Chapter 1

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Frisk's P.O.V

"Are you quite sure you want to see Earth now?" Toriel asked me. I could detect the fear and worry in her voice as she said that. "You don't have to go down as soon as you hit eighteen."

"I want to see what it is like down there," I responded, feeling the soft, bright glow of the castle heighten my spirits. However, when you're in Heaven, everything's bright, so I have grown, and was born, used to it. "Besides, I won't be alone. Azzy's coming with me."

"Yeah, don't worry, Mom," Asriel replied, stretching his wing to curl around me like he was already protecting me from some unknown danger. "We'll be going to Chara's and staying at her place. I can always bring them back here if I need to."

"I know you will. Just... be careful. The both of you."

"And remember to be careful if you detect a love angel's energy," Asgore rumbled, his crown glinting off the overhead lights of the castle.

"How will we know if it is a love angel or an angel?" I asked him, still a little confused even after all the lessons we angels were taught about our enemy.

"An angel's energy will feel positive, while a love angel's will feel negative, no matter how weak or strong it is. Unfortunately, words alone won't help you. The only way to know and learn a love angel's energy is to either know exactly how an angel's feels or experience it yourself. Pray to God that won't happen. However, I doubt that it will. They all seem content with the mortals, so there shouldn't be a chance of any of that."

That seemed to relieve me a little. The tension in my wings loosened and I smiled big and wide at my parents.

"We'll make sure to visit. Don't you worry," my brother assured them before we were beamed down from Heaven to Earth.

Tem skip》

I rubbed my head, it pounding from all the noises around me. I felt a furry hand place onto mine and I looked up into my brother's emerald green eyes. Everything was a lot darker on Earth, I realized.

"Are you okay, little sis?" he asked, helping me up out of a pile of bags containing many hard, sharp, or slimy objects. Rain lightly came down on us us through the small gap between the two buildings where we were hiding, whereas it was pelting down on the street.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Where are we?"

"On Earth."

"I know that! But where on Earth are we?"

"One of the many big cities Earth has. We are nearby where Chara lives, so take my jacket to hide your wings temporarily, since I know you haven't practiced the magic to hide them." He took off his black, leather jacket and handed it to me, revealing more of his plain gray tee.

"I know, you don't have to shove it in." I took the jacket and wrapped it around my blue, purple-striped shirt, asking Asriel if my wings were hidden well enough.

"Yeah, that will do," he said. He grabbed my arm and we hurried out from our hiding spot, getting soaked instantly. Three buildings down the street from where we came, Asriel turned and headed up a few steps leading to the door. He opened it and we walked inside, finding a tall, rubbish staircase to the left and what seemed like some sort of dining hall to the right.

"Yes?!" someone asked from another doorway in front of us, not at all politely. A bell had sounded when the door was opened, alerting the person of our arrival. Smoke hung low in the room, and I coughed a few times when I accidently inhaled it in sharply.

"Sorry to disturb you!" my brother shouted, his voice muffled instead of echoing like I thought it would. His drenched fur dripped with water, and it gathered below us in a puddle. First two, then one as they enlarged. "We're just visiting a family member."

"Which one?"


"Floor 3, Door 4."

Asriel started heading up the stairs, but I remained at the bottom, looking over to the doorway.

"What is taking you so long?" my brother asked me.

"Shouldn't we say thank you?" I wondered aloud, hesitantly following him up the steps.

"Things work differently here. Get used to it or I will take you back home."

"I'm not that young anymore!" I protested, hurrying after him. "I'm eighteen."

"And Chara and I are still older than you. Plus, you don't know what it's like here. So you have to follow what we say."


Great way to conceal where we are from, Azzy, I praised him in my head, having forgotten during that short argument that we were to tell no one about Heaven unless we were absolutely sure they were an angel.

We stopped in front of one of the doors, a "4" inscribed on a metal plate near the top of it. Asriel knocked and inside, loud crashes could be heard. I think we might have accidently woken up the neighbors as well, because I heard it from more than one direction. The door eventually opened before any others did, and peering through the little crack was the bright red eyes of my older sister, Chara.

"Hey Az~, hey Frisk~!" she said, opening the door wider to let us in, a loopy smile on her face. "Do you even know what time it is?"

"Hey Chara!" I said back, tackling her in a bear hug, making her nearly fall over while soaking her green, yellow-striped tee as well. A strange odor came to my senses, so I questioned my sister about it. "What's that smell around you and your living place?"

"You've been drinking?" Asriel guessed easily before Chara could reply. "Why?"

"A large portion of my income went away, so I'm drinking to make it feel like I'm not that useless. I may or may not be a biiiit tipsy right now."

"You were fired?!"

"You're not useless, Chara!" I protested at the same time. "Also, what does it mean to be fired? Did Mom or Dad come and launch a fireball at you for an unknown reason that I don't know about?"

"...You know, for an eighteen year old, you sure act a whole lot like a kid."

"I also don't know how different it is here compared to Heaven. It's the whole reason I'm here, actually. They don't teach me enough about Earth!"

"Fiiine. Asriel, shut and stand guard at the door, will you? I've got to teach Frisk about a mortal's life on Earth."

"Sure." He shut the door as my sister led me further into her living area. She tossed a rag to me and Asriel so we could partially dry ourselves off.

"Have a seat," she said, gesturing towards a beat up couch. I flopped down on one side, taking off my brown leather boots before bringing my feet up with the rest of my body. Chara practically fell onto the other side. "Alright. Where do you want to start?"

"What Azzy meant when he said you were fired," I responded instantly.

"M'kay. Well, in order to live here, mortals need these things called jobs in order to get another thing which is money. That is what they use to trade in for important things like food and a place to stay. Or pretty much anything. I got a crappy job so I live in a crappy place like this."

"Money sounds like a complicated thing if it is needed for everything."

"Yeah, but it's really important. I've learned you can even buy friends sometimes. Luckily, there are those few people on Earth who don't care if you are poor or rich, human or monster."

"People care about those things?"

"Yes. You won't believe how awful most mortals are here."

A long silence trailed on as I thought about what to ask next. I had about a billion questions bursting in my head, it hurt to concentrate on just one. Surprisingly, Chara asked me one instead.

"Is that sparkle in your eyes something new or old?"

"What sparkle?" Asriel and I asked simultaneously, my brother peering around the corner of the small hallway leading to the door.

"It could just be me, since I haven't seen you for a few years, but I swear your energy has changed a bit."

"I didn't notice it before, but now that you mention it, Chara, I do feel the difference. I thought something was off when she looked up at me when I helped her out of the garbage."

My mind was racing, but only one thought came to my mind that could possibly make any sense to me.

"Am I a love angel?"

(A/N: Hey, my guardians! So, I'm not going to bother you guys every chapter like I would usually do, since the whole thing, besides this teaser, will be published when it's finished. This way, you can all enjoy the story more without my author notes interrupting every single chapter 😅 However, I wanted to publish these couple chapters as a teaser to see what you guys think of this story so far. Anyways, enjoy the story (or teaser), and I'll see ya all later!)

(Edit: Above is absolutely not what ended up happening, so ignore it 'cause I'm too lazy to change/remove it xD)

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