Chapter 16

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(A/N: I am so very sorry (again) for not updating this story in forever! I just haven't found the motivation for this story or clear idea for this chapter. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!)

Sans' P.O.V

I could see the distrust flash in their eyes in an instant. My eyes went to the ground as their glares tried to catch my eye.

"A GANG? SANS, WHY DID YOU NOT EVER TELL ME ABOUT THIS?" Papyrus asked sternly, but he didn't sound angry, like I almost expected him to be.

"i didn't want ya to be caught up among the things we did, bro," I explained to him. "neither of us did."

"You are too pure, Papyrus," Gaster pointed out. "Not every love angel can make friends with mortals and angels as easily as you."


"That is sweet and all," Queen Toriel interrupted, her title alone making my eyes rise in her direction, "but you are both avoiding explaining more about this 'gang' thing to the rest of us."

"people do bad things in a gang, and we were no exception," I said evasively, the small hope in the back of my mind that I wouldn't have to say anything about it gone in a flash. My eyes went back to the ground. "frisk, i..." I cut myself off, pondering on whether or not I should say what's bothering me the most about telling everyone what my father and I did. I didn't want to say it to appear weak and show my weakness in front of everyone, the king, queen, prince, and princess of angels most of all, but I had to ask, to know before it was all revealed. I lifted my head up and faced her, my first love. The one person no one can and could replace. "i want ya to know that all that's happened is in the past. it isn't who i am anymore. just... please..." I hesitantly reached out to Frisk, afraid that she might move away from my touch, or, worse but what I knew was improbable, she might not be there at all and end up disappearing. I let out a small sigh of relief when she didn't, and although I noticed she tensed a bit, she didn't move as I gently held her hands. "don't leave me. i don't know what i'll do if i lose ya again."

Frisk glanced at the ground before meeting my gaze, her eyes full of understanding and love. "I won't ever leave you, Sans. Whatever you say you did in the past, I know that isn't who you are now. Now please tell us about Luke and his gang so I won't have the fear of being taken away from you."

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, my whole being relaxing at her words. "yeah. alright." I rubbed the back of my neck. "where to start? um... okay. so when those really hard times came, gaster would go off somewhere in the middle of the night. he was the first of us to join the gang. I didn't know then that he was sneakin' out to visit and do a few, and i'm guessin' quick, missions to get money and all that. one night, however, i followed him and found out about what he was doin'. the gang caught me, threatened my life, but luckily agreed to a deal where if i didn't snitch, i could join 'em."

"Whose idea was it?" the angel queen asked, interrupting me. The only thing I could say about it was that it wasn't one of those stupid questions like, how old were you at the time? What was the gang like when you joined? How many members were there? What did your fucking father do!?

"mine. i wanted to help durin' those times. they didn't force me to. pretty much, i joined, gaster and i were able to move around those rough times a bit more easily, and stayed under the radar. at the time, luke's father was in charge, luke himself was a part of it, and there were few members, all of whom were love angels. however, over the years, they all started to do more violent... missions, so to speak. it went from petty thievery to a full on robbery, and... kidnappings. The gang also grew, its members then consisting of mostly mortals. gaster and i had no part in the robbing... but the kidnappings were all my fault. i told luke, of whom i had actually kinda considered as a buddy at the time, about these strange dreams i had... my dreams about seeing and feeling new angels' souls when they first come down to earth. i knew the general area of where they came down, and... one time we decided to check it out. see if my dreams were true... or i guess in luke's case, reliable. near the area, we found an angel. after that, somethin' changed in luke. every mornin', he would text the same question: did you have a dream?" I could barely keep my anger in with that question alone. Anger at my own stupidity. "i would reply yes or no, to keep it simple and straight. he then would text 'where', askin' me the area the new angel would be. i would tell him and get no answer until the next mornin', or unless he actually wanted to hangout. i had no clue 'bout what he was doin' with the information, nor that i was bein' used by him. with a new goal set in his mind, luke killed his father and convinced the rest of the gang to follow his goal instead of his father's, and once he did, there was no questioning about their old gang leader's disappearance.

"... i guess the only good thing to come out of it was that i didn't have a dream for every single angel, and that luke caught very few angels once he got their general location."

"What about me and Azzy?" the shadow angel asked. I shot a small glare up at her for interrupting me, but it pretty much the end of what I had to tell everyone. "I never sensed a love angel's energy when I first came to Earth, and Asriel would have either told me or Mom and Dad if he sensed one when he first went. And don't say you didn't 'have a dream about our energies'," she snapped before I could reply, "because I wouldn't believe that for shit."

"i did," I answered, after I was sure she wasn't about to continue again, which took her by surprise. I smirked as I went on, "but by then, i knew luke was usin' me, so i lied. either by 'misinterpretin'' the location or by sayin' that i had no dream."

"So why couldn't you warn us about the gang then when you knew our location?" the goat prince added in, glaring at me.

"it would have been suicide," I snapped, meeting his glare with one of my own. "would ya casually let a love angel go up to you and say that another of his kind was plannin' to kidnap ya? would ya really believe that he wasn't the one to kidnap you, after everything you have been told about us?"

"I... guess not," Asriel sighed in defeat. I couldn't help myself and wore a little smug look on my face. That is, until the next person spoke.

"What was so special that you came to me, then?" Frisk asked, and I looked at her with a mixture of confusion and shock. "Why was I so special at the time that it was worth investigating the area?"

"you... uh..." I hesitated on explaining completely, a light blush coming to my cheekbones, as well as a slight change in color on my wings, as I recalled what really happened. "your... energy stayed with me in the wakin' world, so it became more of a... personal problem," I said slowly, trying to find a way to explain what happened without all the details. I only hoped my father wouldn't jump in with them.

"Everything Sans said during the fight with the angel prince, and princess, was all a simple trick," Gaster said, his words easing that worry and tension building up in my mind. "The fact that the... eh, exiled princess' energy remained known to him in the waking world intrigued me as well, so we decided to see what and who caused it. Truth be told, I didn't expect it to be you, Princess Frisk," he added turning his attention to the now bewildered angel. I couldn't tell what she was thinking as her face turned to a thoughtful one. I just hoped it wasn't bad.

"How come Luke looked angry when he saw you, Sans?" Frisk asked me slowly. "You said that you and Dr. Gaster were part of the gang. So why would he try to hurt you?"

"we left once gaster got a 'job' as your royal scientist. i guess luke must have figured out that i was keeping my dreams a secret from him."

"So what are we waiting for!" Undone shouted. "Let's get this bastard now!"

"how?" I asked her, causing her expression to change from bloodlust to confusion. "we don't have a clue as to where luke or his gang could be."

Her face changed once again to a mischievous smile, and I felt shivers go down my back even before she replied while staring straight at me.

"We use live bait."

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