Part 11

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O : What are you doing Gauri?

G: I was rearranging the wardrobe.

O : You take rest. Servants will do it.

G: Now I'm fine. So I can do it.

O(himself) : Why is she behaving like this? She isn't obeying me.

Om placed the tea on the table and moved towards Gauri. He took Gauri in his arms. She looked at Om's eyes.

G : Omkaraji, what are you doing?

O : Just wait and watch.

G : Leave me Omkaraji.

On made Gauri sit on the bed. He gave the tea to Gauri.

G : What's this?

O : It's tea, for you.

G : For me? Who made this?

O : I made. You drink this first.

Gauri took a sip of the tea.

O: How is my tea?

G: It's very nice.

O: Did you like it?

G: I loved it. Do you know cooking?

O: Yeah I know.

G : How did you learn cooking?

O: We are Oberois Gauri. So we know everything. What did you think, only you know cooking?

G: Anyway nice tea.

O : How do you feel now.

G : Now I don't have headache.

O : If you want we can go to hospital.

G : No Omkarajii. It isn't needed.

O : Tell me Gauri, Why are you always refusing to go hospital?

G : Nothing Omkaraji. Now I don't have headache. So there's no need of going hospital.

O :That's okay. But I want know the real reason.

G : If I say the real reason, will you tease me?

O : No Gauri. I won't tease you.

G : Promise?

O : Promise.

G : Actually Omkaraji, I'm afraid of injection.

Om laughed hearing that. Gauri made a puppy face.

G : I know you are mocking me.

O ; Gauri you are so cute.

G : Please don't say it to anyone.

O : Why?

G : Everyone will mock me. Please don't say na.

O : Ok. I won't say.

Shivaay, Anika and Rudy entered the room.

S : What's the matter Om?

O : You all are here?

R : Yeah. Didn't you like it?

O : I didn't mean that.

A : It's ok. Tell me Om what are you both hiding from us?

G : Nothing bhabhi. We are not hiding anything.

A : You are lying. We heard Om telling he won't say anything to us.

G : There's nothing.

R : Why are you lying bhabhi? What's the matter? Share with us na.

A : Om, I know you don't like lies. Say the truth.

O : Bhabhi actually...

Om looked at Gauri's face.

A : Come on Om.

O : Bhabhi Gauri is afraid of injection. That's why she didn't go hospital.

Shivika and Rudy laughs.

S : Gauri, you are afraid of injection? It's okay. But why didn't u go hospital?

G : Bade bhaiyya, I'm afraid because if I go to hospital they will inject me .

R : Bhabhi you are acting like a child.

They continued to laugh.

G : Bade bhaiyya please tell them to stop laughing. Why are you all mocking me?

S : Srop it guys.

They stopped their laugh.

S : I don't like anyone mocking at my sister.

G : Thank you bade bhaiyya.

S : Don't thank me Gauri, You are my sister na

G : I'm really lucky to get a loving and caring brother like you.

By hearing this shivaay's eyes filled with tears.

A : Shivaay are you crying? What happened ?

S : Nothing. I just got emotional hearing Gauri's words.

Shivaay hugged Gauri.

R : So don't you like me bhabhi?

G : Don't say like that Rudy bhaiyya. I like you. You are so cute and caring. Really you are a good friend for me.

R : I know bhabhi. I'm so cute and handsome. Everyone likes me, especially girls.

ShivOm : Shut up Rudy.

A : Ohh I forgot. How is your headache Gauri ?

G : Now I'm fine.

R : Bhabhi how was Om's tea? Did you like it?

G : Yeah I liked it. It was very nice.

A : Do you know Gauri, these three brothers are cooking experts.

G : Really?

A : Yes.

G : I haven't had anything thay cooked.

S : Then we will make today's dinner.

AniRi: ok

S : Omru come let's go.

ShivOmRu went to kitchen.

G : Bhabhi come and sit here. We can talk.

A : Now I'm so happy. I got a sister to share my problems and happiness.

G : You are not a bhabhi for me. You are really like my didi.

A : Are you comfortable in this house?

G : Yes bhabhi. I'm very happy in this house.

A : How is Om?

G : He is a good person. Loving and caring.

A : He is very loving person. But he has faced so many problems in his life. So he don't believe in love.

G : I know bhabhi. I can understand his situation.

A : Come Gauri. We can go to kitchen.

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