Chapter 19: Beach days and kissing games.

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Sorry for the late updates, but this chapter will stir up some drama and new relationships maybe? I think that this marks half-way through the book, and the drama is only just starting. Next chapter will hurt some hearts and destroy a friendship or two. Maybe ;)

Love you guys, 

ps. btw its me the editor who wrote this... the style will be a lil different.

Yet again, I was woken up by the sound of my phone blowing up. Not literally, but the noise it was making could be somewhat comparable to it. I never needed to mute my phone, because I hate group chats and I always exit them, or if it an important group chat the mute button also did the trick. I kind of feel guilty because, I've blocked Lillian, well she spams too much. So that brings the question... Why was my phone being so noisy?

I open my WhatsApp to find a new group chat with the name, "Beach today?". On it was literally all my close friends; Zach, Liam, Skye, Alec, Levi,  Lillian, Violet and Maddy. I didn't really know Maddy, but I had seen her around school. Maddy was Liam's girlfriend, it turns out they have been going steady for a while now. Shocker, who thought a player like him could hold a real relationship... According to Skye, he's smitten, whipped, you name it. It was then I realised I had to meet her.

Levi big bro: YO, what do you guys think of going to the beach today? It's hot as heck and I need to swim.

Zach maniac: Remember what happened last time? I don't know if anyone wants to visit hospital again...

Skye: Haha, no thanks.

Maddy: Whattt?!?

Alec idiot: Beyonce found herself severely injured...

Me: @Alec HEY, not my fault. No one told me about the jellyfish.

Maddy: Urmm, what happened?!?

Lillian bestie: Idk either... I'm clueless too...

Levi big bro: Guys, we can just go to another beach without jellyfish?!

Liam: @Maddy @Lillian it doesn't really matter...

Alec: I'm trying to sleep here, idiot. Stop chatting and just say whether or not you are going and then shut up.

Me: rude much?

Levi big bro: Well who isn't going? Can everyone make it?

Violet: I think so.

Skye: See y'all there then, we can meet at Jackson's place in 10. Oh, and tell your parents to not espectyou until way after dark ;). There will be a bonfire.

10 minutes... I'm still in my pajamas, laying in bed. Oh crap. They are going to show up and I won't be anywhere near ready.

I literally sprint into the shower, turning on the water. Our doorbell rings just after I had rushed out of the shower. By this point, I was beating some waterproof concealer on my face ready to whip out my mascara. After I had done my very minimal makeup (due to lack of time and the fact I would swim), Levi was pounding on the door yelling at me. Typical brother.

We finally got out of the house, and everyone was in the three cars that we had plan to drive with. A half hour car ride later, and we were at the beach. The car ride was fun, all chatting and banter. We didn't talk about anything serious, i wasn't in the mood for deep conversations, and t my luck I wasn't in the same car as Zach, thank goodness.

When we finally pulled up at the beach, it was boiling. It felt like the remaining makeup on my face was melting off, I couldn't wait to swim. The boys clearly thought the same thing, literally running into the water the minute they saw it. While the boys were wrestling/swimming/fighting/racing, us girls were tanning. We were baking under the sun for around an hour, chatting. I was so shocked by Maddy, she was gorgeous, dark long hair and eyes, with a petite little figure. Being Liam's girlfriend, I expected a bitch, someone who was rude and only wanted him for his popularity and looks, but she is actually a really cool girl. We laughed about the boys and the dumb things they've done, and Maddy spilt a LOT tea. The guys were having an front flip competition, half of the guys failed in some way or another. Turns out she's dated Liam for a minute, so she's gone on road trips with them and had seen them at loads of embarrassing times. Bottom line, she's amazing and should definitely start hanging out with us more.

After an hour or so of tanning, we decided to go join the boys in the water. Maddy, Violet and I would've been happy to stay for longer, but Lily kept complaining about skin cancer and sunburn as she lay curled up in the shade. We decided to make her happy and after she had put on her SPF 50+ sunscreen, we went and joined the boys in the water.

I stripped out of my clothes into my gorgeous two-piece. I really liked it, it was minimalistic, but flattering to my body shape and skin tone. It was one of the few bikinis that I had which made me look and feel amazing. We looked like the epitome of summer in our swim suits. Violet had a gorgeous new Armani bikini, which looked amazing on her. Considering her financial situation, I'm surprised she bought it.

Even though we all had different body types, we each looked amazing. I'm skinny (the kind of girl who can eat whatever she likes and not get fat), but I can't build muscle whatsoever, so I just eat junk food and look like a stick all year round. Maddy is so pretty, she has a petite figure but she is fit. Violet is slim and a little soft, she has the kind of physique that boys like. Lillian is different, she can lose and gain fat easily, so it depends what mood she has been in.

As we walked down into the water, Liam was openly gaping at Maddy. It's crazy how I didn't notice how whipped he was until now. After messing around for a little bit, Zach asked me if he could talk to me. OMG! Please don't bring up the awkward situation we went through a few weeks ago. He grabbed my arm and we walked down the beach until we were out of view.

"So Zach, what did you want to talk to me about?" I ask. Like why would we need to walk out of sight? I'm just thinking that I would rather spend time with everyone in the water than with Zach. We are cool now, but I also think that it will never be the same after what happened.

"I don't really know how to say this Amelia, but I really like you." He looked into my eyes with unwavering confidence, stepping closer. "Ever since I first looked at you, I knew you were the one."

THE ONE?! Like a soulmate? I like Zach, sure, but I could never see him as a relationship that lasted longer than a summer fling... I looked up, and noticed he was just a breath away. His hands were on my waist and I could feel his heart racing.

"Amelia? Will you go out with me?" He asks softly. When I meet his eyes, he looks very worried.

I've never had a boyfriend, and he really likes me. Will it break his heart if I say no? If I say yes!? I don't really like him the way he likes me, but maybe I will grow to like him? I don't want to play with his heart, but I also want to try something new. You only live once, right?

I move my head forward and kiss him gently on the lips.

"Yeah, sure, i guess... I will." I'm not sure what i should feel right now, should i be over joy exited or a sad because i don't like him that way.

We walk back to the beach, and Lillian runs over. Everyone has gotten out of the water and is now lounging in a circle higher up on the beach, laughing and talking. Zach goes off to join the other, while Lily asks me what happens. I tell her briefly what happened, and we head off to join the rest of the group. Lils is literally shook that I said yes, and demanded more details. I wanted to join the rest of the group because we've been away nearly an hour now, so I said that we can catch up with coffee sometime. She winks and we join the rest of the group.

I'm sitting between Skye and Alec. Violet and Zach are laughing, and the last four are cuddled up.

"Cupcake?" Skye asks.

"Back to that again? UGH, I'm not a cupcake." I say annoyed.

"No!" He laughs back, "Do you want a cupcake? There is one left and Violet managed to save it from being eaten."

Taking the cupcake from his hand, I eat it. Jeez that was embarrassing. It is delicious tho, and because I can't bake for shit, I appreciate it even more. Just as I have put the last of heaven in my mouth, my phone pings. Seriously why am I getting so many notifications today.

I open my phone and on the display it shows my bank statement for this month. I scroll down and see my spendings of this month. I see $30 for some clothes at H&M and $70 for some new shoes this is all normal for me. As i reach the end i see a shocking retrieval, apparently $5,000 has been taken off my card yesterday. Ummm, i didn't spend that much money on shopping, plus it was all taken out in one day. I turn my phone off with a frown on my face. I will look at that when we get back, for now, I should enjoy this amazing sunset and even more amazing day.

"Guys, I'm bored," Alec says with a gleam in his eyes, "Let's play Spin the Bottle."

Of course he wants to play Spin the Bottle.

"Ok," Maddy says, "but on one condition. It doesn't matter the gender, you kiss the person the bottle lands on."

I wipe a small tear from my eye after seeing the look on the boy's faces. As a girl, it isn't a huge deal to kiss another girl. We are literally best friends and we know it means nothing. The boys are clearly treating it like they will lose all their masculinity and no one will ever be friends with them ever again.

"I'm down," I say through my laughter.

"Well, you can start then." Alec says through gritted teeth handing me the bottle.

I've never played Spin the Bottle before, but I've watched it done many times. I spun the bottle, watching it until it stopped. My eyes linger on the person the bottle has landed at, and my heart starts to race. I look briefly at Zach before crashing my lips against Alec Chandlers.  


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