Chapter 6: Long Time No See

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"See you later, daddy!" Ruby waves as she is about to turn around and head inside the school.

I wave back with small smile on my face and watch her and Yang enter the school. When they're finally out of sight, I walk away and head towards to John's home.

I knock on the door a few times and wait for it to open. John opens the door and gives me a smile.

"Hey, what brings you here?" He ask.

"Is it bad for me to visit a friend of mine?" I ask jokingly.

"Just get inside." He said opening the door wide.

I let myself in and look around, it looks normal and decent.

"Make yourself at home." He said.

I walk around for bit then head inside his living room and took a seat on the couch. John sat across from me with his eyes focused on his scroll.

Then I felt something rubbing on my leg and I look down to see John's cat. I pet his head and smile a little.

"How're your daughters?" John ask, finally breaking the silence.

"Fine. They're at school right now."

"Glad they are doing fine instead of being with Tai." He said with a tint of anger when he said Tai's name.

"(Guess we all hate him now.....)" I thought.

"I mean, how did he changed like that? He wasn't the guy we knew before. Hurting two defenseless little girls. Though thanks to you, they're having a good life now. Also I've noticed you've become softer than usual. Did adopting them affected you?" He jokes.

"Just don't mention that again to me or anyone else. By the way, how's your mother?"

"She's in a good condition now. She's still in the hospital but I think she'll be out sooner." He said smiling sadly.

"Don't worry, bud. She's going to be all right." I said reassuring him.

"Thanks. Do you have something to do right now? I'm kinda bored, wanna go visit Beacon again or something?"

"Yeah, I think visiting the academy sounds good. It's been years since we last went there."

"Come on." He said standing up.

I then followed and the two of us got out of his house and walk for a while until we reached a bullhead.

"It's only been 8 years yet so many things had changed." I said.

"Yeah....... Though I don't like the change of the others. It's only destroying the ecosystem." John replied.

"I agree with you."

"Can I ask you something?" He ask.

"You're already asking me." I said.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway what I wanted to ask you, is when are you going to get married?" He questioned with an innocent smile.

I frown at him and sigh.

"Why of all things did you ask that?" I said.

"Nothing it's just that I've never heard or seen you in a romantic relationship before and since you're now a dad, they also need a mom."

"Don't ever ask about that....." I said.

"What did I do?"

We continue to talk about things until we reach the courtyard of Beacon. The two of us got off the bullhead and walk towards the academy. We pass by many students then met up with an old friend of ours, Peter.

"Look who's teaching." John said.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" Peter ask.

"Peter it's us. Y/N and John, don't you remember?" I ask.

"Ahh! Now I remember, sorry I didn't recognize you two. What brings you here?"

"We were just visiting the academy. Nothing much, hey is Bartholomew also teaching here?"

"Well yes, he is. He's in the staff room right now with Glynda and the other staff members." He said.

"So Glynda's teaching here too? Huh, wonder why you guys decided to take that job." I said.

"You two can walk around the academy for now, but don't disturb any class. I'm off now." Peter said walking away.

"Hey Y/N." John said.

"What?" I ask.

"How about we give Glynda and the others a surprise just like back then." He said giving me an evil grin.

"Have you ever grown up?" I ask.

"Probably. But come on it'll be fun!" He said.

"No. Do it on your own, I'll just go to the headmaster's office." I said walking away.

"Aww, you're no fun." I heard him say.

I then walk to the elevator and enter inside before pressing a button. The elevator door closes and I can feel it lifting me up. Seconds later, the door opens and I step out. In front of me is Ozpin's office with him sitting on his chair and his back is towards me.

"Ahh, Y/N. So finally nice to see you again after these long years." He said turning around with a mug in hand.

"It's good to see you too, Oz." I said stepping forward and stopping in front of his desk.

"How's it been? I haven't heard anything from you until Arthur visited me weeks ago." He said.

"Ive been fine. I guess he told you about everything that happened 4 months ago." I said.

"He did, and I also can't believe that Tai did that to them. Are they alright now?"

"Yes, they're fine. They've been doing great now." I said smiling a little.

"That's good to hear. Also, since you're here when I needed you. I'm going to ask you a favor." He said looking at me with seriousness.

I look at him with a frown.

"You know I won't do those missions for you that involves her." I said.

"I know, I know. But this doesn't involve them. In fact, I'm only here to ask you to check on someone."

"Fine. I'll do it, who and where?" I ask.

"Raven Branwen. In Anima, Mistral. You already know why." He said.

"Are you even listening to her years ago? She said it herself, she isn't one of your sacrifices anymore." I said irritated.

"I know that. I only want you to check on her to see how she's doing, and maybe perhaps tell her." He said with a small smirk. I sigh.

"Of all times, why now? Fine, when?" I said.

"Perhaps maybe tomorrow?"

"Right, I have to go now. This little talk has been nice." I said turning around and walk away.

But before I was about to get inside the elevator, Ozpin said something that made me turn back to him again with a glare.

"Why did you not decide to help me and the others to stop her? Moreover, you know what she'll do to the world if we didn't do anything." He said.

"Because I don't fully trust you, that's why. Qrow and the rest may be on your side but I'm not, because if you tell me and the rest everything, I would've also help. But you only told us little information about her making me doubt you. I'll be leaving now." I said and stepped inside the elevator, leaving him to sigh in defeat.

The elevator door closes and I wait for it to open again. While waiting I started thinking about the favor I will be doing for Ozpin.

Raven, she is one of my close friends back when I was still training here to be a huntsman and also the biological mother of Yang. She was one of the members of Team STRQ. Some of her personalities are alike to mine which we easily got along. Her strict and tempered side made everyone scared of her. I suddenly found out that I had feelings for her back then, but when I realized she and Tai are together, I gave up. But deep inside I think maybe I still have that feeling towards her after these years.

The elevator door finally open and I stepped out and walk through the halls until I reached the staff room. I open the door to reveal John laughing as he sits on one of the desk while the other staff members including Glynda glare at him.

"What? Come one! You didn't get that joke? You guys sure quickly got old." He mocked.

"I would rather appreciate your presence if you didn't disturb us." Glynda angrily said.

"Still that hot-tempered girl huh?" John chuckled.

"John, jokes are finished. We're going back now." I interrupted them.

"What? Come on, at least let's stay here for a while. It's been years since we're all together." John replied.

"I didn't expect you to be also here, Y/N. How are you?" Bartholomew ask.

"Ive been fine, thanks."

"I heard about what happened to Tai and his daughters. Are the two of them fine now?" Glynda ask.

I then frown.

"Yes they're fine. And also they're my daughters, not his."

"Right, sorry about that." She apologized.

"Woah, Y/N. I didn't know you have that fatherly side on you now." John said.

"Say what you want, we have to go now. I still have to pick them up from school." I said then walk out again.

"He sure has changed. I remember that Arthur told us that he just took them away from Tai and decided to adopt them without his permission." One of the staff members said.

"I mean how was he able to do that?" Bartholomew said.

"You can say that he has the authority to do more than any of us." Glynda said.


Me and John parted ways after we landed from the bullhead. I then waited for Ruby and Yang at the gates of the school while seeing the other kids exit the school grounds.

It's been ten minutes since I've waited here and it made me worried. I walk inside the school grounds and look around to look for them. Then you finally saw the both of them standing in front of three boys at the same age as Yang. And behind them is Haile who is sitting on the ground crying.

I finally heard their conversation.

"She did nothing wrong to you, leave her alone!" Ruby yelled at the boys.

"She clearly ruined my clothes and insult us." One of them said.

"But you don't have to hurt her, she already said sorry." Yang defended.

"We don't care if she said sorry, she'll pay for this!" The other said to them.

"Leave her alone already!" Ruby then yelled.

Then one of the boys pushed her to the ground.

"Hey don't you dare hurt my sister!" Yang was about to punch the one who pushed Ruby but I quickly got in front of them and grab her wrist.

They look at me shock and the boys quickly run away out of fear. I let go of her wrist and give her a glare.

"Don't attack if they outnumber or overpowered you. Or you'll all end up hurt." I said.

Yang looks away in shame.

"Im sorry." She said.

I went towards Ruby and Haile and help them stand up. I look at Haile and noticed that her arm and knees have scratches on it.

"Did those boys did this to you?"

"I'm fine uncle Y/N, they didn't hurt me that much." She said.

"Just don't go near them again, same goes for you two. And if they bother you again, make sure to tell your teachers." I said.

"We will." They said.

I then reach out for my scroll and contacted Arthur that I'll be taking Haile to him. He then agreed and I put away my scroll.

"Come on, we'll go home now." I said.

We finally reached my house and I told Yang and Ruby to grab some clothes and other things and let Haile sit on the couch while I bandage her.

After all of it finished, Yang and Ruby came down with the things they need to bring and look at me confused.

"Why do we need this, dad?" Yang ask.

"I'll let you two have a sleepover on Haile's house for two days since I'll be out on a mission." I said.

"Really?" They ask.

"Yes." I said.

"Yay! We'll get to have our first sleep over!" Ruby cheered.

I chuckle at this and stand up.

"Well we should hurry now so you still have time to play before sleeping."

They then grab their things and the four of us got out of my house and head towards Arthur's home.

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Nixium: I updated now and made it longer because I won't be able to update sooner again.......

Slender Man: So much for making a promise about updating daily.....

Nixium: Shut up! And try putting some eyes on your face! I don't know where you're looking!

Slender Man: Fine I will....... Just don't make promises that you can't even keep

Nixium: Yeah I've done that hundreds of times now........ Okay that's all now! Come Slendy! Let's go eat some donuts!

Slender Man: I thought I told you to never call me that......


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