Chapter Two: Party Crasher

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Your POV

"I cannot believe you host parties with humans and wolves in attendance," Alec states as he sifts through his closet.

We've finally finished our first week of senior year. Honestly, it went way smoother than I expected it to. Alec has gotten better about all the girls trying to surround him and all the attention he's getting. He still doesn't understand why we care so much about school and the people, well humans, in it.

"Alec, they're our friends. Besides, it's not like you have trouble controlling your thirst around them. You're used to being around humans and wolf blood tastes like dirt. What's the problem?" I ask, walking into my own closet to pick out clothes for the party.

"I just don't understand the purpose of building a social status in such an insignificant place. It's just not important in my eyes," Alec says, before letting out a groan. "I can't find anything to wear!"

I sigh and shake my head, quickly grabbing clothes from my own closet. Walking out of the semi spacious room, I find Alec standing with his hands pressed to his temples in an irritated manner. I push him to the side and begin sifting through his clothes.

"Alec, our social standing here is just very important to us. For more reasons than one. People look up to the Cullen family and my own. Our parents are major components of this town," I explain while grabbing a pair of jeans and a dark red hoodie from his closet, holding the items out to him. "Please just do this. For me?"

Alec sighs, the scowl on his lips melting in a soft smile. He takes the clothes out of my hands and steps towards me.

"Yes, my dear. For you," he nods before placing a kiss to my forehead. "But I, under no circumstances, will be conversing with that Jessica girl. She is simply ignorant."

I laugh at his single condition and pat his back, walking towards our bathroom.

"Don't worry Alec, I'll do my best to make sure she stays as occupied as possible."

I walk into the bathroom and quickly change into the outfit I hastily grabbed. A grey tank top and black skinny jeans. I brush through my perfectly wavy hair, allowing it to hang past my shoulders. After applying a quick layer of mascara to my eyelashes, I go to greet Alec again.

As soon as I walk through the bathroom door, Alec snaps his eyes to me. A disapproving glare is in them as he runs his gaze down my body slowly.

"No. You are not wearing that. Your body is far too exposed."

I roll my eyes and scoff at his comment, walking towards our bedroom door. Before I can even take a few steps, Alec is cutting me off.

"No. You're at least wearing something over it."

I let out a sigh and nod my head, signaling for him to do what he wants. It's easier to let him have his way rather than argue. Arguing with a royal gets you nowhere. I know from personal experience. Besides, I'll just take it off whenever we get to the Cullen's.

After a few seconds of searching through his closet, Alec comes back with a, way too big, jean jacket. He loops my arms through it and rolls up the sleeves so that they reach halfway up my forearm. After doing so, he takes a step back to examine his work.

"That's better," he mutters, nodding in approval.

The jacket hangs just below my butt and makes the tight material of the jeans and tank top appear looser. I can't help but laugh at Alec as he continues to analyze the outfit of choice.

"Then let's go. We wouldn't want to be late."

Like we could be late. The Cullen's only live a few miles away. Just a second long run. By the time we arrive it's only 6:50, ten minutes until the party starts. As soon as Alec and I walk in I'm being enveloped in a hug from Esme.

"Oh, I've missed you two!" Esme shrieks, even though we were over here yesterday, and pulls out of the hug only to give one to Alec, who awkwardly returns the gesture.

He still hasn't gotten the hang of the whole family aspect yet.

"Are you guys staying for the party?" I ask nervously as Carlisle turns the corner, meeting us in the foyer.

He lets out a chuckle and places a chaste kiss to the top of my head. "No, no. We're heading out now. We're going on a hunt, so we won't be back for a few days."

I nod my head but before I can say anything I'm being bombarded by the three vampires running into the room.
They all frantically buzz around, placing bowls and plates of food everywhere.

"They're nervous," Esme explains to Alec. "They've never had to set up a party without (Y/n)'s help before," she glances to me. "But anyways, we'll see you two later," she waves to us before her and Carlisle disappear out through the back door.

Alec's eyes intently follow the boys that are speeding around the room. He seems completely fascinated by their sporadic behavior. Suddenly, the commotion stops as a scent catches all of our noses. I turn to Alec, smiling up at him excitedly.

"Time for you to meet the pack," I pull him over to stand next to the boys, hoping it will make this encounter go smoother.

Well, the pack minus Jake.

He still hasn't came back after I told him about Alec. He didn't take my decision as well as the others did. Even Charlie handled it better, which is saying something. Paul says he's somewhere in northern Canada right now, the link cuts in and out when he gets far enough away. As far as I know he's safe, but that could always change.

Not a second after I place Alec where I want him, the wolves burst through the door. They don't even bother to knock. They tend to make themselves at home when they come over to the Cullen's.

I can't help but notice the snarl on Alec's face as he watches the pack pile in. Elbowing him in the ribs, I shoot him a disapproving glare. He automatically turns his face neutral, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Paul!" I shriek as my 'brother' bursts through the door.

Half a second later he has me spinning in the air, giggling excessively. I tap his arm frantically, signaling for him to put me down. When he does he notices Alec standing next to me, causing his brows to furrow.

And Alec doesn't look very happy.

"Oh, right! Paul, this is Alec. He's the one I told you about. You know, my mate," I smile giddily up at Alec, resulting in a smile from him as well.

Paul glares at him protectively, "Your ma-"

"What's up, man!" Seth shoves Paul out of the way, grabbing onto Alec's hand to shake it. "I'm Seth. I've heard so many great things about you from (Y/n). I think we're going to be good friends."

Alec stares at the young wolf startled. I watch him gulp before nodding his head at Seth's propositions.

"Y-Yes. I do as well," Alec nervously states.

"Woah! You do have an accent. That is so cool! Leah are you hearing this?!" Seth exclaims, a wide smile on his face as he drags Alec over to his sister.

I overhear a few boys sniggering behind me, causing me to quickly turn around. Already snarling, I bare my teeth venomously.

"Stop making fun of Alec!" I hiss, so quiet it's almost inaudible.

Jared, Quil, Emmett, and Jasper all stare at me in shock. I'm guessing they didn't think I was listening in on their little conversation. They all nod their heads quickly, not daring to object.

"Yes ma'am," Jasper spits out, anxiety burning off of him.

Before I can say anything else, the doorbell rings. They're lucky our guests are here. I turn on my heel, leaving Alec in the company of Seth. As I open the door, I'm swarmed with countless teenagers.

Let the madness begin.

As the entire population of Forks Highschool begins filing into the mansion, I can't help the venom pooling in my mouth as a certain scent catches my nose. Not a second later, the evil body it's attached to comes face to face with me.

"Hey, Jess," I smile at her, biting down onto my tongue.

"Hey," she mutters quickly, clearly uninterested. Her eyes scan the foyer frantically until they land on what she is searching for. A wicked smirk spreads across her lips as she walks away from me without another word.

I follow her gaze and soon find her strutting towards Alec. I watch her intently, analyzing her every move. The first thing I notice is Alec's look of pure terror as he sees the petite female approaching him. The second thing I notice is Paul and Emmett snickering as they watch the scene unfold.

"I bet ten dollars that he tries to numb her within the first ten seconds," Emmett chuckles to Paul.

"Nah. I bet twenty that (Y/n) tries to drain her before he even gets the chance," Paul retorts through his own laughter.

I roll my eyes and avert my gaze back to my mate. Surprisingly, I'm able to keep my calm, probably because of Jasper standing just a few feet away. I simply watch Jess try to, too desperately, flirt with him. I honestly find it rather amusing.

That's when she does it.

She places her hand on his chest and leans closer to him, smiling suggestively as she does so. I watch her run her finger down his chest, closing the gap between them.

It's like something inside of me snaps.

In a split second, I have Jess by her hair, slammed against the hallway wall. She's looking down at me in bewilderment, no doubt unsure of what even just happened. Hell, I don't even know what just happened. Before I can even make my move to strip Jessica of her very existence, Edward and Embry already have me off of her and both of us back to the entry way as if nothing happened.

"Hand it over," I hear Paul say to Emmett, laughing as he does so.

Jessica stands in front of me, shaking violently, her body drained of all color. Her eyes are glued open, not daring to blink. Edward watches me intently, silently ensuring that I don't make another move. If he wasn't able to read my thoughts, Jessica would've been vamp chow.

"I'm just, uh, gonna go to the bathroom," Jessica says meekly before scurrying towards the staircase.

I turn back to Alec, who is glaring at me through hooded eyes. Letting out a sigh, I walk over to him, mentally preparing myself for the scolding I'm about to receive.

"Do you have any idea what you just did?" Alec starts as soon as I'm out of earshot of the humans. "You could have just exposed all of us! You're lucky no one was watching. If anyone else would have seen you, we would have really had to kill them. How could you be so careless?!"

Venom pools in my eyes as I listen to Alec chastise me for my innocent mistake. I stare at the ground ashamed, flinching at every word.

"You are a part of the guard! You represent more than just yourself. If Aro were to know about this he would be livid. He wouldn't trust you to be outside of Volterra again! He would keep you locked up with Demetri guarding you all day long. That's another thing-"

"Alec, that's enough."

My welled up eyes snap to Jasper, who has a hand placed on Alec's shoulder. Just the expression on Jasper's face is enough to know that he is feeling what I'm feeling. Alec's eyes finally meet mine and I watch pure regret spread across his features.

"Darling, I-"

"It's fine, really. I think I'm just going to go to the living room now. I'll see you in a minute," I cut him off quietly before walking towards the living room.

I glance to Edward, finding a faint smile on his face when I do. He nods to me, signaling that he knows Alec's true intentions. I smile in return before turning back around.

Paul and Embry follow me, possessively blocking Alec's view of my body. As I sit down on the couch, I subconsciously leave a spot open for Alec, knowing he'll be in here soon enough.

"Why was the bloodsucker acting like such a jerk back there?" Paul asks as he and Embry sit on the floor in front of me.

"Everything's different now," I reply through a sigh, running my hand down my face. "I'm officially part of vampire royalty. I can't be as careless as I used to be. Alec is just trying to look out for me. Believe it or not, I asked him to do that. It helps me to keep myself in check." I ruffle the hair of the two wolves in front of me. "Don't worry guys, he would never do or say anything to actually hurt me."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

My eyes snap up to the raven haired vampire who's sitting down next to me. He leans in close, pressing his lips to my hair before leaning down further.

"I'm sorry, my dear," he whispers into my ear, so low that only him and I can hear.

I smile at his apology, turning to face him. I quickly peck his lips before leaning into his side. The room slowly becomes filled with vampires, wolves, and humans alike. Much to the point that people are having to stand along the walls of the spacious living room. The Cullen boys are all sitting on the floor next to Embry and Paul.

"Hey Mike!" I shout as I see Mike Newton himself walk through the living room doorway.

He smiles at my greeting and makes his way towards me, not even faltering at the sight of the ensemble surrounding me at the moment. He, much like other humans since my arrival to Forks, have become unfazed by the Cullens and the wolves. They are all less intimidated now, thought I'm not entirely sure that's a good thing.

"Hey (Y/n). Hey guys," Mike says to the Cullen boys and the pack, receiving high-fives and fist bumps from each of them. His eyes turn up to Alec and he holds his hand out, "We haven't officially met. I'm Mike, it's great to meet you."

"I'm Alec. It's a pleasure," he takes Mike's hand in his, quickly shaking it before letting it go.

After a few more words, Mike makes his way to his normal seat on one of the chairs at the opposite side of the living room. I look up and notice the faint smile on Alec's lips.

"I think he's my favorite human. By far the most genuine one I've been acquainted with."

We all laugh at his comment, resulting in a puzzled look from Alec. I begin talking with Seth and Leah about school, Leah and I both trying to convince Seth that he can't drop out, when something catches my eye.

I look up and see Jessica walking into the room with Emmett's old karaoke machine in her arms.

How did she even find that?

I automatically stiffen at the sight, gripping onto Alec's knee tightly. Jasper places a hand on my shoulder, trying his best to send waves of calm throughout my body.

Jess plugs the machine into the T.V., my eyes never leave her once as she does. She plugs her phone in next, a smirk on her face. She then stands up on a chair, whistling with her fingers in between her glossed lips.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" Jessica shouts, her voice screeching through my ears. "I thought in honor of our first week of senior year being over, we could do what we did during our first junior party." Her eyes flicker to me, the smirk on her face widening. "(Y/n), would you like to start us off?" She holds the karaoke microphone out to me, daring me to take it.

She knows I don't sing in front of anyone anymore.

I gulp once again, trying to ease my nerves. My family's eyes are all glued to me, every single one telling me no. But as the seconds pass, and Jessica's eyes burn deeper, I feel my rational side crumbling away being replaced by pride. As my own smirk trails across my lips, I hear everyone's exhale of disapproval.

"I would love to," I reply, swiftly standing from my seat.

I walk over to her, taking the microphone and phone out of her hands. I quickly search up the first song that comes to mind, smirking as I do. This song will be ironic. As I sit down on the stool my eyes flicker to Alec, who is staring at me anxiously.

He's never heard me sing before.

Aro refuses to let me sing in front of anybody. He hasn't let me use my power freely yet. He himself has only seen it once, when he had me demonstrate it on Caius. He wants me to be more comfortable with the guard before I use it on anyone. That means I've never sang in front of Alec. He's never seen me use my gift.

I let out a sharp exhale and press the play button on the phone screen. As the music fills the room I feel my nerves beginning to settle. The room grows quiet as I bring the plastic microphone up to my lips.

"My heart is pierced by Cupid," I sing sweetly, focusing on the humans in the room rather than the immortals.

"I disdain all glittering gold.
There is nothing can console me,
But my jolly sailor bold."

The boys before me fall into my trance, warm smiles spreading across their lips. They look absolutely blissful as they listen to my spellbinding words.

"His hair it hangs in ringlets,
His eyes as black as coal.
My happiness attend him,
Wherever he may go."

I glance to Alec, his face completely neutral, revealing nothing. I quickly look away, too afraid to see if his expression changes. Refocusing on the humans in front of me, I enchant them further.

"From Tower Hill to Blackwall,
I'll wander, weep and moan.
All for my jolly sailor,
Until he sails home."

My gift finally takes over my body, making my arm raise. As my hand lowers I watch Mike kneel in front of me, pure adoration burning from his eyes. I sweep my hand across the room, causing the rest of the humans to fall as well. My dark eyes twinkle at the sight of this.

"My heart is pierced by Cupid,
I disdain all glittering gold.
There is nothing can console me,
But my jolly sailor bold."

A small sigh escapes my lips as I drag my finger along Mike's cheek, causing him to slowly rise from his knees. He follows my wish, leaning as close to me as possible. I place my hand on his cheek, a venomous smile spreading across my lips.

"My heart is pierced by Cupid," I almost whisper, trailing my finger down to his lip.

"I disdain all glittering gold," I trill while releasing Mike, causing him to crumple to the ground once more.

"There is nothing can console me," I sigh, my eyes fluttering to Alec again.

"But my jolly sailor bold."

As I sing the last words, the boys snap out of their trance. All of them look around groggily before absentmindedly resuming their previous behavior.

My eyes never once leave Alec's, worriedly trying to read what he's feeling. I think I almost see a hint of a smile tugging at his lips when the sound of slow applause resonates through the room. I snap my eyes to the source and feel my nonexistent heart sink as I do.

"That was quite the show Siren," Jane states affably, a smirk tracing her lips, "Aro should keep you hidden."

Oh no.


here's the second chapter, enjoy my little angels.

who's pov do you want to see in the future? a vamp, pack, human, maybe even jake?

who can tell me where the song is from?

xoxo, darkcupid_

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