will be visiting." Yang pouts.

"Sorry, but I'll make it up to you later."

We finish eating our meal then I cleaned the kitchen. It's only bee 1pm and there's nothing to do but wait for Arthur and John.

I sigh, bored that I have nothing to do at the moment. Ruby then came up to me with a curious face.

"What is it?" I look at her.

"Uhmm, uh." She started to have difficulty to speak what she is about to say.

"Don't worry, you can tell me what you want to tell."

"O-okay...... Does me and Yang..... Have to go to school?"

I then look at her and thought about it.

"Did he take you both to school back then?"

"N-no...... We only study by reading books while he is gone." She said sadly.

Not wanting to see her like that, I rub the top of her head in a playful manner and chuckled.

"Then you'll be going to school then, since that you two know a lot by self-educating yourselves, you might be advanced on a higher level."

"R-really? You will let us go to school?" She ask with hope in her eyes.

"Of course." I let go of her head and smiled.

She tackled me in a hug as she receives a hug from me. She keeps thanking me for what I did making me adore the cuteness.

"Okay, okay. Don't go all hyper about that. I'll enroll you guys on a school tomorrow."

"Yes, daddy!" She then stands on her toes and suddenly kiss my cheek and gave me a wide smile before running upstairs.

I touch the part of my cheek where she kissed me making me chuckle.

"Heh, cute."

Another hour had passed and finally someone knocked on the door. I stand up and walk towards it as the knocking continues.

"Alright, alright. Geez...." I mumbled.

I open the door only to be tackled in a bone crushing hug from John.

"Hey! Y/N! What's up!" He greets me cheerfully.

"Fine, like always. By the way, you don't have to hug me like this. It's hurting my back." I said bluntly at him.

He then let's go apologize. Arthur walk inside with Haile holding his hand.

"Hey uncle Y/N!" She greets.

"Good to see you too, Haile." I said.

"Anyways, where are your daughters, Y/N? I really wanna meet them right now." Arthur said.

"Will you wait in the living room?" I ask.

They then got out of the doorway and I close the door and then walk inside the living room, while the others follow me. They then took a seat on the couch and John looks at me with his normal polite smile.

"Your house sure did change since the past years." He said.

"Well I like cleaning, that's one of my hobbies."

"Your hobby is boring, anyway what are they doing right now?" Arthur ask.

"Oh right, I'll go get them. Be right back." I said and started to arrive at the stairs.

But before I took a first step, Ruby and Yang are standing beside the stair on the second floor.

"Who are the people downstairs, dad?" Yang ask.

"They are just some friends of mine. Get down here, I also want you to meet your new friend."

They stepped down the stairs and I walk back to the living room with them behind me. Arthur and John noticed our presence and when their eyes laid on the two girls behind me, their eyes widen.

They realized who are the two people behind me and soon Arthur gave me a serious look.

"You'd better explain this to us, later." He said.

Qrow's POV

I arrived at Tai's house and the first thing I did was kicked the door open to see him standing as he fix something on the cabinet.

"Oh Qrow, you came back. Did you-" I cut him by punching him on the face causing him to fall in the floor.

"That's for lying to me!"

"What the hell was that for?!" Tai yelled.

I punch him again this time, it caused blood to leak out of the side of his lips.

"That's for hiding it from me."

Because of my anger, I ended up making his face full of bruises and I started walking towards the door.

My left hand holding onto the knob of the door and was about to close it but I first grab my weapon and shot his leg causing him to scream in pain.

"And that, is for hurting my nieces." I then closed the door and started walking off.

I reach for my flask and open the cap then started drinking. I Cloe the cap and put it back in my pocket.

"Ugh....... He's just a good-for-nothing bastard."

Ruby's POV

"So uncle Y/N isn't your real dad?" Haile ask us while we play in our room.

"Yes, he adopted us days ago. And we love him as our new dad!" I said happily.

"Then what happened to your real parents?"

We look away from her with a sad expression. She looks at us worried.

"Are you okay?"

"We're okay, it's just......... Our old parent hates us....." Yang answered.

"That's bad...... Parents should not hate their kids. But don't worry! Uncle Y/N always makes everyone happy!" Haile beamed.

We smile at this I hum in agreement.

"Yeah! He's a cool dad!" Yang said.

"My dad is cooler! He always bakes me cookies!" She shows us a small plastic bag of cookies.

"Woah! Can I have some, please?!" I ask.

"Sure!" She grabs two cookies and each gave us one.


"No problem!"

I ate the whole cookie in a second and the two look at me in disbelief.


"How did you ate that cookie fast?" Yang ask.

I laugh sheepishly and scratch the back of my neck.

"I just love cookies."

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