Tenth Cliché

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Mia walked into campus enjoying the silent Monday morning.

It was one of the few rare moments at school it was quiet and peaceful. Since getting marked or whatever by the jerk, Taehyung, she didn't have many peaceful days and so she had begun to really enjoy her early morning classes.

She went passed by the classroom, picking her feet up so she could get to her locker. She was not so late that she would enter class late but she was cutting it close in her opinion.

Mia had almost passed by her locker during the rush since she had only looking for a dirty locker. The vandalized locker was one of the way she had been looking for her locker without having to actually look for it. Though she felt bad for the locker itself, the vandalism had caused her locker searching to become very easy and convenient. What were the odds that there would be a positive aspect of being "Marked" by the oh-so-powerful.

When she never saw it, she had to backtrack as she searched the number of her locker in her head.


She did a double check and her eyebrow knitted in confusion.

It was clean. Squeaky clean, which was nice but who had cleaned it?


Mia stared at her personal locker and stared and stared, boring her eyes at her locker. She had been staring at it for the past twenty minutes and since she was already late for class, she decided to skip it. She toyed with the locker door several times before sighing.

Mia then felt a sudden chill travel down her back as a waft of air was blown in her ear. She gasped before slapping her arms around to swat the annoyance away.

"Oh Mia." Mia shuddered and rolled her eyes before turning to face the owner of the voice.

Taehyung Kim. 

Taehyung stood in front of her watching her stare at her locker.  It was not particularly interesting for him to watch her watch the immobile, inanimate object.  He still did it, enjoying the way her face contorted in confusion and interest.

"Something bothering you?" When he had enough of her silence, he piped in, bringing her attention to him. It was much better when she was looking at something animate.

"Yes. There is." Mia snapped her eyes narrowing in annoyance at the male who had been standing behind her. "Stop being creepy." Mia grabbed her textbooks she would need and slammed her locker shut. It made a click clack noise before she turned the lock knob several times to insure it locks properly.

Mia looked up to Taehyung who was much taller than her. Her neck was being strained slightly so she could face him face to face. She cursed her small height silently.

On the other hand, Taehyung was enjoying how Mia was struggling to look at him eye to eye. It was rather difficult for Mia to glare at him when her eyes were looking up like a pouting kitten. He felt as if he was winning, which he was. Like always...

"Why are staring at your locker?"

"You already know..." Mia replied quickly, only wanting to get away from the male as soon as possible.

"Know what?" Mia watched as he friend ignorance with his cocky smile playing on his lips. He was trying to hide it but the corners of his lips kept twitching.

Her eyes full of resenment narrowed on Taehyung. "Don't fake innocence."

"Oh...I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Act innocent as you want, Taehyung but we all know what's going on. And what you're doing." Mia's eyes narrowed at Taehyung.

"What am I doing?" He asked with a slight glint of mischief in his eyes.

"You must be so happy seeing people do, see, talk whatever you want them to."


"Don't be so cliché. I'm not the first one." Mia retorted.

"You are a first." Taehyung retorted back but he was still amused by Mia's sassiness.

"Didn't I just say not to be cliche." Mia growled but to Taehyung it came out as a purr. Most likely because her height made her seem that way. He liked being tall, Mia was just fortifying that.

Taehyung chuckled before responding to Mia. "People vying to get my attention isn't the first, Mia. Humans wanting to hurt me isn't the first. Girls wanting to be fucked by me is not a first. That's old. Worms trying to rise against me, to teach a lesson, or what not...is not the first time it had happened..."

"And...?" Mia waited. What was he trying to get at? Mia could not wrap her head around it. It was most likely because his head was too big...

"Oh...Mia. This isn't my first time dealing with situations like this...but it is a first dealing with you..." Taehyung considered his words and there was nothing false.

"Duh...there's no reason to want to associate with you. Unless it wasn't for your dickish ways." Mia humphed, her lips puckering up.

"Interesting." Taehyung lingered on her puckered lips. He had never seen her act...coy.

"Take your interests elsewhere and leave me alone."

"Come on Mia. This is just the beginning of our 'interesting' friendship..." Mia shot him an incredulous look before looking away angry. "Anyway I just wanted to let you know that I informed everyone of  your new status."

"..." Mia sighed not willing to deal with him. But it was extremely difficult to ignore him when he was so arrogant but before she could ask him what he was talking about, someone interrupted their intense staring contest.

"Mia?" Mia turned away from Taehyung to see Mark.

"Mark?" Mia nervously watches Mark walk toward her.

He didn't look too pleased. She knew that even more when she was pulled away from Taehyung, who had been hovering over her. She had not known they had been so close to each other until Mark had pulled her closer to him.

Taehyung's smug face turned expressionless as he watched Mia's large eyes turn soft when it landed on Mark.
It annoyed him. How her eyes immediately changed to reflect her emotions toward the male. Taehyung could see the way her fingers gripped Mark's knit sweater and how she cuddled up against him while the male held her in a protective hold.

Taehyung scoffed as he took a step back. He chuckled as he said his adieu though. "I'll see you later..."

The two left silently watched the figure walk further away from them, step by step. When he was probably only visible by an inch, the silence was broken.

"What was that?" Mark asked his voice usual smooth voice gone.

It was husky and it made Mia's heart beat loud against her chest. She loved the affects that Mark had on her frozen heart.

Mia gazed at Mark but looked back once more to the small figure who strutted away into the distance. As she watched the direction the annoying male had gone, Mia was just as extremely confused.

"I have no idea."


It was Friday afternoon.

Mia looked up and down, her eyes lazily taking in the male in front of her again. It was on a different day since yesterday, but he was in front of her again. Taehyung watched as Mia's eyes checked him out despite Mia's eyes not actually checking him out since she was merely simply looking at the male.

In disdain, Mia adds.

This was probably, the third...the fourth time in which Mia and Taehyung was standing so close to each other. They were facing each other, and both were able to see each other's well-held poker faces.

Though it was not particular the look that he wanted on Mia, Taehyung took it because it was better than her usual face of indifference.

"I am seeing you way too frequently..." Mia groans as she rolls her head at the Taehyung.


Mia snapped out of her moment of zoning out to focus on her boyfriend, who had been standing there next to her since the beginning. To Taehyung's surprise, he had also not known that Mark had been there as well.

"Oh...Mark." Mia apologized, "Sorry, I must have been zoning out again."

"You've been doing that for a while now..." Mark pouted as his head was filled with worry. Mark did not seem to notice Taehyung's presence.

"I'm fine."

"Remember, tell me if there is anything wrong, or you are worried about." Mark didn't really believe Mia. It wasn't that Mia was a dishonest person, but she tended to hide anything relating to her.

"I will." Mia smiled softly as her eyes softened at Mark's care. In that moment, Mia had forgotten all about Taehyung, Jenny and the bullying. All that mattered was her and Mark because Mia tended to put all her attention on him when she was with him.

"Let's go." Mark intertwined Mia's gingers with his own and gently rubbed her hand with his thumb. Mia nodded as she was pulled to wherever Mark intended them to go.

Having watched all this, Taehyung was extrememly displeased, even mad. Mia had outright ignored him when he had been three feet before her. She had not given him any reaction what so ever.

Mia had not tried to hit him or angrily shout or growl at him, nor glared at him. Instead, Mia had just stared at him.

Taehyung was peeved. He would not lie, but he kept calm, as he walked toward the Lodge without looking back at the current couple. Though Mia's reaction would not do, Taehyung reminded himself that his patience would be rewarded.

Taehyung had not come this far to have Mia...not get tortured. He had yet to repay her for his face. If he acted rashly or rushed into his methodically thought out plan, it would be all for naught.

Taehyung reminded himself, that he had to be patient. Because the longer it took, the better the reward from Mia would be...

When he got the chance later, he grabbed Mia and bit her.


For good measure of course. And all for the sake of revenge.

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