Chapter One: New Beginnings

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Your POV

"Alec, seriously? Work with me here!" I beg, running my hands down my face. I let out an exasperated sigh and shake my head at the raven haired boy in front of me.

"What? What's wrong with this one?" Alec asks, looking at me with knitted brows.

From the other room I can hear Emmett, Jasper, and Edward snickering, trying their best not to laugh at my irritated state.

It's been three months since I've met Alec.

Three months since we've been inseparable.

Three months since I moved out of the Cullen, and Charlie's, household and into my own.

Three months since I was considered a newborn.

Now, it's the first day of senior year.

And Alec is coming with us.

He's currently standing in front of me wearing a God awful black outfit. Black slacks, an oversized black cloak, and a black button up shirt. He's put this same outfit on at least seven times. I'm starting to lose my patience.

I let out a huff and walk up to my mate, chucking the cloak off. Shaking my head, I unbutton his shirt, tossing it in the same direction as the cloak. He's left standing in a plain black t-shirt and his slacks.

"Boys!" I call, snapping my fingers.

A millisecond later the three Cullen boys are in the room, curtsying in front of me.

"Yes, your majesty?" Emmett asks, smirking at me playfully.

I roll my eyes and shove his shoulder, sending him flying to the wall behind them. I can't help the little giggle that escapes my lips at the sight of this.

"I need you to bring me some appropriate clothing for Alec to wear today. As little black as possible," I say the last part with sternness in my voice.

"You mean, I actually have to wear colors?" Alec asks from behind me, touching my arm lightly.

The boys do their best to suppress their chuckles at the unknowing vampire beside me. I send them a death glare at the same time black smoke starts to seep out of Alec's hands.

"Alec," I sigh, causing Alec to immediately pull the smoke back in. I turn to the boys with an impatient look on my face. "What are you still doing here? Go."

At my command they all speed out of the room, causing a breeze to blow my hair around slightly. I turn back to Alec, a small smile forming on my lips.

"Alec, honey, I know I've told you this a million times before, but I need you to listen to me," I say, placing my hand in his.

"Yes, my love?"

An invisible blush spreads across my cheeks at the nickname he has given me. I lean forward, placing a chaste kiss to his cheek. His lips turn up bashfully as I do so.

"I know you know how to control your thirst around humans, but high school isn't anything like being in Volterra. We socialize with our peers, yes, but we don't get too friendly. Alec, the Cullens and I are like royalty to these students. They put us on a pedestal of perfection. If we slip up, that could end badly for us. I need you to stay with one of us at all times, okay?"

Alec nods his head frantically, nervously showing me that he understands.

"Good. I hope you have a great first day. You can do this. I love you," I tell him, rising up to my tippy toes.

A warm smile crosses over Alec's lips as he leans down slowly to my level.

"I love you, my dear," he whisper to me, his lips mere inches from mine.

My own smile widens at the return of affection as I lace my arms around his neck. His lips lightly brush against me, his minty breath mingling with my own. He softly presses his lips against mine and not a second after he does a loud thud echoes throughout the room.

Alec and I automatically pull back and are greeted by Emmett face down on the floor, his two brothers dying of laughter behind him. The clothes, I assume he previously had in his hand, are strewn across the floor in front of him.

I shake my head and step away from Alec, collecting all of the clothes that have been brought to us.

"Thank you for your service gentlemen," I say, nodding to them with a playful smile on my lips.

"Anytime, ma'am," Jasper replies with a wink, causing Alec to hiss quietly.

"Alright now. Shoo, shoo. I need to get him dressed," I wave the boys out of the room, shutting the door behind them as they walk out.

I lay the options out on mine and Alec's bed. The three boys each brought two outfits, each quite obviously matching their own style.

Emmett brought two pairs of jeans, one light washed and the other dark. He also brought two light zip up hoodies, one light grey and the other blue. He brought two blue t-shirts, each with different designs on them. For shoes he brought a pair of black vans.

Jasper brought a button up red and white shirt and a plain white v-neck, much like the one Alec is already wearing. You can tell his southern is showing. He also brought a pair of light washed skinny jeans and a pair of grey joggers. He brought a pair of black converse as well.

Edward, the little brat, didn't listen to my plea of no black. He brought a pair of black skinny jeans and another pair of, very dark, denim jeans. He brought a long sleeve black sweater and a blood red v-neck t-shirt. He brought a pair of white converse to go with it all.

Okay. I've got this.

I grab the grey zip up hoodie from Emmett's pile and throw it over my arm, picking up the black vans as well. The next item I choose is the plain white v-neck from Jasper. From Edward's stack I choose the black skinny jeans.

I turn to Alec and find him looking at the clothes in my arms wearily. Sending him a smile of reassurance, I hand him the clothes.

"Here, I think this will look good. Tell me when you're ready," I say, turning to face the opposite direction of Alec.

For the next few second I hear shuffling and air whistling, signaling Alec changing clothes. I stare at the wall absentmindedly, waiting for the signal to turn back around.

"You can look now, (Y/n)."

I slowly turn around and as soon as I do, the breath hitches in my throat. My nonexistent heartbeat stops, and I know that if I had the ability to blush, I would be bright red right now.

"Y-You- That's- Wow," I stammer out, staring at the boy in front of me.

The jeans Alec has on makes his legs look longer than normal, giving him a taller appearance. The white v-neck hugs his chest nicely, making his definition just visible enough to see. The light grey zip up jacket he has on doesn't hug his muscles as much as it does Emmett's, but hugs them nonetheless. Everything about him makes my mouth pool with venom.

And I want a bite of him.

"Is your speechless state a good sign, or should I be worried with how taken aback you are, my love?"

I shake my head, knocking myself out of my daze. I take small steps towards him, a smile tugging at my lips.

"You look good. I could just eat you-"

"Okay, okay! Gross! Please stop thinking about it!" I hear Edward shout from outside the room.

Alec and I both laugh at his outburst, smiling at each other as we do. I lightly peck his cheek before ushering him out of the room.

"I'll be out in a second, Alec. Try to be social with the boys while I change," I say as we make it to our bedroom door.

"Yes, my love."

Alec steps outside the door and closes it behind him. The moment he does so I hear shuffling outside, signaling the boys roughhousing with Alec. That poor boy has no idea how to handle himself like a normal teenager.

Letting out a sigh of a laugh, I make my way to the closet. I pull out a pair of black, ripped high waisted jeans that somewhat match Alec's. I throw them on along with a pair of white vans. Flipping through my closet, I decide on a long sleeve white crop top. I let my hair down, having already curled it earlier this morning. I put on a pair tiny hoop earrings and a delicate chain around my neck.

Checking the mirror one last time, I approve of my appearance. After rolling some chapstick over my lips I grab my black purse and make my way to the door.

What I find on the other side is unsurprising.

Alec has all three boys pinned to the wall with his smoke filling their bodies. Based upon their state, they haven't been like this for long. I let out a frustrated sigh and tug Alec towards the door.

"Alec, let the boys go. We can't be late on our first day."

Alec lets out an aggravated sigh and releases the boys from his misty hold. After a few hacks and coughs from the three vampires, they follow after us to the front door of mine and Alec's house.

After locking the door behind us I head to Alec's car. It's a sleek mustang, completely blacked out. He chose this car simply for the classy demeanor it possesses. One thing about it, it's sure to stand out at Forks Highschool.

Alec walks to my side of the car, opening the door for me to get in. Sending him a quick smile, I climb into the vehicle. I hear Emmett scoff behind me before slamming his Jeep door shut, Jasper doing the same. I look over to see Edward silently slide into his Volvo, hardly glancing in my direction.

Then, we're on our way to our first day of senior year.

As we continue to get closer to the inevitable feat, I can't help but clench my fists nervously.

I'm so worried about Alec. This is so scary to me. He's used to being around humans, but not teenage ones. What if something goes wrong? What if he tries to use his power? What if he gets angry and decides to-

"(Y/n), are you alright? You look upset," Alec asks, instinctively pulling one of his hands off the steering wheel and placing it in mine.

I give him a half hearted smile and nod my head, "I'm alright. Just a little nervous for school. First day jitters, I guess."

Alec glances at me, his brows knitting together. He lets out a small sigh before turning his eyes back to the road, focusing on following the Jeep in front of us.

"You mean nervous for me. (Y/n), you seem to forget that I can tell when you are not being truthful. Don't worry my love, I'll be perfectly fine. I am able to handle myself."

I nod my head and turn my eyes to my lap. I chew on my lip slightly, my nervousness slowly fading.

"You're right. I'm sorry, Alec. I shouldn't treat you like a child. I'm just-"

"Worried. I know," Alec cuts me off, sliding the car into park as he does so.

I look up and find that we're already parked at the high school, right in the middle of the Jeep and Volvo. My gaze drifts to Alec, only to be greeted by his black eyes burning with love.

"(Y/n), trust me. It'll all be okay," he places a soft kiss to my temple before placing a quick one on my lips. "Now, let's make an appearance, shall we?"

All my nervousness melts away. I don't know if it's simply from Alec's words or if Jasper is helping me out as well, but regardless I feel much better. I offer a small smile to Alec and before I can even turn to open my door, Alec is already doing it.

He holds his hand out to me and I take it, pulling me up out of the car. After shutting the car door behind me, Alec holds his arm out for me, gesturing me to take it. I can't help but giggle at the out of date gesture and the boys have trouble controlling their laughter as well.

"Man, you can't be serious. Let me show you the proper way to walk her in," Emmett smirks, walking up to Alec and I.

He takes my left arm and puts it around Alec's waist, causing him to tense momentarily before relaxing into my arm. Emmett then grabs Alec's right arm and places it over my shoulders, having it hang loosely around them. Alec looks down at me nervously based upon our close proximity in public.

"That's better. What d'ya think boys?" Emmett asks, gesturing to mine an Alec's new positions.

"He definitely looks less refined," Edward notes.

"Not very gentlemanly but it'll do," Jasper adds.

"Just what I was going for," Emmett smirks, nodding his head in agreement.

I roll my eyes and laugh, shoving Emmett slightly with my free hand. I start to walk towards the school, Alec following my steps.

"Come on guys, people are already staring," I whisper, causing the boys to immediately snap to our sides.

Emmett walks on my right side, a smirk plastered on his face. Edward and Jasper walk behind Emmett, Alec, and I. Much like my first day here, everyone is staring. And honestly, it wouldn't bother me much if it wasn't for the fact that almost everyone staring was female.

As I watch girls' eyes trail up and down Alec and I can't help the almost inaudible hiss that escapes through my lips.

All the boys surrounding me, with the exception of Alec, chuckle at my outburst. I look up to Alec bashfully, only to find a wide smile on his face. He leans down and pecks my lips, causing a few girls watching to snarl in disgust and disappointment.

When he pulls away I lean into his side, tightening my grip on him possessively. The stares keep coming and the whispers keep spreading as the five of us walk through the doors of the school.

"So, how many strings did Dad have to pull for us to all have the same classes this year?" I ask, my question directed at no one in particular.

"It took one simple call. No one was going to go against Dr. Cullen," Edward answers, sending a smile in my direction. I nod in response and almost gag when I come face to face with the one human at this school I wouldn't mind killing.

"Jess, hey! How was your summer?" I ask, my voice laced with sweetness and venom at the same time.

"It was great," Jessica replies, her eyes skimming over Alec's body slowly. She takes her bottom lip into her mouth, chewing on it at the sight of Alec, "Very hot, though."

I have to bite hard onto my tongue in order to suppress the growl trying to escape my venom coated throat. I dig my nails into Alec's side, and if it weren't for him being made of stone then the action would have hurt him drastically.

"Hot? You must have been on some sort of vacation then, yes? The climate here is not inclined for warm weather."

My eyes snap up to Alec and I can see the confusion coating his face. He stares forward at Jessica with his brows knitted together, trying to understand her claim.

Does he seriously not know that she's trying to-

"Oh! Who are you? You're definitely new. Do you have an accent? I'm Jessica, and it is a pleasure to meet you," Jessica coos through her sickly sweet lips.

She holds her right hand out, gesturing him to shake it. I know she's only doing so in order to get Alec's arm from around me.

Alec hesitantly takes his arm off my shoulder, glancing down to me as he does so. He reaches his hand forward, only to have it yanked aggressively, causing him to jolt forward into her.

This time I can't stop the growl that resonates from my throat as I step in between my mate and the teenage girl.

"Oops, clumsy me," Jessica giggles, releasing Alec's hand and taking a step back, sending me a smirk as she does so.

I possessively stand in front of Alec and hiss at the nasty girl, "Jessica I would-"

"Like to invite you to our back to school party," Emmett cuts in, setting a hand on my shoulder. "This Friday. Starts at seven. I hope to see you there," he says the last part with a wink.

Jessica immediately averts her eyes to Alec, once again causing my nonexistent blood to boil.

"I'll definitely be there. See you later, boys."

With that she walks off. Leaving me fuming and the Cullens dying of laughter. I spin on my heel, my eyes burning into them. My sudden action causes them to freeze on the spot.

"If she so much as lays a finger on Alec, you're all vamp chow. Got it?" I ask, sending them a cheeky smile.

They all nod frantically, knowing I'm being completely serious, and begin walking towards our class. I glance to Alec, finding his eyes glowing in amusement. A cocky grin slowly finds its way to his lips as he grabs the sides of my neck.

He leans down to my ear, whispering into it quietly, "Possessive, aren't we my love?"

He presses his lips to my temple before pulling away and wrapping an arm around my waist. He follows the Cullen boys down the hallway, the crowd parting as it always does when I walk through the hall.

It seems Alec has already been deemed royalty.

As we walk into our classroom I turn to Alec, telling him I will explain to our teacher about him being our 'foreign exchange student'. He stands at the corner of the classroom awkwardly, trying to avoid contact with anyone.

The Cullen boys make their way to the back of the room, claiming seats for the five of us. I make my way to the teacher and greet her with a smile.

"Ms. Davis? Hello, my name is (Y/n) Swan. It's nice to meet you," I say, holding my hand out to her.

She smiles and shakes my hand, "Ah, the Chief's daughter. I've heard great things about you."

"I'm glad to hear. Anyways, we have a foreign exchange student from Italy. He's living with the Cullen's in their household. He'll be with the Cullens and myself most of the time. I just figured you should know," I smile at her during my explanation.

She nods and expresses her thanks towards me, but when she does so her brows furrow as she looks at a point behind me. It's only then that I focus in on the voices surrounding me.

I spin on my heel and find a swarm of girls huddling around my mate. And by the expression on his face, he's experiencing a severe case of social anxiety right now.

I flash the teacher a smile and quickly walk over to the stranded boy. At the sight of me the girls immediately part a path for me to get to him. Alec's eyes snap to me and that's when I see it.

The light haze of black trying to escape his palms.

I immediately grab hold of his hand, making the smoke disappear. I send a smile to the girls surrounding him, and they return the smile even though theirs is hinted with a tinge of sadness at Alec's retreat.

When we make it to the back table of the classroom, I sit down next to Jasper. Alec sits on my right, in between Edward and I. Emmett sits on the other side of Jasper, leaning forward on his elbows.

"Alec, are you alright?" I ask him, placing my hand gently on his slightly shaking arm.

"I don't know what came over me. I've never behaved in that manner before. I was, well, I'm not quite sure what I was," Alec whispers back, slowly calming down from his episode.

"Jasper, was Alec experiencing social anxiety?" I ask, turning to the blonde haired boy on my left.

Jasper nods his head and lets out a sigh, "Yes, and if you think that was a close call with the black smoke, then you don't want to know what happens without me calming him."

My eyes flutter back to Alec and I feel my stomach drop. Alec's gaze is dripping with worry as he stares at me. I lay head on his shoulder and wrap my arms around one of his.

It'll be okay. He'll get used to it. After all, it's only his first day. He'll get adjusted after a while. He'll feel more comfortable eventually.



hello my little angels, welcome to the second book in the "love bites" series.

i hope you all enjoy!

this first chapter isn't very interesting but i promise this book with be nothing short of thrilling.

thank you always for you support.

xoxo, darkcupid_

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