Chapter 17

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The view from our room at the air bnb was magnificent. Lush green grass grew everywhere and farm animals grazed in their pastures. In the distance, the water from Black Isle sparkled in the late day sunlight. Small cottages dotted the coast, each adorned with a garden of colorful flowers.

Fionn walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "To your left is where the festival is held. See that lighthouse?" He pointed to a spot in the distance, placing one hand on top of mine and guiding it out in front of us. "That's where they display the films. Several aspiring filmmakers from around the world send in their projects with the hope of being featured here."

"That's amazing." I spun around in his arms, stroking my thumb against the rough stubble on his cheeks. "This place is amazing. Being here with you is...amazing."

He laughed. "Then why do I sense that there's something you're not telling me?"

I let my arms fall and wordlessly went to unpack my suitcase. Not now. The moment was too good to ruin with my news, but something inside me urged me forward.

"Em?" Worry filled his voice. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I sighed and jumped onto the bed, letting my legs swing as I sat. "I-I need to tell you something."

It was only the 27th of December. We had the next few days to take in the sights and spend time together; I really wanted to make it last. But it couldn't feel real unless I told him the truth. I wasn't a patient person, and the last thing I needed was this hanging over my head while I tried to enjoy my time with him.

"Okay." He crossed the room to sit next to me. "What's going on? You know you can tell me anything."

"I know." I glanced over at him, taking his hand in mine and lacing our fingers together. "So, a few months ago I applied to this creative writing program here in Scotland. I actually thought the ticket was somehow related but I hadn't received any sort of notification with an acceptance so I quickly dismissed that theory. Then on Christmas Eve, I got an email saying I've been accepted."

Fionn's face broke into a grin. "Emilie, that's fantastic!" Then seeing my expression, he continued, "Right?"

"Yes. Of course, yes, it is fantastic because it means I'll get to be in Scotland longer term. The problem is you won't be."

"Oh." His voice immediately quieted.

"Yeah." I averted my gaze. "I-I didn't know how to tell you exactly after you told me about your programs."

"Why?" He frowned.

"I thought it was obvious. If I accept my program in Scotland, I'll be here, but you'll be in either the US or Germany. So it means—"

"It just means that we will have to do long distance longer than we originally thought." Fionn squeezed my hand reassuringly. "It worked for my parents, aye? What says it won't work for us?"

I dropped his hand and started pacing the room, my brain going into hyperdrive. "We're not your parents, Fionn. How do we know it'll work?"

"How do we know it won't?" he argued, standing up.

With his 6'0 frame, he towered over me but somehow that stance was still comforting. Just being in his presence, I knew I was safe.

"Emilie, are you looking for a reason to end this?" His voice broke. "Because if you are—"

"No, of course not!" I furiously shook my head. "Fionn, I want to be with you. I don't want to lose you."

"And you won't," he said. "I won't let it happen."

He crossed the room in one fell swoop, devouring me as his lips came crashing down on mine and his arms encircled my waist. He lifted up my legs so I could wrap them around his torso. My hands tangled in his hair as he laid me down on the bed. With each kiss, my breath became more shallow. Heat flowed through my body as I clung to Fionn.

He was my lifeline and I wasn't ready to let go.


After our tryst, we'd settled on not talking about our impending deadline and went to meet up with Catriona. Down by the lighthouse, she caught sight of us and waved us over to where she and a girl with short, blue hair were standing.

"Hey, you made it!" She greeted us each with a hug. "Emilie, I want you to meet my partner, Eloise."

The girl standing next to Catriona smiled and reached out her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Cat tells me that you're a writer?"

I blushed. "A little bit, yeah. I'm going to be attending the Casewell writing program in Scotland soon."

Catriona's light eyes widened. "Oh my god, Emilie! Congrats! I just saw you, why didn't you tell me at Christmas?"

Fionn chuckled beside me, slipping his arm around my waist. "Oy, Cat, let her be. She didn't even tell me until earlier today."

An uncomfortable silence washed between us like the deafening crash of an ocean wave. Even though Fionn had meant it as a tease, the hurt was fresh, and we were both feeling it.

Catriona regarded me carefully as I shifted my weight. I had promised her I wouldn't do anything to hurt her brother. Hiding the writing program from him was never something I intended, but I didn't want her to get the wrong idea.

"Erm, it's great to meet you, Eloise," Fionn continued, changing the subject. "Are you in the fashion industry as well?"

"Thank you, and yes, that's actually how Cat and I met."

"El was one of the first models I met," Catriona told us. "I was wandering backstage at this little event in La Rochelle—one of my very first events—and I had no idea what I was doing. Eloise found me and gave me some direction. We went out for crepes afterwards and here we are two years later." She beamed up at Eloise.

"Yes, and I couldn't ask for a better designer. La Rochelle was actually going to be one of my last shows but meeting Cat convinced me to stay a while longer. And the truth is, I love it."

I nodded in understanding. "What were you planning on doing instead of modeling?"

The four of us started to stroll along the grass, walking over to one of the food stands that was parked along the block.

"Photography. Modeling was always meant to be a smaller gig but photography has taken a backseat while I become the 'next big thing' in Paris."

The way Eloise spoke about her job made me curious. There was always something stopping us from pursuing our dreams and yet sometimes we just needed a boost from another person to realize that what we're doing is maybe what we're meant to do.

"That's incredible, Eloise," I said. "My best friend is a photographer at her marketing firm."

"I love the travel that comes with it," she agreed.

We stopped to order food then went to join the crowd up by the lighthouse. Catriona and Eloise had brought blankets and thermoses filled with coffee for us. They cuddled up on one blanket while Fionn and I took the other.

"Here," Fionn said. He unraveled his scarf and delicately wrapped it around me. "I don't want you to get cold."

"Thank you." I leaned against him, letting him wrap his arms protectively around me.

Catriona smirked at us. "Cute." She settled in against Eloise and I drank in the moment. All of us were here together and we were happy.

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