Chapter 16

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We returned briefly to Wigtown the next day to pack up for our trip to Cromarty. It was after hours and the shop was now closed. Darkness trickled over the town, the streets illuminated just by the lamp posts that dotted the sidewalks.

I shuffled down the stairs of the bookstore with my suitcase trailing behind me, pausing at the bottom when I caught sight of Fionn sitting behind the desk. He was staring at the computer screen frowning and biting his lip.

"Fionn? What's wrong?"

"When were you going to tell me you're leaving?" Fionn's words cut through me like a knife and my heart twisted.

"Um." Right. Of course, he must've overheard my conversation with his mom yesterday and now he found my flight information. I thought for sure that I had clicked out of my email on the main computer.

I took a deep breath and opened my mouth to answer.

He turned the computer screen toward me. "There's someone new coming to stay above the shop?"

"I've been here almost a month, Fionn," I tried to reason. "Most people don't stay more than a week."

"Yeah, but," he reached over to brush my hair from my face, his fingers lingering under my chin "you're not most people."

I grinned. "You really know how to sweet talk a girl, don't you? Listen, I was going to tell you about going back to the states. You know that I'm going to be the maid of honor in my best friend's wedding soon. I need to go back to help with the last preparations. But I...I still want to be with you, Fionn. I want us to still be together even if I stay in the US."

Even as I said it, I wondered if I would be able to stay in Baltimore or if I would come back to Scotland. The acceptance notification burned a hole in my pocket as it sat unanswered in the emails on my phone.

Fionn tilted my chin up and dipped his mouth against mine. It was amazing how quickly we'd developed a rhythm together. Any time his lips came close to me, I was like a magnet, immediately drawn in.

He broke away a few seconds later. "I want to be with you too, Em. And we'll figure something out if you stay in the states. I know you have your friends there and your jobs."

"Plus we've only been dating a few days," I added, wincing as the words came out of my mouth. "That didn't come out right. I just mean—"

"Em." He covered my hand. "I understand, okay? I get it. I've been thinking about us too because I knew you would probably go back at some point and I want to make it work, whatever it takes. We're nowhere closer to finding out who sent you the ticket in the first place and it's been a blessing to have you here."

"But the shop is also losing money by not having another customer rent out the flat," I said.

Fionn scratched the back of his head and nodded slowly. "I don't want you to feel like you have to go back just so the shop can start earning more from guests staying there though. If you want to stay in Scotland, we'll figure something out."

I did want to stay in Scotland. I had every reason to stay. This would be the perfect opportunity to tell him about my writing program.

I opened my mouth to tell him, but the words wouldn't come out. Not the right ones, anyway. "I have money saved up. I can always stay in a hotel when I come back."

"I guess so." Fionn didn't sound convinced. The way he was looking at me, I could tell he was inwardly arguing with himself about what else to say.

I leaned forward to kiss him again. "Don't worry. I'm not going back until after the holidays, I promise. See? They're not booked until January thirteenth. And you get me until January fifth. Do you think we can figure out something to do until then?"

Fionn laughed, his eyes flashing a darker blue. "I can think of a few things." He hopped over the counter and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I shrieked as his lips latched onto my neck. My gaze flittered to the glass-paned window where we could clearly see out onto the street and anyone walking by could see in. My body tensed and I pulled away from him.

"Em, are you okay?" Fionn asked, frowning.

I forced a smile. "Yeah, fine. Sorry. I just...I don't really do the whole 'public displays of affection' thing very well."

"Oh, sorry about that. I guess I got a bit carried away." His cheeks flushed.

"It's okay."

An awkward silence filled the space between us and I went to restock the shelves. After a minute I felt Fionn's gaze on me and turned around.

"There's something I need to tell you," he blurted out.

I chewed on my bottom lip. "What's up?"

"I-I've meant to tell you sooner, things just got a little crazy with the holiday yesterday and my family but I've been applying to architecture programs. I found two that are really fantastic, one is in the US and the other is in Germany."

My heart swelled with happiness. "Fionn, that's fantastic! I'm so proud of you." He deserved to have his talent recognized.

My phone buzzed but I didn't move to answer it. Maybe now while we were on the subject of programs, I could tell him about mine.

He shoved his hands into his pockets. "Thanks. I've been thinking, you know, if I get accepted into the US program, I'll be able to see you more. At least, we wouldn't be three thousand miles away."

I swallowed. And if I chose Scotland, we would still be that far away. Germany, though, would be another story. "That's certainly...yeah, we would be able to. Um, can you put my suitcase in the office? I'm gonna go try and get some sleep since we have to be up so early tomorrow."

"Aye." He kissed me, letting his lips linger for a few extra seconds. "See you in the morning."

I walked back up to the apartment and closed the door before dialing Brena on Skype. When it finally connected, it was Jared's face that appeared on the screen. Or at least, his face was beneath the paper mask he had plastered on.

"Hey there, gorgeous," I teased. "Where's Brena?"

Jared laughed. "She's washing her mask off." He pressed the coating more onto his features."

"Don't mess with it or you'll ruin the effects," I said.

"I know, I know. Brena already gave me the spiel. How's Scotland?"

"Beautiful." I laid down on the bed and propped my head up on my elbows. "How are the wedding preparations?"

"They're good." Jared pulled away from the screen as Brena appeared in the view.

"Hey, girl!" she greeted me, shooing her fiance out of the room and calling out, "make sure you rinse only with water!"

"Got it!" he called back.

Brena turned back to me, crossing her legs beneath her. "So tell me everything. All you sent was one text saying 'you were right' and it's been two days of radio silence. So I need alllll the juicy details." She punctuated the last word with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

I laughed. "Well, it started with the night Fionn got hungover at the pub down the street from the shop. And then we sort of had a moment of pretending to be professional with each other."

"Sexy." She raised an eyebrow.

"And then," I continued, rolling my eyes, "we got into a more heated discussion which...kinda...sort of led to us leaving a trail of clothes into my bedroom."

Brena gasped, dramatically clutching her hand against her chest and flopping backwards on her bed.

"Bren!" I waved my hand in the camera. "Are you gonna let me finish the story?"

My best friend sat back up on the bed, her eyes still wide. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. You were saying that you and Fionn slept together."

"Yes, in not so many words." I tucked my hair behind my ears. "Fionn and I slept together and it was...wonderful."

Brena squealed. "Oh, Em! I'm so happy for you. Tell me, how was he?"

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help smiling. "Amazing. It was hot and passionate but gentle and sweet all at the same time."

"Oh, that's the best kind of sex." She sighed happily. "So, are you happy with him?"

"I am. I mean, we've only been together three days but I can see this lasting long-term," I said. "Except..."

"Uh oh. That's never good when you add 'except' to the end of your sentences."

"Technically this was the beginning of a new sentence," I countered, trying to keep the tone light between us.

She narrowed her eyes. "Em, don't change the subject. What's going on?"

Okay. It was now or never. "I heard back from the Casewell writing program."

"And?" Brena looked at me expectantly.

"And I got in." I winced, waiting for her response. Much to my expectations, that sent her into a fit of squeals. I waited until she regained her composure.

"I'm so proud of you, Em," she said. "You were the star candidate, I'm sure of it."

"Thanks, Bren." I glanced over at my closed door. "I just don't know what to do."

She frowned. "What do you mean? The program is in Scotland, right? So you'd be near Fionn and you'd only have to do long-distance when you come back for the wedding."

"Yeah, except..." I took a deep breath. "Except Fionn isn't staying in Scotland."

Her frown deepened and her eyebrows knit together. "Why? Where's he going?"

"He applied for architecture programs—which is fantastic and I'm super proud of him because he's so talented—but they're in the US and Germany. Two places I won't be. And I know I sound selfish, but I-I don't want to lose him."

"Sweetie, have you told him about your program yet?" she asked. "Maybe you could figure something out."

"I haven't told him. I was going to, but then he told me about his applications and I just...I couldn't. We're so happy right now and I don't want to ruin that."

"Emilie, Fionn has a right to know," Brena said, her voice firm. "He's not Kyle, okay? You say you're happy with him, right? Then let yourself be happy, let things happen."

She was right. She was always right.

But if I let myself be happy, what were the chances I'd end up hurt again?

"Don't overthink it," she added, practically reading my mind. "If Fionn is the guy I think he is, he'll be happy for you and you'll make it work. I know you will. Right?"

I swallowed, my heart thumping double time in my chest. "Right."

Out in the hallway, the floorboards creaked. I stiffened, jumping up and quietly tiptoeing to the door after telling Brena I needed to check on something. Opening the door, I poked my head out to the hallway.


But I was sure I'd heard someone out here. I just hoped he hadn't heard me.

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