untitled part 23

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Om heard that someone is knocking his room's door.

O : thank God I think gauri is back.

Om feels very happy. He opened the door with a smiling face.but that was Rudy.Om's face turned to anger and disappointment.Rudy smiles at him.but Om feels that like an evil smile.

O (thinking) : again this duffer!

R : what happened Om?I feels that you are very happy now?

Om stared at him.

R(thinking) : I know Om that what are you thinking right now.now you are blaming me in your mind.because of me that you can't go with gauri bhabhi.

O( thinking) : I know Rudy that you are came here for irritating me.

O : what you want Rudy?why are you always disturbing me?

R : disturbance! You are  saying that I am a disturbance for you.

O : yes of course.you are a disturbance for me.

R : I am not coming for disturbing you.where is gauri bhabhi ?is she came back?

Actually Rudy know that gauri is not came back.bit he ask this question for irritating Om.

O : no she is not came back yet.

R : what happened to her?why she is getting late?is she go for a outing or shopping with Neil?

Om get shocked by hearing his words.

O : Rudy will you pls leave from here? I have so many works here.

R : I will help you.I am free.

O : no I don't want any help from you.

Om closed the door.

R ( thinking) : this is enough for today.if I do anything more Om will get a heart attack.

Rudy left from there.Om was very disturbed.

O(thinking ) : is she go with Neil for shopping? But Neil said that he take her to his house for seeing his mother.no gauri will not go without my permission.

Om take his phone and Called gauri.gauri's phone rings.

O : gauri where are you?

But the other side it was not gauri.

R : Om this is not gauri bhabhi .it's me your cute younger brother Rudy.

O : but this is gauri's number.

R : yes this is gauri bhabhi' s number. But she forgotten to take her phone with her.

Om cuts the phone before Rudy saying anything more.

O : now what can I do?why didn't she take her phone with her?I will call Neil.

Om takes his phone.

O : I have no his number.how can I call him without number.I think that Rudy have his number.but how can I ask the number to Rudy.I don't like to talk with him about Neil and gauri.if I ask him about them then he start to say his guesses about them. It will hurt me.I don't like to hear those things about gauri.but I have no other options so I want to talk with Rudy.

Om went to Rudy's room.

R : what happened Om? Do you want any help from this smart boy?

O : do you have Neil's number?if you have the number pls give it to me.

R : for what?

O : I just asked that.

R : I have his number but I didn't give it to you?

Om get angry.

O : why?

R : because you pulled me out from your room.so I didn't give the number.

Om stares at him.he leave from there with anger.Om went to the hall.

O : he is a duffer.I will go out and find gauri.I don't want anyone's help.

Suddenly he saw that gauri and Neil are coming.Neil is holding her hand and his other hand is in her shoulder. Gauri was walking like a lame person. Her leg and hand  aee dressed with bandage.by seeing this scene Om ran towards gauri.

O : gauri what happened to you?

G : nothing omkaraji.

O : what happened Neil?

N : gauri is fall down from the stare case.because of that her leg and hand get fractured.

Rudy and anika came there.

A : gauri are you OK?

G : I am OK bhabhi.

R : did you go to the hospital?

N : yes I take her to the hospital.because of that we are late.

O : what did say doctor?

N : he said that take rest.she have some problem to walk so he did that to help her to walk.

Neil's hands are still in her shoulders. Om didn't like his action.He holds gauri's hand.

O : you can go Neil . I will take care of her.

N : I will take her to the room.

O : don't worry . I will do that.I am here to help gauri.

N : OK then see you later.gauri take care.

G : OK Neil.

Neil left from there.Om take her like the bridal style and move towards his room.gauri looked at his eyes.the have a cute and romantic eye lock.they reached their room.Om make her sit in the bed.

O : are you OK gauri?

G : I am OK omkaraji.

O : do you have pain?

G : no.

O : you are very careless.because of that you fall down from the stare case.

G : why are you blaming me.I am not careless.

Om smiles by seeing gauri's face.

O : gauri take rest. I will cone back soon.

Om went to the kitchen and prepared food for gauri.anika and Rudy was watching all this.

R : bhabhi did you see that he is caring gauri bhabhi.

A : Rudy actually he is a very nice husband.gauri is really lucky.

Om went back to his room with food.

G : omkaraji ,what is in your hand?

O : food for you.prepared by me.

G : thank you omkaraji. Actually I am very hungry.but my hand is dressed with bandage how can I eat this?

O : don't worry.I will feed you.

Gauri looked at him surprisingly. Om sat near to her and start to feed her. Gauri feels very happy. She looked at him.

O : what happened gauri?why are you staring at me?don't you like my food.

G : nothing omkaraji. It is very nice food.I like it very much.

Om smiles at her.

G (thinking) : omkaraji is a caring person.

O : now you take rest gauri.

G : omkaraji I want to change my dress.so you pls tell anika bhabhi to help me.I can't do that alone.

O : OK I will tell to the anika bhabhi.

Om went to the hall to see anika.Rudy is also there.

R : Om ,how is bhabhi now?

O : she is OK now.bhabhi ,gauri said that she want to change her dress  she need your help. Will you help her.

Anika looked at Rudy.Rudy shook his head negatively.

A : sorry Om.now I am busy.I can't come with you.then you will her.

O : me???!!

A : yes.she is your wife and you are her husband.

O : but bhabhi?

A : you go and help her.we are busy here.

Om went back to his room.

G : where is bhabhi?

O : she is very busy.

G : then how can I change my dresse?

O : don't worry I will help you.

G : it's ok. I will  do myself

O : your hand is fractured. Than how can you do this alone ? I will help you.

Gauri shook her head.Om locked the door.he took her dress from the wardrobe and came near to her.he took he dupatta from her body.gauri was nervous. She looked at Om's face.she saw that he was closed his eyes tightly.

G(thinking) : omkaraji is a very good person.he is closed his eyes when changing my dress.

Om helps to change her dress.Om opened her eyes.

O : are you happy gauri.

Gauri shook her head.she smiles at her.

G : thank you omkaraji.

O : don't say thanks to me.I don't like that.

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