Chapter 10: The Kiss

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Mia's Pov
I can't believe what I just heard, Jungkook loves me, My boss loves me? What should I do, should I tell him I also like him since the day he did a lovely thing for a sweet child. It's time to confess to him

"Ummm.Jungkook?" I was fiddling with my fingers as I was shy to face him.  "Yes, my love,"

"I have something to say to you?" I said, "Yes, what's it?"He curiously asked.

"I...I "

"Heyyy Jungkook"A deep voice interrupted Jungkook.

"Hey, hyungs"He stood up and hug two guys who looked like Angels from above

"Hey, you must be Kim Mia right?" The guy with the deep voice asked me.

"Y.. yes," I said shyly

"Jungkook has been talking about you every single day," He said

"Really?"I said and look towards Jungkook who felt shy and I smiled

"Yeah. By the way, I'm Kim Taehyung or just call Tae " He said and reach his hand for a handshake

"Nice to meet you Tae," I said and shook his hand

"I'm Jung Hoseok, you can just call me Jhope" He smiled at me "Nice to meet you Jhope," I said and smiled.

Jhope also known as Jung Hoseok. He is 26 years old and he is dancer. He won a lot of awards for his talent and he also had his own wealth just like his brothers.

His mother married Mr. Jeon who is basically Jungkook's Father so he is Jungkook's step brother but Jungkook takes loves him as his own biological brother.

He doesn't stay with his brothers because he owns his own house, car and studio to teach youth who are into dancing. He is the second hyung of Jungkook after Yoongi. Jhope is so caring for his brothers.

He takes care of them like a mother since their parents died. Yoongi and him as been taking care of Jungkook and Taehyung for his entire life but they all have their own riches.

"Where is Yoongi anyway?" Jhope asked

"I'm here, relax," Yoongi said coming downstairs. He changed his outfit to a blue-black shirt and black pants. His hair was gloomy which made him neat and handsome.

"Yo hyung," Taehyung said and hugged Yoongi "So why did you call us here?" The red-haired said

"Well, I have some good news for all of you and we are gonna celebrate"
Yoongi said

"What's it then?" The Jhope asked

"My new song Seasaw has been nominated for the best song in history," Yoongi said. We cheered up for him.

"And I got a free ticket to America to continue with my song producing work," Yoongi said

"Then take me with youuuuu"Taehyung whined.

"Ohh taehyung, grow up okay"
Yoongi said

"Okay let's celebrate Yoongi's successful work" Jhope cheered before the servant came in to call for us in dinner. Jungkook was giving me flirting looks and I was blushing. He couldn't take his eyes off me. We went to the dining table and teg others sat down. Jungkook came towards me and as being a really good gentleman, he pulled the chair for me and I happily accepted and sat down. I made him smile so wide.

"Thank you," I said and he smiled.

"It's my pleasure, my love," He said and went to his seat. I blushed and Jungkook chuckled "Okay let's eat then," Taehyung said then we started eating

"So Mia, do you stay alone by the way?"Jhope asked "No, I'm just staying with my Oppa," I said

"Ohh. And do you have any friends lately?" Taehyung asked "Yeah, I have a best friend from childhood though but he is in America and I don't know when he will be coming to Korea,"  I said

"Wait, did you say  he ?" Jungkook jealously asked but I didn't know."Ye..yeah his name is Park Jimin, he is a singer, dancer, a funniest and cutest friend I ever had," I said

"Wow, he's a dancer too?" Jhope got excited "Wow, so which songs has he sung so far? " Yoongi asked

Meanwhile, Jungkook at the other hand was jealous and couldn't even pay attention to what Mia was saying "Well, his songs are Promise, Lie, Filter, Serendipity and he sang song covers," I said

"This Jimin guy is very talented, right? "
Taehyung asked "Yeah," I said

So why was he your childhood friend?"Yoongi asked. "Our parents were good friends. He always stays by my side and protects me from bully's, he and Oppa always tease me and he promised me he will stay by my side forever" I said

"Wow, he loves you so much"
Taehyung said "Yeah, he takes me as his little sister and I love him too plus my Oppa," I said

"Jungkook, Jungkook" Jhope shook him. I saw he was not paying attention and I wanted to know why but that will be intruding. As Jhope was shaking him, he can back to himself again and we stared at him blankly.

"Are you okay? it's like you're not paying attention" Jhope said. "Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry," He said

"Someone is jealous" Taehyung teased"

" Shut up" Jungkook blushed and looked away. I saw his cheeks red and it was kinda adorable. I giggled and he turned to me with a smirk. I looked away really fast but he noticed I giggled

"Okay, guys but I have to go and it was nice meeting you all bye," I said and stood up

"You're going already," Taehyung asked"Yeah, I don't want my Oppa to get worried sick," I said

"I will drop you off," Jungkook said and stood up "Bye guys, "I said and waved at them, and they waved at me also. "Bye," They said then Jungkook and I left the house, we sat in Jungkook's car and he drove off.
Jungkook's pov.
Time skipped so fast.

Silence filled in the car. It was getting tense between them. They looked shy to look at each other faces. It was getting uncomfortable for Mia so she decided to break the deadly silence.

"Thank you for letting me have dinner with your friends they looked very nice and kind" She smiled and Jungkook turned to her.

"You are welcome " He gladly stated and found her cute smile again. Again silence filled in the car until Jungkook reached Mia's place. 

"Mia before you go" Suddenly Jungkook unexpectedly, kissed her on the lips, first she widened her eyes but it took a second before she responded to the kiss.

Jungkook was surprised, really surprised. Her lips were so soft than he could ever imagine.

Then they broke the kiss."I'm sorry if I kissed you back, I like you. What you did for the little girl that day, I liked your kindness and love for little kids.  I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that"She shyly looked away feeling guilt for what she did.

Jungkook chuckled at her cuteness"I love you too my princess"
Jungkook said and they kissed again before she got down to enter her house.

"Bye Jungkook," She waved and Jungkook smiled. He couldn't stop the smiles.  "Bye, my love. I love you take care" Jungkook made Mia giggle and Jungkook excitedly drove off.

"I can't believe Mia loves me back. I will always love her and protect her. I love you, Mia." Jungkook courageously promised and continued to drive home to meet his hyungs.

To be continued.

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