Challenge Bonus

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(A/N: Hewwo :3
I know this story is finished, but a challenge on the Frans Amino gave me an idea to use this AU, and I couldn't help myself xD

Anyways, enjoy! ;3)

3rd Person P.O.V

"Mommy, when is Daddy going to come?" Micah asked in a small voice, holding his mom's hand tightly as he watched the other kids and parents walking around without a care. He knew his mom could handle herself, but he felt even safer with both of his parents with him, especially after what he heard from other kids about the "spooks of Halloween". Despite that, though, he wanted to go to get free candy, and dressed up in a green and yellow dragon costume although being an angel/love angel hybrid is enough to pull off as a costume at this time of the year.

"He'll be here soon, don't worry," Frisk told her son reassuringly, herself in a blue and purple dragon costume, by the orders of her child. As though mentioning him had summoned him, Sans teleported to their side, scaring the both of them. Micah flew into his mother's arms before realizing who it was, and Frisk stifled a laugh when she saw what her husband was wearing. Out of all the costumes he could have chosen, especially since it didn't match the theme she and their son had decided, he chose horns, a skinny, spade-tipped tail, and made his feathered wings look almost black. "What on Earth are you?" she giggled as Sans hugged the two of them and kissed her forehead.

"mortals call it 'the devil' or 'satan' costume," he replied in a whisper, knowing that they were currently on Earth, and saying "mortals" so casually would send some really strange glances their way. Then again, some might also think they were just getting into character, which would also be weird to most people. "from what i've read, he's an angel who defied god, but was sent to rule over a fallen world of demons when he didn't succeed. guess i didn't read enough 'cause i have no idea how they thought an angel could turn into something with bat wings, horns, and a tail."

"He sounds scarwy!" their son said in a high-pitched, scared voice, his wings quivering slightly. Frisk rubbed his back to calm him down. "I don't wanna meet a demon!"

"Don't worry honey, you won't," she said softly. "Demons aren't real. There's no reason to be afraid."

"Pwomise?" he asked, his tearful eyes a white orb and a blue iris.

"Promise. Besides, I think there's some candy calling for you." His expression lit up instantly, and his eyes went back to their normal brown and jumped out of his mom's arms, sprinting with his bag to the nearest house, which thankfully wasn't across the street. The married couple laughed and followed at a slower pace, Sans' wing around Frisk's shoulders as they held hands.

"i'm pretty sure he gets that attitude from you," Sans said casually as they watched their son go from house to house.

Frisk faked an insulted gasp and gently shoved her husband's arm while he just laughed. "Well, I think he gets it from Papyrus," she declared.

"how'd you come to that conclusion?" he chuckled.

"You and Paps are brothers, so it's in your bones, whether you like it or not." Frisk smiled at her own pun, and then giggled when she succeeded in making Sans laugh.

"you sneaky angel. i dunno if i have the guts to go up against a pun master."

"I'm only a pun master because of my pun-derful love angel husband." Both of their expressions were beaming with love and fun, and throughout the rest of the night, they continued to tell jokes to each other, their son joining in whenever he was with them. It was clear to everyone that they were a loving family, even if most still didn't agree with a human-monster relationship, or an angel-love angel relationship, for that matter.

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