untitled part 22

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G : I think that you don't like my food.

O : no gauri.the food was good.

G :come I will introduce you to Neil.

O : now I am busy.I will come later.

G : no.now you will come with me.

Gauri holds Om' s hand and went to the hall .they saw that Neil was sitting there.when Neil saw them he stood up from his seat.

G : Neil ,this is my omkaraji.

N : I know him the famous artist.

G : omkaraji, this is Neil.

Om smiles.anika entered there.

A : gauri ,dadi is calling you.come with me.

G : OK bhabhi.(towards Om and Neil) I will come back soon.

Gauri and anika left from there.Om looks at Neil.

O : you can sit.

Om and Neil sat in the sofa.

N : gauri talk a lot about you. I know  that you are a good person.pls take care of my gauri.

O (thinking) : my gauri!!!why did he said that.she is mine.

Neil saw that Om was thinking something.

N : omkara sir...

O : you can call me Om.

N : thank you

O : are you working?

N : yes. I am working in your company.

O : in our company!. I didn't know that.

N : so I know all the oberois.

O : how long you are working in our company?

N : the past two years.really I am surprised when I know that you are married gauri.thank you so much for saving my gauri from that Kali takur.

O (thinking) : again my gauri!!I don't like this.why he saying always like this.gauri is not his.

N : she is a very good friend for me. so I know she is a very good wife too.

Rudy and shivaay came there.when Neil saw shivaay he stood up from his seat.

N : good morning sir

S : good morning Neil.

Rudy looked at Om.Om didn't mind him.

R : Om what happened to you ?why don't you eat the break fast? Don't you like it.?

O : will you pls stop your questions. I am not hungry so I didn't eat.

R : where is gauri bhabhi?

Om didn't replied.

N : dadi was called her so she went to dadi's room.

R : I am sorry I didn't introduce me to you properly.

N : I know all of you.

R : I know that but I want to introduce me .

N : OK.

R : I am rudra Singh oberoi.younger brother of shivaay Singh oberoi and omkara  Singh oberoi. You can call me Rudy.

S : I want to leave.so see you later.

Shivaay left from there.

R : Neil are you married?

N : no

R : why don't you get married?

N : actually I am in love with a girl.but I don't tell this to that girl.she is my friend also.I have a doubt if I tell this to her will she accept or reject. If she reject that it will accept our friendship.

R : OK.how long do you loving her?

N : many years.she is my childhood friend. 

Neil was saying about his friend avni.

Om heard all this.but he didn't say anything.

N : Rudy pls don't say anything to anyone.

R : no I will not say.

N : Om don't say this to gauri.

O : why?

N : pls don't say this.

O : OK

Neil said that because avni is gauri's friend too.if she know this then she will said this to avni.Neil's phone rings.

N : I have a urgent call.so I will come back soon.


Neil left from there.

R : Om I have a doubt.

O : what is that?

R : is Neil telling about gauri bhabhi?

O : are you mad Rudy? She is his friend.

R : yes she is his friend.he too said that his lover is his friend.

O : no no that is not possible.

R : why ?it is possible.if that person is not gauri bhabhi then why didn't he tell this matter to gauri bhabhi?

O : shut up Rudy.

He feels a pain in his heart.Neil returned back there.

R : do you have any siblings?

N : no I am the only son .

Gauri came back from dadi' s room.

R : bhabhi your friend is a nice guy .I like him.

Gauri smiles.

N : gauri my mother said that she want to see you .will you pls come with me?

Gauri looked at Om.

N : Om can I take her to my house.

actually he didn't like Neil's question.

O : if gauri is OK then you can take her to your house.

G : I am ready.

Om didn't expect this reaction from gauri.

O : if you don't mind me too come with you guys.

N : OK

G : but you said that you are busy here.

O : now I am free.so I will come with you.

R : no I want your help Om so you please stay here.

O : I will help you after my return.

R : no I want your help now.it is a urgent work.

O : but Rudy....

R : you guys are go plss

Neil and gauri left from there.

R ( thinking) : I know Om you don't like that gauri bhabhi go alone with Neil.but I am sorry Om I want to do this .now a spark in your heart but I   am sure it will become as a fire.

O (angrily) : tell me what is your work?

R : now I forgot that work.if I remind it then I will call you.

O : I know Rudy you doing all this intentionally.

Om went to his room.his mind was disturbed.

O : I don't know that where is Neil's house if I know that I will go there.

He thought about Rudy's conversation about Neil and gauri.

O : is Rudy correct?who is that girl.no it is not gauri.I think Neil is a good person he didn't do that.gauri is already said that she is loving me.but it was take place few months ago.is she change her decision now?no she is still loving me.I don't understand what is happening,?

R : what happened Om?

O : again.will you pls leave me alone.

R : are you thinking about gauri bhabhi and Neil?

O : no.

R : don't lie to me .I know.

O : Rudy pls leave me.

R : Neil is not like you .he is so handsome. If I were in gauri bhabhi's position then I will only choose the handsome man.

Om pulled him out from his room and locked the door.

O : is he more handsome than me?who is more handsome me or Neil?

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