Over Thinking It, Right?

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11. Over Thinking it, Right?
( HiruXMoira. Tomoes SonXSilvers Daughter )

So things turned out this way huh? One minute they were talking like Normal and now out of no where they were quietly waiting for one to say something to the Other.

Hiru sighed out weakly, almost exasperated from the quite. Why was it this quite, Why were they not saying anything?

The teen almost sighed out. His eyes weak as he stared forward. It all started that morning. Some idiot invited them to go swimming. It just led up with a party from the sea god and Hiru had wandered off to find Moira somewhere.

Apparently the girl wasnt much on bathing suits. Just wearing short shorts into the water was good enough for her. Hiru on the other hand was just fine seeing her wear them... not that he'd ever admit such a thing to the world.

But now they were sitting alone Like this on the beach with the moonlight radiating off the waves. It seemed to light up blue.... But he only noticed this because it seemed to shine off Moiras black hair and give it a soft blue hue.

" We should go back. Everyone might be looking for us." Hiru looked at her slightly but causiously. It was strange.. He had known Moira since they were small and even at those times she was never this quite. It almost scared him.

" I want to stay. Go on if you want." Moira suddenly whispered and looked ahead. But this just made him stay and stare at her weakly. He looked forward... knowing their parents or brothers and sisters would wonder where they had wondered off to. Esspecially Uncle Silver as Hiru liked to call him.

Hiru sighed out and looked down. His black hair shaded his eyes and he gentl fiddled with his wrist band on his arm. It was silly really but it was there to remind him of worse times. Times that had been hard for him and the family. But then again he had the whitish scars to prove that much to him.

He grunted and shifted slightly on the sand. His eyes stared at the waves and the girl beside him. The girl he slightly cared about since he was to young to even understand that sort of thing.

" I know you didnt want to come." Hiru whispered suddenly making the girl look at him ever so slightly.

" If thats the case then why did you insist we go?" she muttered gruffly and looked away. Her eyes showed how annoyed she was and he had to abmit he did push really hard for this swimming trip.

" Its summer....and I dislike seeing my best friend studying all summer without anything to do. You had fun right?' he looked at her slightly, letting the cool summer breeze blow past them and ruffle their hair.

Moira finally looked up at him and furrowed her brow. It was almost like a cute pout and he had to admit her lips were almost pintched together to much for his liking.

" You didnt ask what I wanted and now we're here. Case closed."

"But you had fun right?" Hiru looked at her. He stopped fiddling with his wristband. The one that held the symbol for being clean from a blade for half a year. Oh he was so stupid....and she couldnt stand seeing that sign.

Not because she hated people who self harmed. Not at all. She just hated that it was HIRU who had done the harm to himself.

And since he was recovering she had consented on going as an early birthday gift. He couldnt do much around his birthday because it always snowed and Hiru was always sick at that time.

Having a December birthday was hard on him, And she knew this. They had been friends for as long as she remembered but not once had he missed her birthday. ( After he found out what day it was. ) The gifts were sometimes stupid. But she had to admit that despite this his heart was always into it.

Only last year he got her a necklace....and it was so pretty- and so something you didnt get your best friend. She was shocked by the gift...and how much it probably cost him.

Hiru...Never did this and yet. Their friendship had grown so awkward that even at this time instead of joking about that were silebtly sitting here with confusion playing through them.

Moira bit her lip and stopped her hand from touching the nechlace thay was rested just above her cleavage. She tugged at her bathing suit cover; making sure no skin was showing as she stayed silent once again.

Her eyes glanced over at Hiru and his clear and almost inhuman skin. His shirt was off and he wore his swimming trunks as he stared blankly at the water. His eyes were turned in a pensive way and she pouted slightly before swallowing deeply.

" Well I guess Ill be going then." Hiru whispered taking her by surprise. He just stood up so fast that she didnt know what to think... He gently went to walk away but Moira bit her lip stubornly. Only then did she stand up and let the sand seep around her toes and feet.

It made her body shift ever so slightly but she cared not as she swallowed,
'Hiru." she muttered and almost paused when her once strong voice wavered.

Wavering for Hiru? No....That wasnt possible.

But as Hiru turned around and looked at her slightly... she saw his redish brown eyes flicker with the waters soft over lasping voice.

His black hair moved slightly and shifted.in the wind and she almost felt herself choking on her own words....No...This wasnt her, and that could not be Hiru.

It couldnt be that stumbling childhood idiot.

When did he get muscles, When did his hair seem to look silky? And when did his eyes seen to go to deep for comfort?

she must of been loosing it or suffering from heat stroke.

" Yes?" He suddnely blinked...but his eyes stayed a soft color and he stood there. She almost gulped back and glared... She almost put on that look. But instead she bit her lip and straightened her spine slightly.

Then right in front of his she pulled the necklace out. He froze up and almost paled but stayed silent as he tried to process what that was in his.mind... but when he saw the necklace his tail stopped flicking and his eyes went wide.

She kept it....

" Why did you get this for my birthday?" she looked at him with an arched brow. She wanted to know and yet she did not. But A beautiful sea sand necklace wasnt paid in pretty penny.

Hiru blinked and then mentally sweat dropped.. Oh shoot. He sighed out and then pulled in a fake smile that lefy her blinking but then narrowing her eyes at him,

" Hiru...."

"Its just a gift. " he defended and then turned around slightly, "Lets head back." he whispered and his voice almost screamed,'I dont wanna talk about it.' But why?

Moira paused and then looked at the blue sand stone..her eyes twinkled along with it but her heat sunk slightly.

Maybe she just read into things to much...
The girl sighed and tried to walk away but was later found that the sand was a bit more wayward then she thought. She paused and then looked down to see herselc ankle deep in the gunk.

" Oh.." she muttered making Hiru look at her and then blink.. He sighed out when she tried to get out but with no prevail. Moira was a feisty girl he'd admit that... But she had him smiling so much at her sometimes.

The older teen sighed out and then grabbed under her arms...Moira blinked..before her eyes went wide and she choked as her face went red.


She slowly looked at him...but only did she yelp when he lifted her up out of the patch.. Her eyes grew wide and her hair flipped in her eyes before he slightly sat her down and removed his hands.

" Safe now?" he smiled slightly but before anything or anyone could think the water seemed to rise and splah their feet.... Was it hig tide? Hiru didnt know but he gently ran off with Moira to a dry spot. Sadly it was farther from the others...and when they made it to the spot one tripped (Hiru be clumbsy.. XD ) and fell down in top of the other.

Only did Hiru sit up but not move as he whined and rubbed his head. This night was getting worse and worse by the second....

But when he looked down at Moira to see if she was alright? He paused and sucked in his breathe...

His face tinged pink as he looked at her... Her eyes were wide and radiated the moonlight above them. Her long hair was scattered beautifully about her like a halo and her arms were beside each side of her head...

Her pouty lips were rosy and softly opened in a look of shock and her skin seemed to soft to the touch...

Hiru stared at her and almost blushed from the way she looked... beauriful...sweet.....He suddenly blushed even more before biting his lip.

What confused him more was the fact that she wasnt making a move or gesture to get up...Not one.

Her blue sea stone necklace laid on her chest and her stomach rose and fell slightly from the way she was breathing.

She was so beautiful....

Hiru paused and swallowed before looking at her. Moira paused when his eyes drifted over her frame before he looked her in the eye. She felt herself nearly choke...she should be pushing him away and calling him a perv....But she couldnt for some reason.

Moira swallowed and opened her mouth to say something...but she didnt get a chance since her breath was lenthy...and Hiru slightly kissed her. Moira gasped out.. maybe ever almost screamed and snakcing the top of his head..

But she then melted slightly into the kiss... She groaned out and sighed as she let him kiss her....

Maybe she...wasnt reading into things? She didnt know what was going on or why but for some reason she was allowing it to happen...

The girl sighed out gently before the kiss turned more passionate and Hiru blushed and sighed loudly before kissing her deeper......


She couldnt of been reading into things....


"Im going to kill him!!!" Silver screeched and almost screamed as Akira and Eli winced and looked at each other a bit.

" Should we tell mum and dad Sakura is gone too?"

" Maybe later.. " Akira muttered before he caught his fathers ear twitch.


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