Chapter 7: Nuisance

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Me and Ruby are in Patch on a cliff side standing right in front of her mother's grave. Summer Rose. Ruby ask me if we could go here to talk to her to which I agree.

"But don't worry mom! Daddy save us from that mean Tai and adopted us! Right daddy?" Ruby said smiling at me.

"Yes Ruby, I promise Summer that I'll protect Ruby." I said smiling.

"Oh I almost forgot! Daddy even fixed my cloak as a Christmas present and it looks perfect!" She said holding on her red cloak.

As she continue to talk I started thinking about what I said a while ago.

"(I'll make sure I keep them happy and safe..... Summer, I wonder what will you do to Tai if you were here. Probably beat him worse than what I will do...... I feel bad for Ruby, she didn't even get to see or talk to you.....)"

"Daddy?" Ruby said making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry. Are you done now?"

"Yes! Me and mom will talk again soon!" She said beaming.

Her cute smile is so pure and innocent.

"Let's go now." I carried Ruby on the way to Arthur's home and left.

But before I go, Yang and Ruby hug me first and I return it. We separated and I look at the both of them.

"Be safe dad." Yang said.

"I will." I said.

"Bye daddy! Come back soon!" Ruby waved.

I wave back and soon I went to the bullhead to get to Mistral.

"(Damn that Ozpin. I think I shouldn't have agreed to his favor. Now I won't be with them for a few days.)"

"Sir, we're finally here." The pilot said to me.

"Oh okay, don't land and turn back." I said to him as I stand up.

"What? Then you aren't going here at all?"

"Don't worry, I can get down there without this landing." I then activated my semblance and float out the bullhead.

I started going down and deactivated my semblance once I'm standing on a roof. The bullhead I was in turned back and fly away.

Surrounding me, are houses closely packed together between tall green mountains.


In the lower part are people buying in markets. And some citizens sitting on the balconies of their home. I jump from roof to roof and I finally got out of the place and was now standing in a forest.

Looking around, there are no signs of Grimm anywhere so the huntsman here must've slain them.

I continue to move forward until I was suddenly ambushed by a Beringel. It roared at me and started charging. I quickly grab my dagger and charge at it. The Grimm tried to throw a punch at me but I immediately dodge it by jumping then kicked its face.

It stagger back and growl at me before trying to punch again. It punches me with high speed that I wasn't able to dodge in time, instead I blocked it with my arms which it sent me sliding on my feet a few feet away. I look at my arms and saw that my sleeves got a little dirty.

I look back at the Beringel and insert a fire dust crystal in the bottle handle of my dagger. The Grimm charges at me again and I stand there, waiting for it.

I use my semblance to enhance my power and when the Beringel is finally a meter away from me, I quickly stab it and the fire dust released its power inside it causing it to smoke and go limp before fading into black smoke afterwards.

"Hmm..... That's my 9th Beringel right now...." I mumble to myself and continue to walk.

When I was now far away from where I battled the Grimm I quickly saw a large wall made out of wood not far from here.

I started approaching the wall and whe the I'm near enough. I can see two men holding rifles, I walk towards them until they finally noticed my presence and aim their weapon at me.

"Who are you?" One of them said.

"Calm down, I'm not here to start a fight." I said to them.

"Then why are you here?" The other said.

"I'm here to meet Raven Branwen. So let me in." I said.

"We don't believe you."

"You want me to make you believe me?" I said holding my dagger.

They continue to aim their weapons at me as I hold onto my dagger.

"I guess that's a yes."

I use my semblance to enhance my speed and strength then punch them in the face quickly. They fell on the ground clutching on their faces as I consume their negative emotions.

After that, I started walking towards the entrance.

"I'll be here if you need me." I said nonchalantly and head inside the camp.

There are some bandits staying beside on the tents until they noticed me and quickly draw their weapons and aim it at me.

"Call Vernal, we have an intruder." One of them said to the other.

The bandit then nod and ran towards the largest tent farther from here.

"What's your business with us?" The bandit said.

"I'm only here to check on your leader."

"Then what's your business with her?!" One of them said.

"How about you mind your own business." I said agitated.

"Don't go one step closer."

I run towards one of them and punch him hard making him unconscious while the rest started shooting but I manage to dodge them by turning invisible and floating above.

"Where'd he go?"

I floated behind one bandit and karate chop him on the back of his neck causing him to fall unconscious. The others began to panic while I continue to hit each of them. I decided to stop playing me them, so I deactivate my semblance and glare at the other bandits. But when I was about to do something, we heard a voice.

"Hey stop of that nonsense already." I turn around to see a woman who has very short hair.

"So you must be that Vernal. Yes?" I said.

"I am, and what business do you have with us?"

"Are we talking about business again? I'm only here to check on Raven."

"She doesn't need anyone as her babysitter." She said.

"Heh, I'm not here to babysit."

"Then what?"

"I need to talk to her." I said seriously.

"Just tell what you have to tell and leave." She said.

"No, I want to talk to her personally."

"You're really getting in my nerves, you know." She gave me a menacing glare.

"All right, that's enough get back to what you were doing before." A voice said.

Vernal turn around and I look behind her to see a familiar person. The other bandits then drag the unconscious ones back to their tent leaving the three of us.

"Hello Y/N, long time no see."

"Same to you too......... Raven...."

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