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(A/N: TYSM Inugami_sama !! Additional info for da Frans baby is above, as I couldn't find some sneaky way to fit it all in 😂😅
And enjoy the Tokyo Ghoul opening, 'cause I was listening to it over and over (with help of a one hour version ;) ) while I finished this)

There's something so peaceful about walking through dried leaves with your husband and 5 year old son. Giggling, I sped up my pace from Sans' side to meet the energetic nature of my little Micah. I picked him up and he squealed playfully and rapidly flapped his wings, trying to get out of my grip.

"Mommy!" he squeaked, while giggling, when I still had a hold around him and was casually flying around the forest. "Let go of me!"

"But why?" I playfully whined, my voice thick with sweetness and love. "I just love you so much."

"I wove you too, but I wanna be dowwn!" I giggled at his complaint, but gently lowered us down to the ground anyways. "Daddy!" he called out happily, and when I turned my head, I saw my skeleton husband flying towards us.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him as he landed beside us, seeing something off with his expression.

"nothin's wrong, honey," he said. "grandpa gaster just wants us back up in the sky." I opened my mouth to ask why, but something more worrying interrupted me.

"I don't wanna go!!" Micah cried, now gripping onto me like his life depended on it. I caught a glance at his eyes. His normal brown ones were replaced with a white orb in his right eye, and a blue iris in his left, and tears were gathering and falling from them. "They're meanies!"

"Who is, sweetie?" I questioned softly, stroking his patch of hair, trying to calm him from his sudden outburst. I shot Sans a worried look, but it looked like he was trying to figure something else out in his head. Alphys wasn't lying when she said I would be seeing that look a lot.

"Th-They ca-alled m-m-me a s-stupid hyb-bwid," my son sniffed, his speech broken up by sobs. Sans took his turn holding him, with much difficulty as he still had a death grip on me, and tried the same reassuring method I did.

"hey, it's alright, kiddo," he said softly. "we're just goin' to visit auntie chara and the others, alright?" From amongst my husband's arms, I saw Micah give a slight nod, and almost immediately after that, we were beamed up to Heaven.

When the light faded, I saw the castle before us, with Dr. Gaster waiting for us outside the entrance, his wings encasing him like a cloak without a hood. His face seemed to be brighter than it had the other times we saw him to check up on Chara. Ever since Luke was forced to spill how to fix my sister before his execution, Gaster has been hard at work trying to merge her spirit and body, without all the insanity her body was currently holding. Occasionally, he'd have help from Alphys or Sans, but he mostly worked alone. But now, with him looking proud and happier, I was curious as to what had happened.

"Greetings, my son, daughter-in-law, and grandson," Dr. Gaster said warmly as we approached him. I could tell Sans was still a bit tense around his father, but at least it was better than before. "Please, hurry on inside to join the others before the surprise."

"What surpwise?" my son asked, perking up from his crying, though his eyes were still red and puffy.

"Unfortunately, I can't tell you, even if I wanted to. That's the whole point of a surprise, little prince. Now all of you head inside so you won't have to wait much longer for it."

I giggled and pulled my husband into the castle when I saw his hesitance. I could tell he was surprised, but he didn't struggled as I pushed open the doors and saw my friends and family waiting inside, who turned their heads at us when we entered.

"About time punks," Undyne said in a friendly but impatient tone. "Alphys! They're here!" she called to one of the hallways, which was mysteriously covered in shadow, while the others greeted us. The chatter quickly died down as footsteps approached, along with the sound of something rolling across the floor, both coming from the hallway the Royal Guard captain had shouted down. Curiousity ruled over my panic and fear of a possible enemy coming, especially since Undyne wasn't treating the sounds as one. What came out of the darkness made tears prick my eyes, and I had to cover my mouth with a hand to stop myself from gasping aloud.

Being pushed in a wheelchair by Alphys was my sister. Not her shadow, but her with her body, which wasn't twitching constantly like it had during the years we had to keep her body locked up to prevent her from causing any harm. Now, she looked just like she did before any of this happened, besides her ruffled feathers and hair and how drained but forcefully alert she looked.

I ran up to Chara and hugged her tightly as tears of joy leaked from my eyes, and I felt her awkwardly hug back, as her wings were covering her legs. But she didn't move them to wrap them around me in a tighter hug, which I thought was strange. I gently pulled back from the hug, giving her a confused while I spoke my thoughts, "Chara, why-"

"It broke my legs," my sister said quickly and quietly. When I just looked at her with a bewildered, shocked, and even more confused expression, she continued in a soft voice, whatever she was going to explain too bad for Micah to hear, "My insane mind figured that there would be a way to merge my spirit and body back together without any side effects and without any lingering insanity. In order to cause a... 'side effect' that would stay after the merge, it... or I? stabbed, cut, and eventually broke my... its? legs before the merge. Something else must have happened during it, because now Dr. Gaster and Dr. Alphys are telling me that I'm paralyzed from the waist down." I understood her confusion during part of her explanation, because none of us knew whether to count her insane mind and body as part of her or as a completely different entity. My sister uncovered her legs, and I could see how beat up and scarred they were, as she had decided to wear shorts. She wasn't afraid to show her weakness, even if she did at first.

"Oh," I said, my voice coming out as barely a whisper, "I'm sorry, Chara." I wasn't sure what I was apologizing for, though. It's not like I caused the insane mind to break it's... my sister's? legs. I didn't cause some sort of malfunction or something to happen with the machine that merged my sister's spirit and body.

I'm the one who got us into this mess by accepting my fate with Sans so quickly, though, my mind argued. By saving him from his death multiple times.

If I didn't I wouldn't be where I am now! I fiercely argued back to it, shoving the bad thoughts away.

"Don't worry about it, sis," Chara said softly, sadness and determination glistening in her ruby eyes. "It wasn't your fault this happened. Now where's my nephew?" she asked in a louder voice, pretending to look around the room for my son. "I want to have fun in this wheelchair and I need a buddy so it doesn't feel like I'm making a fool of myself."

I looked back to see Micah already running towards us with an eager and excited expression, meaning Sans must have set him down either before or after Chara asked where he was. I stood up and stepped back as I saw him joyfully hop onto her lap and my sister sped away down a different hallway with him.

He's going to be asking to come back to Heaven a lot more now, I thought, a small smile coming to my face.

"looks like we know where he'll be askin' to go everyday," Sans said, voicing the same thought I had. I didn't realize he had come up beside me, his arms wrapped around me.

"We still have to talk to those other kids, though," I reminded him as I leaned onto him, enjoying his company.

"yeah, we can do that later. after we've chatted with everyone." I hummed in agreement, my smile widening as I snuggled closer to him.

However, the moment was ruined when loud crashing was heard from the hallway Chara had taken. Worry and playful anger sparked in my eyes as my husband and I raced down the hallway to them, myself shouting, "You better not have done anything stupid, Chara!" with a laugh rising in the back of my throat that I almost let out.


There wasn't a doubt in my mind that our lives would continue on peacefully, with challenges springing up here and there that I knew could be solved, and I know I can face them with my friends, family, and wonderful husband and son by my side.

(A/N: And that's the end!!


I had fun with this idea that I turned into a story, even if I seemed to kinda give up near the end, and I'm glad that you guys were here to enjoy my first completed story and help me through

There's no doubt that I'm going to miss writing this story, but I feel so accomplished that I actually finished writing a story

If you guys did enjoy this, I hope you check out my other works if you haven't already:
The Storm Before The Hurricane
SAVE Her, which will be the next secondary story I'll be working on alongside the other other one
(Both are Frans stories, if you didn't know already)

Also, TY FOR 2K READS!! 😁😁

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading this, and um...

See you in one of my other stories, I guess 😂

See ya, my guardians! 🤗)

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