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The human returned to the camp that night, he brought reinforcements with him. They slaughtered orcs in their sleep. He had a sword to my throat and threatened Durotan he would kill me, I huffed a laugh and threw the human over my back his sword grazing my skin and throwing him down in front of us. "Don't pick on the small ones!" I grunted, I dipped my fingers into the thin stream of blood that leaked from the shallow wound on my shoulder and painted it over my features. 

His small group of pink skins and horses surrounded us. We looked at each and every one, we threw our blades down we didn't wish to fight anymore. The pink skins exchanged glances. Confused. They spoke amongst themselves, I could understand bits and pieces.  "Why can't we just have peace..." I began but Anduin cut me off. 

"We can never have peace with these creatures around!" He spat and he pointed his blade at me. 

"You'd really challenge an orcess who is unarmed?" I asked. 

"You're one of them, and I will treat you as such," he said.  

"Don't be foolish now little one," Durotan warned and rested his large hand on my shoulder. 

"It's okay, he wouldn't dare harm me, not after all I've been through," I remind him. 

"You really are willing to lay your life down just to prove a point?" Anduin asks. 

"If it means you and your tribe are safe then yes," I answered, turning my head over my shoulder to meet his concerned gaze. 

"Always was reckless," Durotan said letting out a huffy laugh deep with in his large chest. By now the pink skins blade dug into my armour and the point almost piercing my flesh, having two wounds didn't bother me I had worse in the past. 

"I wish for no more blood to be shed!" I said. 

"While you're all still here in my home it will always be shed," he said and pushed the blade deeper making me grunt. That was it, I snapped his blade and threw it the ground, he looked at me shocked and stumbled back, it made his guards surround us even more locking us into a tighter circle, Durotans back and mine were now touching.  That was when his wizard friend Medivh arrived on his great Gryphon. 

"I am sure there is an easy way to tell the good from the bad?" he suggested, he dismounted the beast and rested his hand on the ground. He started chanting, my ears pricked up I had heard those words uttered before. Suddenly the orcs who had drank the fel began to wither and collapse on the ground but those of us who didn't remained unhamred. We all gapsed and were shocked at the sight before us. 

"They are not fel beasts," Medivh said. 

"No, but they are still orcs!" One of their soldiers dared to slander us still, even after passing Medivhs test. 

"I'd watch your tongue!" I barked. 

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