Chapter 5: Good Holiday

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2 months later


"Daddy! Daddy! Wake up!" A voice said.

"Hmm..... What is it?" I ask sleepily with my eyes still closed.

"You said that we will have the best day this Christmas!"

"Oh yeah...... I forgot it's Christmas now..... Wait downstairs, I'll go get change."

"Okay!" She got off the bed and run out of the room.

I sit up from bed and yawn. Standing up, I open my closet and get change into my winter coat. I got out of my room and walk down the stairs, reaching the first floor.

Suddenly I smell something delicious coming from the kitchen. I enter the kitchen and see Ruby and Yang are sitting on their seat, each sipping on a bowl of soup.

"That soup smells good, who cooked it?" I ask even though I already know the answer.

"We cooked it! Sit here, daddy!" Ruby demanded.

I shrug and sit on the chair beside her as Ruby holds a spoonful of soup in front of me.

"Say Aahhh!" She said.

I do as she says and I taste the soup. I slowly swallow and examine the taste.

"Not bad, this soup is good."

"Yes!" Yang and Ruby said as they gave each other a high five.

I grab my own spoon and started sipping on the soup. Once we're done, we place the bowls and spoons on the sink.

"Dad, can we go out and play?" Yang ask.

"Sure, wear your scarfs first."

They walk to the door, me following them behind and they grab and were their scarfs around their neck.

I open the door and let them run around on the front yard as they play with the snow. I got out and close the door and watch the two of them play.

"You can't beat me, Yang!" Ruby yelled.

"In your dreams! I'll make sure this snowball hits your face!" She retorted.

She threw a snowball at her as hard as she could but it only ended up hitting it on her arm.

"Hahaha! You missed!"

"But at least I hit you!"

"Well you lose, now it's my turn!"

Ruby then position herself with a snowball in her left hand and then release it seconds later to hit Yang. But it ended up the snowball hitting half off my face.

The both of them look at me with Ruby showing an embarrassed smile as Yang mock her.

"Oh no sis. He is about to make you a snowman any second!"

"That's cold, well I guess I have no choice."

I then gave them a mischievous smile making them grin evilly.

"You can't beat us in a snowball fight!" Yang said.

"We'll see, but I'll go easy on you two." I grab a snowball and prepare to throw it.

They quickly made snowballs and started throwing it at me then I throw mine as well, hitting Yang making her fall on her butt.

"No fair!" She pouted.

"I played many games fair and square." I said calmly.

Our little game continues until we decided to make a snowman which Yang had a difficulty to put the torso part of the snowman on top of the largest and bottom part.

Ruby holds the snowman head and I lift her up to help her place it.

"Go gather some rocks, I'll go get a carrot and a scarf for it." I said.

They complied and started to search then I walk back inside the house to get a piece of carrot, hat and an extra small scarf. I got back outside to see the two of them already trying to put the rocks on the right place.

I approach them and put the things I'm holding on the ground and help them put the rocks on. After a minute of placing them I let Yang put the scarf around it and Ruby place the carrot on the middle. Then I place the hat on the top.

After we finished making it, we stood in front of the snowman and observe it.

"I think something it missing." Ruby said.

"What?" I said.

"Can I borrow your scroll, daddy?"

"Yeah sure." I grab my scroll from my pocket and hand it to her.

She then tap the camera app and move in front of us.

"Yang, daddy. Stand beside the snowman."

We complied and then she raise the scroll with the front camera on.

"Smile!" We then smile at the camera as she took a picture of us.

After that, she looks on the picture and smiled. She then walk towards me and gave me the scroll.

"Can we keep this picture and put it in our bedroom?"

"Sure you can, when you wake up tomorrow it'll be in your desk already." I smiled and rub her head.

"Yay! Now we have another picture to put in our photo album!" Yang exclaimed.

"Yeah! We should collect more!" Ruby replied.

"I'm glad you girls are having a good time."

They then hug me, surprising me a little but I soon hug back. Seconds passed, we separated.

"Dad, you're the best dad we ever had!" Yang said.

"Yeah! You're our super hero!" Ruby said.

"Well I'm not actually the best dad." I said.

"Are you kidding? You are the greatest dad in the world! With those cool semblance you have! I wanna be just like you!" Yang said.

"You don't have to be like me to be cool."

"Okay, then we will be cool in our own way! By the way, daddy?" Ruby ask.

"What is it?"

The two of them look at each other then back at me and gave a kiss on the cheek and smile widely at me.

"We love you, dad." They said.

I smile at this and put my scroll back and carry them.

"Let's go back inside. We'll freeze here if we stay longer."


I carry them back inside and we continue to enjoy our Christmas until it is now night time.

"Dad! Can we open our presents now?" Yang pleaded.

"Please?" Ruby gave me adorable puppy eyes.

I sweat at this and clear my throat.

"Just a few more minutes. I want to see it in the right time."

"But we've been waiting for an hour! We can't take it any more." Ruby said.

"Yeah! I really wanna see what's mine." Yang said.

"Okay, okay. We'll open your presents now." I said sighing in defeat.

"Yes!" They ran towards the Christmas tree and sit on the carpet then grab their gifts.

I watch them with a smile as Ruby finally saw what her gift is.

"Woah! New story books! And is this my cloak?" She ask.

"Yes, I noticed how torn and dirty it is so I cleaned and fix it."

She then wear her cloak and twirl around admiring her fixed cloak.

"I love it! Thanks daddy!"

"Your welcome. Now Yang how about you open yours?"

She removes all the gift wrappings then she smiled at the toy bow and arrow I bought for her.

"I don't know why you want that kind of gift, but make sure to carefully use it when you're playing." I said.

"I will! Thanks dad!"

They open more of their gifts as I smile at them. Hours later, it's already 9pm and it's time for them to sleep.

I gently tug them in their beds and gave them a light kiss on the forehead as I watch them slowly falling asleep.

"Good night, dad...." Yang said then she quickly fell asleep.

"Good night to you both too." I stand up and quietly walk to the the door.

As I was about to close the door, I stopped for a second and smiled.

"Merry Christmas."

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