Part 10

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G : Omkaraji come, we can go back.

Gauri and Omkara went back to their room. Gauri was still crying.

O : What happened Gauri ? Why are you crying?

G : I don't know what happened to me? But I can't control myself when someone say against you.

O : Leave it Gauri. Why are you crying? Actually I'm very happy. Because my wife trusts me a lot.(Om's eyes filled with water) I can't express my happiness.

Gauri cried and hugged Omkara.

G : I know, you don't love me. But I love you Omkaraji.

Omkara got shocked because of her sudden confession. By saying this Gauri went to the washroom and locked the door. Omkara stood there not knowing what to do.

O ( himself ) : Gauri loves me? I don't know what's happening. Do I love her? But how can I forget my past?

Om slept thinking all these. Gauri came out from the washroom and saw Om sleeping. She came near him and gently caressed his hair.

G (herself ) : I really love him. But I don't want to trouble him. So from today I'll keep distance from him. I only want to see him happy.
Next day

They decided to return to mumbai. They didn't speak to each other. Om was feeling awkward to face Gauri. Gauri was behaving normal. Om was noticing Gauri frequently. But Gauri was busy in her own works.

O ( himself ) : She is behaving normally? I think she forgot yesterday's incident.

G : Omkaraji, Are you ready?

O : Yeah. I'm ready. Let's go.

In the flight

O : Gauri, you can hold my hands, if you are afraid to fly.

G : It's okay Omkaraji. I'm fine. Now I have no fear to fly.

O ( thinking ) : She told that she has no fear to fly. But her face clearly shows that she is afraid. Then why is she lying to me.

O : Gauri, I don't like lies. I'm sure you're afraid.

G : I'm not afraid Omkaraji. Do you know, In Bariely I'm known as Dabaang Gauri. I have no fear.

O : Ok then. I don't have time to argue with you.

The flight took. Gauri closed her eyes tightly. She unknowingly held Omkara'd hand.

Om smiled.

O : Now what happened Dabaang Gauri? Did you say that you have no fear? Then why are youu holding my hand?

Gauri opened her eyes and saw that she was holding his hand. Suddenly she took off her hands from his. Gauri didn't look at Om's face.

After the journey they reached at OM. All were waiting for them. When they saw Om and Gauri, Anika came near Gauri and hugged her.

A : I really missed you Gauri.

G : Me too bhabhi.

Shivaay and Rudy came and hugged Om.

Shivru : How are you Om?

O : Good. I'm so happy to see you guys. I really missed you.

ShivRu smiles.

D : Om, how was your trip?

O : It was nice.

D : Both of you go to your room and take rest.

Gauri and Om went to their room.

O : What happened Gauri?

G : I have a headache.

O : Come, let's go to the hospital.

G : It's okay. I don't want to go hospital. It will be fine after sleeping some time.

O : Okay. You take rest.

Om gave a bottle to Gauri.

O : Gauri, this is a good oil. If you massage it on your forehead, it will reduce the pain.

G : There's no need of this. I don't want any medicine.

o : Why are you being stubborn Gauri? Come here, I'll apply it on your forehead.

G : I don't want any help.

Om placed his finger on her lip.

O : Don't say anything.

He started to apply oil on her forehead. She felt better and she slept. Om went to the kitchen after that.

O (himself) : I think she is very tired. So I'll make some tea for her. If she drinks the tea she will feel good.

Om started to make tea. That time Shivaay and Rudy came there .

S : Om, what are you doing?

O : I'm making tea.

R : Om you're so sweet. How did you know that I want tea?

O : This is not for you duffer. This is for Gauri. She told she have headache.

S : Is she fine?

O : Now she is fine. I massaged her forehead with oil.

S : Should we take her to the hospital ?

O : No need of that. Now she is okay.

S : Take care of her Om.

Om went to the room. He saw Gauri arranging the clothes in wardrobe .

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