Eleventh Cliché

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It was a Friday night and Jungkook was having a hard time...

Specifically he was having a hard time with his childhood friend, the local recluse and troublemaker monk.

"No..." Mia Jung whined.

"Come on." Jungkook tugged on Mia's hands as she literally sat on the floor struggling against her childhood friend, but it was to no avail. He was just too strong.

"Let go, Kook." Mia glared at the male as he hoisted her up easily, as if she didn't weight over 20 pounds. Was she a sack of 2 lbs potatoes?

"Let's go." Jungkook was worried slightly if Mia's neighbor would come into the hallway anytime soon. He was pretty sure that it looked like he was trying to kidnap Mia or something. The last thing he needed was someone to call the police and make them even more late to the party. "Or do you want me to put you over my shoulders?"

Mia groaned as she shook her head quickly. She definitely did not want that.

So Mia was forcibly obliged into it, but that did not mean that she had to go quietly. She was going to whine, all through the night. She would make it her goal of the night.

"I don't want to go to the party. Since when have I ever wanted to go and get drunk?" Mia asks as they enter the elevator.

"Never. This is why...you should go with me." Jungkook wanted Mia to come. There would be hundreds of people and Mia needed a night out. With him...it had nothing to with the fact that he wanted to see Mia smashed.

It would be fun—for him at least.

"No." Mia frowned. "Jungkook you know he's going to be there. I don't want to be in the same room as him."

"It's not a room, it's an entire club. And Taehyung will probably be in some private room getting laid. Come with me. Please?" Jungkook begged with his wide eyes. He reminded her of the rabbit from the animated deer movie.

"It's not like I have a choice do I?" Mia groaned as she lowered the dress that was rising up. "This dress is ridiculously short. Jungkook, I feel like a slut."

"Be one for once..." He muttered joking of course, but Mia had heard and slapped him hard on the back. There had been a loud clapping sound that rang in the elevator. "Ouch...did you have to hit that hard?"

"You deserved it." Mia muttered as she folded her arms over her breasts.

"Fine. Fine. No wonder Taehyung wants payback, you must have bruised him. Bruised his pretty face." Mia scoffed at that. "I can still feel the pain from you hitting me. It's coursing through my body in waves." He whined.

"Shut up. I didn't even hit you that hard." Mia grumbled as she got out of the elevator before Jungkook. "You're buying the drinks right?"

"Yeah." Jungkook grinned, getting distracted by the topic of alcohol, as he led Mia out into the cold. "You're going to drink with me?" He gleefully asked.

"Why not?" Mia shrugged as she got in the taxi that he had gotten for the two of them. "I ain't going to be in the same room as that loser while sober."

"You're not going to see him, Mia. You won't." He promised. "I won't let you near him."

"Wait, should I even be going with you? Wouldn't people talk?"

"No. Not anymore. Since you slapped Taehyung and Jimin saved you, people aren't going to talk. If anyone asks, I forced you to come with me." He winked grinning.

Mia would have been blushing if she had been smitten by the male. She wasn't so Jungkook was only getting on Mia's nerves. Mia groaned as she felt that nothing good was going to come out of this.

And all the promises Jungkook had spewed earlier seemed void.


"What's wrong?" Taehyung looked at Yoongi who sat across from him sitting across from him. Looking around, Yoongi was the only one without girls hanging around them. The rest had girls in fitting dresses wrapped around them, their bums on each male's laps, their hands in their hands, and their lips occupied.

It was a usual scene for them, he guessed.

Taehyung gave a look to the older male but he gave him the same stare. Yoongi just kept sipping on his whiskey neat until Taehyung had no choice to respond to his eyes that told him that he had no point in hiding.

"What?" Taehyung mouthed silently as the girl on his lap was trying really hard to get him in the mood.

Yoongi raised one of his eyebrows at Taehyung who sighed before pulling the girl away from him.

"Get off." The girl whined but did so when he glared at him. She whimpered out in fear as Taehyung was not one anyone wanted angry.

"Not in the mood?" Yoongi asked finally.

"Not anymore." No. He wasn't in the mood. And any other time, he would have been into it, but tonight he wasn't.

"Because of me?" Yoongi asked. He poured himself another glass of whiskey when he finished the glass in his hand.

"No...I don't think so. She's just not..."

"Enough?" Yoongi quizzically asked before adding, "Interesting."

"I'm not some experiment, don't say it like that."

"What experiment?" Jimin chimed in as the girl next to him and the girl with Hoseok left to go to the dance floor. "Tell me. Tell me."

"Go away, Jimin." Taehyung groaned as Jimin laughed at him. It was so amusing for Jimin to tease Taehyung.

"What? What?" Even Hoseok chimed in as he downed the vodka easily. His smile was on his happy face as usual. "Tell me. Tell me. Come on, include me too!" Once again, happiness exuded off of his face.

"You all are killing the mood." Namjoon groaned as he pulled his face away from his current girlfriend. They had just started dating twenty minutes ago.

"No. Listen, Yoongi and Taehyung are experimenting something." Jimin laughed as he pointed at Yoongi and Taehyung. He was the most excited.

Taehyung was scowling while Yoongi just sipped on his whiskey feigning ignorance.

Yoongi couldn't help but have a small smile at Taehyung's discomfort. He had been too smug too much recently. It was nice to see him disgruntled. So Yoongi decided to amuse himself and the others.

"Taehyung's not in the mood. And I think I know why?" His usual dull, disinterested eyes reflecting the opposite, excitement.

"Oh..." Namjoon gasped, obviously faking the shock. He already knew. It was old news to him.

"I think I know why!" Jimin slapped Taehyung who was sitting next to him. Jimin was unable to see Taehyung's burning glare. "Or because of who!"

"You guys don't know anything." Taehyung scoffed as he rubbed the place Jimin slapped. He didn't get what they were all snickering about but he knew he didn't like it. Even Namjoon and Hoseok was snickering at him. "Maybe I just wasn't in the mood."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "You? Not in the mood? Yeah right..."

"True. When are you not in the mood for sex?" Namjoon grabbed a bottle of soju before pouring him a shot.

I scoffed. "What am I? A mindless sex addict?"

"Yeah..." They all chmed altogether, except for Yoongi. Yoongi had been preoccupied with his phone which had dinged before Taehyung's remarks.

"Where is Jungkook anyway?" Taehyung asked, wanting to change the subject.

"Oh...changing the subject. You're evading." Namjoon noted.

"I'm not evading anything." Taehyung leant into the soft chair further feeling the soft fabric with his body.

"Yes, you are..." Jimin chuckled, looking through his best friend easily. "You're thinking about her."

"Her?" Namjoon asked. "Who's 'her'?"

"You know...Mia." Hoseok snapped. " his fingers. "The girl who slapped Taehyung a few months ago?"

"The hot girl." Namjoon nodded. "You marked her...but you've been lenient." He had noticed. Usually Taehyung's marked victims usually ended up gone by a week, but Mia was still...surviving. Either Taehyung had gotten weak, in power and influence, or there was something more. Namjoon was betting on the latter.

"Why would I be thinking of her?" Taehyung's eyes rolled as an image of Mia came into his head. He had an urge to spank someone.

Yoongi looked up from his phone at that moment to chime in, "She's coming...you know." He had not meant to say it loud enough for anyone to hear.

"Who?" Taehyung looked at Yoongi, who had a slight smile on his lips. It was one of those rare smiles.

"No one." Yoongi shook his head.

"You said it as if it was someone." He wondered who...

"No one." Yoongi was adamant about keeping 'her' anonymous. It would be boring if he gave everything away.

"Who is it?" Taehyung asked one more time but he never got an answer from Yoongi, because he had not needed it.

It had been exactly the person that he had been wanting to see.

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