Chapter 17

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Sans' P.O.V

It has been a couple weeks since we've been told about the plan, and set as bait. There have been no signs of Luke or his companions, and my patience is wearing thin.

"y'know, i don't think they're comin'," I said quietly to the air, lying on the couch with Frisk curled up in my arms and wings, asleep. We were back at my house, hoping that if Luke thought that we had returned thinking that it must be safe enough now, he would try to capture, injure, or possibly kill either of us. The last one we both hoped would not happen. The others were in Heaven, ready to come down if Luke made an appearance.

"He has to come!" I heard Undyne shout furiously and impatiently. Some kind of magic that enables those in Heaven to speak with those on Earth. However, it was barely used, most preferring to come down to Earth and meet back up with friends and family in person. Or so I was told by Frisk. The angel stirred in my arms, but she didn't wake up, much to my relief.

Since her escape, Frisk barely slept, looking, and probably feeling, too paranoid to get any sleep. I didn't get much either, staying up with her when she was restless, but right now, I couldn't fall sleep. Something was telling me that something, or someone, was nearby, and it, or he or she, was dangerous.

"actually, there might be something nearby," I finally said. My nerves were getting the best of me, but in case it was something bad, I didn't want it to go unheard. I tried sensing for any other energies besides myself and Frisk, but didn't detect anything big.

"Is it your gut or your nerves talking?" Undyne asked, however it sounded as though she could care less about the answer. I hesitated, playing with the angel princess' hair in the meantime. I guess I got distracted by it, because the fish angel's voice came again, louder and angrier. "SANS THE FUCKING SKELETON, ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!" I jumped, snapped out of my daze, and ended up taking both myself and Frisk down onto the floor. Frisk woke up almost instantly and looked at me with concern and panic in her eyes.

"i-it's nothin', sweetheart," I said before she could get any words out of her mouth.

"Keep leaving my question unanswered and I will personally come down there and force it out of you!" Undyne continued, which seemed to relieve Frisk a bit. I sighed and finally answered her.


"Do you want some of us to be down there already?" she asked almost instantly, though it was in a worried tone, not a teasing one.

"Sans, what's going on?" Frisk asked me, her expression and voice fearful.

"nothin', nothin'. just... try to get back to sleep, alright?" I said as I helped her up, getting myself up off the ground in the process.

"Are you sure? You look nervous and on edge." I was about to tell her, again, that it was nothing, but a creak from the kitchen cut me off before I could. I tensed up, getting ready to face whatever made the noise. "You... you locked it earlier, right?" the angel princess asked me, moving closer and clinging onto my arm tightly. I gave a small nod and started towards the kitchen, Frisk refusing to let go. I peered inside, alert and tense as I searched for any sign of movement or what might have caused the sound.

Nothing came.

"looks like it's no-"


Pain shot through me as a gunshot sounded, cutting me off, and I heard a gasp of pain come from Frisk. Despite the pain and shock, I pushed Frisk back behind the wall that separated the kitchen from the living room, blocking our view of the shooter, but also blocking the shooter's view of us. A bright, white light appeared, and when it faded, Undyne, clad in armor, and the rest of the Royal Guard similarly dressed were in the house, all alert with weapons out and attacks ready.

"Find those motherfuckers!" Undyne shouted, looking pissed, heading outside with the guard. "They won't get away with hurting the princess a second time!" Another light shined down, this time with Alphys appearing and hurrying over to Frisk and I, a first aid kit in her claws.

"help frisk first," I told her as her eyes darted between us, debating who she should treat first. "after all, i don't have all that fleshy stuff ya have to worry about," I added with a pained grin. The lizard monster hesitated before nodding, and started to treat the human angel, having her sit down to do so. I sat down as well and took in my girlfriend's condition. By the looks of it, after the bullet shot through my shoulder and wing, it lodged into Frisk's opposite shoulder and blood was seeping into her shirt where the wound was.

I carefully took off my jacket and inspected my own wounds. The bullet had broken one of the bones near the joint, and the feathers around the area where the bullet went through was ruffled with a bit of blood staining them. It wasn't as bad as Frisk's though. Little blood flowed through where my wound in my wing was, whereas her's was flowing with blood, constantly soaking the bandages Alphys put on to try and stop it at least a little before she took the bullet out.

A desperate cry of rage and defeat, loud enough to wake up the neighborhood, rang out, and a victorious smile came to my face as I recognized who's it was. Luke had come himself. The plan had worked.

"Mission success!" Undyne shouted proudly. "They won't cause anyone anymore harm!"

"I will escape!" Luke protested insanely, and sounding way too sure of himself. "Put me in your top security prison. I will find a way out." It sounded as though is voice was getting closer, clearer, and more insane, but no matter what he said, it didn't wipe the smile off my face. A little sooner than I expected, the wolf love angel appeared around the corner, Undyne behind him and keeping him restrained.

"Oh you really think so? Have a fun time trying to escape hell, then because it's off to the chopping block with you," the Royal Guard captain said smugly. His previously cold eyes turned frantic, the first sign of fear I've seen from him in a long time.

"heh, see ya, lu~," I teased, making him look at me in surprise, anger, and annoyance. I knew he hated it when I used any kind of nickname for him.

"Don't call me that, you fucking traitor! You're supposed to be dead! This wouldn't have happened if-"

"well it did," I interrupted. "and i wouldn't change it for the world."

"That's so sweet, Sans," Frisk said, and I turned my attention towards her, love shining in her eyes. Her shoulder was bandaged, with blood no longer heavily running, and on the ground was a small, bunched up piece of cloth, and I assumed that was where Alphys put the bullet so she wouldn't lose it. "It's your turn to be treated now."

I didn't hear her words, nor did I pay attention to what was going on around me: Undyne with Luke and the Royal Guard going up to Heaven, Alphys healing my wounds. I only noticed how happy she looked, so much more so than when she and Chara escaped. We could finally live without fear of the gang coming and causing us harm.

What I said was the truth from the deepest part of my soul. I would never change a thing if it meant that I would never meet Frisk.

(A/N: K, so... I kinda ran out of ideas to do and decided, "Hey this seems to wrap a bunch of things up. Why not end it here?"

Yes,unfortunately, this story is coming to an end. This is most likely the last chapter, so that means the next part will be the epilogue

But guess what? I need a bit of help with it 😅  So, I got a few questions for you guys to answer to help me with something (and since it becomes obvious with the questions, Imma just say it here: I need help with Frisk and Sans' baby :3)

1. Angel or love angel?

2. Human, skeleton, or hybrid?

3. Gender?

4. Hair?

5. Magic or no magic?

6. What kind if so?

7. Eye color?

8. Name?

Anyways, hope you enjoyed, and I'll see ya all later!)

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