untitled part 21

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O (thinking) : because of this duffer I do all this.I didn't like his gift. I want to know more about Neil. But how can I ask this to gauri?Rudy is also here .how can I ask about Neil  in front of Rudy?

R : what are you thinking Om?are you OK?

O : yes I am .actually I am very tired I want to sleep.

R : if you are tired then you can sleep. I want to talk with my gauri bhabhi.

O(thinking) : oh my God he is still staying here. When will he leave from here?

R : bhabhi ,will you talk with me.

G : I am ready.

O : Rudy ,the light is a disturbance for my sleep.

R : OK then we will go outside.

O : no don't go outside.its OK I will adjust.you can sit here.

O(thinking) : what can I do now?
Gauri and Rudy are talking about various things.Om move towards them.he holds his hand on Rudy's shoulder.

O : Rudy come with me .

R : where?

Om holds his hand and walk towards the door.Om pulled him out from the room.

O :tomorrow you can talk with your gauri bhabhi.now you go and sleep.

R : but Om...

Om closed the door.

R (himself) : I know Om what is your plan is.you want to talk about Neil with gauri bhabhi.ok let's see tomorrow.

Om locked the door.gauri look at him surprisingly.

G : what are you doing omkaraji?why are you pull him out from the room?

Om didn't replied.he only look at her.gauri Went for sleep.

O : is he married?

G : who?(gauri look  at him questioningly)

O : that your friend Neil.

Really he didn't like to say Neil's name.

G : no he is not married.

This answer made a pain in his heart.

O : why he is not married yet?

G : I don't know.when we were in bareily he used to said that he want a girl like me to marry.

This was a shock to Om.he stood motionless for a while.

O (thinking) : he want a girl like gauri to marry.did he loved gauri?is she love him?oh my god! What are you thinking Om? No it is not like that they were just friends.

G : omkaraji ,what are you thinking?

Om gained his real sense.

O : nothing gauri.

G : didn't you sleep?. Sometime before you said that you are very tired and you want to sleep.what happened now?why didn't you sleep?

O : my sleep was gone.

G : gone?where? What happened ?

O : nothing.come let's sleep.

Om lay on the bed.

G (thinking) : what happened to him?behaving very strange.

O : why are you standing there gauri?come and sleep.

Gauri switched off the light and lay on the bed.

G : omkaraji thank you for your gift I like it very much.

Om feels very happy and relief.

O : really did you like it?

G : yes.it was a very nice gift.

O(thinking) : now I feel a relief in my heart.she is thinking about me also.now I can sleep.

In the next morning Om wakes up and look at gauri's place.bit she was not there.

O : today I am very late.where is gauri?why didn't she call me?

Om recollected yesterday's incidents.
He thought about Neil.

Om went to the hall.he saw  shivaay and Rudy.

O : good morning guys

Shivru  : good morning.

O : where is gauri and bhabhi.?

S : they are at kitchen.

R : what happened Om today you are late.

Om didn't mind Rudy because he was still angry with him.anika and gauri entered there.

A : break fast is ready.

S : OK

They are all sat for breakfast. Rudy sit near to Om.

O : today why are you sitting near to me?this is gauri's seat.

R : so what.? Today I  want to sit here. Do you have any problem?

Om didn't say anything and he look at gauri.

R : bhabhi do you have any problem?

G : I have no problem. You can sit there.I will sit here.

She sits near to Rudy. They started to eat their breakfast.suddenly Neil enters there.

A : Neil ...come

Om looked at the entrance .he saw that Neil is standing there.

R : come on Neil have your breakfast.

N : no thanks. I have already ate my breakfast.

S : come on Neil have it.

G : come sit here

Om didn't like this.but he didn't show that.Neil sit near to gauri.gauri give the breakfast to Neil. Om watching them without eating the breakfast.
Neil ate the food.

N : I am sure this food is prepared by gauri.am i correct?

A : yes you are correct Neil.

R : how do you know that.?

N : I like her food very much.these two years I really misses her food. Actually this is my favorite food too.

R : I know gauri bhabhi made this for you.

These conversations are really irritating Om.he didn't eat anything.

A : Om why don't you eat anything? Don't you like the food?

Om stand up from his seat and left from there.gauri feels very bad and she follows Om.

G : what happened omkaraji? Why don't you eat the breakfast? Is any problem?

O : nothing gauri. I am not hungry so I leave from there

After the breakfast anika went to Rudy's room.

R : bhabhi how is our plan?

A : plan is good.but poor Om.he is very disturbed.

R : so?

A : can we stop this plan?I don't like to see Om in this condition.

R : don't worry bhabhi.these are natural. Now I am sure he loves gauri bhabhi very much.he will confess his love.so we don't stop this plan now.after confession we will stop this.

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