ChildHood Memories

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A short Story for all you guys. What if Tomoe and Nanami had met when they were children? When they were innocent to love but to happy to have it? I thought this would be a cute story but I'm not perfect. I hope you like it..


First Kiss

Tomoe yawned, his little tail swishing back and forth in irritation. Why him? Why was it that everytime he came home that Mikage reminded him that he had school tomorrow? His first day of first grade. Something he wasn't happy about.

Last time he went to school they had made fun of him and called him a stupid child. Maybe it was his furry body parts that they were scared of? His little fox ears? His fluffy Tail?

He didn't know, But he hated that school.

The child flopped on his stomach and stroked lightly with his inked brush. He drew a Sakura flower and smiled contently; but now? He had to bathe and get some sleep for his oh so wonderful learning experience. His papa, ( Mikage ) Had already showed him his uniform and the child had gagged mentaly.

It wasn't a yukata. It was cacky pants and a little white button up shirt.

He was a yokai child, Didn't people get the whole system of foxes wanting freedom?

Tomoe blew a piece of his white hair out of his Violet eyes and sat up slowly. He grunted his famous grunt and walked to the bathroom where his Father was done running warm bath water.

Tomoe wasn't looking forward to tomorrow. It was a scary experiance for someone so small.

Maybe he could make friends? Ha, But he seriously doubted it.


The child growled under his breath as he sat by the bus stop. His little legs dangled over the edge of the bench as he shivered.

Why was he shivering? Well...It was raining.

And he was getting soaked.

The child swore and tugged at his drenched tail; he hated water! It was too cold and it made his fur stick to various places. He was shaking and actually thinking of hurting his father when he got home. ( If that was possible since he was so short..)

The fox slumped against the bench and started to wonder if he had missed the bus. It was running late or it wasn't coming at all. He didn't know.

What he did know was that there was little thumps reaching his ears. His soft, and rather sensitive ears twitched about and the child jerked his head to see what was coming his way.

What could be walking in the rain like this; Or who?

Tomoe looked and paused. His eyes grew wide at the site of a little girl with a large pink umbrella. She was walking towards him. For some reason she had a key on a chain around her neck. AND, She was a human.

Porbably one of those humans that judged him because of how he looked.

Pfft, Pathetic.

He wasn't expecting her to actually stop in front of him but she did; and it subtle.


Tomoe looked at her with wide, Curious eyes.


The girl's eyes were Like warm honey, and her hair was a silky brown. She wore a skirt that had the modest height that all school girls would wear. She had t-Shit over her uniform shirt and Tomoe wondered why her style was so out-dated. She had little hands that wrapped around the heavy adult umbrella. Amazingly she wasn't wet.......Unlike him.

He felt a little confused that she even was looking at him without shaking in fear.

His ears flattened and the girls eyes grew widen.

"Hey, Are those real?" She pointed at his ears and the fox rolled his eyes.

"Duh, Ya dummy."

The Girl narrowed her eyes as she titled her head to the side, " Well that was mean."

"Lifes mean. " Tomoe muttered without thinking that she could hear him.

The girl seemed to have heard him and her face turned gentle, Thats when to the foxes shock, That she sat down beside him on the bench.

"H-HEY!" Tomoe sqeeked. He scooted far away form her with wide eyes full of innocent fear.

This was a girl, Girls had coodies. If only he knew what a coodie was but hey. It didn't sound good at all.

"Hey Mister." The girl began, " Everybody is talking about Christmas and Santa. Who's santa?"

The boy paused; surpirsed that she wasn't trying to hug him or something. Then it hit him, He didn't know who Santa was..

"I do not know." He answered nonchalontly. He crossed his arms and stared forward, Ignoring that the girls umbrella was over his head and blocking the rain.

"My name is Nanami, " The girl looked at him and her little eyes sparkled when she saw his fox ears, " Whats your name mister?"

Tomoe sunk down on the bench, He wasn't used to talking to anyone. It was a little scary, Why wasn't this girl scared of him?

He glanced at her from the corner of his eyes and chewed his lip.

"Tomoe Mikage." He muttered a bit embarrassed that he was talking to a girl.

Nanami giggled, " Hi Tomoe , "

The fox looked at her and blinked. She said his name.. He looked at her and tried to sit himself up to a better position. His little hand brushed against the girls and for some unknown reason his face burned.

WAH!? This felt funny!

Tomoe yanked his hand back and the little girl sighed, " Hey look Tomoe!"

The foxes ears went down. This girl was cheeky. To cheeky...Why was she using his first name as if they were friends? He looked away and huffed out an annoyed breath.

Then the bus pulled up and a sense of regret filled the little boys chest. He had to leave and go to school now.

Nanami stood and walked over to the bus as did the little kitsune. They both looked at each other and she smiled, " See you later!"

A little pink tinted the Fox kits face and he looked down embarrassed.

"Uh Huh." He mummered in silence.

The girl climbed in along with Tomoe and she sat in the back. The fox didn't know why but..He walked up to her and sat down. Nanami glanced at him and giggled lightly.

It only made Tomoe uncomfortable as he tugged his knees to his chest. He didn't want to go to school..He wanted to stay here...With this weird Human.


Tomoe rushed into his first grade classroom dripping wet. His teacher was getting ready to say something because the bell had already rung.

"Um, Which Student are you?" She smiled kindly and the fox felt the fear in his chest release.

"Tomoe Mikage." He stood straight as he held his school bag over his shoulder. His violet eyes stared at her and she smirked.

"Ah I see..Well Tomoe. Please take a seat in your desk."

The fox nodded, He knew where that was. He had been to the teacher meetings but it shocked him that the teacher was different. Later he would learn the other teacher had gotten pregnant and was on maturity leave.

The fox walked to his desk and stuck his tail through the chair. He placed his books on his desk and folded his hands in respect, but on the inside? He wanted to bolt out the door.

He heard the whispers of, 'He has ears! Or, 'Whats wrong with him? Is he deformed?'

Tomoe growled under his breath and dug his sharp claws into his desk top. Stupid Humans.

The teacher tapped the board in the front of the class and smiled, " We have an unexpected student here today. She'll be hear for a while."

Tomoe stopped making marks on his desk and his head looked at the doorway. He was...Curious? It was probably no one anyway.

Thats when......

Nanami walked in.

Nanami looked around with her hope filled eyes and soon saw Tomoe. She gasped and then smiled. Her little hand waved at him and Tomoe felt heat raise up his little neck.

She wasn't acting like she didn't know him. Nanami was smiling at him.

Tomoe looked at her with wide eyes and the little girl giggled. The teacher smiled as Nanami rocked back and forth on her shoes, Then she was directed to the seat right beside the little kitsune.

Tomoe's fur bristled as Nanami made a little scribble on paper. She passed it to him and the boy saw what it said..

"Yay! Hi there Tomoe! "

And beside that? A little heart..

Tomoe's nearly chocked as his little heart throbbed. WAH! He wanted his daddy RIGHT NOW! This feeling was scary... And his dad was a god so..

Thats when class started, And at Lunch? The girl followed Tomoe to the roof. The one place they weren't supposed to go; but they went anyway.

And they talked... Well, Nanami did. Tomoe only grunted and listened as he flipped through a picture book. Man..This girl was a talker.

"KYA! TOMOE!" She squeeled, " We have to go now! School is almost over! Maybe we can walk home together?"

Tomoe's head shot up as his sparkling purple eyes grew wide. Him? Walk home with a girl? Could he...Walk home with such a weird..



After School

'Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Tomoe winced as the third grader slapped him hard across the face. He could taste his lip bleed but that wasn't what hurt.

"S-STOP IT AKURA-OU! THAT HURTS!" Tomoe screamed; but it was no use.

The older boy glared at him and stuck out his tongue, " I was your friend before!"

The little kitsune glared, " Your too controlling! And who said you weren't my friend?"

The older boy rolled his eyes and slapped the younger child again; but Tomoe just stood there. He could take it. It was just a few scratches.. It didn't hurt.

That bad..

Akura-Ou was his friend during the summer but he always wanted to do things that were scary or wrong. Mikage wouldn't really let them talk because of the influence Akura-ou could be. Even though Tomoe could see the older demon- boy as his brother. They were alike..But they were also different.

And Akura-ou was controlling..

So Tomoe didn't stay around him anymore. Mostly because he called his dad a bunch of names that weren't true.

His dad was the only thing he had good in the world that he lived in. His hate filled world..

"HEY! Break it up!" A teacher screamed and ripped Akura-ou off the little kitsune.


Akura-ou glared at the teacher and stuck out his tongue. Then he proceeded to laugh like a mad-man. The teacher rolled his eyes and started to reach for Tomoe.

The little kitsun'es eyes grew wide as he took off running.


Tomoe whimpered at his throbbing lip but he kept running. It was still raining even after all those hours of studing and gluing colorful paper to boxes. The fox had left his school bag in his classroom so he could get away now.

The thing was that the man made no move to chase Tomoe. He only sighed and started dragging Akura-ou inside the school.

So that left Tomoe to run into the rain. His shoes splashed in puddles and he swirved a man that was carried some boxes.


Tomoe whimpered as kept running. Where was he? He was scared...No one was around and the neiborhood was in bad shape.

The little fox cuddled his arms and stopped running, Mostly because his feet hurt from running. He needed to sit down.

The kitsune huddling into a small ball and whimpered. He pulled his knees to his chest and started to sob.

"Daddy!" He cried, " Help..."

He was lost.. And only in first grade. What was he supossed to do now? Tomoe looked up and blinked away his tears; only to notice a pink umbrella.


The foxes ears flopped, " Nanami?"

"Idiot! You forgot that you were supossed to walk home with me!" She cocked her hip and smirked, " You better be glad I'm forgiving.. Come on!"

Tomoe looked at her confused as she grabbed his small hand and started jerking him in the right direction. Soon they were close to the bus stop..

The one place Tomoe knew he could go home from.

"Well, Here we are Tomoe! I'll see you at school tomorrow okay?"

Tomoe felt himself nod as her hand let go of his. Thats when Nanami paused and then gasped rather loudly, " Tomoe! What happened to your lip? You have A hurt spot!"

She poked his cheek making Tomoe blush.

"See! Its right there!" Nanami wailed, " I have to go! So I'll do what my momma used to do when I hurt myself!"

The little kitsune cocked his head to the side in confusion. Was she gonna put a bandage on it? Or maybe she would give him a rag.

Before he could answer Nanami leaned in and pressed her lips to his. The little fox froze and turned completely red. He couldn't move as his pupils dilated and his little ears flopped. WAH!? She was kissing him! His heart started to hurt as his little tail wagged back and forth.

Nanami pulled away and smiled brightly.

"EH!?!" Tomoe put his fore-arm over his mouth and grasped his heart. He was so red that he resembled the sunlight in the break of dawn.


"Silly!" Nanami giggled, " I kissed it to make it better!"

This only made Tomoe grow even more red. Nanami smiled and turned away, " Ceya Tomorrow! TOMOE!"

She laughed and ran down the sidewalk leaving the little kitsune to stutter and blush all the way home. When he finally arrived his dad asked him what happened and he explained the fight with Akura-ou

The only thing that he couldn't tell him was that...

He had his first kiss.

And he liked it..


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