Chapter 18: Horrible families and a shoulder to cry on

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This is a really juicy chapter, so much drama is happening and new problems are arising, we hope you like this chapter! Please stop and vote, comment and follow us for more crazy nutella content. Sorry for destroying any dreams. 

xx TNG

Violet's POV

I didn't tell the girls everything that night in the coffee bar. It's a massive secret, something I can't tell anyone, not even my best friends. Have you ever had a secret that is so bad that if it ever comes out it will destroy your life? Yeah, this is really that bad. I guess that wasn't the only reason I didn't tell the girls, I mean, I do trust them. It's just because I kind of feel left out of their friend group. It started with just me and Amelia, best friends forever, but then someone else showed up and now it's kind of like Amelia and Lils are best-friends and I'm like their extra. And it really hurts to be an extra, especially if the guy you like is going after your best-friend. It's hard not hate her, even though the whole situation is unintentional/not her fault.

The final reason I didn't tell them was just in case they decided to tell my parents.  You might hear it and think that I was stupid for reacting so strongly, but not in my family. What's cool nowadays is how accepting people are about certain topics. However, my secret will almost certainly get me disowned from my family. My parents are extremely religious Catholics, and have been for the entirety of their lives, which is just the start of our differences. I am a Christian (and very recently found my faith, which led to me splitting from their church. Long story, for a different time). The short version of which is that I don't believe in what my parents do and I now go to a different church, which has completely rocked my world. I think their area of Christianity is old-fashioned, they don't approach mistakes with grace and kindness, but instead with hate. If they find out, my opinion won't matter to them because and what I have done is a huge taboo in their beliefs.

As always, luck isn't on my side. I have lost a boyfriend, my best friends and now my family.  This is what happened earlier today, the day my family disowned me.

------*A few hours earlier*-----

"I'm home! What's for lunch, fam?"  I shout into the kitchen, after a long day at cheerleading practice. I was tired, but happy.


I drop my bags off and walk into the living room as fast as possible. Anyone with parents like mine will know that this is the kind of time you only say "sorry" and "I won't do it again". Usually I would know what happened, but this time I had no idea. My stupid, naive brain. At the time, all I could think about were two questions. What did I do wrong? Why are my parents so angry? My hands start sweating, and soon the nervousness is covering my whole body and I'm shaking. The last time they were this angry was ages ago.

My parents are both standing in front of the sofa, watching my every move. I slowly make my way to the chair that is placed in front of them, and as I sit down my mother starts to sob angry tears, with a tissue visible in her hand.

"Wh... what happened?" I ask in a shaky voice. My parents can be scary. They've never abused me, but the mood that they are in shows that a stinging slap wouldn't be a surprise.

"You whore. HOW COULD YOU! I thought we raised you to be a good girl and a good daughter. It seems we did the opposite, you are nothing but a failure! I can't believe that our perfect daughter, smart and kind, turned out to be a slut. A filthy girl, desperate for attention, so she'll do anything to get it." My Mum shouts and rushes out of the room in anger, sobbing.  That really hurt. I've lived with her for all my life and I thought she would have some respect for me. By now, I had a niggling suspicion of why they were mad. Dread flooded over me in waves.

"We trusted you to stay safe, but that trust was undeserved." My Dad's face is more controlled, but underneath his calm exterior, his eyes are filled with a cold and powerful anger. It was from then that I realised how little I knew about my parents. I grew up being read parables and told that love overpowers everything, and as a Christian, you should always give grace. It's like I don't even know where my old parents went, everything that I'd been told and taught had just been thrown out the window.

"Why are you guys so angry?! Why are you accusing me of being a failure?" I shout in an aggravated tone. I thought I knew what it was, but I needed to be sure.

"You know exactly what you did, you bitch. Go into the bathroom and see for yourself!"

My parents forced me to the bathroom roughly as if I was an animal, twisting my arms and yanking my hair. I started to cry, it hurt so much. Not just physically, but mostly mentally. When we reached the bathroom, my Father's calm demeanor had disappeared completely.

"WOULD YOU CARE TO EXPLAIN WHAT THIS IS?" He starts screaming and cursing at me.


I say nothing. No matter what happens, I'm afraid the result will be the same. Angry, furious that's not something i want to experience today. He calms down for just one question.

"Is it real?" He asks, quiet again.

I don't reply.

"VIOLET ISABELLE SMITH, IS IT REAL?" He yells for a second time.

I look at the pregnancy test in his hands, and just then I collapse. It's like I've lost all strength in my knees. How the heck did he find it? I thought I completely disposed of it. I knew what my parents would have said. I was sure that I covered my tracks and threw it out...

It was then I decided to tell the truth. I didn't want to make the situation any worse.

"Yes." I say in a quiet mumble.

"STOP MUMBLING CHILD!" He yells. I can see my Mother in the living room crying while overhearing.

"YES, I'M PREGNANT. NO, I'M NOT GETTING MARRIED. IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, WHICH I WOULD GIVE ANYTHING TO CHANGE, SO SCREW YOU AND YOUR STUPID RULES." I scream at him, tears are rolling down my face,  my eyes red and puffy. I meant every word of it. The baby was an accident, and as cruel as it sounds, I would do anything to go back to that night and change what I did.

SLAP. The sound of my Dad's hand hitting my face, hard. SLAP. Again. The second time I was knocked onto the ground.


I'm sobbing on the floor. I banged my head on the door frame as I fell. I couldn't see or hear him properly, everything was spinning.


It was then, a bit too late, I realised I really need a family. Alec is going to run away the minute he hears the word 'father'. Sobbing and hurting I plead with my Dad.

"Daddy please.. I'm sorry... I'll do anything."

He kicks me in the stomach hard, right before yelling a final sentence into my ear that broke my heart completely.

"You have NO right to call me your Dad. I don't know who you are, and you certainly aren't my daughter. NOW, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW, you WHORE!"

I rushed out and ran upstairs to grab my stuff, by now tears are rolling down my cheeks.

"DON'T COME BACK, SLUT." He yelled just as the door slams shut.

The realization set in, I had no home, no family and no one I can turn to. Maybe my oldest friend can help me. I ring Amelia.

"C...can I c...come over, please?" I stutter at Amelia into the phone through my tears.

------*Present time*-----

Amelia's POV

I lean in to hug Violet,  she's been through so much today. She's had the biggest shock of her life today, her parents being assholes and all. I get that it's their religion, but it's their daughter too. All I can do is hug her, I mean what else would you do in this situation?

"Hey, what happened? Are you ok?" Lils asks while taking Violets luggage from her hands. She has a growing grey patch on her face, and her eyes are red and puffy. I've known Violet for what feels like forever, and she hardly ever cries, so this is a big deal.

Lillian and Violet are sitting on the couch with me as Violet begins to tell the story,

"It all started when I came home from cheerleading practice..."

After she told us, I couldn't even speak. No wonder she was crying when she arrived, heck, she's still crying now.

"Who's the father?" Lils blurts out into the awkward silence. I hope that it wasn't too much, as she clearly isn't in the best place right now.

"Alec," she replies in a quiet tone.

"Does he know?" Lils asks.

"No." She says with clear hurt in her eyes. I think she thinks that Alec will ditch her if he finds out. I agree with her.

"How long are you in?" I jump into the conversation.

"3 weeks."

"That explains stuff." Lils said.

"Lilian Rosewood, give the girl some space, she's been through enough already," I ask.

"Hey..." I say, an idea spreading into my mind, "Do you want to stay with us for a while? Turns out my parents have extended their trip, work needs them out their apparently. So we have an empty room and closet for the next month."

"Amelia, that would be perfect." She says, starting to cry again.

As she pulls her luggage into her new temporary room my eyes widen. I remember the conversation I overheard the other day. Alec is only using her to get someone jealous, and now, she is pregnant with his baby. I really need to start figuring things out, like whether to tell her or not. Even if she thinks he'll leave her the minute he finds out, she'll be devastated if she hears about it. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm now laden with a secret that could destroy one of my best friends. My decision now is if I should tell Vi, or if I tell her at all...

I know this sounds stupid, but even worse, what if the girl he's trying to make jealous is me? If so, I know I've already lost her friendship.

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Lots of love ,


Juicy. Next 4 chapters will destroy some friendships and relationships, be ready. 

ly guys. 

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