Chapter 4

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Sans' P.O.V

who the fuck is this angel? I wondered, completely dumbfounded. not only does she know gaster, but she is one of the royal children. and she managed to make him smile. like, actually smile. I swear I was about to rage, despite my focus staying on her.

"Alright, so who is this son of yours?" the older human angel asked, still clearly unhappy. I hesitantly walked forward, picking up my jacket with my magic and putting on. I stopped before them, but a good distance where I can see an attack coming and either dodge or teleport in time to avoid it.

"name's sans," I said, putting out my hand, speaking before Gaster introduced me first.

i don't need his shit, I thought, casting a glare in his direction before looking back at the angels.

"Chara Dreemurr," the first human angel replied, refusing to shake my hand. I shifted my eyes to the goat angel.

"Asriel Dreemurr," he said, also refusing to shake my hand. The youngest sibling, who was obviously upset by her brother and sister, glared at them and came up and shook my hand.

"Frisk Dreemurr," she said, a smile on her face before it disappeared once a noise sounded from our handshake.


We let go and I raised my hand, showing the whoopie cushion I had resting in the center of my palm.

"the ol' whoopie cushion in the hand trick," I said, almost laughing out loud when I saw her expression. "it's always funny. or almost always," I added when she didn't laugh.

"Oh!" Frisk exclaimed. Then she burst out laughing. It was the most amazing sound I have ever heard. I just stared at her, my cheekbones turning blue. "I'm sorry for not understanding earlier. I'm unfamiliar with many things on Earth," she explained once she had calmed down. I could feel her energy radiating off of her and enveloping me like it had in my dream. I tried my best to resist acting like I had then.

"uh, d-don't worry 'bout it. i bet it's different growin' up in heaven than it be would here."

"Were you-"

"Alright, enough, the both of you," Chara interrupted, blocking our view of each other with one of her wings. "I know I was curious before who had gotten you like that, but now that I see who it is, I'm not accepting it."

"What's so wrong with a friendly conversation?" Frisk asked.

"actin' like what?" I asked curiously.

"Everything with a love angel!" the older sister replied sharply, answering my question with a glare. "Have you forgotten that that is how most seduce mortals? By starting with a friendly, peaceful conversation? Who knows how many is on his count!"

"none, actually. as of now, i have yet to find someone, and it isn't until a love angel's older teenage years where, if they have found a love, or first love, that energy becomes a factor of their life. unfortunately, paps is reaching that point in his life," I added in a mutter, realizing afterwards that I had said it out loud.

"Who's Paps?" Frisk asked from behind Chara's wing, trying to peer past it.

"papyrus is my younger brother."

"Since when did you have time to do all your royal scientist duties and raise two children?" Asriel asked my father.

"more like royal scientist duties and seduce women," I muttered under my breath.

"I have my ways," Gaster said evasively. "Can I leave Sans with you three while I get Papyrus home?"

"Why?" Chara asked.

"paps is the only one that didn't inherit teleportation."

"Is that what you were doing earlier?"

"Is that a yes or no, Princess?"

"Fine. We'll watch him while you do that." She and her brother stepped aside, and she moved her wing, allowing passage for me into their little shit-hole. I walked inside, fuming that I had been labeled as a child. However, when I got near, I could feel the energy spark between me and Frisk as I walked past her. My skull instantly lit with blush, and I paused in my walking. From the corner of my eyesight, I could see that she was blushing hard as well. I continued in my walking, trying to pretend that whatever just happened didn't.

I turned and flopped onto the couch, taking off my jacket once again to stretch my wings. I was about to drift off to sleep when a voice spoke up.

"You know," Frisk said, startling me, picking up my jacket in her hands. I hadn't noticed that she had followed me. "Maybe you need two jackets. One you can wear with your wings showing, and another when you need to hide them."

"i find this the quickest way in the case of both situations until i learn to hide my wings," I told her half-heartedly.

"I learned how to hide mine once, but I forgot how to since."

"ya can't forget somethin' once you've been taught it. ya simply have to be retaught it to remember." That seemed to quiet her, and I almost fell asleep again.

"Sorry to disturb you again," she started again. I opened my eyes and looked at her, annoyed. She seemed embarrassed. "Uh, weird question, but uh... um..."

"yes, alphys?" I joked, smiling. Frisk didn't seem to understand, which was understandable. "eh, i'll tell ya later. what question did ya want to ask me?"

"Um, do you ever feel this sort of energy that... seems different? Like there's your own and another?"

"uh, yeah, actually." I sat up on the couch, scratching the back of my skull, somehow finding it easy to tell her the truth. plus, she kinda just told me she can feel it as well. "sorta feels like it wraps 'round ya, right?"

"Mhmm. And when you passed by me, did it... feel like something happened?"

"like our energies sparked and only became more powerful?" I said, forgetting for a moment as to what that meant.

"Yeah. Do you know what that might have meant?"

My eye sockets became black voids as I remembered and a memory played in my head.

"was there anything special with our mom that is different with the girls you bring home?" I had asked my father one time after he had "finished his work."

"Why do you ask?"

"it just seems like the same thing for each one. is mom the only one you actually held onto?"

"Listen, Sans, if your first love dies or leaves, you still need to find some way to maintain energy. It's just the curse of being a love angel. And no matter how long you refuse to move on to another, your craving for energy, like a mortal's craving to eat after so long of neglect, will overpower you. It's a simple fact. As for your original question, yes. It was much different than the rest. We were like simple, mortal monsters, except for the fact that we were both love angels, and as mortal monsters, the people we walk by on the sidewalk are none of our concern. However, unlike mortal monsters, our energies connected and sparked. We knew then that we needed each other to live. Sans, if by chance something like this happens to you, keep that person close and dear to your soul."

"Sans?" Frisk asked, bringing me back. I looked over to her, the white specks in my eye sockets concentrating on her brown eyes. "Are you okay?"

"fine, just... argh!! god-fucking-dammit!" I folded my wings around me, frustrated, putting my hands on my skull. How was I to tell her that I needed to forever stay with her to survive? I blushed as I realized I didn't mind the idea of it.

"Aww, he does the same thing you do when you're flustered, Frisk," Asriel teased, coming over to us without his sister.

"ya wouldn't be happy if ya knew the reason why," I said, louder than I had meant to.

"And what reason is that?" The goat angel sat on the couch next to me, and I could tell he was glaring at me.

"i, uh, kinda need to be in your sister's life now." I made my wings wrap as tight as they could around me, preparing myself for anything.

"Excuse me?!" Asriel exploded. "You two only just met! Even earlier you said that you were coming for her for your fucking love angel needs!"

"that was a lie until i remembered what Gaster had said about his first love, mine and paps' mother!"

"And what would that be?"

"a spark between our energies. so now, in order to survive, i... need her in my life, and i need to be a part of hers."

"How long does a spark like this last?" I unfolded my wings and looked at the prince in disbelief.

"either forever or if one or the other dies or leaves. why are ya so calm about that fact?"

"Then to quickly solve this, I need to kill you." Asriel tackled me, having us both end up on the floor. His wings had now appeared and were fiercely pounding against my sides. He had me by my shirt and was bringing my head up and down. Every single time it collided with the floor. I guessed this was his best alternative since he couldn't choke me to death. I didn't really try to struggle free, too surprised from the attack to do so, and afraid to hurt him.

why should that matter!? I scolded myself.

"Asriel!" Frisk shouted. "Get off him!"

"An angel and a love angel are never meant to be together! Any try has killed both involved! I can't lose you!"

While he was talking, I detected my chance to get free. For just a second, he lost his complete focus. I pushed his soul upward, his body going with it. I turned over onto my hands and knees and slowly stood up.

"sorry, but i'm not plannin' on dyin' today." I could feel my energy draining, from what was left, as I continued to leave the prince in the air. I leaned against the wall, seeking its support.

"You say that and yet you are draining your energy as we speak. You are killing yourself now that a spark has been created."

"i'm not dyin' by you."

"No," Frisk said, coming over to me. "You won't die at all." She stared me straight in the eye sockets before kissing me. I was surprised at first, but some natural instinct came over me and I kissed back. I guess she didn't completely expect that either, for I had opened my mouth and made full tongue-to-tongue contact. Only when I could tell she desperately needed air, and I was satisfied with the energy I had gained, did we stop. Although I had no lungs, we were both panting for breath.

Asriel stood, having fallen to the ground when I no longer paid attention to my magic, and just stared.

"F-Frisk," the prince said. "Why are you deciding to keep him alive?"

"Because I can feel his pain, Azzy," she replied, refusing to meet his eye. "It hurts me when you hurt him, and I doubt I could live with myself if I just watched and let someone die. Especially when there was something I could have done."

"What am I going to tell Chara? Or Mom, or Dad? What are we going to do with you for that matter?" he added, pointing at me.

"gaster could care less about what happened to me, so i can go anywhere, really."

"Love angels aren't allowed in Heaven."

"that didn't stop him, now did it?"

"Hey guys!" Chara said, coming into the apartment, the rustle of bags following her arrival. "I'm ba- what the fuck did you do to my place!?"

"That's the first thing you notice?"

"Yes, because I put money into this place. Not into some relationship I just found out about. Wait... who let the love angel touch my little sister?!"

"and there it is."

"Frisk did."


"Like I told Azzy," Frisk said, still having her arms wrapped around me. "I couldn't watch and let him kill himself while there was something I could do."

"I think you're too good to everything, Frisk."

Interrupting at the best time, my phone started ringing and Papyrus' ringtone started playing. I pulled it out and received a strange look from Frisk.

"What is that?" she asked.

"it's called a phone. here, i'll show you how calling works." I answered my brother's call and put him on speaker.


"How loud can he fucking get?" Chara asked, covering her ears.

"you shut your fuckin' mouth before i shut it for ya! don't swear in front of my brother."


"hey, bro. first, yes, i know. second, that was the angel king's daughter. and third, yes."


"aww, is my baby brother jealous?"


I sighed. of course he fuckin' told paps to do that.

"uh, ya know the so called badlands of town?"


"we're in a run-down apartment building."

"I CAN FEEL YOUR ENERGY NOW, BROTHER. DO NOT WORRY, WE'LL BE THERE SOON." He hung up, and a second later I could hear footsteps running up the stairs.The door burst open and my brother and our friends came in after it.

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