Chapter 9: You Changed Me.

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Flask back at the park¶

Jungkook's Pov
Taehyung called him when he was in his bed because he was exhausted. He answered the call and Taehyung told him to come to the studio because it was Saturday and he had a lot of file work to do but his hyungs just told him to relax from all the stress he was going o have right now so he decided to take a day off duty, he didn't want to make his hyungs annoyed with him.

Ring, Ring m, his phone was vibrating
He picked his phone and answered
On the phone while, he was getting ready to go to the studio.

"Hey what is taking you so long to get here,?" Taehyung said on the phone

"I'm coming, I'm coming"Jungkook claimed as he picked his mask from his desk in his room. He didn't want anyone to see him outside because he was the most famous CEO in the country and girls loved him so. He didn't give a shit to it. He just ignores them and moves to wherever he wanted to go. Taehyung sighed and they ended up the call. Jungkook wore a deep blue T-shirt, black jeans with a black belt, black boots to fit the amazing outfit, a black jacket, black hat, black mask, and wore his black watch. It was just causal back for him. Jungkook went down as he got ready to move to the studio. He took his car keys from the guard as he stepped out of the huge, luxurious mansion. Servants in the house greeted their young master and he hummed in response. He took his favorite car, Bugatti, and drove off.
Time skipped fast.
Jungkook was on his way to the studio when his phone vibrated again and he checked the ID caller on his phone and it was Taehyung again calling him. "Hey bro" Jungkook was still driving and he was near a beautiful park d he had to park somewhere because he doesn't want to get into trouble with the authority. He took his phone and answered. 

"Yeah. Where are you anyway?" Taehyung was sounded impatient and Jungkook just sighed.

"Well, I'm on my way to the studio now," Jungkook claimed and he can hear Taehyung sighing. A question popped up in his mind and he asked.

"So what are you doing there anyway?"

"Jhope told me to come here and rehearse with him," Taehyung said and Jungkook can hear his hyung's voice in the background.

"Then why did you call me to come? "Jungkook annoyingly asked again with a smirk.

"Just come here already" Hung chuckled at his hyung's annoyance and he ended up the call. When he was about to start his car, he saw a little girl crying. He wanted to know why she was tearing up after all who doesn't love kids. Whether you are cold, kids are so precious to change your life. When he was about to move towards the crying little girl, a young lady showed up and knelt to the girl's level.

"Why are you crying?"The young beautiful lady sounded worried.

" I- I can't find my puppy" She cried even more and the lady embraced her with a hug. Jungkook was standing near his car watching everything that was happening between the lady and the girl.

"Don't cry sweetie, I will help look for your puppy okay?" She said to the crying girl and wiped her tears from her face with her thumb

"Miss?" The little girl said. She smiled back and she looked beautiful.

"Yay thank you Unnie( big sister)" The little girl said making the lady smile at her cuteness.

"Okay, let's find your puppy shall we" Then they began searching for the puppy. "Wow, she looks beautiful and kind as well," Jungkook said to himself and smiled. As Jungkook was admiring the lady, he heard a puppy bark behind him. He turned this gaze and saw a fluffy white adorable puppy.

"Oh hey there little one, are you lost? "I said whiles I bent my knee and took the puppy in my hands. Oh, you must be the lost puppy" Jungkook showed his bunny smile like a child. The puppy barked cutely and licked Jungkook's face.

"Okay, okay let me take you to your owner okay," Jungkook stated as he walked towards the little girl and the beautiful lady

"Lia, lia," The little girl called out the puppy's name.

"Umm, I believe this yours," Jungkook suddenly made the girl and the lady jump. The little girl excitingly said and hugged the puppy" Thank you Mr" she smiled and he patted her head softly

"Don't be" Jungkook smiled back and the lady was just standing there staring at Jungkook. "His eyes are just so beautiful, his lashes and causal dressing are just really amazing. He kind. I wished I got to know his name if he wouldn't mind" The lady admitted in her thoughts.

"Okay, Oppa," The little girl said and as she was about to leave, the beautiful lady came.  She smiled at the little girl and the little girl just giggled in return.
Jungkook was glaring at the lady with admiration and that was love at first sight.

"Thank you Unnie for helping me, byee," The little girl waved as she was leaving. The lady was just smiling and waved at her too.

"She looks cute when she smiles" Jungkook couldn't get his eyes off her one bit until she turned to look at him as well.

"Thank you for helping her," She said to Jungkook and he was blushing.

"It's nothing, I just love kids," Jungkook heard her giggling and he just smirked under the mask.

"Okay I have to go and it was nice of you doing that for a little kid, bye"The lady wanted to know the guy but she was running errands for his brother so she didn't have sufficient time to ask. When she was about to depart from him, Jungkook stopped her and said

"Umm, what's your name please?"

"My.." She got interrupted by her phone ringing. She took her phone and answered.

"Hello Oppa," She called out. Jungkook was surprised.

Does she have a big brother? Jungkook thought.

"Yeah I'm coming home Oppa, She ended the call and she had to hurry up this time to meet with her big brother. "I have to go but it was nice meeting you," She said without saying her name and went

"Wait" Jungkook tried to stop but he was too late. The lady too was disappointed as she didn't get to know his name. Jungkook went back to the car disappointed and continued to think about her.

"She looks very cute and beautiful, and I don't know her name," Jungkook said in the car and he started driving to the studio. When he reached the studio, he told his hyungs everything and they promised him to help him out to find the girl but couldn't find her for four months now. Now the girl he loved and longing for his near with him.

"I will find you, my love, I will find you"Jungkook promised himself and it came true.

End of Flask back
I was shocked if the story Jungkook told me. He loved me before I was becoming his assistant? This is crazy to capture.

" That's when fate brought you back to me. " I said

"So you were the guy who helped the little girl?" Mia questioned him with a perplexed look and tune as well. Yes it was me the whole time" Jungkook admitted it all and I was speechless. I loved my boss previously back then. This is shocking, this is absurd, this is nauseating, this is psychologically and mentally impossible. My boss loves me? . I was literally screaming in my head until Jungkook held my hands into his and told me.

"I love you, Mia," Jungkook boldly confirmed.
You brought happiness to my life again.


To be continued.

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